Chapter 457 I'm Looking For Richard

GHOST reminded A of KING, and she couldn’t help but become one of his biggest fans. So when news circulated to A’s employer that an affiliate of GHOST was looking for someone trustworthy to help him look into something in the underworld, A was more than willing to take on the job.

Her employer was stunned by her willingness, but he didn’t ask too many questions and just allowed her to do it since she was one of the best at espionage in his company.

That had been two weeks ago, and since then, A has been going from place to place trying to find out anything that she could about Fiona and Gunter. News of Gunter’s betrayal of the government and Fiona’s disappearance was already rampant in the underworld, so A didn’t have to be secretive or too stealthy while asking questions about them.

No one would raise a brow if one more person was asking about the superhumans that disappeared a while ago.

Most of what A has been able to acquire about the superhumans was just speculation and gossip. Nothing substantial that she could take back to GHOST in exchange for money. But recently, there was something else that A discovered. It appears that there was a bar on the opposite side of the lower districts where a lot of cleanly dressed men were seen going in and coming out of for the past few days.

Seeing men entering a bar wasn’t normally something to be curious about. People in the superhuman underground lived on booze, tobacco, and crime. It was a part of their lives that would never leave them. But seeing men who were dressed in clean shirts and wearing high-end wristwatches was sure to draw some eyes.

The men weren’t moving about too frequently, but they had been seen moving through that area more than once a week for the past three weeks, and A decided that she would finally check it out and see if it was something that would put her on the right trail.

The bar was named ‘Lucifer’s Watering Hole.’ It was run down and looked like it hadn’t been repainted since the day it was built decades ago. The exterior was a dull grey with some mold growing out of the walls, and there was a man sitting on the ground in front of the bar that leered at A sexually.

He was obviously drunk, and there was a bottle of beer in his hand, but his eyes never trailed away from A’s breasts, even as he downed the bottle and finally fell to the ground and passed out.

“I want to dance on the moon! I want to dance there with you~!”

“Hahaha! Shut up, you old fool!”

Two men stumbled out from the bar, a younger rough-looking man holding an older man up as they made their way out. The younger man gave A a glance as she passed him, his eyes trailing to her breasts for a few seconds before he shook his head and continued leading the old man away. He knew better than to try and hit on any random woman in this part of town.

The mere fact that A was walking around so openly meant she was confident in her ability to survive in this dangerous area, and that could only mean she was a Blessed. Trying to do anything to her would probably lead to his death.

A made her way into the noisy bar and looked around at all the people drinking and shouting loudly. There were multiple women wearing very revealing clothing, going around to serve the drunk patrons. Many of the men had large blushes on their faces as they felt up the women’s asses and breasts, and one man even dragged a woman down onto his lap and forced a kiss on her lips.

The woman didn’t fight back and just allowed him to kiss her. It was her job to please the patrons and make sure they stayed for as long as possible. As long as the patrons bought drinks, they could even take the women upstairs and have fun with them for a good price.

A made her way to the counter on the other side of the bar, ignoring the look that one of the men at the counter threw her way. She brought the scarf around her neck down a little to expose her mouth and spoke up over the noise in the room.

“I’m looking for Richard.”

The person behind the counter, a large man with his hair cut almost to the skin, gave A a curious look. He had large bulging muscles and a mean look on his face that just told anyone who saw him not to mess with him. He was currently wearing a singlet that allowed A to get a look at his tattooed right arm, which was riddled with more than five bullet wound scars. A wondered if he was a war veteran.

The man was busy cleaning a glass cup with a rag, and he moved over to the lever on the other side of the counter and poured out a glass of beer before putting it in front of A.

“Nothing to say to you till you spend some money.”

The man only grunted this while giving A a look. A eyed the beer in irritation before she brought out a ten-dollar bill and dropped it on the counter. She grabbed the beer, gulped it all down at once, and slammed the glass back on the table. The man nodded.

“Nice doing business with ya.”

The man turned away without giving A another glance, and A frowned and spoke up.

“Richard. I’m looking for Richard.”

The bartender grunted and spoke in a gruff voice.

“I don’t know no Richard. Go away.”

A frowned in irritation as the bartender turned away from her and started to clean his cups again. She glared at the man beside her, who was still looking at her breasts. The man gave her a disgusting smile and hiccuped before turning away to grab a waitress’ ass. A reached into her pocket and brought out a fifty-dollar bill. She slid it across the counter. Sёarch* The Nôvelƒ website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“How about now? You know Richard?”

The man stared at the money on the counter for a few seconds before he grunted and continued cleaning the cup while talking. Read the latest on empire

“I don’t know. The name sounds familiar, though.”

A felt a tick mark rising on her forehead as she growled in her throat. She reached behind her and brought out another fifty-dollar bill, slapping it on the counter aggressively.


“How about now?”

The bartender finally decided that the money was enough for a response, and he reached for the money while nodding his head in the affirmative.

“Oh right, Richard. I almost forgot that my mama gave me that name. What do you want from me?”

A’s eye twitched in irritation, and she felt like pulling a gun and blasting this bastard’s head off when he said that he was Richard! This fucker was just messing with her at this point! He extorted all that money from her for nothing! But she was a professional, so she didn’t allow her frustration to show on her face at all. She just got down to business.

The drunk man sitting beside them laughed at her reaction in a slurred tone, but a glare from A was enough to make the man raise his hands in surrender.

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