The Devil’s love

Chapter 222 - Complicated

Jiang Mansion

Garden ​​

"Dinner is ready honey," Ziyi informed before walking towards her husband who was immersed in his own thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, Weilong answered, "I am not hungry."

Wrapping her arms around his, she inquired, "You look very lost today, what happened?"

When he didn't say anything, she sighed, "If you share your burden, you will feel light and it will be easier to handle it."

Keeping quiet for quiet downtime, he answered, "Yihong is back."

"Yihong? But why?" She curiously inquired, the last time she had heard about Yihong was twenty years ago when he had left the country leaving everything behind. The sudden mention of his name after so many years did not give her a very nice feeling.

"He came back because something happened—"

"What happened?"

Looking at his wife, he answered, "They have Darwin." Pausing for a while, he added, "Yihong received a mail from an anonymous source about his abduction so he rushed back so that we could look for him but—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "What are you waiting for? We need to get Darwin out of there, we can't let him spill out the truth Weilong that is going to ruin everything and—'

Cupping her face, he tried to calm her down. "Don't panic honey, we will definitely find a way out. Yihong is coming over tomorrow and we will find a way to get him out of wherever he is right now."

"But if Darwin he—"

"You know Darwin very well Ziyi, he will die but not say a word even if they threaten to kill him and I am sure that they won't harm him," Weilong added.

"If they don't want to harm him then why did they abduct him? That doesn't make any sense," she pointed out.

Weilong nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, I know and something doesn't match here." Pausing for a while, he added, "Only Yihong getting an email about Darwin's abduction has to mean something." Yihong, Weilong and Darwin had been friends and partners for years. They did everything together so the fact that only Yihong who was out of the country, received an email about the abduction was very suspicious.

When Yihong told him about the mail and that he is coming back to rescue Darwin, he tried to stop him but he did not listen to him and came back to the country with his family.

"Do you think that their sole motive was to bring Yihong back to the country?" she inquired.

He sighed and nodded his head, "I think so too, I think that this is a trap to lure all three of us together and if it is what I think then they have successfully managed to clear the first step, Yihong is back in the country."

"W-What about Ning? Is she going to be fine?" All Ziyi was worried about was her daughter getting unnecessarily involved in the mess. She just wanted her to live a healthy life with or without her being a part of it, was that too much to ask for?

Kissing her forehead, he said in a very assuring tone, "Don't worry about that, she is going to be fine. What I am worried about is Yihong and his other family."


Yichan's car.

"I heard that you were in Yitian room?" Ning inquired.

"I was just passing by."

Running her fingers through the seat belt, she added, "But I heard that you helped him carry his bag inside the room."

"Seriously honey, do you have spies in our place? Who told you about this?" Yichan curiously inquired, he didn't want to tell her about the whole helping his half brother thing but it turned out that he cannot lie to his wife or hide anything from her.

Wrapping her arms around his, she rested her head on his shoulder. "Lets just say that I have a third eye who keeps following you everywhere." Pausing for a while, she asked, "Yi, are you not comfortable with us talking about anything related to your brother? Because if not, I won't do it again in the future."

"I am not uncomfortable with talking to you about anything, it's just—" Finding the right words to describe his feeling towards Yitian, he continued, "I am just not used to his presence in my life. Like I always knew that I had a half brother but I never thought that I would actually meet him let alone staying under the same roof. I think I need some time to get used to it."

"Hmm, take all the time that you need, there is no need to rush into anything." Ning understood that it was very hard for him. Having a brother all of a sudden would make anyone feel weird and complicated. Though she didn't want him to keep any kind of hate in his heart, she also didn't want him to forcefully get into something that he wasn't ready for.

"Like how would you feel if someone who has the same pair of eyes and other similar facial features stands in front of you? It's very weird, right?"

"Of course it is honey and this is why I don't want you to rush into it. Take your time and analyze the situation wisely, I know you'll find your answers soon."

Kissing the top of her head, he sighed, "I didn't really get time to talk to you about it but how did that accident happen?"

"Which one?"

Stopping the car suddenly, Yichan snapped, "Which one? You mean there are many more?"

Ning nodded her head and answered, "Hmm there have been quite a few but the one when Helena saved me was very scary."

Scrunching her brows, she added, "I just remember something hitting my car and then Helena took me to the hospital."

"You didn't see anything else?"

"I did feel that someone was following me quite sometime but I did not pay attention to it and then suddenly this accident happened," she answered.

Pursing his lips, he said, "After that misunderstanding and even though we weren't talking, I still kept a very close eye on you but I never really heard about any accident except for the one that happened a couple of years ago."

"Oh that must be because Grandpa always made sure that no one finds out about them, he just didn't want the media to blow it off and cause chaos so he was always very careful," she informed.

"Hmm maybe, I think I should increase the security around you and make sure that the past doesn't repeat itself." How could he let his wife get hurt in his presence?

"Ahh you and grandpa worry too much, those accidents were mere coincidences and nothing very dangerous so stop overthinking," she retorted.

Without saying anything, he drove away. After finding out about the complicated history and situation that was directly related to Ning, he knew that all the accidents were not just a mere coincidence. Maybe there was someone who was after her and he had to drag him out before anything more dangerous or complicated happens.

But even though he had many people looking into the matter, Yichan still felt that there was something missing and there was something more to it which they had to find out as soon as possible.


Mo Base.

"Not now Linhou, I need to finish this first."

"But you promised that you would help me out," Linhou complained.

"Did I say that I won't help you out?" When he shook his head, Jason snapped, "Then what are you so grumpy about? When I said that I will help you out then I definitely will, just give me some time."

"But you told me come at night and it's night already."

Irritated with Linhou's constant nagging, Jason gritted his teeth, "Will you let me do my work? Boss needs this report by today and I still have a lot to do, if you keep disturbing me like this then how am I supposed to complete my work?"


Cutting him off, he slammed his laptop shut and snarled, "Listen to me you lover boy, do you even understand how pressured I am feeling right now? There are a dozen things I need to do and I have only two hands which I think is very less. So now if you want to find out who that dream girl is then get the fuck out of here before I strangle you to death."

Without waiting for his reply, Jason sat down in his original position and started working again. He had just found out that Mo Yitian worked for some online software company so in order to make his report about him more precise, he tried to find out more details about that company but who would've thought that it would be so difficult. The security of the company was so strong that even Jason was having a very hard time.

Though it was very strange for a small startup company to have such a strong system, he stopped being suspicious for a while and challenged himself to get through the system.


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