A pin-drop silence fell over the space. Nobody dared to breathe or even utter a single word upon hearing Klaus’s bold and chilling challenge.

Deathmatches were not something one could easily opt for. In fact, the academy frowned upon them despite making them a part of its structure.

Deathmatches were meant to be a last resort when none of the usual reconciliations worked during a disagreement between two individuals.

They were used to determine who got to live and who died. Because of this, the academy only allowed them as a final measure.

So, everyone was taken aback when Klaus switched from a friendly duel to a death match.

“Hahaha! You’re digging your own grave, bastard. Do you think we’re weak like those idiots?” Sofia laughed upon hearing Klaus’s challenge.

In fact, the others beside her all wore mocking smiles on their lips, Hunter and Kate included. They treated Klaus’s challenge as an opportunity to win and kill him.

But that was their mistake.

“You’re all laughing. Can you tell me why?” Klaus asked, looking back at the six individuals.

“We’re laughing because of your challenge. We accept. You better say your goodbyes to your bitches; your end is near,” Hunter responded. All six of them stepped into the Arena.

“But I don’t see it that way. And thanks for accepting my challenge.” A grin spread across Klaus’s face. His mood grew murderous as he began radiating chilling killing intent.

Suddenly, the clouds above began turning dark. The weather shifted as lightning and thunder started forming in the sky. The place started turning ominous.

“You see, for the past few days, I’ve been thinking about the best way to kill people, but I never had the chance. I was away on a mission, and there, I only faced monsters.

But killing monsters and humans are two very different things.”

The clouds grew even darker, and the thunder rumbled ominously.

“I think we all know killing humans has a certain allure to it. I mean, wouldn’t you want to sink your sword into them and twist until they draw their last breath? Or swing your sword and sever their heads from their shoulders?”

Klaus’s body began to emit a dark energy that sent chills down every spine. The air around him grew thick and sinister. His aura turned to that of hatred…intense hatred.

“At night, I only dream of three things. First, I dream of holding a hot iron against Kate’s face. I mean, just look at her—she has the kind of face that begs for a hot iron.

I would love to have the chance to see how it feels.” Klaus’s face turned sinister as a smile, devoid of warmth, crept across his features.

Those who saw this took a few steps back.

The face staring at them was one they never wanted to see again. They all turned their eyes away from him. But they couldn’t block their ears—knowing it was futile.

Klaus’s words entered their minds as if they were wirelessly connected to him.

“The second thing—I dream of severing your limbs, Hunter. You see, in my dream, you were lying on the ground with your hands and legs cut off. I would love to see that sight, and thankfully, I will see it today.”

Suddenly, a large golden ring bathed in lightning appeared behind Klaus. The ring was so majestic that it seized everyone’s attention the moment it materialised. The Lightning source Diagram appeared.

But then they felt another chill run down their spines. The aura emanating from the ring was overwhelming.

“For my third dream, it was watching your charred body on the ground, Sofia. I hate the smell, but seeing your burnt corpse would certainly make me feel something.”


Klaus’s fire dragon appeared in the air and roared. The whole area turned scorching hot as a terrifying aura descended.

Sofia, who prided herself on being the only soul with connections to dragons, felt her body give out. It was as if the sight of the 140-meter-long dragon rendered her small, insignificant, and utterly powerless.

“I don’t know about you three, but I would love to kill you too. I can’t stand seeing my enemies strutting around as if they own the place. So, I’ll kill all three of you.

And to make it clear that today will be your last day on Earth, I want all six of you to come at me together. I won’t enjoy dragging this out with individual matches.” Klaus drew his sword.


Suddenly, his sword intent and slaughter aura erupted, flooding the entire area. An unknown anger surfaces, feeling the whole place with hatred and resentment.


Disciples began collapsing to the ground as Klaus’s aura filled the space. Of course, he wasn’t using it at full capacity.

However, the same could not be said for Hunter and his team. They all turned pale as Klaus’s aura pressed down on them.

None of them could even move a finger.

Klaus stepped forward and began walking toward them.

“How does it feel knowing today is your last on Earth? Do you regret targeting me? Do you regret allowing yourself to be polluted by your family and coming against me and my friends?

Well, regrets are just fairytales. In this life, you and I know there’s no such thing as regret. There is only one life, and that life must be cherished.

But you losers chose to come against me. Now you’ve fallen into my trap, and I have the right to claim your useless lives as per the rules of a deathmatch.”

Klaus’s fire qi surged into his sword, filling the aura-hot arena with even more potent energy.

“Don’t blame yourself; blame your parents for being terrible parents.”

“Moon Slash,” Klaus swung his sword in a wide arc, sending a clean red crescent arc at the six standing in front of him.


Everyone gasped as they held their breath, knowing the six of the academy’s finest were gone for good. However, that didn’t happen. Just when the attack was within a meter of them, a bald figure appeared and blocked it.

“Calm down, disciple Klaus,” Old Lu, the Dean of the academy, said, blocking Klaus from killing the six disciples.

“No,” Klaus muttered before his eyes turned red.

“Buddha command, Buddha dispose. Instant Teleportation.” Klaus stepped forward, and a red circle appeared beneath Old Lu.

“Wha-” He wasn’t even finished when he was sucked into the circle, appearing 100 miles away from the academy.

‘I am sorry, Uncle Monk, but I must kill these six…three.’

“Moon Slash.” Klaus immediately slashed his sword again, sending a more powerful fire arc at the disciples, who were wetting themselves.

“Klaus, stop!” Nari shouted, appearing before the six disciples. The attack was blocked, and she immediately charged at Klaus, ready to knock him out. However, before she could reach him, Klaus vanished.

“Noooooo!” The next second, Klaus was in front of Kate Duncan, sword in full swing. Nari screamed, but she wouldn’t be able to save her. She was tricked into coming after an illusion.

Klaus’s sword cut through the air, aiming to behead her. The sword fell an inch from her neck when a slender hand suddenly caught it.

“I am sorry, Klaus.” That was all Klaus heard before Queenie knocked him out. The next second, she vanished with Klaus’s body.

But she failed to notice something—Klaus’s dragon was still active.


The dragon dashed at the six disciples with the intent to incinerate them. However, Nari was prepared this time. She waved her hand, and the six disciples vanished.


An angry roar escaped the dragon’s mouth. It turned and faced Nari with bloodshot eyes. However, after a few seconds, it vanished from the air, taking away all the hatred and resentment.

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