Chapter 593 Preparing For Battle

The demons had already sent out the message to the Southern continent, telling them about the plan to launch an attack on Aragon Island and reclaim it. The Southern continent sent a message back agreeing to the plan and informing the demon lord exactly how many troops they had left in the army over there as well as the number of ships and how quickly they could move to provide support from the southern part of the island.

With this information, Mark, Hunn, and the rest of the council members were able to refine the plan and reorganize the soldiers. The Southern continent would attack Aragon Island first and they would be responsible for causing as much havoc as possible to distract the angels so that the main group from the northern island could join in.

Some of the demons were confident in their ability to win because their numbers, combined with the number of demons joining the battle from the Southern continent, were far higher than the number of Angels present on the island. If they launched an ambush before the Angels could prepare a solid defense, it would be easy to take them down. But their confidence only came from their lack of knowledge about how well-informed the angels were.

Meanwhile, Mark knew that their numbers would not matter since the Angels from the Myriad Castle would also join the battle. The demons might even be outnumbered after a few minutes, which would give the Angels the upper hand against the demons. If the demons from the northern continent don’t go in to support the demons from the southern continent fast enough, then the angels would be able to defeat the southern demons and then focus all of their efforts on the northern demons, erasing their forces and making all their plans useless.

But that wouldn’t matter in the long run. Once Mark’s plans fell into place, the Angels would begin a desperate retreat that would give the demons the upper hand once more. Mark was certain of it.

On the Southern demon continent, a large male Dullahan, whose head was tied to his waist with a chain, walked through the halls of the military fort with a tall, dignified stride. He held a long parchment down to his head to read through the most recent message from the demon lord, and once he finished, he folded it and continued forward to the door leading out of the barracks. The Dullahan was known as Han, the leader of this fort and the most skilled user of water-based magic in the entire demon army.

He had been holding down this fort for the demons for the last five years, even when the demon lord was killed, and they were left on their own to fend off the attacks from the Angels. He held down the fort. Even when the Angels attacked their military base on Aragon, and they were almost forced to starvation if not for the quick thinking of the dryads who provided them food using an alternate route over the ocean, he still held down the fort.

So, right now, Han was conflicted. The demon lord was asking them to leave the fort and move toward the Aragon Islands for a raid that would see them take back the island, but Han did not want to follow the order. Even though Han had already sent out a message to the demon lord, telling him about the number of troops and the general state of the army, he did not even know what the demon lord looked like, much less what the demon lord could do.

There were rumors from the north that spoke of the demon lord like he was some sort of beast of battle that could defeat hundreds on the battlefield without any aid, but were they true, or were the demons just exaggerating due to the excitement of having a new leader?

Han had grown tired of the constant disappointments that they had been getting as demon lords since the war started.

“Captain Han. The soldiers have gathered at the pier, and we’ve prepared the warships. We shall leave on your order.”

Han turned to the side to see a large werewolf standing beside him. The werewolf was Han’s second-in-command, and he sighed and gave him a lackluster nod as he looked out into the ocean again.

“The sea is truly beautiful, is it not?”

The werewolf blinked as he heard Han speak so wistfully, and he looked out into the ocean with a frown.

“Uh… yes, captain. It is.”

Han’s eyes narrowed.

“Well, it shall soon be stained by blood.”

Han knew that if this raid did not go well, this was the last time he would be able to look at the sea. He would definitely die out there. So Han tried to savor this last moment for a while before he turned to his second-in-command.

“Tell the soldiers to hoist the sails. We have a war to win.”

[Three Weeks and One Day Until The End of Freya’s Trial.]

The day of battle came faster than anyone could have predicted. The demon army filed out in droves toward their warships and prepared the sails and anchors, checking everything and making sure there were no issues with the ships at the last minute.

The sea was churning, and there was a strong wind blowing in from the north, traveling quickly and fast toward the south in a strange sort of celestial aid and Mark couldn’t help but find the situation a little amusing since he knew that the only god that ruled over this world was Freya.

And in the same vein of celestial amusement, Mark could see a large dark cloud hovering over the sky in the far distance but traveling quickly toward them. The clouds were going to be a great boost for the ships, but they were also going to make the ocean far rougher than usual.

‘It’ll be a rough ride.’

They were soon going to be bombarded with rain, leading to larger waves and an even more turbulent ride for the demons. Mark stood at the pinnacle of the castle, overlooking everything happening below him. He wore black trousers and a tank top that showed off his impressive arms. He had on one of the regulated leather protective armors given to soldiers in the army over his chest, and his gauntlets were activated and covered up to his forearms.

Mark looked down at the army boarding the ships and could see that they were not very disturbed by the presence of the storm cloud coming from the north. They had trained in harsher environments over the past few days, so it was going to be just like another one of those days. Hopefully, the storm wouldn’t last long.

Arit was seated on the edge of the parapet, looking out at the soldiers below her. She wore trousers and a tank top similar to Mark’s, and Mark had put the [Armor of Ares] on her since he knew it was better than the regular armor that the army used. Her legs were crossed, and her wings were folded close to her body as she gazed down at the soldiers.

“I still think you need support. Going in alone is too much. What happens if there are too many soldiers there, or what if they don’t fall for the plan, and you end up having to fight against the entire army there on your own?”

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