Seeing the options and notes above, Jobs was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded lightly to express his understanding.

At this time, the courier arrived at the logistics center, and the reminder sent by Taobao City just met people's actual needs.

After all, some people may not have time to pick up the courier, so naturally it is impossible to wait in front of the road or gate within 5 minutes.

At this time, the options of waiting for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, two hours and even direct return are also in line with people's needs.

As for why the delay can only be up to 2 hours, Jobs can understand this point.

After all, the logistics center has to deal with huge express delivery all the time, and it is impossible for them to store a delivery for you for several days or even several days.

In this case, the logistics center will need to build a huge storage warehouse, and it will also need to hire more workers at that time, so it is understandable that the express delivery can only stay in the logistics center for a maximum of two hours.

At this time, Jobs obviously would not choose to return the product or pick up the express delivery after a two-hour delay, but immediately clicked the option "0. I'm ready, please send it here."

So Jobs clicked "0. I'm ready, please send it over." Send over option.

The screen of the mobile phone software changed instantly, and an electronic map appeared instead.

This electronic map is showing the distance between the delivery drone and the consumer, allowing consumers to know their relative position to the drone.

So as to accurately grasp the time and avoid consumers waiting for a long time in the open road or in front of the gate.

Of course at the same time, the upper middle position on the electric map also gave a line of text "estimated delivery time: 11 minutes".

Faced with this situation, Jobs, Watanabe Showa, and Sanxing Li didn’t know that this time the delivery drone didn’t just deliver one person, but usually 6 people at the same time.

According to the location of the buyer, the cloud system will intelligently select the best route for the drone, and deliver the express delivery to the consumer one by one according to the principle of from near to far.

"In this case, let's go downstairs first."

Showa Watanabe on the side saw Jobs control and made a choice, so he said with a smile.


Jobs nodded slightly, and seeing the three of them smiled, he walked out of the restaurant and walked slowly towards the outside of the elevator.

It took about 3 minutes for the three of them to arrive at the hotel gate.

At this time, the small map also shows that the delivery drone is 903 meters away from Jobs.

Obviously, the courier seemed to be delivered to Jobs, but the courier Jobs found that they were thinking too much.

Because as they came to the gate of the hotel, Jobs found from the map that the delivery drone did not fly straight to them.

Instead, it deflected a little and came to a small area between another take-off point and Jobs.

Seeing this, Jobs was a little surprised and then nodded in understanding. He had already realized that the delivery drone was not just delivering deliveries to him, but was also delivering deliveries to others.

At this time, Watanabe Showa and Sanxing Li's respective mobile phones also rang Didi's voice in different order.

Obviously the goods they just bought have arrived at the nearest express logistics point, and is prompting them to make a choice.

This choice is for them to choose whether to delay receiving the express delivery or choose to return the goods.

In this regard, the owner of Sanxing Li, who had a test mentality, chose to return the Sanxing mobile phone and bear the shipping cost, while Watanabe Showa chose "contact me after a delay of 15 minutes."

So as the two bosses made choices, the next time was a bit boring, after the three presidents waited for about 5 minutes.

The delivery drone finally came in front of them, and the three of them didn't feel impatient about it, but were infinitely shocked in their hearts!

At this time, although they wereted a few minutes here waiting for the delivery drone to arrive, this was because they had an inaccurate grasp of the formation of the delivery drone.

Before the courier showed that the expected time was about 11 minutes, they came down early, so the extra time at this time was their own trouble.

If they judge the time when they go downstairs to the gate according to the time estimated by the previous software, then the waiting time does not need to be so long.

At that time, you may only need to wait for two or three minutes at most, and you may be able to control the wait for more than ten seconds as soon as you become proficient.

So the reason why the three people waited for 5 minutes more at this time is because the three people are not proficient in this.

But even so, Jobs couldn't help but let out a shocked voice:

"It took me no more than 30 minutes from placing an order to picking up the delivery, and it only took 21 minutes. Is this the delivery speed of the Han and Tang logistics system 2.0 era?!"

While speaking, Jobs' eyes were deeply shocked!

He has already realized through this scene that the future era will definitely be the era of drone delivery!

It took no more than 30 minutes from placing an order on the mobile phone to receiving the express delivery, but it only took 21 minutes.

This speed is too fast, faster than Jobs expected.

After all, if you want to go to a nearby supermarket to buy something, it will definitely take no less than ten minutes.

Combining the time spent traveling back and forth and shopping for products, it is normal to spend tens of minutes or even an hour.

At this time, it is too easy to buy goods on the mobile phone, and then the express drone will automatically deliver them.

Although you need to pay for shipping, you still need to pay for electricity or gas when you go to the supermarket to buy things and go back and forth even if you drive.

Take the bus as an example, it costs one yuan to ride a bus, and it costs at least two yuan to go back and forth.

"Please collect your courier as soon as possible."

The sound from the drone in front of them interrupted the shocking thoughts of the three and brought them back to reality.

Seeing this, Jobs came to the front of the drone and looked at the delivery drone that was floating in front of him.

The length of this express drone is about 1.2 meters including the size of the farthest fan blade.

The delivery drone has a total of 6 large rotors to give it sufficient power. It seems that the weight of the goods it can pull is not low.

In addition, this delivery drone is not very thin, but looks a little bloated, because he has a big belly under the body.

From the point of view of consumers, it looks like a "shi" font structure.

The so-called "shi"-shaped structure is up and down. The upper part is the flight control system part, with a connecting bracket in the middle, and the bottom is four seemingly electrically retractable feet and a flat round belly.

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