The demon town located there was once the largest trading center on this continent, but due to the war and the lack of supplies coming in because of the barricade set up by the Angels, the town was only a shadow of its former self.
“Then why are we still protecting it? Is it not better for us to let it go and focus on the more important lands?”
The lamia spoke up.
“Because it is a part of our heritage, my lord. The land there has been in use by the demons for multiple centuries, and we believe that we can get it back to its former glory once the war is over.”
Mark gave the lamia a curious look before he turned away and looked down at the map. It was understandable that the demons were sentimental about a land that their forefathers had been using for a long time, but this was not the right mentality to take in the middle of a war.
They were wasting resources and supplies that could be more useful against the Angels at the other outposts, protecting land that they had no use for right now.
From what Mark gathered, the land had no particular use during the war. They did not mine, process metal, or even sell food there anymore. It was just land.
Mark had no use for “just land.”
Mark allowed his mind to run through various scenarios as he tried to figure out a plan of action using the information that he already had.
Earlier, Mark had figured out what the power system of this new world was like. Apparently, the creatures here all relied on nature for their powers.
Unlike the humans back on Earth, who were given various abilities by the gods in the form of blessings, all the creatures in this world were born with mana, and as they grew, they would develop an affinity to one of six elements: fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness.
For some species, like the Angels, their innate biological makeup allowed them to possess one element throughout their entire generation. This allowed every single Angel that was born to possess light magic. But for other species, like the demons, who were diverse and had many different biological makeups, the chances of what they would be born with were up to fate.
The likelihood of a demon possessing light magic was practically zero, but the demon could possess any of the other elements.
Along with the demons, there were also humans and even some lesser creatures like the merfolk and dwarves on this planet, but their numbers were very few compared to the demons and Angels, and they also did not possess the sheer power that these two species had.
In the few years of war that ravaged the land, the other species ended up as collateral damage, and their numbers reduced so rapidly that they all went into hiding to prevent themselves from going extinct.
The demons and angels could find the other species if they wanted to, and they even knew where the humans were hiding, but they just didn’t give enough of a fuck about it to be bothered to go and look for them. The two powerhouses were too busy trying to destroy one another to be bothered by what the lesser creatures were up to.
As for how they activated their magic, the creatures in this world used spellbooks to learn any new form of magic based on their elemental affinity. The spellbooks were all very old, written hundreds of years ago by the older generations. Once you learn a spell from the book, you will then know the shape and form of the magic circle needed to activate that spell.
The effectiveness and destructive ability of any spell depend on how well you’ve mastered the shape of the magic circle, your innate mana capacity, and the talent you have for your natural elemental affinity.
The magic users were ranked from F to SS tier in this world. The orc that Mark had battered with the [Fangs That Link the Heavens] before was only an A-tier in their world, so Mark could only guess that A-tier was the same as an EPIC rank and S-tier would be similar to PHANTASMAL rank.
Mark had no idea how strong the SS tier in this world would be since none of the council members were above S-tier, and until Mark faced off against one of the SS tiers, he wouldn’t be able to properly gauge their strength.
‘I just hope it’s not the same as a TRANSCENDENTAL. I just broke into the PHANTASMAL rank II, so facing off against a TRANSCENDENTAL right now would be difficult. Not impossible, but very close.’
Mark frowned down at the map as this thought crossed his mind, and he decided to get rid of it so it didn’t distract him.
Even though Mark had only broken into the PHANTASMAL rank recently, that did not mean he was only as strong as a PHANTASMAL. The recent surge in followers and titles that Mark got from his missions had given him such a massive boost in all his stats that he was strong enough to be considered a PHANTASMAL Rank III!
If Mark used his current power along with the artifacts and skills he brought with him to this world, then Mark was certain he’d be able to put up a good fight against anything that showed up in front of him. And even if he couldn’t, Mark would just come up with a different plan to handle it. Mark was a King, so he wasn’t fighting alone here.
He would use everything in his possession to make sure the Angels were pushed back so far that they’d have no choice but to sign that peace treaty.
‘I just hope there’s nothing higher than TRANSCENDENTAL here. Sozin told me that the gods would only give me trials within my abilities, so I’m sure Freya wouldn’t put me in a scenario where I’d have to battle against someone two tiers higher than me. Well… I hope she wouldn’t.’
Sozin also told Mark that the gods had a very different perspective with regard to what should be possible or not. Even though Mark saw a matchup between a PHANTASMAL and a TRANSCENDENTAL as overkill, the gods might not see it that way. To them, it might be perfectly fair to match those two up!
And worse of all, the gods might also not see an issue matching up a PHANTASMAL with a PRIMORDIAL, the rank after TRANSCENDENTAL. Mark sighed in his heart at the fickle nature of the gods.
Mark had been silent for a long time now, and the council members in the room had also gone quiet as they recognized that Mark was deep in thought. Arit was standing at Mark’s side, feeling a little useless in the situation as she glanced at the map. Arit had absolutely no idea what to do in a situation like this.
Although Arit was academically smart, that did not mean she was skilled at strategy and battle like Mark was. All of Arit’s knowledge about battle and strategy was learned during her training with Mark a long time ago, and she hadn’t bothered taking it any further than that.
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