The Mech Touch

Chapter 6784: The Executioner of Light

The sight of the Amaranto Mark III impaling hundreds of cosmopolitan mechs with light needles was a glorious sight.

The display of martial superiority was practically sacred as the righteous ace mech smote down the wicked cosmopolitan mechs.

It was moments like these that showed why saints deserved to be called this way.

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Their willpower transcended the physical barriers. Their ability to resonate with their well-designed mechs was unparalleled. Few mortal enemies and weapons could withstand the might of a saint who channeled her power and skills in combat.

The dramatic sight of the Amaranto Mark III wiping out traitor mechs like they were flies inspired many soldiers.

While the Amaranto was hardly the only ace mech that performed well on the battlefield, few people expected the living mech to endure her current difficulties so well.

Even saints could be felled by mortals so long as the latter were numerous enough!

Such incidents were rare, but it had happened in the past. First-class multipurpose mechs possessed a lot of firepower, and so long as they were able to repeatedly land hits on an ace mech, the damage would eventually accumulate. This was the key to destroying these powerful machines.

The huge number of cosmopolitan mechs were producing results. Even as their mechs struggled to withstand the zipping light needles, their firepower was prodigious enough to cause the Amaranto to get struck from all sides.

The well-trained and fanatical mech pilots did not allow the damage inflicted by the Saint Kingdom distract them from their mission.

The weapon modules of their mechs specifically targeted the rear, front or sides of the lower torso whenever possible. The cosmopolitans deemed this to be the most vulnerable section of the mech that still played an essential role.

While the exterior plating did indeed suffer a great amount of damage, the Solarium hyper material was incredibly effective at resisting the massed firepower. True resonance only further enhanced its already exaggerated performance, enabling the exterior plating to hold up under far greater pressure than they should.

The rare Solarium finally vindicated all of the cost and effort that the Larkinson Clan had put into procuring it. The hyper material performed at its best in the situation where the Amaranto needed to rely on its protection the most.

The Amaranto Mark III was also able to keep fighting due to the use of archetech. Her archemetal frame was able to prevent exterior impacts and shocks from damaging the more vulnerable internals. The seemingly organic maze of components and structural elements blended together in such a way that eliminated many weak points!

This massively increased the reliability of the ace mech and was a large contributor to allowing it to withstand the current storm!

Combined with the Amaranto Mark III’s relatively fast and instinct-driven maneuvers, the cosmopolitan mechs barely produced any results aside from drilling a few shallow holes into the Solarium armor plating.

While the traitor mechs tried their best to capitalize on these small holes, Saint Stark did not let them get their way as her Saint Kingdom continued to pepper the remaining mechs with light needles!

As for the hostile mechs that were hovering outside of the range of her Saint Kingdom, the Amaranto continually shot them with the Instrument of Vengeance.

While the firing rate of this oversized luminar crystal rifle was anything but impressive, Saint Stark already figured out the exact amount charge needed to pierce the azure energy shields and transphasic hyper armor plating of every enemy mech.

At first, Saint Stark simply tried to shoot them down one at a time. The rate of kills was slow, but her accuracy was so impeccable that the targeted cosmopolitan mechs could do nothing but accept their fate.

As Stark began to get used to the pressure and the multitasking, she figured out a way to increase her killing efficiency.

She began to line up her targets.

By maneuvering her Amaranto Mark III in specific ways and charging her Instrument of Vengeance a bit more, she could launch powerful light beams that not only pierced straight through one enemy mech, but impaled another that just happened to be straight in its path!

Two cosmopolitan mechs started to blow up in exchange for slightly lowering the firing rate.

The process of charging up the luminar crystal rifle from zero always came with a delay. THis meant that it was more efficient to allow the weapon to build up its charge rather than firing it more frequently.

As Saint Stark became more adept at lining up her targets, she began to challenge herself further by trying to find angles where she was able to eliminate three hostile mechs at a time!

This was exponentially more difficult to accomplish. She had to track and predict the movements of three mechs at once. Her Amaranto also had to maneuver her mech in the right place at the right time. Then she had to pull the trigger during an exceedingly small window of opportunity.

She failed more than she succeeded. It was a bit difficult for her to keep track of everything while also trying to line up three targets that were moving wildly in different directions.

Many times, her timing was just a bit off. Other times, her predictions were wrong.

Just one misjudgement was enough to cause a targeted mech to be in a completely different location than what she had anticipated!

Saint Stark did not let that ruin her enjoyment of this challenge. The volume of firepower striking her ace mech had distinctly decreased now that she had eliminated so many hostile mechs.

She was rather surprised that the cosmopolitan mechs hadn’t broken yet despite their apparent futility in their mission.

However, the traitor mech pilots were all fanatical to the point where they greatly valued their cause over their lives.

The cosmopolitan mech pilots also understood that they would just get intercepted and torn to pieces by Rubarthan mechs if they attempted to withdraw.

Since that was the case, the traitors tried their best to produce as much results as possible before they inevitably went down!




Saint Stark ignored the garbled open transmissions that recorded the last words of all of the brainwashed mech pilots. She culled their mechs and harvest their lives without any measure of sympathy and compassion.

By the time she had eliminated all but a few stragglers, the wreckage floating away from her brightly glowing ace mech showed the aftermath of her fury-fuelled frenzy.

The ace pilot let out a deep breath as she made an effort to regain her composure. She studied the battlefield and tried to see whether anyone or anything important needed to be saved.

The battle in orbit of Kayana VIII-E had reached a late stage.

The large amounts of mechs and phasefighters had whittled each other down by a huge extent. Pilots from both sides had died in droves.

The alien phasefighters had suffered many more losses, but the mechs had expended a lot of energy and ammunition to hold their own on the battlefield. The human machines were not able to capitalize on its advantages and had little choice but to allow the surviving phasefighters to back off and withdraw in good order.

The alien assault fleets sustained heavy damage.

Even if the cosmopolitan mechs had generated enough of a distraction to force the Obsidian Orb and the Amaranto from firing at them, the losses previously incurred by the enemy fleets significantly reduced their firepower and ability to withstand attacks.

The orbital defense network eagerly took advantage of this weakness. A large amount of guns brutalized the surviving enemy warships within their range, causing them to break up and reduce the enemy’s advantages even further!

As for the enemy phase whale and phase lords, they had failed to overcome the resistance generated by the high-ranking mechs fighting on the side of the Rubarthans.

Stalling a phase lord was different from killing one. The latter demanded a lot of risk taking that could easily backfire if anything went wrong. The right move could cause a phase lord to lose his life, but the wrong move could easily cause an ace mech to get crippled or destroyed!

All of the ace pilots fighting on the battlefield possessed the resolve to die if that was what it took to kill the enemy champions.

However, this was no time for them to make the ultimate sacrifice. The orbit of Kayana VIII-E was just one of several battlefields where the native aliens had to be stopped.

Since the Rubarthan commanders and the renowned Stewards Siamesia chose to priotize holding Kayana VIII-E over permanently retiring the enemy phase lords, the ace mechs all fought in the most annoying way possible.

They engaged in hit-and-run tactics. They never allowed themselves to get close enough for the phase lords to land their attacks. They concentrated on breaking the spatial barriers of the weakest phase lords, but left them alone as long as they chose to back away.

Seeing as the ace mechs started to fight a lot more aggressively if a phase lord chose to persist and continue to fight, the native gods were eventually conditioned to withdraw whenever they lost their spatial barriers!

There were many times that ace pilots spotted many opportunities to close in and land a killing blow.

They refrained from taking the bait. The phase lords should be as vulnerable as they appeared.

It also took a lot of effort to be able to secure a kill against these enemies, especially when other phase lords made an effort to cover for their vulnerable peer.

Therefore, nothing much of consequence had occurred. The phase lords had gotten battered despite outnumbering the enemy ace mechs, but the latter also expended a lot of energy and effort to blockade their enemies.

The Lamia Kailamassu and its main adversaries appeared to be the exception.

The peak ace mech looked as if it could still keep going for many hours. It had fought at high intensity. Its twin Saint Kingdoms had worked miracles in order to keep itself intact while enduring the attacks launched by the Divine Maw and the Descent of Hushae’Rhua.

The latter no longer tried to duel against his enemies on his own, but wisely teamed up with the Divine Maw and the Divine Supplicant to face the enemy ace mechs together and attempt to cripple one of the annoying machines.

They failed. The Divine Maw’s massive prowess, the Divine Supplicant’s superdimensional shield and the Descent’s Saint Piercer all failed to produce a satisfying result!

While the greater phase whale and the greater phase lord did not wish to back off from the battlefield without making at least a few achievements, the changed that took place around them made their situation more precarious.

The gradual withdrawal of alien phasefighters and warships caused many guns to turn against the enemy phase leaders!

Their spatial barriers had already endured enough attacks to reach their breaking points if that hadn’t happened already.

Now, the added firepower caused their defenses to deplete increasingly faster than usual!

This was already bad enough, but when the Obsidian Orb was changing its configuration to expose the massive Star Caster Siege Hyper Plasma Cannon that was installed in its center, the phase lords would clearly come under much greater threat very soon!

Seeing that their own offensive maneuvers completely failed to shake the defenses of the Lamia Kailamassu and the senior ace mechs under its protection, the Divine Maw did not choose to be stubborn.

The Divine Maw ordered a retreat. The phase lords all disengaged in unison. They withdrew without covering each other’s backs. Instead, they all behaved as if they had been given a lifeline and sought to retreat as fast as their phasewater organs could accomplish!

"We… we won…!"

The Rubarthan defenders successfully protected Kayana VIII-E and secured their possession of the enormous debris field.

Unfortunately, this was just the first of several fights in the Kayana System.

The native aliens would be back as soon as they replenished their losses. They may have lost a lot of expensive phasefighters and warships, but they could easily replenish them over time.

The struggle of the defenders was far from over, but the heroism demonstrated on the battlefield inspired them to fight harder next time!

Among the ace pilots that performed well this time, Saint Stark had made an incredible impression to them all. Even if she failed to repeat her feat of killing a lesser phase lord, she still managed to cull so many enemy warships with her energy rifle that she had become famous for this feat!

"Saint Davia Stark, the Executioner of Light!"

The proposed title instantly caught on. The Rubarthan soldiers adopted it with gusto!

"Executioner of Light!"

"Executioner of Light!"

"Executioner of Light!"

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