Tenkomori: The Homecoming Club Conquers Another World

Chapter 50: The First Year at the Academy - The Beginning of the Academy

Chapter 50: The First Year at the Academy - The Beginning of the Academy

Chapter 50. The First Year at the Academy – The Beginning of the Academy

I went around general stores and bought furniture and daily necessities that I needed.

I'll use the room on the second floor, which is in sight of the sky, as a bedroom, and I'll use the remaining room as a storage room for materials and other items. I'll decide what to do with the rooms after I repair those rooms.

For now, I'll seal it with boards and repair it myself.

I have decided to make a large room on the first floor as my living base except for sleeping.

First, I'm arranging a small table, chairs, and shelves. Once I get used to the institute and this lifestyle, I plan to start putting things together.

With my new living arrangements at least in place, I moved out of the inn where I was staying.

"Battle Axe of Destruction" is away on a commission, and I inform the innkeeper of my new place to stay.

The innkeeper seemed to know that I was coming to the dormitory and looked at me suspiciously, but I had no reason to explain it, so I left the inn as it was. Incidentally, even though I was gone, the accommodation fee for the "Battle Axe of Destruction" would remain with me until I returned. Then, they would have to pay their expenses and stay at another inn. I'm worried about misunderstandings, but if that happens, I'll ask the Adventurers' Guild to pass a message to me.

After that, I was busy preparing for the entrance ceremony and repairing my house, and the morning of the entrance ceremony, the first day of the academy, arrived.

I poured "Pure Water" into a washbasin and dressed.

I left early because of the distance from my house. I started walking in the morning in Selene in a strolling mood.

Spring flowers were swaying in the cracks of the road.

Spring is in full swing.

Although Selene's main streets and main roads are cobblestone paved, most of the streets are still dirt. Naturally, the area around my home belongs to the majority. It is usually not a problem for me because it is well trodden. But when it rains, I would be careful.

When I entered the branch road of the academy from the main street, children were proceeding in the same direction.

The ones with slightly nervous looks are new students, while the others are current students.

After all, the only people on foot are commoners, and the nobles are using their carriages and those carriages passing right next to us since a few minutes ago.

How could they not be anxious in such a situation? Nobles are sent out to battlefields, and they may even take command when demons appear in the territory. If they don't train their bodies, they won't be able to move correctly when the time comes. I was so anxious about it from the time I was born.

When I arrived at the main gate and headed toward the school building, several men and women who appeared to be upperclassmen shouted, "New students, please go to the auditorium."

The auditorium is on the first floor of the school building, and a man in his thirties was waiting for us at the entrance, repeatedly instructing us, "Everyone, please pack up and sit down." This one appeared to be a lecturer, but he had a normal face and only his hair was unnecessarily thin. I guess the creator gods must have gotten the parts wrong.

The auditorium is quite large, and the number of new students was small.

If the seats were the number of students, there would be about 60. Since they would be in school for three years, there would be at least 180 students. Most 4th and 5th-year students would graduate, and at most, the total student population would be a little over two hundred.

Aside from the three graduate schools, other small academies usually go out of business.

No, rather the opposite. Cartilard has a large percentage of commoners. We may be in a strange situation where the more famous academies have fewer students.

After a while, the seats are roughly filled.

After a few moments, new students sit on most of the seats, and then the hairy head shouted "Everyone, please be quiet."

When the new students quieted down. An old man comes up to the podium.

The old man introduced himself as Colmes, the dean, and begin his address.

It's rude to peek at someone else's status too much, but my curiosity inevitably got the better of me.

He looks like an old wizard – how good could he be?

I'm surprised to see him.

I didn't expect to see only "Earth magic 2".

He has only mastered a handful of magic. There are plenty of adventurers who have mastered this level of magic.

Did they buy him for his abilities other than magic? Or maybe his charming appearance?

I looked at the status again.

The title is "Councilor of Selene" so there is no doubt that it is him.

What stands out in terms of ability is his 17 points in intelligence. If it is other than his status, was he bought for his managerial skills? I don't think so.

The dean's speech was over, followed by the introduction of the lecturers.

After that, the entrance ceremony ended.

There are no speeches or announcements by the head of the school and no welcoming speeches from current students.

That is also a consideration for the nobility. If ranking the students would cause trouble, it would be better not to do it in the first place.

While I was wondering what was happening next, Huval, the lecturer with the slicked-back hair, called out to the new students.

"Those whose examination numbers have been called, please gather here."

It seemed they'll explain to us about the academy, but I wondered why they were splitting us up.

They call my number too, so I go to Hval first.

The number of students was about half the total, and it seemed that many of them were aristocrats. Among them, there is also an elf girl whom I met at the time of the examination. Did they divide us by our status? But even so, some people might pass on as noble on the other side of the room.

We are led to the classroom by Hval and again told to sit in an appropriate place.

The classroom had no blackboard. But only student couches, a long table, and a podium.

It was built of stone, just as it appeared outside, and was somewhat cold.

The only thing similar to my previous life was the large windows with glass panes.

After everyone was seated, Hval stood on the podium.

"Once again, I am Hval, the instructor. I am in charge of academics and some liberal arts. I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about. First of all, let me explain about the academy."

The academy has a system similar to a university.

There are no classes, and students must complete at least two of the five courses to advance to the next level, and three years of study to qualify for graduation.

The reason why there are so few subjects is that the subjects aren't sub-divided like in my previous world. For studies, arithmetic, history, and the Veriates language are included, and completion is judged based on a comprehensive evaluation.

The liberal arts are treated differently, and all students must take them.

The purpose of establishing the academy was to improve the quality of the nobility. The content of the course was the manners and dances of the noble. And also the common sense of society. Is that right, your majesty?

"And, aren't you all wondering? If there are no class divisions. Why did they divide the new students in half?"

Hval's words brought a strange smile to the faces of some of the students.

"The subjects I just mentioned have one major characteristic. It is easy to learn from others or not. In the two subjects of liberal arts and academics, there is little to be gained by sitting in chairs with the better ones; in fact, they will drag each other down. Therefore, only in the two subjects, do we separate those who excel from those who do not. Those of you who have achieved above a certain level in the written examinations are called Yux for convenience. The other is Vienus. This continues for one year, and your performance determines whether you move each year. Of course, there will be students who are Yukes for liberal arts and Viennus for academics."

Even in an academy with a motto of not creating sparks between students, there were clear divisions.

I guess it is a remnant of the time when there were many students, but that means–.

They were all aristocrats.

Is this one of the few systems that tickle the student's self-esteem? I guess their first goal was to get into Yux. Yeah, stupid. Even if they are the top students in the two subjects.

After more minutes Hval begins handing out parchment and writing materials.

Helping him were upperclassmen and women.

They are in their fourth or fifth year, and after three years of studying, they are supposed to be assistants. I wondered if they were the same in front of the school building.

I looked at the parchment I had received.

It looks like I'm going to fill in the subjects on this–hey, what should I do?

Two subjects are required for my higher education. There is no limit to the number of subjects I can choose.

With the liberal arts confirmed, what should I do with the rest?

I came to Selene to learn. I should take all of them, but the subjects are too general and I had no idea how hard it would be.

If I'm going to be greedy and end up halfway through, I should cut back from the start.

After much deliberation, I decided to drop academics.

I don't know if I will be able to do so when I reach a higher grade level, but at this time, I am at the elementary school level. I could get by with my knowledge from my previous life, and I had plenty of time to learn Veliates with "Language Proficiency".

When I looked up after filling out the form, one of the female students raised her hand.

When Hvar allowed her to speak, she stood up and walked to the podium.

Then she bowed to everyone in a ladylike manner.

"My name is Doris Viliana Diorte. As you know, I am the daughter of Count Dioult."

I don't know you. Who is she?

"The great Alphas Cartilard,

the founder of the Cartilal Academy, said. "There is no status in this academy."."

There was a stir among the students.

What a messy thing to say. And did Alphas say that?

"I agree with that idea. As long as you are an academy student, your noble status is not absolute. I suggest that no honorific titles are required. Even if I'm the Count's daughter, please call me Doris. You are all fellow students with me."

Everyone's reaction was mixed.

Some girls applauded, while the nobles and knights were subtly reluctant. Many commoners looked at each other with relaxed cheeks, but some people looked at her coldly.

I was one of them, though I'm not a commoner.

Of course. The barriers of status are insurmountable. Even if I said I didn't care, I could be punished with a "Disrespectful!". There is no way I can "casually invite" such a person.

As far as I could tell, there were no other children of the count.

She must have thought that she was the highest-ranking one, but what was she thinking? This young lady.


After that, we took a break until the tour of the campus.

Everyone is talking to each other as they see fit, taking note of the other's status.

A good number of the nobles seemed to know each other since they had greeted each other during the exam. I wondered if Doris's cronies were born at that time.

As I had nothing better to do, I observed that the girls were more active in socializing.

I thought it was just a gender difference, but I realized its reason.

It was probably a difference in position.

Most of the boys were the second son or younger. Since they're going to the academy after paying high tuition fees, they need to assist their fathers and eldest brothers in the future. Since their future is almost certain, social interactions are not so important to us.

Girls, however, are different.

They will almost certainly be married off to a lower-ranked noble, or at best, to a man of the same rank.

However, what happens if they win a boy of high status at the academy?

Even if they are knights, they should be able to lead a more elegant life than the lower-class nobility.

These girls came to the academy with their future in mind.

It has nothing to do with academics at all.

Well, I guess not all young ladies think that much, and some didn't seem interested in it.

Regardless of which one is right, there are outliers in every world.

"Hello again, rude man."

As I was thinking this, a voice called out to me from the side.

Well, there was another one here. The out-of-this-world young lady.

"Oh, it's you. Well, you know, congratulations on your admission."

"You don't say that with much heart, do you?"

"Of course they are. You're a confirmed student."

"No, I'm not."

The elf girl picked up her dress and bowed.

"My name is Elphimia Claulette, daughter of the court magician Dion Claulette."

Daughter of a court magician?

Well, I don't think there was anything about nobility in the title.

This girl gives too much information.

After they heard such a greeting, the surrounding students were buzzing.

Is it unusual for a court magician even if she's a child?

However, Elphimia, on the other hand, did not care and waited patiently for me to return her greeting.

Do I still need to do that? I'm embarrassed because I'm the center of attention.

As I hesitated, her slit eyes gradually turned serious.

I sighed lightly, trying not to be seen, and stood up.

"I am Alter Les Leadwald. I am the second son of Baron Urban of Reedwald, lord of the eastern part of the Arsis Empire."

I didn't hear a single murmur over here.

It is natural since he is a baron – I thought so, but then, unexpectedly, a reaction occurred.

"You're a Reedwald? You're the Reedwald family?"

A tall boy walked up to me.

"I'm Keten. Lambert Alois Keten."

"Isn't that–you're my neighbor?"

We shook hands without a second thought.

"I never thought I'd meet Reedwald at the academy."

"Same here. I didn't know there were people my age in the neighborhood."

Keten is a viscounty southeast of Reedwald.

After defeating the Tremble Cube, I can reach Keten by going south on the way back.

"By the way, who's that guy behind you?"

Another boy was standing behind Lambert.

When his eyes meet mine, he bows his head.

"My name is Felix Gordo. I am the third son of Gordo, a knight in the service of Viscount Keten."

"No need for a formal greeting. I told you that honorific titles are unnecessary, Doris-sama."

The two men laughed when I dared to call him by his title.

"This is the ground, so please don't mind me."

"I see. As long as you don't overdo it."

"I'm sorry," Elphimia coughs behind him as he shakes hands with Felix as well.

"Sorry to interrupt the excitement, but are you ignoring me?"

"Never like that–"

I bowed my head, and for some reason, it was Lambert who bowed his head.

I was stunned, and Lambert turned to me with a dumbfounded look.

"A court magician is the same rank as a count. Don't you know that?"

"I had no idea."

I see so that's why the outside world was so noisy.

Court magicians were rare, but they were of the same rank as Doris, weren't they?

"I don't need to worry about honorifics or language either. I'm not a court magician, so I'm of a lower rank."

"Will you let me do so? It's a little late for that. By the way – are you sure you don't want to mingle over there?"

"You are joking, right?"

Elphimia snickered at the endless aristocratic battles.

There was no hereditary system among court magicians, and it was a meritocracy. Lateral connections were of little significance, so it might seem ridiculous.

Lambert was in the same boat. He took one look at the attack and returned his gaze.

"I overheard your conversation earlier, do you two know each other?"

"We only talked a little during the exam, right?"

"That! This guy is rude, he asked if I'm a fake woman!"

Elphimia glared at me.

She's so upset. That's a compliment if you ask me.

It was too much trouble to explain, so I meekly bowed my head.

"I'm sorry about that. There were many things along the way. I promised myself I wouldn't be fooled by someone else's appearances again."

"What's that? I don't know, but you're fooling me again, aren't you?"

When I tilted my head, Elphimia smiled triumphantly.

"Because I'm not an elf."


I looked at the girl in front of me with a dumb voice.

I looked at the girl in front of me. She had pointed ears, and she was an elf, no matter how you looked at her.

"I'm a quarter. My grandmother is an elf. How can a non-human be a court magician?"

She was a quarter. She looked more like an elf than a fake elf.

But she's right.

If you are an elf, both parents must be elves. The Arsis Empire is a human country, and no other human species would be appointed as the central court magician, even if they were half-elves.

But – and I smile wryly.

"I was indeed deceived. I was also surprised. I'll admit that. But this level of surprise is nothing compared to what you will see on the road. You know. When people are truly surprised, honey wine flows out of their mouths."

"It won't come out! What kind of demon are you?"

Even halflings are human. You can't discriminate against them.

Elphimia and even Lambert and the others asked me what was going on, but I never opened my mouth. No matter how many words I tried to say, I couldn't convey that thing's mockery.

With such a noisy opening, my life at the academy began.

Lambert, Felix, Elphimia.

There were nobles and their equals with whom I could have a decent conversation.

For better or worse, Doris's one voice may have been the beginning of breaking down barriers.

Thank you to such a young lady – well, you don't have to.

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