The Devil’s love

Chapter 133 - Husband Genes

When Suyan chuckled, Bojing couldn't stop his lips from curling upwards. "You seem very happy, are you having fun?"

"We are here to pick Nuying up in the Bai mansion." ​​

"Hmm, so when and how did you discover my sweet little gift?" Bojing asked.

"Well, I really didn't discover it but Meili and Ning did."

"So is Mrs Mo shy?"

Suyan chuckled and said, "Yes, a bit but that is all right. I like your gift Mr Mo."

"Let me come back tonight, I'll make sure to shower you with multiple similar gifts."


Mo corporation.

Pausing an important meeting with the finance department, Yichan was happily chatting with his wife who was excitedly praising him for handling Bojing and Suyan's matter so efficiently.

"Seriously Yi, you are the best. You have no idea how happy I am. In fact, even sister Suyan was so happy. Ahh I am so happy for her." Ning was genuinely very happy for them and couldn't wait to share the good news with her husband.

"I am glad that you are happy babe." What else did he want apart from her happiness? Yichan would've never interfered in Bojing and Suyan's personal affairs if not for Ning's persuasion. How could he say no to something that his wife wanted him to do?

"Wait, you are not busy right?" Ning asked.

Completely ignoring the awkward faces around him, Yichan cheekily smiled and said, "Of course not babe, I am completely free."

The employees who were all ready to show the data and presentation to their big boss were taken aback when they heard Yichan's reply. Completely free? So what were they doing in the meeting room? Playing cards?

And where is there strict boss who used to get annoyed and angry even when he saw someone's phone peeping out of their pocket?

Looking at their boss who was happily chatting over the phone, everyone sighed.

"Hey, do you think something is wrong with the boss today?" An employee asked one of his colleagues.

"Nothing is wrong, our boss boss got married a few days back so this is just his husband genes acting up."

"Oh yes but you know I always thought boss hated Yang Ning."

"Hmm, everyone thought the same but who had predicted that they would directly get married and were actually couples in the past."

After talking to Ning for several minutes, Yichan finally hanged and gestured the employees to start the meeting.


Bai corporation.

When the receptionist saw Han Yifie standing right in front of her, her soul almost left her body. Covering her mouth with her hands, she tried very hard to resist the shrill excitement squeal that was threatening to escape her mouth after seeing her idol right in front of her.

"Is Mr Bai in his office?" Yifie asked.

Without saying anything, the receptionist hastily grabbed a pen and a paper. "Can I have an autograph please?"

When Yifie smiled and nodded her head, the receptionist excitedly gave her the pen."I know this is very unprofessional of me but I cannot help me. You have no idea how much I adore you Ms Han, I am your biggest biggest fan."

Giving the paper back to her, Yifie smiled, "That is so sweet of you."

When the receptionist kept on staring at her initials, Yifie chuckled and asked, "Can I see Mr Bai now?"

"Ya sure, let me inform boss about your arrival."


Shaofeng's office

Shaofeng frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jack, his assistant gave him a file and explained, "The man who killed himself had already confessed that he was there to kill Ms Han and she was very lucky that she managed escape but whoever his boss is, he won't let her off."

Shaofend frowned deeper when the image of the scared and terrified Yifie from last night flashed in his mind.

Just then the assistant received a call from the reception.

"Ehh boss, Ms Han is here to see you."

Shaofeng straightened his suit and said, "Ask someone to bring her here."

"But sir your meeting—"

Cutting him off, Shaofeng snapped, "Cancel the meeting and reschedule it."

"Okay boss."

After Jack left, Shaofeng kept looking at the door every now and then, wondering why she hadn't arrived yet.

Tapping his fingers on the desk, he thought for a while before deciding to check out where she was stuck.

Just then, the office door opened and Yifie entered the room.

With his mouth half-open, he couldn't stop himself from staring at the beautiful woman right in front of him. She was wearing a baby-pink knee length dress, paired with transparent white stilettos. She had a very sweet smile on her face which made Shaofeng's heart tickle.

How could someone even wish to hurt such a delicate and beautiful woman?

Brushing all the weird thoughts away, he quickly welcomed her. "Ms Han."

"I hope I didn't disturb you." When he shook his head, Yifie added, "I came here uninvited because I wanted to thank you for yesterday and also apologize for the articles that are everywhere right now about us. My brother is taking care of them and they should be down any minute now."

"You don't have to stress over them, it's perfectly alright."

"But I heard that you don't like getting involved in scandals and this is actually the first time you've been involved in something like that. I am very sorry for dragging you in that mess but I swear, my intention were—"

Cutting her off, Shaofeng said, "I am not blaming you for anything Ms Han so please, you don't have to apologize. Helping you was my decision and I would've helped you at any cost so there is nothing you need to stress about." Would he help her again in the future if she is in trouble? Yes he would. How could he just leave her alone to deal with a bunch full of idiots who wanted to take her life?

Shaofeng was actually very curious to know why those men were after her but he also understood that it shouldn't poke in his nose on someone's private matter.

"Can I at least treat you lunch as a thank you?" Yifie asked.

"There is no—"

"Please, just a lunch as a token of thankyou."

When he noticed her sweet pleading expression, how could he convince himself to turn her down?

Walking towards his desk, he picked up his phone and dropped a message to his assistant to cancel all his afternoon meetings.


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