But even though most of the building was already gone, there was still one part where screams and grunts echoed from inside as bullet rounds were unloaded on the invading anima!
“Don’t let it through! Hold it here even if you die! Make sure you don’t go down alone!”
The scream of a man echoed through the corridor as multiple soldiers lined up and unloaded their bullets on a large disaster-class anima that was trying to approach them. All the soldiers there were A and B ranks, and they possessed enough power to handle a single disaster-class if they joined forces. But they all knew they could not handle the large swarm of anima that had appeared here.
Already, more than seventy percent of the military personnel sent to protect the president had been eradicated, and if this platoon fell, the anima would have a direct path leading into the president’s office! They had to hold the line here until the last man!
The weapons the soldiers were using to fight the anima were specially designed ammo crafted using the bones of disaster- and calamity-class anima. Normally, a regular bullet would never even be able to scratch an anima like this, but with the special bullets they had, most of the soldiers were able to inflict serious injuries on the monsters’ bodies that prevented them from moving forward.
But the effort needed to fire a bullet of this caliber was starting to show, as the soldiers could feel themselves getting tired. A regular gun would not be able to fire such special bullets, so the soldiers had to use guns that were specially designed to release a much higher caliber.
That way, the bullet would have enough momentum to penetrate the monsters’ skin, but that higher caliber bullet was so powerful that only B ranks and above were capable of firing it at all!
One of the soldiers at the side suddenly groaned as he felt his shoulder dislocate under the intense force of the gun’s recoil, and another soldier immediately came forward to replace him and give him time to recover.
There were only fifty soldiers in the corridor, and they were currently holding their own against more than ten disaster- and calamity-class anima that were trying to break through the formation.
The leader of the troop, a stern-faced, balding man who was currently firing two guns at the same time, took a step forward and shouted in exertion as he unloaded clip after clip on the monsters! His gun ran out of bullets, and it didn’t even take a second for two soldiers to appear beside him and reload them for him before he started to unload again!
The leader was the only high-level A rank in the platoon, and he knew that if he went down, the rest of them would be killed like ants, so he was trying his best to end this as quickly as possible!
One of the disaster-class monsters they had been firing at roared in pain as three bullets finally broke through its thick skin and tore its internal organs apart. It fell to the ground the next moment, and the leader grinned as he shouted to the troops behind him!
“They’re weakened! Don’t stop firing! Get rid of the last two now!!”
There were two more disaster-class monsters, and the leader did not stop firing as he stepped forward again to boost his comrades’ morale! They all joined in and fired with him, and the last two disaster-class monsters that had been stalking the president’s inner office were dispatched under the furious rain of bullets.
Once the last one fell to the ground, all the soldiers began to cheer in joy, giving each other high fives and side hugs. They couldn’t believe they managed to survive that assault, and they were just happy to be alive. Some of them fell to the ground and began to massage their shoulders, while the soldiers who hadn’t been firing came around to help those who were really injured with first aid.
The leader sighed happily and turned around to smile at his troop.
“We did it, boys. After this, drinks on—”
The leader’s head suddenly exploded in blood and gore before he could finish what he was saying, and for a moment, every single soldier there just looked on in shock as they tried to understand what the hell had just happened!
The sound of buzzing echoed from down the hall, and the soldiers all rushed to their feet as they finally saw what the enemy was! It was a single hornet that was as large as a fully grown man! Its large wings carried it silently through the air, but its large stinger was pointed directly at the soldiers, with a glowing yellow light shining at the end of it!
The soldiers immediately understood that the bee had somehow shot something out of its stinger, and they grabbed their guns to continue their assault!
Buzzzzzzz~ Stay connected through empire
But before they could even start firing, more and more hornets appeared from around the corner, and the soldiers all took multiple steps back as the corridor was suddenly filled with more than twenty bees! The lead hornet that had shot at the leader of the soldiers was a calamity class, while all the other hornets were between high and low-level disaster class.
“Calamity! It’s a calamity! We’re all going to die! Run!”
One man screamed at the top of his lungs as he turned to try and get into the president’s office. Without a leader, the group quickly descended into chaos as they all ran for the office behind them! They did not see a reason to die in such a pointless way. But the hornets did not give them a chance to run as they fired multiple lasers from their stingers, which decimated the crew!
Large explosions ravaged the hallway once the projectiles fired from the hornets impacted anything, and the soldiers never stood a chance as they were all killed easily.
Some of the soldiers even abandoned their guns and began trying to use their blessings instead, but the guns they had been issued were far stronger than their blessings, and if those could not work against the anima, there was nothing their blessings would be able to do.
They were only A and B rank, and they had been fighting for hours already, so they did not have the power to hold the hornets back. The hornets began to move forward again once all the soldiers were dead, and they approached the large double doors leading to the president’s office.
Inside the office, the president, as well as her entire cabinet, were hiding in a bunker that was located behind a large painting on the east wall. The president was named Marilyn. She was a short, round elderly woman with greying black hair and a serious look on her face that she had perfected as a woman working in the dangerous world of politics.
But right now, President Marilyn was sitting in a chair on one side of the bunker with her head in her hands as she watched the carnage being spread across her country.
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