Chapter 452 Why Would He Do That!?

Maria swallowed before she looked around her like she was expecting something to jump out at any moment and kill her. She looked towards Tina warily, and Turner promised her that Tina was safe. She wouldn’t hurt her. Maria finally nodded and then spoke up.

“The murders that you came to investigate. The two students who were killed. I… I know who did it. He told me to expose it, or he would kill my mother.”

Tina stopped in the middle of taking a bite out of her sandwich, and her eyes immediately narrowed into a glare as she focused properly on what they were talking about. This was the last thing that she expected to hear when she came in here. Maria knew who the murderer was?

Even though Tina wasn’t taking this investigation as seriously as Turner, that did not mean she didn’t want to complete the mission. She was just less motivated since she was distracted by Mark. But once she heard that Maria knew who it was, she was immediately invested!

Turner was stunned. Even without her saying anything, Turner felt like he could already tell exactly what Maria was about to say. He had his suspicions all along. Their story and the way it was so perfectly orchestrated—the way they were able to match their facts so well. The inconsistencies that none of them could pick up on!

It was right on the edge of Turner’s mind all this time, but when Maria said it, he still couldn’t help the anger that passed through him.

“It’s Arit. Arit is an Anima, and she killed those students. Mark covered everything up for her and prevented anyone from finding out.”

“What the fuck are you talking about!?”

Tina was already on her feet even before she shouted, and Maria flinched back from her like Tina was about to hit her! Turner stood up as well and faced off against his sister to prevent her from getting close to Maria, but Tina’s glare never reduced as she glared at Maria!

“You think you can just come in here and accuse Mark of something like that!? You’re saying he was responsible for killing those two!? Are you insane!? He’s a hero!”

Maria looked like she wanted to say something, but her words were failing her due to the amount of fear in her heart. She was stammering so much due to the amount of pressure Tina was releasing in the room. Turner made sure that Tina wasn’t going to get any closer to Maria before he glared right back at his sister.

“Reduce your fucking bloodlust, you crazy bitch! Do you want to kill her!? And why the fuck do you just assume that Mark couldn’t be a part of this? Because you’re in love with him!? This is fucking serious! Don’t allow your emotions to cloud your fucking judgment!”

Tina growled and took another step towards Turner until they were practically nose-to-nose, glaring at each other.

“Don’t you fucking dare talk shit about Mark. If you think I’ll believe for a moment that Mark was part of this nonsense, then you’re delusional!”

“And what if he was? Then what? What if your precious Mark was actually a monster capable of covering up the murder of two school kids!? Are you going to stand beside him with that same stupid excuse of being in love with him!? Are you going to just ignore all the possible facts because of your stupid emotions!?”

Tina looked like she was having an internal dilemma. Everything that Turner was saying was sensible, and Tina knew that Turner was not the sort of person who would just throw accusations around without having some sort of concrete reason for it. That is the reason she was more than comfortable leaving the investigation in his hands. She knew that if anyone could find the real killer, it was Turner.

But this was too much! Mark as an accomplice to murders!? That was madness! Who the fuck would even believe something like that! And besides, Tina had been in the middle of a battle with Mark before. She had traded blows with him.

Tina knew that Mark was not the sort of person to just murder people in cold blood.

“You don’t know Mark like I do, Turner. You think he is just strong, but you have no idea just how much he cares about those around him when he is fighting. You have no idea how much he tries not to hurt people in the middle of a battle. I’ve been in the field with him before, and I know for a fact that he is not the sort of person who could do something like this! And… and even if he did do it! Read latest stories on empire

Even if at the very worst, he was a part of this, then I know that he had a good reason for it! I’m not going to jump to conclusions without asking him about it first!”

It was Turner’s turn to glare at his sister. He looked back at Maria to see her reaction to what his sister said. Maria turned to Turner with a look of genuine fear in her eyes, and Turner realized that Maria was also a victim in all this. Maria was genuinely frightened of everything around her right now.

‘What the hell did Arit and Mark do to this girl?’

From the way that she was looking at him, as well as the fact that she was being threatened into this, Turner knew that Arit and Mark must’ve somehow forced Maria to never reveal this truth to anyone. It was only the fact that her mother was on the line that made her come to him like this. Turner believed without a shadow of a doubt that Maria was telling the truth.

Turner closed his eyes for a moment, and the next moment, he said something that he knew would make his sister hate him.

“Even if he had a good reason for it, killing those children was still a crime. I’m ordering you to keep this quiet for now. We’ll capture him and his girlfriend, bring them in for questioning, and then we’ll see what the truth is for ourselves.”

“How can you even think that Arit is responsible for this!? It’s Mark! The same Mark that saved us from the Eldritch! That Mark! Are you even hearing yourself!? Why do you think he would do something like this!?” Searᴄh the NôᴠelFirё.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Because unlike you, I’m not blinded by stupid emotions! You’re only acting like this because you refuse to see Mark’s faults, and I’m not going to let you fuck this up because of that! I’m fucking warning you, Tina! Don’t you dare mention this to anyone! Do you fucking understand me!?”

Tina growled in the back of her throat and pushed Turner away as she stormed out of the room.


Tina slammed the door so hard that a large crack appeared across the wood. Turner knew that Tina wouldn’t say anything to Mark. Doing that would be the same as her going against the entire Superhuman Alliance, and even though she was a wildcard, Tina knew when to hold herself back and listen to orders.

Turner groaned and put his hand over his eyes as he realized that he was going to need a lot of coffee in the next few days.

“Fuck you, Mark. This is all your fault.”

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