123 Chapter 12When Petrus confined this to Aeryn, he was met with resistance as he expected. Princess Aeryn refused to go back to what she called “dumpy stinking hole” and claimed it was always raining and she was never happy there, and with Petrus’s mother gone and all the girls, Aeryn said she will go back to her melancholy days and forced to weep for her son.

“I am happy here, I have things to do and people to meet. This is my home and I want to stay here” she said.

“This is not your home anymore, you are a married woman and Lady of Storm Town”

“I am still the princess of Maldonia”

“But with no titles no more. Few moons back you were the apparent heir to Sweet Waters throne and princess of Blackmount, now you are just... a princess” Petrus looked down on Princess Aeryn, he rarely does that but because he was pressed and angry. “You have lost all your titles, let’s go back home and create our own legacy, have our own sons and daughters”

This time Petrus calmed down his anger and soften himself, he walked slowly towards Aeryn and attempted to embrace her as he always does. But Princess Aeryn refused, she seemed to be far from there.

Aeryn smiled bitterly looking straight at Petrus “In other words you want to confine me in that dirty castle so that I can squeeze out heirs, your heirs...”

“Our heirs, you and I”

“But they will bear your name not mine. A name worth of nothing, I see that now. I made a mistake falling for you Petrus, and now I see it” There was a cold tone in Aeryn’s voice, she meant every word she said, and indeed she had regrets on marrying Petrus especially since she was now used to the silks and riches of Lord Leoric plus the adve


Petrus’s heart was broken into pieces upon hearing those words from Aeryn, poor guy he’d really grown fond of his wife over the course of years only to be treated with disrespect and being humiliated. He asked politely “How many times did you sleep with him?”


“Just tell me, how many times?”

Princess Aeryn thought she was being asked stupid questions, hence she wanted to leave but Petrus forbade her and screamed. “How many times damn you!” while pinning her across the wall. Aeryn trembled with fear looking at Petrus who completely changed from the soft and caring man to an angry one with a different face – a killer face.

“I’ve... lost count” replied Aeryn softly.

Aeryn’s confession was like a wound which he intended to lick upon, but it was suddenly washed with salt and lemon. Petrus retired back and let Aeryn go with his head down and tears forming between his eyes. This was his wife and here she was standing in front of him looking like a total stranger, Aeryn was unrecognizable.

Now it was said and done, Aeryn chose to leave the chamber but she stopped when Petrus said “I overheard you two talking three days ago. I was hiding behind the cupboard you didn’t see me, I really tried to stay silent while I could have just taken my sword and slit his throat. You talked about dragons...”

Aeryn’s eyes widened with amazement. Then Petrus continued “And killing the Queen, I heard you both with my very own ears. You said the queen owns dragons and you will have her pay for murdering our son”

“Don’t associate yourself in this matter Lord Husband, just go back to Storm Town and collect your peasants’ rents” said Princess Aeryn with a warning and yet a blackmailing tone.

“What if I refuse? Maybe I shall go to the King now and tell him of your plans, or seek out Aurora and tell her that she must protect her dragons... if she has dragons and herself because both you and your bastard paramour are plotting against her. I wonder how your brother will feel about you now....” Petrus smirked and then he walked outside of the chamber while Aeryn looked, she wanted to plead and beg but she knew that was beneath her.

After Petrus complained to Lord Angun of the princess’s paramour, it sounded like a jealousy case to Lord Angun and he said Petrus was somehow feeling low and irrelevant because he was threatened by Lord Leoric’s wealth and title. Who wouldn’t be? The man owned one hundred mines and hundreds of thousands of slaves. He was literally shitting gold.

Lord Balrus wasn’t so easily convinced of Lord Petrus’s accusations that’s why he called Lord Leoric to his house to talk, and even though Aeryn was nervous of this meeting still Lord Leoric decided to take it because he refused to look weak in front of the Master of Spies. He claimed to be smarter than him, yet he knew he wasn’t.

There was a whole feast on his name inside Lord Balrus’s manse, and servants who prepared it and were ready to serve their masters. As usual he arrived in his decorated palanquin with ten male slaves carrying it, and another ten female servants following behind. Leoric lived like a King and he didn’t hesitate in showing it, as soon as his feet touched the ground – the servants showered him with scented flowers.

Lord Balrus came upfront to welcome him, Leoric dazzled in his brown silk knee-length tunic with black sandals. He looked like a black Rome god who just visited the Earth by mistake, and he was smelling heavenly too. The way he carried himself with a smile, Lord Balrus knew that smile would only be caused by power or the taste of a victory.

“My Lord...” Balrus called Leoric out with his arms wide open. They embraced each other in a short hug and shook hands. “You look magnificent!”

Leoric chucked softly “I know” he replied with a cocky attitude. Then he signaled his servants to bring out the gift he brought for Balrus.

The gift was wrapped inside a box, and Balrus opened it right there and he couldn’t believe his eyes. There were five satin robes of different colors, golden adornments and black sandals made of leather. Leoric knew he could never win Lord Balrus’s heart with gold and fabrics but the least thing he could do is try.

Lord Balrus expressed his gratitude and thanks, and then ordered his servants to take the box to his chambers. “They will fit you my lord, I had them sized out for you” said Leoric. “Now where is the food, I’m starving” both of them laughed.

What delighted Lord Leoric were the sweet stuffs – pastries, cakes, pies and custard pie made of milk. He favored them against meat, warm soups and fishes or bacons. Then he washed it all down with a fresh wine and he wasn’t wrong when he guessed “This is from Whitebridge?” and Lord Balrus confirmed that it was indeed from Whitebridge.

Two hours later and none of them was into the food anymore, they were full to their satisfaction and the perfect time for both of them to talk sincerely, Lord Leoric as usual he was never the man to hit around the bush. So he went straight to the point “Why am I here my lord?”

“I invited you for supper” replied Lord Balrus with a smirk on his lips.

“Quit fooling around, you never just invite a person for supper, let alone in your house. Is this about Princess Aeryn?”

Seemingly defeated at his own game, Lord Balrus cleared his throat “You have over extended your stay in the capital, it’s been what – three months, four?” he asked.

“Do you want me to leave my lord?” Leoric laughed, but it was short and he immediately went back to his frown look. “I am living in my own manse with my own slaves and somehow I seem to trouble you?”

“Not me apparently, but the man whose wife you seem to have entertained. Why are you with the princess Lord Leoric?”

“She’s pretty, a high born, smart and clever not to mention -”

Lord Balrus cut him off “Not to mention she’s a married woman with a living husband who happens to be present in the capital. I feel like you have an agenda of your own Leoric, you don’t like the princess... come on, she’s isn’t your type. You like fire, storms and clashes. You have never been one to settle for a dull princess unless...” This time Lord Balrus leaned on Leoric trying to get much from him that what he was hiding.

“Unless what my lord?” asked Loeric as if daring Lord Balrus to make an accusation.

“What were you doing in Aurora’s Hill the night of the feast? My rodents tell me you were stopped at the gates with your whore, what did you want?”

“I wanted to see the Queen”

“But the Queen was in the main palace, you knew that didn’t you my lord?” Lord Balrus kept on pressing. “Unless you wanted to see the dragons because Aeryn has been telling you for so long now” and right there Balrus leaned on his chair and he took control of the conversation and Lord Leoric’s secret was out.

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