Chapter 399 The Reinforcements


Mark finally felt the tentacles give under the pressure and let out a tired breath as he heaved the tentacle to the side. He jumped up to the top of a container as the anima started to dance around while roaring in pain and watched with narrowed eyes for another opening.

Black blood splashed all over the pier from the injury, and Mark used the back of his hand to clean some of the blood that had splashed on his face. His body was covered in the black liquid, and he silently thanked Arit once more for the mask. At least none of the blood got in his nose and mouth.

[Mark, are you okay? I saw the tentacle hit you! Are you hurt!?] Searᴄh the nô website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Luna’s worried voice came through the comms, and Mark grunted as he nodded at her from a distance. Luna was on the other side of the pier, but he knew she could still see him perfectly fine from there. She didn’t need to worry about him. She should just focus on the monster.

Mark said this to Luna, and Luna nodded back in relief as she turned to watch the monster while Mark spoke up.

“I think we should use more bladed weapons! It works better than blunt force trauma!”

Luna immediately agreed.

[Yeah, I think you’re right! I can create some blads, but I’ll need a clear shot on it or it’ll just end up like last time! The tentacles are stronger than my constructs!]

Mark could see from his recent attacks that blunt attacks didn’t work that well against the anima. In fact, blunt attacks almost didn’t work at all. Even though Mark hit the anima twice with almost his full strength, it barely felt anything at all.

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It was as though its skin was made from some sort of shock-absorbing material that reduced the impact damage from his punches. But once Luna used that bladed disk, Mark could almost taste the anima’s fear in the air. The anima recoiled back once it saw that the weapon was sharp, so that could only mean that it knew how vulnerable it was to bladed weapons.

But that was exactly the issue. Mark was not someone who used weapons. Mark didn’t even remember the last time he used a weapon that wasn’t something blunt. Using blades and knives just didn’t give him the same satisfaction in a fight that using his fists did. But Mark couldn’t be picky right now, especially since he was fighting with someone else.

If Mark was fighting alone, then maybe he could just keep pummeling the monster until it died, but he had to consider Luna as well in this fight. That meant he had to end it as quickly as possible!

“Come on, Denearys! We have to go!”

“Don’t look back! The SOVEREIGNS are taking care of the anima, so all civilians should just run to the hotel! The superhumans will make sure you’re safe!”

“That’s a big anima, Mommy!”

“Run, baby, just keep running! Don’t look back!”

Mark turned to the sound of people shouting and saw that there were still a few civilians evacuating from the area. Superhumans were trying their best to take all the humans to the bunker, but they were finding it hard since there were some anima on the roads leading to the hotel.

Although Mark and Luna killed a lot of the anima on their way here, there were still some left roaming about, so the superhumans had to be careful about where they were leading the regular civilians.


‘What the fuck?’

Mark looked up to the sky, and he couldn’t believe what he saw up there. Are these motherfuckers crazy!? What are helicopters doing here!?

Several helicopters were currently hovering in the sky and making their way to the island! They were all flying over the giant anima, but Mark immediately noticed in irritation that there was one of the helicopters that was flying too close to the anima, almost like it was trying its best to get right above it.

There were six helicopters coming towards the island, five of them were white and they each carried five people. The white helicopters all had a giant S logo painted on their side.

These helicopters were carrying the reinforcements from the superhuman alliance, and some of the superhumans inside the helicopters leaned out from the side to take a look at the giant Eldritch as they passed by. Once the superhuman alliance heard about the anima attacks and the number of anima that had appeared in City F, they sent out reinforcements to try and support the superhumans there.

Normally, it would be the NSA that sends out the reinforcements, but since the NSA was currently under investigation, the superhuman alliance decided to send their own forces to support them since it was obvious that the superhumans wouldn’t be able to handle such a large number of calamity-class anima on their own.

There weren’t any SOVEREIGNS in the helicopters, but there were three S ranks and many high-level A ranks. The superhuman alliance knew that Mark and Luna were on the island, so they didn’t think it was necessary to send any more SOVEREIGNS out to handle the monsters.

But out of all the helicopters, there was one that was obviously different from the others. The sixth helicopter was black, and it had the logo of the City A news channel painted on its side. It was this helicopter that Mark noticed was flying far too close to the Eldritch.

Inside the helicopter, a beautiful woman with dark red hair and black eyes spoke while hanging from the edge of the door. Her cameraman was interchanging his camera focus, moving from her to the anima on the ground and then back to her again when necessary.

[This is Jane Scarlette reporting live from the scenes out on the coast of City F where a large octopus-based anima has been seen terrorizing the populace. There are also reports of various calamity-class anima attacking the festival going on below us, and the superhumans are trying their best to keep the citizens safe while eliminating the anima!

According to ongoing talks online, we have been led to believe that the anima attacking the festival were dropped from an unidentified aircraft, and speculations about a single group being responsible for this have become rampant! As of now, we have reports that two SOVEREIGNS, GHOST and Luna of the Moonlight Guild, are on the scene and have confronted the Eldritch-class anima!

But even with their intervention, the death toll continues to rise as the once festive occasion has now become a festering ground for the monsters.]

The news was being broadcast to every tuned-in television set in the country, and all over the world, many more people were watching the broadcast live on MeTube from their phones. The people couldn’t believe how large the anima was! This wasn’t the first time they were seeing a large anima, but none of the anima that appeared after the Armageddon four years ago was as large as this one!

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