Out of the two thousand knights that could still fight, Sullivan placed a thousand of them, with only two officers, to protect the camp.
He brought the rest of them to the battlefield, carefully marching toward the enemies.
The scouts were scattered all around the area, scanning the enemy’s movement.
One of the scouts returned and said, “Sir. The enemies are currently gathering around the mature class aliens. I don’t see any aliens around, so all those aliens might have been recalled by the mature class aliens.
“We also have located the mature class aliens. If we continue in this direction, we will find its trail in another ten minutes. We will have to follow the trail a bit.”
“That’s good.” Sullivan nodded. “The mature class alien has done us a favor by bulldozing all those trees. This way, we can fight them as if we’re in a plain.”
Another scout reported, “We have found the enemies. The flying aliens are lying low. We have spotted several humans that have been turned into aliens.”
“Alright. We can’t save them, but the least we can do is to free them from the tortures.” Sullivan waved his hand. “Continue. Make sure there are no aliens that will flank us.”
Sullivan’s biggest concern was the group of aliens that ambushed Nathan. That was what made Nathan almost die after all.
Obviously, Nathan couldn’t handle it since he had no experience in information gathering.
However, it couldn’t be said the same for Sullivan. There were a lot of scouts in his army. Now that there were no more aliens hiding among his soldiers, he could finally make an aggressive move.
The moment the soldiers reached the trail left behind by the mature class alien, Sullivan squinted his eyes.
Due to the size of the mature class alien, it wasn’t hard to actually find the moving hill.
That was why Sullivan immediately ordered his men to march at the same speed, positioning themselves according to their strategy.
He was staying in the middle with 700 knights, mostly new knights, to create an outward bulge. Protecting their sides were the two 100 elite soldiers. Last but not least, stationed on the farthest left and right were the strongest knights, along with most of the officers Sullivan had.
They were marching inside the wood since there wasn’t enough space. In addition, they had a different role in this battle.
As if realizing their presence, the mature class alien released the trumpet sound, informing all his aliens to intercept the enemies.
At that moment, over a thousand aliens immediately charged toward the enemies. Of course, several juvenile class aliens were following them right behind, with the two juvenile class mutants taking care of the details.
The aliens ended up splitting their group into three. A thousand aliens were coming straight head-on.
The proto-class aliens were fighting like beasts. In a one-on-one battle, the knight might be able to best them. But in a fight like this, their movement was restricted. As a result, even a knight wouldn’t be able to take care of the aliens’ beast-like movements.
The other two groups were sent to the sides, trying to take care of the knights that were sneakily marching inside the woods.
They managed to encircle Nathan and Selena previously, so they were not dumb enough to let the humans encircle them.
Hence, they sent fifty aliens toward them, only to stop them from advancing. They would stall time until the aliens crushed those soldiers in the middle.
Sullivan raised his head, looking at the mature class alien. “I see. That’s indeed difficult for anyone to defeat. And that loud sound will become much louder once we’re close. And there are still aliens hiding on its back. The only way to easily kill that mature class alien is by defeating all these aliens quick enough before the mature class alien can do anything.”
“Incoming!” the soldiers shouted as they readied their shields.
The first ones attacked by the aliens were none other than the tip of that bulge. All those soldiers were getting pounced first, causing the movement of the army to halt.
“Stop them!”
The aliens brutally rammed their bodies against those shields, overwhelming the soldiers with their strength.
After that, the aliens continued on the sides. The soldiers played it safe by blocking most of their attacks and stabbed them if they found an opportunity, maintaining their position.
However, when they saw that opportunity, another wave of aliens had pounced on them, causing them to be unable to attack.
They kept blocking it until eventually they were getting pushed back.
“It’s impossible to kill them.”
“They are like a wave. They keep coming before we can attack.”
The knights were holding the line as much as possible, not wanting to disappoint Sullivan. But there was simply nothing they could do with such weight.
The aliens threw their number and overwhelmed the soldiers.
Without them noticing it, the bulge had disappeared. In fact, their position was like a straight line, which ended up bulging backward after another minute.
“This is too much.”
“Where are the officers?”
Suddenly, they saw two juvenile class aliens approaching them.
With a single slap of its big hand, the juvenile class aliens blasted two soldiers away, resulting in them becoming the prey of the aliens.
These two juvenile class aliens marched forward, taking the lead as they gradually chipped away the knights.
As a result, the bulge became more apparent.
But right before the aliens scared them, two officers suddenly came and struck the juvenile class aliens. They were not strong enough to take it down, but their attacks injured the aliens.
“That’s… Sir Gareth.”
“Sir Devco!”
The soldiers recognized them, feeling energized again.
At this time, Sullivan’s voice echoed in everyone’s ears. “Men. Show them it is us who is the true ruler of this world. Kill them!”
The moment they heard Sullivan’s voice, they couldn’t help but smile. “Oohhh!”
The soldiers were fired up and stopped the alien’s momentum. Once they saw the opportunities, the elite knights who didn’t waste their strength to stop the overwhelming momentum immediately attacked the aliens from the sides.
Sullivan couldn’t help but smile. “It is actually going according to his plan. Is he truly a commoner? If he says he is a military general, I would have believed it.”
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