The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 865 Fear Of His Decision

Like hearing a thunderous roar from the mightiest beast, Solomon, and Nezera whipped their heads when the two heard the words that came out of Calidora's mouth. A super shock that electrified their brains awake.

Not a hint of falter in her voice, she said that with absolute confidence.

It was akin to a lion roaring menacingly not knowing that it was facing against a monster.

Despite the urge of reprimanding Calidora climbing their throats, the pair husband and wife couldn't utter a single word right now. It would be respectful of them to do that now. Fearfully, the two shifted their eyes to Elder Nolacula and finds him staring straight at their daughter, unwincing.

An abrupt silence covered the four of them, the air increasingly becomes thicker.

But even under the intense gaze from the elder, Caliodra didn't back down and kept calm eye contact. She has a daunting light in her eyes, the kind of eyes that know for certain that they were in the right.

Surely, as the possessor of the Eyes of Terror, she knows more than the Elder.

It was then, Elder Nolacula smiled pliantly in response, "It was foolish of me. Of course, you who have the power itself would know more about the power than me. It is my fault, so I'll apologize for my mistake"

"I also apologize for my rash words, elder" Calidora replied and bowed back slightly.

Upon hearing this Elder Nolacula nodded his head before he stepped back closer to Calidora, he then hold her shoulder, "We are from the same family, and our ancestor has done a sin to the Origin. I believe you also have the tendency to correct that sin. The Blodirra Family's prestige is on your back, young Calidora. I put my faith and trust you will do our family good with the Eyes of Terror"

Nodding his head, Elder Nolacula went back into the castle and left the three alone.

Solomon and Nezera could feel a heavy burden in their hearts were lifted when Elder Nolacula didn't take Calidora's words to heart, and accept it rather well. He didn't seem to be angry. It was a wave of fresh air, the two could finally breathe again.

On the other hand, instead of being relieved, Calidora has a frown on her face.

Calidora straightens her back again to gaze at Elder Nolacula's fading back before she clicked her tongue lightly and glances over to both of her parents, 'I should've won that small debate. But the Elder is too wise. In terms of experience, I couldn't compare to him...'

It was supposed to be her triumph in the argument. But truthfully, she lost.

Just from the brief exchange with Elder Nolacula alone, she could tell that the elder is suspicious of her for not cultivating her Eyes of Terror prowess properly. Being calm and collected is an obvious giveaway for him.

Since Calidora has the power, she should know more than the elder that doesn't have it.

Due to that, Elder Nolacula couldn't force his view without looking like an ignorant person. But instead of letting her get this win, he decided to bring up their family's sin and put the heavy burden on Calidora's back right in front of her parents.

May not look like much at first, but this act influences both Solomon and Nezera.

Because now Elder Nolacula stated that he put his truth and faith in Caliodra to pay the family's debt to the Origin, Solomon and Nezera would feel responsible for their daughter even more. Both will be keeping an eye on her even stricter in order to make sure that she's doing her responsibility.

Now, Calidora wouldn't be able to be as free as before, and this irritates her to no end.

A moment later.

Calidora walks inside the darkness of the castle and heads to her own bed chamber, she seems to be deep in thought, looking to her front absent-mindedly, 'I shouldn't have come back if I had known that it'd be like this. I only came back to increase his attraction to me, but now this is going to be troublesome...'

Feeling agitated, she then enters the bed chamber and closed the door silently.

But in the second, she exploded.




"Haarggghh! I'm angry, why is the Elder getting in my way?!!" Calidora roared frustratingly.

Venting out her anger, she started throwing things inside the bedroom and even clawed the walls like an unhinged beast. She was hiding her frustration from earlier, and when she was alone, it all came out.

Calidora flexes her claws while her eyes glowed red atrociously.

"I should've killed those two instead of restraining back! Grrr... But there's that Flunra and Queen Shanaela there, I hate this! It's already bad enough, and now the Elder joined. Raargghh-!"

It takes a moment before Calidora eventually regained back her senses again.

Sitting on the bed in a meditative position, she then calmed herself down.

'Regardless of the situation, he should be coming back to me soon enough. I asked the Witch of Chaos earlier and knew what he needed, and there's simply no way he's not going to come and find me when he wakes up' Calidora thought with a sweet smile before she started meditating to forget about her frustration.


Meanwhile, Dargena City.

It seems despite the situation, there is appreciated good news here and there.

Ryze reuniting back with them is a great thing, he was not only a part of the inner circle around Rex but he's also an eighth-rank realm Heavenly Dragonman that would be a great asset for Dargena City in the future.

Moreover, due to his guilt, Adhara knew that he would work even harder.

Learning a lot from shadowing Rex and what he has done in the past to get through tight situations, she learned that an enemy or essentially people that have done bearable wrong in the past to them is a better candidate to become a friend.

Similar to the Platchi Family that Rex used to make them one of his subordinates.

Due to that, Adhara knows that Ryze would be a way effective person due to the guilt he bears. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that he would be actively trying to gain acknowledgment from Rex.

A moment later, the two entered the Silverstar Castle.

Adhara was hesitant to bring Ryze into the castle, but she reckoned that it will be fine.

'Even though it's Ryze, I think I wouldn't need to tell him about Rex's condition. If he wanted to meet with Rex, then I'll have to say that he's under intense closed-door training and can't be disturbed' She thought, trying to do what she thought is the best.

Upon reaching the bridge that connects to the entrance, the two abruptly stopped.

Standing in front of the entrance towards the castle are Gelmar and also a white-furred oversized wolf that seems to be looking at them warily, it was Delta that seems to be tense and on alert mode.

It was an unfamiliar sight, Adhara was surprised by this.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

'Aren't the two of them should be close...? What's with the tense atmosphere?'

While she was thinking that, Ryze suddenly stepped forward.

Both of them seem to have fire in their eyes, glaring at each other with such intensity that the flow of their eyes seems to be sizzling. Adhara started to become worried, and she was on the brink of bringing Delta elsewhere.

Just then, Delta suddenly leaped and tackle Ryze to the ground.

"Delta! Stop it! It's Ryze, can't you recognize hi-"

Fearing that Delta doesn't recognize Ryze anymore, Adhara was trying to separate the two but was surprised that Delta was only licking Ryze playfully. "I missed you too, Delta. I thought you wouldn't recognize me anymore"


Adhara was worried for nothing, the two were not doing what she thought they are doing.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl.cοm "Sigh... Fine, play with Delta. I'll go on ahead first. If you go inside, find Naela, she's Kyran's fiancee. She'll take care of you" Adhara sighed before she heads into the castle, she needs to prepare for departure right now.

Talking with Ryze already takes a chunk of her time, and she couldn't idle anymore.

Upon hearing this, Ryze abruptly stands up, pushing Delta away who is still licking him excitedly, "Are you going somewhere, Adhara? I saw the Awakened from earlier marching through the street. If there's a problem, I also want to help" He said expectantly.

Despite wanting to go inside first, he also wanted to earn his place here.

Just as she was expecting, Ryze wanted to come with her. Adhara smiled before she looks over her shoulders and said, "If you want to come, then go to the north gate of the city. I'll meet you there"

With that, Ryze nodded his head and turns around, heading to the north gate with Delta.

On the other hand, Adhara stopped beside Gelmar.

"Did you see Flunra anywhere? I need him right now, but I couldn't find him"

"No, Sir Flunra left the castle a while ago"

Since she was about to depart with the others in order to carry out their plan, she really need to meet with Flunra right now. But it seems nobody has seen him around. In addition, she also couldn't sense his scent or presence anywhere.

Even though the connection between her and Flunra is light, it should still be there.

But she couldn't sense him at all right now.

Almost as if Flunra was eaten alive by the world and disappeared without a trace, and this makes her frown in worry as this shouldn't be happening, 'Where did he go...? I sensed him earlier inside the city, now he's gone. I need his ancient runes yet now I'm worried that he might go missing. But that's impossible, it's Flunra, he's way more capable of defending himself compared to me'

Pondering for a moment, she then decided that she would need to proceed without Flunra.

It was then, after preparation, she went into Rex's bed chamber.

Opening the door she was instantly greeted by the purple smoke, Evelyn's Luna energy. "Evelyn, I'll be going to deal with a problem that arises. If Rex wakes up, tell him that I can handle it. So tell him to take his time to rest and recuperate enough before doing anything"

"Yes, I'll tell him that. Be careful, Adhara" Evelyn replied with a calming tone.

Right before Adhara was about to leave, she stopped and decided to ask just in case Evelyn would know something, "By any chance, did you know where Flunra went? I need his help but I couldn't find him anywhere"

"I think he's searching for Gistella, I haven't seen her for a couple of days" Evelyn replied.

Upon hearing this, Adhara's eyes widened in surprise.

Not that she thought about it, she also hasn't met with Gistella in the last couple of days. It seems she's not inside the castle and also not inside the city. Surely, Flunra is out searching for her whereabouts.

But then again, this must have something to do with the night when Gistella lectures them.

Albeit she doesn't know what was Gistella thinking, the emotional aura coming from her seems to be a certain one, it seems like she was fixed on doing something. On top of that, Gistella left without even informing them.

It made her even more worried that she might do something reckless.

'Gistella... what are you planning, really? I hope you're not doing something crazy'

Even though she was worried sick, she would only have to trust Flunra that he would be able to handle this. No matter the situation, she still has to deal with the alliance problem and couldn't stay back even if she wanted to.

Adhara could only bite her lower lip before she shakes her head.

"I'll be going now..."

"Adhara, wait!"

"Hmm...? What's wrong, Evelyn?"

Just when she was about to leave, Evelyn called out to her, preventing her from leaving.

Upon meeting with Adahra's eyes that were looking at her questioningly, Evelyn paused for a second before she eventually smiled, "I'm sorry that you would need to do all of this alone. If I could help, then I would help. But I can't"

"Don't worry, I'll handle this. Just focus on recovering Rex" She replied, nodding her head.

With that, the door was closed and Adhara left.

But it was then, Evelyn clenched both of her hands into fists. A hint of guilt can be seen in her eyes, and she then mused to herself, "I'm sorry, Adhara. But I'm not ready yet. I'm sure you understand..."

<It's advised to be exposed to the Luna energy to quicken the regeneration process!>

<It's advised...>

Looking back at Rex sleeping on the bed peacefully, a glint of trouble flashes inside her eyes.

"I'm just not ready for his decision..."

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