The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 104: The True Art Of Dan-Making!

Chapter 104: The True Art Of Dan-Making!

The True Art Of Dan-Making! . . .

"All of them were correct..."

Gu Jin-Long and Wan Zheng-Hao exchanged surprised glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of incredulity and frustration.

"After listening to this story, you're telling us that the conclusion is simply that they were all right?" Gu Jin-Long exclaimed, his patience waning.

Cha-Eun Xiao responded with a placid smile. "Please bear with me for a moment."

He continued, "However, the reason why those dan-making masters achieved such exceptional results was because they lacked inner calmness. They overthought their processes." Cha-Eun Xiao explained, "My master's dedication to a single pursuit in life kept his heart pure, devoid of impurities."

He went on, "My master then followed the path he had discovered. He began by burning incense for three days to calm himself, followed by three days of purification. Only after that did he attempt dan bead crafting with a heart filled with sincerity and reverence."

"And what was the outcome?" Gu Jin-Long inquired, his facade of indifference crumbling.

"He failed," Cha-Eun Xiao stated matter-of-factly. "The first time he tried, he failed. The second time, he failed... He continued to fail, until... On the seventeenth attempt, he succeeded in creating something - ordinary Pei-Yuan Dan Beads. Yet he persisted and, after half a year, was already producing superior dan beads capable of emitting dan glow."

"Half a year? Dan glow?" Gu Jin-Long and Wan Zheng-Hao exchanged incredulous glances.

For a novice dan-maker, achieving such rapid progress was akin to a rocket hurtling through the sky.

"Within a year, he was proficient at crafting superior dan beads with dan mist," Cha-Eun Xiao continued, maintaining his calm demeanor.

"And another two months later, he finally created his first group of supreme dan beads," he concluded, delivering the final revelation.

"Fourteen months! Supreme dan with dan cloud! From the very first day of crafting dan beads to the creation of supreme dan beads!" Gu Jin-Long and Wan Zheng-Hao were left in stunned silence.

It was well-known that complete dedication to a single pursuit, without any distractions, could lead to success. This encompassed all aspects of life, including eating, drinking, playing, living, traveling, and even relationships between men and women. Absolute concentration was the key.

Though they were astounded, they couldn't deny the logic of it. After all, the man had dedicated 400 years of his life to this singular goal. Failure would have been a cruel outcome.

Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "I witnessed the moment when the supreme dan appeared. It was as if the entire world trembled."

"As the supreme dan emerged from the stove, a cloud formed around it, and its fragrance wafted for hundreds of miles. The entire world seemed to thunder in response."

"An omen of extraordinary proportions," Gu Jin-Long murmured. "The appearance of supreme dan beads indeed creates such omens."

"I will never forget that day. When the supreme dan materialized, my master gazed at the sky with tears in his eyes," Cha-Eun Xiao added.

"400 years of effort, all for that one moment. 'It is truly dan cloud! It is...'" Gu Jin-Long muttered, visibly inspired.

"After my master created his first group of supreme dan beads, he ceased his work. He visited his father's tomb and burned incense. He sat there in silence for ten days, not uttering a word," Cha-Eun Xiao concluded.

Gu Jin-Long and Wan Zheng-Hao were left speechless, realizing that no words could possibly convey the difficulties their master had endured during those 400 years or his unwavering commitment to his craft.

"So, the secret art of dan-making is simple," Cha-Eun Xiao said with a smile. "My master concluded it in a few lines: 'Pure heart, pure soul, pure body, pure spirit. No troubles, no seduction. Without distractions, to follow the harmony between man and nature.'"


"Pure heart, pure soul; pure body, pure spirit. Untainted by cause and effect, untouched by worldly dust; with a single-minded heart, harmonizing with heaven and humanity."

"It's just that simple. These thirty-two words encapsulate all the secrets of supreme dan-making. That's it," Cha-Eun Xiao explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

And with that, he concluded, "I'm done."

Gu Jin-Long let out a thoughtful sigh. "Pure heart, pure soul, pure body, pure spirit. No troubles, no seduction. Without distractions, to follow the harmony between man and nature... Well said, indeed."

He shook his head with a mixture of sorrow and wry amusement. "It's easy to say these few lines, but when it comes to practice... How many in the universe can truly achieve it?"

At this moment, Gu Jin-Long abandoned his previous plans. He had intended to capture the dan-maker, take him back to the Qing-Yun Realm, and have him produce supreme dan beads for his sect after recovering the Cosmic Hades. With the abundant resources of his sect, he believed the dan-maker would quickly become a grandmaster.

However, after hearing Cha-Eun Xiao's words, Gu Jin-Long placed his trust in what had been revealed. If the dan-maker were coerced, how could he maintain a pure heart, pure soul, and the rest? It would be impossible to "follow the harmony between man and nature" while under threat. Gu Jin-Long concluded that forcing the dan-maker would only ruin his abilities. Instead, he decided to let him continue crafting supreme dan beads on his own, perhaps reaping some benefits from the dan-maker's skills.

Gu Jin-Long wholeheartedly believed in Cha-Eun Xiao's account. It was simply too intricate and detailed to be fabricated. The principles and theories presented were both profound and enlightening.

However, little did Gu Jin-Long know that the man before him was none other than the Xiao Monarch himself. While the theory was indeed profound, it had nothing to do with dan-making. The story had been modified to fit a different context entirely.

The actual main character of the story was Cha-Eun Xiao's sworn brother from his previous life, a man who pursued the ultimate art of the knife and had developed this cultivation method. Cha-Eun Xiao had adapted the narrative to fit the art of dan-making.

Thinking about his sworn brother, Cha-Eun Xiao recalled that this individual was the primary reason behind his actions in the Qing-Yun Realm, which had made him an enemy of the three factions. He had disrupted their operations extensively.

Nevertheless, any attempts to apply the principles of knife cultivation to dan-making would inevitably fail. Cha-Eun Xiao smirked as he looked at Wan Zheng-Hao.

"I came here sporadically, yet now you're reluctant to let me leave," he quipped. "I've pondered this and couldn't understand why. The only possibility is that you all wanted to know how these supreme dan beads are created, right? Well, I've revealed the secret. Are you satisfied now?"

Wan Zheng-Hao felt somewhat embarrassed. As the owner of the renowned Ling-Bao Hall in the Land of Han-Yang, his current actions were indeed a bit awkward. However, he had no control over the situation anymore. The one who could make the final decisions was no longer Wan Zheng-Hao.

Cha-Eun Xiao stated, "Now that I've divulged everything, I wonder if I can secure my own survival... At the very least, I've shared the secret. Even if I meet my demise later, my master's efforts will live on through both of you. It won't be in vain."

Wan Zheng-Hao hastily clarified, "You're mistaken, Brother Feng... I'm not that kind of despicable man, am I?"

Cha-Eun Xiao replied, "But it's the supreme dan beads... Everyone desires them."

Gu Jin-Long smiled and added, "Brother Feng, you're speaking the truth. However, even if we desire the supreme dan beads, we would never resort to such unscrupulous means..."

Pausing briefly, he continued, "If you don't mind, Brother Feng... Can your master create supreme dan beads of a higher-level dan?"

Cha-Eun Xiao was taken aback and responded, "It's possible, but as I mentioned, my master might not have the time to do it. Even if he wants to, he may not be able to..."

"I see," Gu Jin-Long swiftly changed the topic, "Well, there's another reason why we've been a bit impolite to you today."

Cha-Eun Xiao was genuinely surprised, asking, "Another reason?!"

His surprise was not feigned; he was genuinely taken aback and cautious. He knew Gu Jin-Long well.

Despite Gu Jin-Long's cultured and elegant demeanor, his reputation in the world was positive. He was perceived as an embodiment of nobility. However, Cha-Eun Xiao was aware that beneath his fa?ade, Gu Jin-Long was exceedingly cunning and venomous.

He could be smiling one moment, but the next, he might draw his sword and end your life. He had done so countless times before. In the Qing-Yun Realm, many individuals had met their end at the concealed dagger behind his smile, never comprehending what had truly transpired even in their final moments...

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