viousChapter 472: Unexpected Situation!

“Great being, I have answered all your questions, so please let me go now,” The spider pleaded after Aakesh stopped asking any questions.

“Oh, who told you I have no more questions to ask?” Aakesh expressionlessly asked, hearing the spider’s plea.

“Forgive me for speaking out of my turn,” The spider apologized straight away. ‘What would I even think if you fell silent for minutes after getting answers?’ At the same time, the spider thought in its heart, but not daring to speak it out loud.

Aakesh ignored the apology of the spider and only stared at the spider for a few more seconds without speaking anything, creating psychological pressure on the spider.

“I would let you go, but are you sure you won’t use your skills to blast this area?” Aakesh suddenly commented, making the already pale face of the spider even paler.

‘How did he find out?’ The spider thought in its heart as it had stopped its leg a meter away from Aakesh, so he won’t be able to guess the situation.

“Why would I do that, o great being? I want to survive. I am not a fool,” The spider commented in response to Aakesh’s question, saying the opposite of what it was thinking, without any hint of change in his voice.

“Is that so?” Aakesh asked with an expressionless face.

“Yes… yes… yes, great being,” The spider answered, nodding its head even though the pain increased by its actions. It didn’t utter even a groan and continued nodding.

“You should have tried that,” Aakesh responded and then disappeared from the sight of the spider.

The spider couldn’t understand what just happened, but before it could, it sensed the same threatening energy on the top of its head, with an even greater destructive power.





The spider angrily cursed Aakesh for his actions, but its voice came to a sudden halt as Aakesh rammed the energy ball to its already broken crown.

The next moment, an explosion louder than all the previous explosions caused by Apocalyptic Blast combined occurred, resulting in the crown breaking into several pieces. Even the spider’s screams came to a sudden halt as it instantly lost its life.


Aakesh jumped down the head of the spider as the body of the spider started dissipating into light particles.

The light particles went into the darkness of the sky, and then something unexpected happened.

Out of nowhere, green clouds appeared in the sky.




The next moment, the clouds started raining green liquid.

Wherever the raindrop fell on the ground, sprouts appeared. As far as Aakesh could see, there were clouds and rain, yet not even a single raindrop touched Aakesh.

When the raindrop looked to be succeeding in wetting Aakesh, it would disintegrate into nothingness, making Aakesh devoid of any raindrops.

Aakesh’s eyes then fell to the ground as the spider’s 108 legs gathered into a single tip, slowly emerged out of the ground.

‘So, it had the idea,’ Aakesh thought. When he had asked the spider about blasting him, he was only testing. Since he couldn’t sense anything below the ground, he had no idea of the spider’s plan.

Fortunately for Aakesh, he always had the plan of killing the spider after asking questions. How could he let go of the spider after it caused so many wounds across his body?

Aakesh then activated his self-healing, which he had forcefully stopped up to this point to give some hope to the spider.

In no time, not even a single wound remained on Aakesh. As for Aakesh’s slightly-yellow dhoti, it was without any blemish or tear since it wasn’t an ordinary piece of cloth. It only protected Aakesh up to the peak Immortal level of attack power, but it itself was almost indestructible in the Primal dimension.

The rain was still falling. All the barren patches randomly spread around the area disappeared in no time, and green grass fields filled with flowers and plants took their place.

“Eh!” Aakesh then exclaimed in surprise as he found the space bound around him disappearing completely.

He attempted to float in the air, and the next moment, he floated as no restriction stopped him. He felt the space around here to be even looser than the Primal dimension.

He then attempted to look the underground, and as expected, his senses easily pierced through the ground, and he could see even the tiniest particle present there.

While casually using his senses to see his reach across the underground, Aakesh came across the city filled with spiders.

There were different kinds of spiders in the city and were led by Three-colored Crown Spiders. He searched even deeper into the city and felt as if he was traveling personally.

Aakesh felt no restriction at all, unlike previously from the strict environment here.

After a search of a few seconds, the entire city spanning millions of miles got caught in Aakesh’s eyes. Now he was aware of every nook and corner and also the total number of creatures.

Aakesh decided to leave the city on its own since they hadn’t come here to offend him, and he didn’t want to waste time in mindless killings.

Since Aakesh could now fly, he flew at the height of several miles into the air and then flew in the direction of the ruler here at his full speed.

As for why didn’t he teleport, he wanted to check something, and he also couldn’t teleport the same distance like the Primal dimension here.

The spider den was spread across billions of miles, so it took hours for Aakesh to cover that distance and reach the end of the territory previously controlled by the spider.

“As expected,” Aakesh muttered as he couldn’t fly into the territory of another creature.

He then descended to the ground at the edge of the spider den and then took a step forward.

He didn’t feel any obstruction as he stepped into new territory.

Aakesh understood what was happening. When Aakesh killed the ruler of the spider den, he got control of the territory, so all the restrictions he had on him previously disappeared.

Due to his crossing into an area ruled by another ruler, and because the ruler was alive, all the restrictions had returned.

“Just what does the figure behind all of this want?” Aakesh asked himself.

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