Chapter 60

The next second, a sweet milky aroma filled Zhi Yao's nostrils, fragrant and soft, so sweet that the little girl squinted her eyes.

"So delicious! Where did you get this from?"

Zhi Yao said as she tried to snuggle up to Pei Chiyao, wanting to touch him.

Pei Chiyao quickly grabbed Zhi Yao's reaching hand, "Don't eat too much, or you'll get a toothache."

This little fox cub had no restraint when it came to eating, and she loved junk food.

She was denied and Zhi Yao puffed her cheeks, glaring at Pei Chiyao.

Then...she forgot to be angry.

Because Pei Chiyao took her to a private room, filled to the brim with delicious food!

To Zhi Yao, this was heaven!

Zhi Yao couldn't wait to dig in with her hands, but before she could touch anything, her hand was swatted away, "Use chopsticks."

The little girl reluctantly picked up the chopsticks on the table.

She could finally use chopsticks now, though she was still not very skilled. When eating on set, Zhi Yao would eat with Pei Chiyao in the car, and it took him a long time to teach her how to use chopsticks properly.

But her little fox paws were still quite clumsy, and the little girl felt chopsticks were too cumbersome, not as convenient as her paws!

"Clatter," the piece of meat she had just picked up fell to the floor.

Zhi Yao felt even more dejected, she hadn't even tasted it yet!

The aroma of the meat was irresistible, so Zhi Yao leaned down and started eating straight from the plate with her mouth.

Pei Chiyao: "..."

Finally, she could eat.

The little girl contentedly squinted her eyes, the meat was fresh and delicious, the sauce bursting in her mouth. Zhi Yao had never tasted such delicious food!

"Yao Yao." He called out to Zhi Yao helplessly.

Of course Zhi Yao knew what Pei Chiyao was going to say, so she quickly said, "You only said using hands was dirty, but I didn't use my hands."

Implying that since she used her mouth to pick it up, it wasn't dirty at all.

"Come here."

Pei Chiyao didn't plan to argue with her anymore, he just sat down and patted his lap.

Zhi Yao's eyes immediately lit up, she joyfully ran over and plopped down onto Pei Chiyao's lap.

After sitting down, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to wrap her legs around Pei Chiyao's waist.

But considering that would make it difficult for him to feed her, she decided against it.

Pei Chiyao held the chopsticks and a small bowl, feeding Zhi Yao bite by bite.

At this moment, Zhi Yao felt that Pei Chiyao was the best, and the most handsome person in the world.

She mumbled, "Pei Chiyao, I love you!"

As soon as she said that, Pei Chiyao was stunned, even stopping the motion of feeding her.

"What did you say?"

He looked at Zhi Yao abruptly.

Zhi Yao swallowed the meat in her mouth, tilting her head innocently as she looked at Pei Chiyao, "I said I love you!"

She had heard people say this in TV dramas!

Her fans would also often comment and send private messages saying they loved her.

The little girl thought for a moment, then added, "I love you the most!"

Besides her mother, he was the person who treated her the best!

Pei Chiyao froze, as if something was surging in his heart, about to swallow him whole.

"But I also love braised chicken with potatoes, I love my fans, I love Sister Su too, and I love all this food!"

Pei Chiyao: "..."

What kind of humanist spirit had he upheld, that he would have any expectations of a little fox cub?

He glared at Zhi Yao through gritted teeth for a while, as if wanting to devour her right then and there.

But after gazing at the little girl's smiling face, Pei Chiyao couldn't bring himself to do it after all.

Zhi Yao hugged his arm and shook it, saying, "Hurry up and feed me, I'm still not full yet!"

"Eat yourself."

Pei Chiyao shoved the chopsticks into Zhi Yao's hand, glaring at the little girl irritably.

Even with Zhi Yao's dullness, she could tell Pei Chiyao was unhappy now.

She was a bit puzzled, whenever she said that to Sister Su and her little fans, they would be so happy, so why didn't it work on Pei Chiyao?

"What's wrong? Don't you like me saying that? If you don't like it, I won't say it to you again, but my fans and Sister Su are always so happy when I say it to them..."

As Zhi Yao spoke, Pei Chiyao's face grew darker and darker.

"You said that to others too?"

Zhi Yao nodded, "Yeah, I tell my fans I love them every day, and they're so happy to hear it!"

Wasn't it just a nice thing to say?

Pei Chiyao: "..."

His face darkened to the point that it seemed water would drip from it, "From now on, you're not allowed to say that to anyone else, understand?"

He grabbed Zhi Yao's chin, forcing her to look straight at him.

"Why not?"

The little girl wasn't afraid of him at all, small animals are very perceptive, they can tell who is good to them and who they can be unrestrained with.

"You don't like it, so I won't say it anymore, but why can't I say it to others? You're so petty..."

Before she could finish speaking, Pei Chiyao kissed Zhi Yao's babbling mouth, biting her lip as punishment.

Zhi Yao let out a pained "Mmph" sound.

"Still want to keep talking?"

Zhi Yao glared at Pei Chiyao angrily, "You bit me! Meanie!"

Before she could utter the last syllable, he kissed her again, the stinging sensation intensifying.

Zhi Yao was in so much pain that tears welled up in her eyes, and she quickly said, "No no, I won't say it anymore."

She didn't have as much strength as Pei Chiyao, and was afraid of the pain, having a delicate nature.

Actually, Pei Chiyao didn't use much force at all, just a light bite that didn't even break the skin.

"Next time I hear you say it to someone else..." He warned Zhi Yao.

The little fox immediately covered her mouth with both hands, shaking her head vigorously, "I definitely won't!"

After finishing the meal, Zhi Yao remained wary, afraid that Pei Chiyao would bite her again at the slightest provocation.

Foxes are canids, and with Pei Chiyao's fondness for biting her, maybe he really was her kind!

She secretly thought to herself, unable to resist glancing at Pei Chiyao, imagining what he would look like with a big tail and ears.

She really wanted to touch them too.

As she thought about it, Zhi Yao's tail unconsciously popped out, swishing left and right, the fluffy feeling brushing against Pei Chiyao's arm.

He looked down at Zhi Yao's big tail, and of course the little girl was oblivious.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Zhi Yao's tail.

Zhi Yao's eyes immediately widened, as if an electric current had shot through her body, and she went limp in Pei Chiyao's embrace.


With that stimulation, her two ears also popped out instantly.

"Silly girl."

Pei Chiyao raised his arm, holding her tightly against his chest, "How can you not even control your own ears and tail?"

Zhi Yao didn't know why those two things had suddenly appeared either.

"Can I touch them, please?" She looked at Pei Chiyao expectantly.

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