Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Familiar Faces

Despite the fast-approaching ghouls both behind and below us, we stared dumbly at the large chasm that Kalon had made, collectively unable to understand why it was in front of us.

“We—we were running in a circle the entire time?” Ada said, her voice quavering.

“That’s impossible!” Ezra panted after felling another ghoul with his spear. “We were running in—a straight line. I’m—sure of it!” I could hear the strain in his voice; he was starting to grow tired.

“Ezra’s right. There’s no curve in the bridge.” Kalon spun his weapon and swept the heads off two ghouls that were trying to reach me. He, at least, seemed to have retained his strength so far.

The idea of a straight path looping in circles seemed impossible, yet was completely plausible if one took into account the edicts of aether. I couldn’t help but wonder if the Relictombs had brought us to this zone because of me.

I looked down to see that Riah had lost consciousness in my arms. Perhaps it was for the better; Ada had coated her wounds with a thick paste that had stopped the bleeding, but her strained expression said it did nothing for her pain.

“What do we”—Haedrig unleashed a flurry of slashes at a trio of ghouls that had managed to reach the path—“do now?”

‘Still think they’re in control?’ Regis chimed in snidely.

Fine. Come out, but remember not to talk.

Regis’s large wolven form leapt out of my back, startling our team and drawing their attention away from the ghouls around us.

Kalon instinctively tried attacking Regis, and while I was curious what would happen if he struck my companion, I intervened.

“Stop! It’s my spell,” I snapped, immediately halting Kalon’s spear before turning to Regis. “Go scout ahead and see if you can spot anything.”

‘Roger,’ my companion sent back before leaping across the chasm. He was nearly out of sight before a realization dawned on me.

Since when have you been able to communicate telepathically when you’re not inside me?

There was a momentary pause, then I heard Regis’s voice in my head again. ‘Not sure. My guess is, I’m either getting stronger, or the ambient aether density in this zone is allowing us to. Or we might just be getting more...connected.’

I groaned. Can you not say it in such a gross tone?

Turning my attention back to the battle, I realized that Ezra, Ada, and Kalon were looking at me with shocked expressions. Haedrig was the only one who didn’t seem fazed; if he was surprised by Regis’s sudden appearance, he hid it extremely well.

Fortunately, the group’s attention was forced back onto the growing horde of ghouls surrounding us. We abandoned our line formation, tightening into a close knot around Riah and Ada and inching closer to the chasm.

“What’s the plan?” Kalon shouted, glancing at me.

“We wait,” I said as my foot connected with a ghoul’s sternum, sending it flying back down into the abyss. “I want to make sure that this place really is looping.”

We held our position, restricting our mana consumption as best we could out of fear that our war against the nightmarish ghouls would last for hours more. Considering that I was surrounded by people I felt responsible to protect, and that I couldn’t even reveal my own strength as I did so, there was little else I could do.

‘Good news! Well, I guess it’s bad news, but I see you all ahead of me now,’ Regis thought to me.

I cursed under my breath.

So that confirms it.

‘Did you want me to help fight? I took down about a dozen or so of these bastards already.’

No. I don’t think we’re going to get out of here by just killing more of these beasts, I sent back. I want you to go around and carefully scan the walls.

I could feel a wave of curiosity coming from Regis. ‘You mean the gross faces?’

Yeah. Something about them has been bothering me. Just let me know if you find something out of the ordinary.

‘Out of the ordinary from gross stone it,’ Regis responded, turning to race away from us once more.

A stifled groan pulled my attention behind me.

“Ezra!” Kalon roared. His form flashed, appearing next to his brother and decapitating the ghoul that had wedged its claws through a slit below Ezra’s pauldron.

With Ezra unable to freely move his left arm due to his injury, he became a crack in our defence. It wasn’t long before a ghoul was able to slip past his weak side, forcing me to throw myself into its path to save Riah. The creature’s putrid claws carved a series of deep gashes into my hip and thigh.

A pained grunt escaped from my throat as I drove my open hand straight through the ghoul’s throat. It spit out a mouthful of blood and collapsed before Ezra could turn to drive his spear into its back.

The boy’s face was pale and wet with sweat, but after that he redoubled his efforts, refusing to let another ghoul through.

Have you found anything? I asked Regis.

‘Just a lot more hideous faces. There aren’t any patterns I can see either.’

Keep looking, I sent, pulling a ghoul off of Ezra and shoving it to the ground so he could finish it.

“What are we still doing here? We have to get moving!” Kalon shouted, his relaxed demeanor completely gone.

“And go where?” I asked. “I’ve already confirmed that this zone is looping back on itself, taking us in circles. I sent my summon to check for any anomalies on the walls.”

“Can you share senses with your summon?” Haedrig asked, redirecting a ghoul’s tackle and causing it to fall back down into the dark.

“Kind of?” I hesitated. “It has a limited amount of sentience.”


Ignoring my companion, I turned to Ada, who had been helping out where she could, standing over Riah at the center of our circle. To conserve mana, she had resorted to firing small bolts of fire and lightning at the ghouls climbing up from the sides, but even that had been a huge help in keeping them at bay. I could tell she was at the end of her power, however. “Focus on replenishing your mana reserves.”

“But there’s too many of them!” Ada stammered, wiping away the beads of sweat rolling down her face. “I-I should be helping...”

I sat her down with a slight push and gave her the closest thing to a smile I could muster. “I’ll keep you safe.”

After a moment of hesitation, Ada nodded in determination before closing her eyes.

“Haedrig. Do you have an extra sword?” I asked, turning toward the green-haired ascender.

Without a word, Haedrig withdrew a thin shortsword from his dimension ring and tossed it to me.

Grasping the handle and pulling the sword out of its sheath, I was suddenly overcome with a sense of calmness. It was a silly thing what a weapon could do, but after fighting so long with Dawn’s Ballad in my hand, I realized how much I had missed the sensation of wielding a sword.

I let out a sharp breath as I imbued aether into the sword; a fine crack appeared in the blade, leaking a subtle purple light that only I could see, and I knew it wouldn’t hold up long. Still, though the sword was simple and obviously just a spare weapon, it was perfectly balanced with a good weight on my hand.

It would do.

The world around me seemed to slow and the sounds distracting me became indistinct. My first strike seemed to confuse even the ghoul, who didn’t know what happened until it slumped and fell off the bridge.

The next series of slashes killed any and every ghoul within my reach. The sword in my hand travelled in a flurry of narrow arcs that shimmered, catching the reflection of Kalon’s fire-clad spear.

My eyes constantly scanned our surroundings, making sure none of the ghouls managed to slip by. I hoped to see some sign that the onslaught was beginning to slow, but it seemed that, if anything, the ghouls became even more desperate the more of them we killed.

Kalon and Ezra’s side had it the worst, since the chasm in the bridge allowed the ghouls to climb up more easily. With Ezra injured, Kalon had to keep the ghouls from getting past him and protect Ezra.

Haedrig’s movements, on the other hand, hadn’t slowed down at all, even as pools of both sweat and blood had formed beneath his feet.

I was confident that we could hold on for a while longer, but it would all be meaningless unless we found a way out of here.

A blinding flash lit up the hall, followed by a torrent of voltaic streams that obliterated the horde of ghouls that had managed to climb up from the chasm.

I was gazing around to admire the pure destructiveness of Kalon’s spell when Regis contacted me again.

‘Uh... Arthur?’ he said, his confusion clear in my mind. ‘You should come see this.’

“Let’s move!” I yelled out immediately. “Ezra, can you hold Riah?”

The younger spearman’s brows furrowed in annoyance. “What? I should help guard—”

“Ezra!” Kalon snarled, cutting his brother off. “Carry Riah.”

Following Kalon’s order without hesitation, Ezra put away his spear and picked up our unconscious teammate.

Leading the way, I cleared the path of ghouls while Kalon remained in the back of the line as our rear guard.

What did you find? I asked Regis.

‘Something even more disturbing than the deformed stone faces,’ he answered cryptically.

“Did your summon find something?” Haedrig asked from behind me.

“Yes, though I’m not sure what yet. Keep moving!”

With me clearing the way, Kalon defending the rear, and Haedrig darting from side to side casting down any monstrous serpents that climbed up the sides of the bridge, we ran as fast as Ezra could move. He was wounded and carrying Riah, so it wasn’t as fast as I would have liked, but within minutes Regis’s shadowy form materialized ahead of us.

Several ghoulish corpses littered the path around him, with more climbing over the edges every moment.

“What is it?” I asked, letting my battle instincts run my body, cutting down the ghouls attempting to swarm Regis while I focused on scanning the distant faces around us.

Pointing with his muzzle, Regis directed my gaze to one statue in particular. From this distance, it took my eyes a moment to focus through the gloom and the dancing shadows, but when I realized what it was, I froze solid, forgetting for a moment that we were fighting for our lives.

Razor sharp claws raked across my shoulder and back, tearing into my flesh and scraping bone. Flipping the short sword in my hand, I thrust backwards and up, stabbing my attacker through its chest. I turned and kicked it, pushing aether into my leg. The blow sent the ghoul flying into three others, all of which tumbled off the bridge.

Haedrig gasped, his eyes wide as he stared at the gaping wound on my back. “Grey!”

“It’s fine.” I gritted through the pain, telling myself it would heal quickly, and turned instead back to the statue.

My own face looked back at me from the wall.

The statue had been carved as if in the midst of a fierce battle cry: the mouth was open wide, teeth bared, and even the tongue visibly carved as if in motion; the brows were turned down, angry and aggressive; the eyes were alive with fury, glaring out at the rest of the zone as if this giant Arthur was about to smash the place to dust.

That had to be it. Why would my face be carved into the wall otherwise?

Looking at the battered sword in my hand, crumbling from the burden of aether flowing through it, I tossed it out into the empty space between the wall and the bridge. It tumbled down into the dark and disappeared.

“Hey!” Haedrig grunted from a few feet away, where he was holding off four ghouls that were clinging relentlessly to the edge of the path.

“I was hoping for some sort of invisible bridge,” I admitted, shrugging apologetically.

‘You think that’s the exit?’ Regis asked mentally, his jaws busy tearing at the throat of a ghoul.

I think it might be, yeah. I think we’re here because of me, because the Relictombs knows I can use aether and is trying to test me somehow. That’s why this zone has been so hard for the others. I need to use aether somehow so we can escape, I’m sure of it. I just need to think...

‘Well think fast, or there will be a few less of us to leave once you do figure it out.’

Ezra grunted as one of the fallen serpent-ghouls, which was missing much of its lower half, grabbed at his heel and tripped him. Riah fell next to him and jolted awake with a scream of pain. The monster clawed toward her, pulling its slithering torso across the ground with its long arms.

From his back, Ezra spun his spear around and tried to drive it into the ghoul’s neck, but he didn’t have the angle or momentum, and he merely nicked its arm instead. Strong claws wrapped around the shaft and ripped the spear from his hand.

Riah tried to scramble backwards away from it, but in doing so slammed the stump of her leg against the stone path. Her entire body went rigid as she screamed again, and it looked as if her strength had left her.

Kalon was nearly overwhelmed at the rear, unable to disengage.

Haedrig had his back turned to the pair, and though he must have heard the screams, he couldn’t see the half-dead monster crawling toward Riah.

Ada was backpedaling away from two other ghouls, flashes of electricity jumping from her hands to their snakelike bodies, but she no longer had the strength to generate spells strong enough to kill.

Regis whimpered behind me as three ghouls fell atop him, their claws ripping and tearing at his neck, ears, and belly.

They’re all going to die, I realized with grim certainty. They aren’t strong enough to be here, and even with God Step I can’t—

It was like a jolt of electricity went through my mind. God Step! I couldn’t walk through thin air with Burst Step, but God Step would take me directly into the statue’s gaping maw.

I hesitated. If I’m wrong—

‘What the hell do you have these powers for if you’re not going to use them?’ Regis growled in my head, his voice thick with frustration and pain.

Choosing not to look behind me again, hoping against hope that I wasn’t about to leave Haedrig, Riah, and the Granbehl siblings to a gruesome death, I tuned out everything. I pushed away the pain wracking my body from both the injuries that I had sustained and the rapid healing of those injuries. I bottled my emotions of doubt, anger, guilt, and frustration, and I concentrated on the way forward.

I let my eyes unfocus, seeing the aether all around me. I found the immaterial path within the realm of spatium, the vibration to which I could attune, that would let me stop being where I was and start being where I needed to go.

Though I couldn’t see it, I felt the God Rune flare with warmth, glowing through the false-spellforms on my back. The aether reacted, the vibration intensifying, and I felt the path beckon me.

I followed it. Though my eyes told me I was standing in a different location and my ears detected the sudden muffling of the sounds of combat, the movement was otherwise so instantaneous that even my own senses didn’t feel it as a physical action of my body.

I was standing atop the stone tongue within the giant carving of my own face. The inside of the mouth was recreated with excruciating detail except, where the back of the throat should have been, there was a stone door.

For a single breath, nothing happened. In my mind’s eye, I watched as Haedrig was pulled from the edge of the bridge and cast down into the depths; as Riah, paralyzed by pain, was mauled by the crawling ghoul; as Ada was run down by the pursuing monsters...

Then a grinding noise like an avalanche roared through the zone, so overwhelmingly loud that it shook all thought from my mind. I felt as though the entire chamber—every piece of stone, every molecule of air—was about to be torn apart. Then the stone beneath my feet began to move.

Turning, I saw that the bridge, where my companions had only an instant ago been fighting for their very lives, was drawing slowly nearer. It was with a wave of relief that I realized they were no longer surrounded by the awful, snakelike ghouls.

Kalon and Haedrig both still had their weapons held at the ready, their heads turning back and forth as if scanning the bridge for enemies. Ada was kneeling down next to Riah and Ezra. Regis stood at the edge of the path, staring down into the abyss.

‘They just vanished!’ Regis practically screamed. ‘One second they were all creepy faces and nasty claws, then they just turned to shadow and—poof.’

The others turned to watch as my face approached the footbridge. The walls slowed, then halted, leaving no gap between the statue’s gaping mouth and the path.

I stepped over the statue’s teeth and back onto the bridge, now a narrow path between two high walls of faces. The statues carved on the wall, I noted, didn’t look grotesque and misshapen from up close. They were kind, regal faces, and I was reminded immediately of the djinn I battled before I was given the keystone.

“Is everyone alright?”

“Ezra’s a little beat up,” Kalon said, eyeing me warily, “and Riah really needs medical attention. But she’ll survive. At least it’s over.”

Ada looked up at me from where she kneeled next to Riah. “What happened?”

I wasn’t sure exactly what to tell her. My hesitation must have shown, because Haedrig stepped in to interrupt my response.

“Any sort of explanations can happen once we’re out of this hellish zone.” He nodded toward Riah. “Let’s get her up off the cold stone.” Haedrig caught my eye as he turned to look back into the statue’s mouth. From this angle, it was no longer recognizable as my own face towering over us. “Is there a portal in there?”

I nodded. “There is a door, yeah.”

“Lead the way then.”

I gestured to Regis, and the shadow wolf loped up to me and leapt into my body. The gaping jaw was perfectly placed against the path, making an easy step down and into the mouth. Kalon and Ezra lifted Riah and followed behind me.

The stone door opened easily to my touch, revealing an opaque portal. None of us said a word to each other, but we didn’t have to. Expressions of relief were written clearly on the faces of Kalon, Ezra, Ada, and even Haedrig.

‘Well, that could have been worse.’ Even Regis sounded like he just wanted some rest.

*** You are reading on ***

Our team’s gaze fell on me expectantly, and, after a nod, I stepped through.

Chapter 290: The Mirror Room

My mind reeled in confusion as I stepped through the portal and into the next zone. A figure lunged from my left and I jerked my hands up to deflect the blow, but nothing happened. Movement from the corner of my eye caused me to turn sharply, expecting a flanking attack, but no attack came from that direction either.

‘Jumping at shadows now, eh Princess?’ Regis chuckled in my mind. ‘Look.’

“Who—who are they?”

All around, people looked back at me through rectangular windows, each wearing a look of anguish, their faces wet with tears, twisted with rage, or contorted into soundless screams. Some sat still, though most were in the midst of manic fits, gesticulating wildly, striking and scratching at themselves or the ground, like wards in an asylum.

Before I could investigate further, Kalon and Ezra were stumbling into me, Riah between them.

“What the hell?” Ezra said, flinching back from me and from the figures within the windows.

At the center of the room there was a square fountain, six feet to a side and surrounded by benches. “There,” I said, pointing to a bench. “Set her down there.”

The brothers carried their family friend across the room, a steady stream of her blood running from the severed wreckage of her foot, spattering darkly across the marble floor.

Ada came next, her steps halting, her eyes glassy. “Is—is this the sanctuary?” She gazed at one of the nearby figures, her brows knitting in confusion. She actually leaned toward it and squinted to try and focus on it, as if she didn’t quite believe her own eyes.

The figure, a very portly man who wore only linen pants, a pair of steel boots, and spiked gauntlets, didn’t look back, but kneeled on all fours, hammering one massive gauntlet into the ground again and again and again.

Haedrig, the last in, set a hand gently on her shoulder and guided her past me, toward the fountain at the center of the room. “No, this isn’t a sanctuary room,” he said, his voice low and ominous.

Kalon was wrapping Riah’s stub with bandages from his dimension ring while Ezra looked on, helplessly fidgeting with his spear. He snapped around when Haedrig spoke.

“What do you mean this isn’t the sanctuary room? It”—he glanced around and flinched again, as if seeing the room for the first time—“has to be...”

Haedrig guided Ada to the benches and encouraged her to sit down before turning back to Ezra. “It clearly isn’t, and after that first zone you’d have to be a fool to think that we’d end up anywhere so expected as a sanctuary room.”

Ezra glared petulantly at Haedrig, but the mossy-haired veteran seemed entirely unconcerned. They held one another’s eyes for a long moment before Ezra huffed and turned away, this time looking to his sister.

I turned my attention back to the room. It was only about fifteen feet wide and eight feet tall, making it feel very low and claustrophobic after the enormity of the last zone.

Though the area near the fountain was brightly lit by orbs of light that hung down over the running water, the room faded into shadow beyond the light’s edge, making it difficult to tell how long the room was. The light reflecting off the many windows showing us the tortured figures made it feel as though the room stretched on forever.

‘Not windows,’ Regis thought, ‘mirrors. Look.’

Regis was right. As I approached the nearest mirror, I could see the room reflected within it, though, of course, the man in the mirror was not me, nor did he exist outside of that reflection. He was an older man with a thick gray beard. He sat cross legged, staring unblinkingly back out at me, his lips moving ceaselessly.

I leaned forward, cocking my head so my ear was nearly pressed against the mirror, and I realized I could hear the faint whisper of a voice, though I could not make out the words.

“Well,” Kalon said, drawing my attention back to the others, “Riah is sleeping. She’s lost a lot of blood, but that poultice you gave her saved her life, Ada. If we can get out of here quick enough, she’ll be okay.”

Kalon stepped up to a mirror near the fountain. The man within it wore a helm topped by sharp, onyx-black horns like scimitars, giving him the appearance of a Vritra. He stood with his arms crossed and a haughty sneer smeared across his face. Based on his armor—black leather and blackened steel plates with jet runes inlaid throughout—he was an ascender, and a wealthy one at that.

“They’re all ascenders,” Haedrig said, as if he’d read my mind.

“Look at the design and material of their clothes and armor,” Kalon pointed out. “Especially the horns. It’s been out of favor to wear horned helms for, what, several decades? They’ve been trapped here for quite awhile, haven’t they?”

No one answered, though a collective chill ran through the group as we all considered being trapped in this room for eternity.

“Why in Vritra’s name are we here?” Ezra said, moving to stand by Kalon. “This is a prelim. It’s supposed to be over!” The broad-shouldered young man turned toward me. “You! I don’t know how, but this is your fault, isn’t it?!”

“Enough,” Kalon said quietly. “Whyever we’re here, it’s just another test. This is a puzzle zone. We need to start looking for clues that’ll help us solve the room and move on.”

Ada’s discouraged expression disappeared as she got up to her feet, forcing a smile for us to see. “That’s right! We can do this! For—” Ada glanced at the sleeping Riah, her bandages already spotted through with blood. “For Riah!”

The first-time ascender’s bravery seemed to douse Ezra’s hot head, and he gave his sister a side-hug, wincing as he did so.

“What about you?” I asked him. “How badly were you hurt?”

“It’s nothing,” he said, his chin up, his gaze haughty. “I’ll be fine.”

Shaking my head, I turned away and began examining the mirrors, one by one, for any hint or clue about how to proceed.

Kalon stepped up beside me. “That was an impressive spell you used to teleport back there.”

“Thanks,” I said simply.

“I’ll admit, I wasn’t the best student at academy,” Kalon went on, “and I was particularly bad at ancient runes—I just never really understood the point, you know? I always knew I was going to be an ascender, and ascenders don’t fight each other.”

I turned to Kalon, meeting his eye. “What are you getting at?”

He raised his hands and smiled warmly, but I could see the tension in the way he held himself and the way his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just making conversation, Grey—and, thinking about that spell. I’ve never seen anything like it. We studied all kinds of runes at the academy—making it more difficult increases the prestige, I guess.

“I was curious”—he paused, glancing up the hall toward his brother and sister—“if I could see your...What is it you have? An emblem? It seems too powerful for a crest.” When I didn’t immediately answer, Kalon broke into a surprised grin. “It’s not a regalia, surely? Is that why you don’t have your runes displayed? Who are you?”

“Listen,” I said, “there’ll be plenty of time for war stories when we’re out of here, okay? For now, let’s just figure out this puzzle room.”

Kalon shook his head and patted me on the shoulder. “I’ll figure you out yet, Grey.” He turned to walk up the hall, following his siblings, then stopped. “Oh, and sorry about Ezra. Don’t mind him, he’s just protective of the girls.”

‘And an imbecile,’ Regis said in my mind.

I smiled and turned back to the mirrors, focusing again on the task at hand.

‘Guesses here?’ Regis asked after we’d looked over a dozen or more of the reflections. ‘What are we looking for, Arthur?’

If everyone here is an ascender, then they’ve presumably been trapped somehow. Maybe by touching the mirrors?

‘Okay, so don’t touch the mirrors, check. But how do we get out of here?’

I stopped when one of the figures we passed by waved wildly with both arms, clearly trying to get my attention. He was a bearded man who also had a horned helm with locks of wavy brown hair that flowed down past his chin. His eyes were deeply sunken and ringed with shadows, but he perked up when I stopped.

They can see us, I thought, realization washing over me.

The trapped ascender pressed his hand to the inside of the mirror, gesturing for me to do the same. When I didn’t immediately respond, he grinned and nodded, then gestured again more urgently.

‘It’s a trap, you know it is. What if you get sucked in after touching that mirror? What if he gets loose and tries to kill everyone else?’

“Can you hear me?” I asked out loud, pointing at the mirror. The man shook his head and gestured again at his hand pressed against the inside of the pane. I shook my head back.

The man’s face fell, and when he looked back up there was such a pure and malevolent hatred in his eyes that I took a step back from the mirror. He began shouting, even going as far as taking off his helmet and using it as a pickaxe to try and break his way out.

‘Sheesh...someone woke up on the wrong side of the mirror,’ Regis said, laughing at his own joke.

Ignoring Regis, I moved on from the enraged ascender.

After a few more minutes of fruitlessly examining the mirrors, now conscious that the inhabitants were watching me as closely as I was them, Ada called out.

“It’’s me!” Ada said, her voice carrying down the hall, which seemed to be much longer than it had at first appeared. Ada was standing in front of a mirror perhaps twenty feet away, and from where I stood I could just see the figure within.

The mirror-Ada waved and smiled warmly, a gesture the real Ada immediately returned. Then, moving identically so it was almost as if one was genuinely a reflection of the other, both raised their hands and made as if to press them against the glassy pane.

“Ada,” I shouted, “stop! Don’t touch the—” Ada’s right hand pressed against the mirror, as did the reflection’s, and purple energy—aetheric essence—rose like steam from Ada’s skin, then moved like wind-blown mist along her body until it was absorbed into the mirror.

Using God Step, I was at her side in an instant, but even that was too late. Her body slumped into my arms, and I watched in horror as blackish-purple energy from the mirror oozed across her and was absorbed into her skin.

Weariness settled over me like a warm blanket. Using God Step twice in such a short time had apparently taken a toll on me. I would have to grow much stronger before I could use aether in such a way more consistently. In the meantime, at least I could use Burst Step now without tearing my body apart.

Heavy footsteps from behind me announced Kalon and Ezra’s approach. I glanced from the unconscious Ada in my arms to the mirror, and my stomach lurched. Ada—the real Ada—seemed to be banging on the inside of the mirror with her fist, practically blind with panic and the tears that streamed down her face and dripped from her chin.

Even though I couldn’t hear her, her words were clear. “Please,” she said. “Please.”

“What happened?” Ezra snapped, leaning down over his sister’s prone form and placing his hand on hers. “Ada? Ada!”

As I opened my mouth to explain, Ada’s eyes fluttered open, causing us all to recoil in surprise; they were a deep, dark, glowing violet.

Kalon looked from the purple-eyed Ada to the mirror where the crying, frantic Ada was still screaming, “Please, please!” The eldest sibling’s eyes were bloodshot as he tried to muster every ounce of composure he had left, his hand reaching closer toward the mirror.

“Stop!” I released a pulse of aetheric intent, causing everyone—Haedrig had joined us only a moment before—to freeze in place. “Touching the mirror is what caused this. I think...” I paused, carefully considering how best to explain what I saw. “I think that Ada was drawn into the mirror, and that something came out of the mirror to inhabit her body.”

Ezra, seizing on this thought, grabbed Ada’s hand and pulled her toward the mirror. “Then we just make them switch back!”

I reached for Ezra’s arm, but Kalon stopped me. “Let him try.”

Before I could argue, Ezra—over the terrified objections of the purple-eyed Ada—had pressed her hand against the glass. On the other side, our Ada mirrored the gesture.

Nothing happened.

“Please,” Ada said, “Let go of me, Ezra. You’re hurting me.” A single large tear welled up within those otherworldly eyes. “Please.”

Ezra let go and stepped away, grimacing. He looked from Ada to Kalon and back, anguish written across his face. In the mirror, the image of Ada had fallen onto her knees, her hands over her face, her entire body wracked by sobs.

“How do we know,” Kalon said, speaking deliberately as tears welled up in his eyes, “that the Ada in the mirror is the real Ada? What if it’s some kind of trick—or trap?”

“The glowing purple eyes didn’t give it away?” I asked, unable to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Kalon didn’t respond, but Ezra stepped toward me aggressively, his fists clenched and his eyes full of dark fire.

I whipped my head around and met his gaze, a near-palpable intent leaking out of me. “Don’t do anything you’re going to regret, kid.”

Ezra halted and gnashed his teeth, his fists still raised in wary defiance.

“This isn’t the time to be fighting amongst ourselves,” I added gently, letting out a sigh.

Ezra held my eyes for a long moment, breathing hard. Then he turned suddenly and pressed his hand to the glass of Ada’s mirror prison.

Though I couldn’t sense any change, it was clear that something was happening to Ezra. His entire body tensed, and, when he turned back to look at Kalon, his face was pale and his eyes shined with tears.

“Ezra!” Kalon gasped.

“I can hear her,” Ezra said, his voice choked with emotion. “When I touch the mirror, I can hear Ada. She sounds so scared...”

Following his brother’s lead, Kalon pressed his palm against the mirror’s surface. Immediately Kalon’s expression darkened. He didn’t have to say anything for me to know that he, too, could hear her cries.

Wanting to give the brothers a moment of privacy while they shared their sister’s suffering, I turned to Haedrig, but he was nowhere to be seen. I looked toward the fountain, where Riah lay sleeping, but he wasn’t there. Neither could I see him in the dim light at the edges of the room.

A jolt of fear ran through me, and I began searching the nearby mirrors for any sign of him.

I passed a wispy haired young woman who lay naked on the floor, rolling back and forth with her hands stretched out over her head like a child playing in the grass; a figure in bulky armor whose face had been tattooed until only the shocking blue eyes were untouched; and a man who wore robes like a monk, but who had the mindless, murderous look of a mana beast.

Haedrig wasn’t there.

I glanced back at the others; Kalon and Ezra each still had one hand pressed against Ada’s mirror and the other set upon each other’s shoulder. In the mirror, Ada pressed her hands to theirs.

The purple-eyed Ada was crawling unnoticed away from them, toward the fountain next to which Riah slept. There was something alien and malevolent in the way Ada moved, and her glowing eyes narrowed into a glare as she caught me watching her. I stepped toward her, but stopped when the sound of shattered glass filled the room.

“Haedrig?” I called into the darkness, the creature masquerading as Ada momentarily forgotten.

“Fine, I’m fine,” Haedrig said, walking toward me out of the gloom, his sword drawn.

Instinctively, I drew the white dagger I’d claimed from the lair of the giant millipede. Haedrig’s eyes seemed almost drawn to the weapon as his gaze fixated on the white blade. With a start, he seemed to realize that his own blade was out, and he immediately sheathed it within his dimension ring.

“I’m sorry if I startled you, Grey,” he said, his voice steady, his hands out to his sides to show that he was not armed. “I found my own image in a mirror farther down the hall, and—well, it may have been a bit reckless, but—I was taken by an instinct, and I smashed it.”

‘Oh, yeah, great idea, let’s just smash up the cursed mirror-prisons, I’m sure nothing bad will happen,’ Regis grumbled.

“That was—” I wasn’t sure whether to praise Haedrig for his bravery or admonish him for his thoughtlessness, but I was saved the trouble of finishing my sentence when Haedrig’s eyes went wide and he yelled, “Ada!”

Turning, already sure what I would see, I prepared to Burst Step to the fountain, where I knew I would find the false-Ada hunkered over Riah’s unconscious form.

You fool, Arthur! I chided myself. I shouldn’t have taken my eyes off her.

I activated Burst Step, intending to move almost instantly to the edge of the fountain, then leap the remaining distance and tackle Ada. Unfortunately, Kalon moved as well, darting toward Ada and stepping directly into my path.

I struck the eldest Granbehl sibling shoulder-to-shoulder, causing him to tumble head over heels through the air. Unable to maintain my footing or my trajectory, I found myself veering headlong directly toward one of the mirrors with no way to stop my momentum.

Twisting, I slammed through the mirror shoulder first, finding myself suddenly outside of the hall of mirrors. For a sickening moment, I saw empty blackness stretch out below me, but I was able to grab onto the frame of the mirror despite the jagged edges of the remaining glass biting into my fingers.

‘Don’t look down,’ Regis urged.

I looked down.

Blackness. Infinite blackness.

The only thing to break up the nothingness was the bright rectangle that looked into the mirror room, a window floating in the abyss. I was dangling from the frame, blood beginning to seep down my hands and forearms from the cuts on my fingers.

I tried to pull myself up and back through the mirror, but a cold lethargy was seeping through my muscles. My mind was foggy, my limbs weak and unresponsive. I couldn’t focus...

‘Arthur!’ Regis yelled in my head, his voice cutting through the mist like the beam of a lighthouse. I heaved, feeling the glass scrape the bones of my fingers, but I was able to get one elbow over the lip of the mirror.

Then Haedrig appeared above me, and he was hauling me up by my cloak, half choking me in the process. My strength came roaring back as soon as I was back on the right side of the mirror, and I tore free of his grasp the moment I had my feet under me, sprinting toward Ezra and Ada, who were scuffling over Riah’s prone form.

Ezra had wrapped both his arms around Ada’s body, pinning her own arms to her sides, but she was twisting and jerking wildly within his grip. She threw her head back, smashing her brother’s nose and almost slipping free.

I tackled them, knocking both Granbehl siblings to the ground, then helped Ezra to pin Ada. Her purple eyes blazed with light and fury and she kicked, scratched, and bit at us. When she couldn’t hurt us, she began slamming her head onto the ground with a hollow thud.

Kalon appeared, throwing himself onto the pile and helping to hold her still and keep her from hurting herself. “Ada, stop! Please...” His voice cracked as he pleaded with the creature controlling Ada’s body.

Regis, I need you to go in there and see what is inhabiting her body. I wasn’t sure it would even work, but I thought that if Regis could go into Sylvie’s stone, perhaps he could inhabit Ada’s body as well.

‘Gross. You want me to go into someone else’s body? What if—’ I could sense the revulsion leaking out from Regis, but there wasn’t time to argue.

Just do it. Now!

The shadow wolf leapt from my body, paced once around our roiling pile, then hesitantly dissolved into Ada. At first, nothing happened. Then the struggling lessened, and Ada went limp, though her eyes still blazed with violet light.

Kalon, Ezra, and I held our positions, waiting to see if Ada would resume struggling. My eyes darted around the room, taking in the scene. The figures in the mirrors all around us had stopped their wild gesticulations; every single one now stood still, their eyes locked onto the four of us lying on the floor in a heap. The broken mirror now looked out onto black nothingness, like an empty eye socket.

Haedrig stood over us, though he wasn’t looking toward our group. His gaze was turned toward the bench where Riah lay, quiet and motionless. The bandage on her leg had been partially unwrapped, revealing the gory, gnawed stump beneath. Blood no longer flowed from the wound.

Riah’s face was pale, locked in an expression of fear and agony. Though her glassy eyes still stared up at the low ceiling, I knew they no longer saw.

Riah was dead.

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