Chapter 2580: An Unprecendented Miracle
The flow of the battle shook not just the world, but also the twelve Martial Sages who witnessed the battle from outside the barrier.
It shook them to their very core.
Never before had a Martial Master evaded the attacks of a Martial Sage.
Never before had a Martial Master survived the Martial Art of a Martial Sage.
These two events alone were mind-bending miracles that would revolutionize the most basic tenets of Martial Art.
And yet, they didn’t even compare to the sheer horror and unadulterated shock that exploded within them when they saw the Dawnbringer gaining the upper hand. It was so utterly logic- defying that it truly rebooted their mindset, leaving them frozen and shell shocked as they tried parsing what was happening.
How could a Martial Master gain the upper hand against a Martial Sage?
How did the Dawnbringer overcome the fact that his opponent was exponentially more powerful than him?
They didn’t understand.
They weren’t even able to fathom how such a thing was even remotely possible.
Yes, Sage Himari was a particularly weak Sage, but she was still a Sage!
She had gained preliminary and the most basic mastery over the high principles of the Sage Realm, and that alone should have placed her many leagues above even the strongest of Martial Masters.
They were wrong.
They had underestimated what was possible.
Or rather, they had underestimated just how extraordinary the Dawnbringer truly was.
His exploits, feats, and accomplishments during the war were unbelievable, but they paled in comparison to what he was achieving now.
The world shook as an avalanche of heat erupted from the Sun, eroding away at the receding frost.
It shook as Rui absorbed the concussive force of Sage Himari’s extraordinary blizzard with the help of Sonic Transparence and Flux Earther and fed it to the hungry demand of his Sun.
It shook as a microcosm of thought converged upon Sage Himari, demanding her attention as it threatened to crush her mind.
It shook as Gaia herself witnessed the extraordinary power of the Dawnbringer.
The blood-red suns that shined intensely in the depths of his eyes flared with power as even as the trance he was in grew deeper and deeper.
The sheer power of the Gigabrain technique in conjugation with Rui’s extraordinary mind and astronomical capacity for thought led to a monstrously powerful combination that far exceeded anything he could have ever imagined in his entire life.
He juggled not just his predictive model, which was the only thing that allowed him to prepare for any shift in strategy in advance, but also maintained a highly powerful reverse Temporal Disharmony on himself.
He also needed to dedicate some attention to the Sun and make sure that he balanced against her Winter.
After all, the last time he had used the Sun in battle, he had almost died.
This technique was not his friend.
He could only survive if he pitted two beasts against each other and had them kill each other off.
And on top of all of that, he most importantly needed to drown his opponent’s mind in an ocean of information.
An ocean of Water.
Generating such a titanic flood of information while micro-managing a dozen other variables was something that could only be done with the Gigabrain technique.
Meanwhile, Sage Himari struggled to make progress against him with her Winter when most of her focus dealt with the Void of Water that bombarded her subconscious mind each second. And while his mentality only continued improving with the flood of euphoria and a powerful placebo from his success, her mindset only continued deteriorating. Her biggest concern after breaking through to the Sage Realm was how weak she was compared to other Martial Sages and how compatible her Martial Art was with the Sage Realm.
Cold had an absolute cosmological limit; this made it more limited in the Sage Realm where Martial Artists were truly tapping into some of the more powerful high principles of the universe.
She was worried that she was insufficient as a Sage.
She had feared that she would be rendered obsolete in the Sage Realm.
The Enlightenment of Self allowed her to understand her emotions to their very depths and beyond, yet it didn’t allow her to change them.
And, it certainly didn’t allow her to stop them from growing worse.
As Rui turned the tables against her and gained the upper hand against her, her deepest fears came alive, consuming her as she failed to defeat a mere Martial Master.
She understood on a rational level that the Dawnbringer was unlike any other Martial Master in the history of humanity.
And yet, her failure to overcome him only fueled the negativity that brooded within her. It negatively affected her attention and concentration.
It chipped away at her defenses.
The entranced Rui grew jubilant.
He grew giddy with euphoria.
He grew drunk on the placebo effect.
His confidence and certainty hit all-time highs.
He could win this.
He felt it in the depths of his bones.
He could overcome a Martial Sage with his Adaptive Evolution.
With his Water.
Step by step.
Bit by bit.
Little by little.
He drew closer and closer to victory.
Victory that he would eventually reach.
Victory that eventually and inevitably would be his.
And yet, in all his euphoric jubilation, he forgot one small thing.
The keyword was ‘eventually.’
Unfortunately for him, he wouldn’t last long enough to reach it.
The shining blood-red suns in his eyes flickered unsteadily.
The Gigabrain was far stronger than the Megamind technique and, thus, it had a much shorter
time limit than the Megamind technique.
That was his one and only one shortcoming.
And thus, the blood-red suns in his eyes flickered unsteadily, before entirely snuffing out.
Sage Himari gasped for air as the astronomical convergence of information upon her halted.
Both Winter and Sun disappeared entirely.
For a moment, Sage Himari gazed into the black eyes of Rui Quarrier before they rolled
The battle ended as the Dawnbringer collapsed unconsciously.
A battle that would go on to be told for eons to come.
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