The Devil’s love

Chapter 213 - Returning A Favour

Taking the glass from her hand, grandpa Mo started grumping, "Who told you to call Yichan here? I didn't want him to be anywhere near this man."

"What? So I take all the trouble to get a stick which would most likely not break and there is no further thrashing? How is that even fair?" Grandpa Yang snapped. ​​

Placing her hand on her hips, Ning gals at him, "Do you want to be grounded again?" When he frowned and shook his head, she added, "So be a good grandpa and sit down, I'll get some water for you."

Without saying anything, grandpa Yang quietly sat down on the couch and patiently waited for Ning to arrive.

Helplessly shaking her head, Wenna sighed, "What a strange world, both old men dont wanna listen to anyone except for their grandkids."

After gulping down the whole content of the glass, grandpa Mo gritted his teeth, "Yichan, ask him to leave my house immediately."

Just then Ning arrived and gave grandpa Yang a glass of water. ���Drink this grandpa and shouldn't you be in your Yoga class at this moment?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he scoffed, "Who cares about that stupid yoga class when I had such a juicy drama waiting for me?" taking out two candy bars from his pocket, he grinned, "Look I even brought a snack, one for Quan and the other one for me."

Snatching the bars from his hand, Ning snapped, "You are not allowed to eat sweet things."

"What? Why not? I am not diabetic."

"Your sugar is in border level grandpa, have you been eating this alot in my absence?" she frowned and inquired before checking its ingredient list.

"That is actually an energy bar which is also sugar free so it's safe," Mo Yitong answered.

Taking it back from her hand, grandpa Yang proudly grunted, "You hear that, shameless boy is right, it's a good energy bar."

With his hands tucked in his pocket, Yichan turned towards his father and asked in a very casual way, "What are you doing here? Why are you back and what do you want?" When Yitong did not say anything, he continued, "I dont care what you want this time, I just don't want you to interfere with our lives and stay far away from my family."

"Am I not your family?"

Ignoring his question, Yichan added, "I don't want you or your family anywhere near this place, your presence isn't good for grandpa. I don't know what you are up too but I hope it doesn't affect anyone who is close to me because if it does, I'll make sure that you regret coming back."

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Yitong inquired, "What makes you think that I am here to hurt anyone? What are the chances of me coming back because I miss my family and my son?"

Balling his hands into a fist, Yichan gritted his teeth and was about to fume but he stopped when Ning wrapped her arms around his.

Just then Helena, Yitong's second wife rushed towards them and stood beside her husband.

"I understand your anger and frustration but please, give him a chance to explain himself," she pleaded.

Looking at Helena, Ning frowned trying to remember where she had seen her in the past. Thinking for a while, she widened her eyes in shock. "You—I know you."

Placing his hand behind her back, Yichan inquired, "What are you talking about honey?"

"S-She is the woman from the accident," Ning murmured before looking at Grandpa Yang who had a frown on his face.

"What accident?" Yichan frowned.

Clutching onto his sleeves, she answered, "I met with an accident in the States five years ago and Helena helped me at that time. She took me to the hospital and called grandpa over. I wanted to thank her but I couldn't get in touch with her. Even grandpa tried but—"

"Princess are you sure that she is the one? You aren't mistaken right?" Grandpa Yang inquired.

Ning vigorously shook her head and confirmed, "No, how can I possibly forget the person who saved my life."

"Why the hell do I have no idea about this accident?" Yichan had been keeping a close eye on her even though they weren't on good talking terms but he had never heard about her getting into an accident. Looking at grandpa Yang who was exchanging glances with grandpa Mo, Yichan narrowed his eyes. He had a very intense feeling that the two old men had something to do with the whole situation.

Shrugging her shoulders, Helena said, "I thought that you forgot."

"I almost did but why didn't you remind me? I never really got a chance to thank you and I never expected to meet you in such a situation." Who would've thought that the woman who once helped her would turn out to be her husband's step mother.

"I have no idea what is going on, all I care about is why is this man still standing under my roof? Someone will kick him out or do I have to do that myself?" Grandpa Mo shouted.

Looking at Yichan who was still trying to figure out what was going on, Yitong explained, "We just came back and we have nowhere to go, I need a place to stay until I figure out something."

Gritting his teeth, Grandpa Mo snarled, "There is no way I will even let you loiter around my place let alone letting you stay. Go figure out something on your own, no one cares about you here."

"You can stay at our place but—" Glaring at his father, Yichan added, "Only because she helped my wife in the past otherwise I don't give a damn about you."

"Yichan you—"

Cutting grandpa Mo off, he said, "It's okay grandpa, I'll let him stay only until he finds a new place for himself and his family."

Tightening her grip around Yichan's arm, Ning nervously asked, "Yi, are you sure about that? My old apartment is empty so they can stay there too." She knew that though he was trying very hard to act normal and portray as if his father's return did not bother him, Ning knew that he was trying very hard to pretend. Though he said that he didn't care, she knew that he did. Yitong staying with them at their place with his new family would definitely make things weird and she didn't want Yichan to feel uncomfortable in his own house.

"No it's alright, it's the best if they stay with us so that I can keep an eye on him. I don't want this man to hurt anyone who is close to me again," Yichan declared it aloud and clear. He didn't want to hide the fact that he would be keeping an eye on Yitong from anyone, his intention was to let everyone know that they were under his radar.

"Are you sure?" When Yichan nodded his head, Ning sighed, "Okay, I'll ask aunt Lin to make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank you so much son, if not for your kind gesture, we would've been loitering in the streets and—"

Cutting him off, Yichan retorted, "Was I not clear earlier? This had nothing to do with the fact that you are related to me in any way, it's only because your wife helped Ning in the past so stop thinking too highly of yourself."

"Whatever the reason is, thank you so much." Turning towards his other son who was quietly standing in a corner, Yitong gestured him to come over.

Placing his hand on his son's back, Yitong announced, "I don't know if anyone is interested or not but this is my other son, Mo Yitian."

Not sparing a glance at him, Yichan walked out of the mansion.



Ning had just finished talking to aunt Lin about the arrangements that she wanted her to make for the guest they were expecting and was about to enter the mansion again when she saw Yichan.

Without saying anything, he pulled her into his embrace and sighed. Though he really didn't care about his father, he still felt very overwhelmed after seeing him but he also didn't want anyone to know that. He was trying to act tough and unaffected but he couldn't pretend in front of her anymore. He was hurt and he needed her warm hugs and maybe a few kisses to heal his heart.

Cupping his face, she gave him a peck on his cheeks and smiled, "It's alright, let's talk about this after we go home okay?" When he nodded his head, she added, "I know you were all by yourself in the past but this time, you aren't. I'll always stay beside you and we will walk through this together okay?"

"Stay away from him and his family okay? I know that woman helped you once but we are returning the favour by letting them stay with us until they find a new place, I don't want you to mingle with them a lot because I don't like them especially that boy, Yitian. Who names someone Yitian? What a shaddy and disgusting name."


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