Chapter 322: Smoke

Seeing as they were about to reach the top of a mountain, Lake went ahead and stopped because it was a perfect place for them to look around. He felt this was something someone who was actually looking for someone would do so it would make the lie he was living more believable. "Are we close?"

Hearing the Temple Head question Lake just shrugged and said. "I have no idea but this is too good of a place to have a look around to just pass it." This mountain was the tallest they had been on up until now so it really did have a great view of the surrounding area. "Are you hoping to see some smoke or something?"

Lake just nodded as he scanned the skyline for anything that could be considered interesting. Surprisingly eventually he saw some wispy black smoke on the horizon and pointed it out to the others saying. "You were right, there's smoke over there." When Tiff had suggested this as a possibility he hadn't felt there was even a slight chance someone would be out here with a fire but he guessed other people could get out here if they had a reason.

"We should get going before they move on. If all they're doing is cooking they will start moving again soon." Lake loved the fact this small stop had added so much credibility to the fact they were chasing someone through the mountains, he just hoped they didn't end up finding someone near this fire because it wasn't really where the dagger was.


Seeing the smoke Tiff couldn't believe that they were so close to tracking the dagger down. When the God of Light had made this her first mission there was a part of her that felt it would actually be impossible since at any time the Demon Worshipers could have found it first and destroyed it but it seemed fate was on their side and brought them Lake.

Without him she didn't think there would have ever been a chance that they could have found it on someone who likes to hide out in the mountains of the Metal Domain. It seemed the Temple Head was as excited as she was because as they started moving again she could tell the Temple Head had started moving faster than earlier.

He knew this meant someone else might think it was their room but Donny was pretty sure the room was malformed from the golem doing an obviously bad job turning into a fortress this last time so no one else would know it was extra luxurious. Being the first person to this part of the fortress he had no problem claiming the room as his own.

Closing the door He went ahead and made some simple furniture for himself and sat down. A metal bed wasn't exactly what one would want for their room but all the furniture that had been in the fortress before it moved was gone as far as he could tell so he didn't have any other options.

He guessed they had gotten all the beds they had been using up until this point from the city before the fighting had started but he had no idea if that was right or not. He felt like by the time the fortress had taken shape the fighting would have been too intense for them to take the time to salvage for beds and chairs from the buildings around them.

"Growwl." Donny was snapped out of his thoughts about furniture by his stomach making a loud noise reminding him how much they still needed to get food. Being reminded of this he walked out of his room knowing this would make it possible people could think it was empty and take it to go look for Keel.

At the end of the day having a slightly bigger room didn't matter when he was actually hoping to be one of the people that was sent to find food. After walking a few of the hallways he finally saw Keel standing next to a room and walked over. "Has Rigbis given you any orders yet?"

Keel shook his head before telling him what had happened in the couple of minutes they had been inside the fortress. "They haven come out of the room yet." Donny didn't find this surprising since it would take more time than he had given them to plan how to keep them all alive with no obvious ways to get resources.

It took a while for either of them to say anything since neither of them actually had anything to say but eventually Keel went into small talk. "I know you two were trying to get done as quickly as possible but you didn't do a great job at making the floors even."

Looking down Donny knew Keel was right and he should have flattened the floors before they stopped but he and Rigbis had been trying to keep the rough shape of everything to make it seem like the golem was unable to finish its transformation. "Yeah but there's always time for that in the future."

They would probably end up being here for a while so once he had more energy he could pass the time by making the floors perfect. He could probably do it while he was patrolling the halls as a guard if he didn't get to leave to go find food for the fort to eat.

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