Looking at this situation, there could only be one solution that everyone could think of. If they couldn’t slip past them on land, they had to do it in the sky.

Since the aliens didn’t stop, there was little time to think of any other solutions.

“Sasha! Risa! Yin Zhen!” Nathan called out Selena’s familiars while pointing at Selena and David. On his back appeared a black dragon.

Realizing his intention, Sasha grabbed Selena while Yin Zhen dragged David. Risa was the closest to Nathan, so she carried him to Nidhogg’s back.

“Fly! Hurry up!” Nathan shouted.

Nidhogg immediately flapped his wings and jumped into the air. Anubis boosted Fenrir’s Ena as he released a crescent-shaped tail attack to the aliens for one last time before Nathan recalled them.

Yin Zhen stayed with them on top of Nidhogg while Sasha and Risa flew by themselves.

David was stunned, but he heard Yin Zhen saying, “Close your ears!”

They didn’t know what was going on, but David and the others closed their ears.

All of a sudden, the mature class alien produced yet another dull trumpet sound. It was because they were near it that the volume was so big that their eardrums felt like they were going to explode.

“Kh!” Nathan and Selena gnashed their teeth, enduring it. David was much more experienced than them, and his pain tolerance was higher, allowing him to maintain his composure.

However, there was someone who couldn’t close his ears. It was Nidhogg.

“Gaaahhh!” Nidhogg’s body was swaying right and left. He hurriedly let out his own high-pitched roar, his sound wave clashing with the mature class alien’s trumpet cry.

However, this was just an assist from the mature class alien. Several aliens suddenly took off into the sky, heading straight to Nidhogg.

In addition, the two juvenile class mutants jumped into the air and hit his wings with their blades when Nidhogg was occupied by the cry.

“Hang on!” Nathan shouted as he held on to Nidhogg for his dear life. Selena did the same, her grip getting reinforced by Ena.

David, on the other hand, was saved by Yin Zhen.

“Calm down!” Nathan shouted, while Risa and Sasha had to worry about the aliens in front of them.

Risa sent forth multiple blood spears, but to no avail. The flying aliens were much more agile. Even Sasha had a hard time keeping one alien away.

Nathan clicked his tongue. If this continued, they couldn’t really escape. It was as if everything had been seen through by their enemies.

“All of you are annoying!” Nidhogg roared as he gathered his flame in his throat. He let out his full breath, trying to burn as many aliens as possible.

The two mutants were riding on top of the flying aliens.

The flying alien was something he recognized, unlike the mutants or the turtle. The flying aliens were known as Byakhees. They had bat-like wings but six arms.

Their path was blocked, and behind them was the mature class alien. However, if he let the mature class alien release that loud cry again, the situation would be over.

They had to escape from this place before it happened.

“Go away!” Nidhogg slapped one of the byakhees with his tail before letting out another breath.

“Nathan. We have to get away.” Selena gritted her teeth.

“I know, but I can’t see a path.” Nathan shook his head.

“We just have to create it. You said the most dangerous place is the safest!” Selena pointed at the mature class alien.

As if responding to her, a lot of flying aliens that had hidden in the forest on top of the turtle suddenly took off.

Selena looked a bit doubtful after this reaction, but Nathan actually saw something much farther.

Although there were flying aliens above the mutant class alien, their number was much lower than in other directions.

In addition, the juvenile class mutants seemed to be smarter than the mature class alien. It was as if they were the ones commanding these aliens.

In that case, there was only one thing to do. They had to break through in the sky.

“Go that way!” Nathan pointed in a direction beyond the mature class alien. “Go, Nidhogg! Trust me! We’ll cover your back!”

Nidhogg hurriedly turned around and started flying in the direction Nathan wanted. powered by mvl|empyr

The flying aliens easily caught up to them, not planning to let them escape.

He first summoned Anubis to heal Nidhogg while boosting his Ena.

“Yin Zhen, Risa, Sasha. Go forward and open up the path for us!” Selena commanded her own familiars as she stood at the very back, facing the flying aliens behind them.

“Better not fall, human.” Yin Zhen snorted and leaped into the air. He utilized his speed to reach one of the aliens and kicked its head to knock it down before leaping to another alien.

Risa and Sasha also took down their respective enemies, while Nidhogg kept releasing one breath after another.

On the other hand, Selena kept launching the flying aliens away with her Ena, but there was a limit to what she could handle. Nathan helped her by shooting down the distracted alien, but they were simply too many.

This was when Yin Zhen warned them. “Close your ears!”

Nathan and Selena covered their ears with their hands as the mature class alien released yet another cry.

“Kh!” Nidhogg still felt it hard to endure, even though Anubis had covered his ears with bandages.

But there was one more surprise that would come after them.

All of a sudden, tens of flying aliens took off from the mature class alien. It was as if they had been waiting for this one exact moment to reveal that their numbers were actually similar to other directions.

What they wanted was not to take down Nidhogg but Nathan and Selena.

Yes, they all flew straight to both of them, who were at the very back of Nidhogg.

Selena waved her staff to blast away the enemies, but more aliens came from the opposite side, planning to drag her back to the ground.

Nathan punched the alien with the Dragon Fist to save her and used his robe to stop the attack from the flying alien. However, more and more byakhees simply rammed themselves to Nathan. All that momentum knocked him to Selena and ultimately pushed both of them off Nidhogg’s back together.

“!!!” Anubis noticed it too late as both of them had fallen from the sky.

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