Chapter 708: Derek

It was after my first time being found by Derek. Back when I spoke to myself in a cafe with terrible coffee.

He followed me to the inn where I used as a base. But at that time, he didn’t do anything.

Over the next few days, I returned to the middle area and started talking to myself again and complain how I couldn’t save all the girls working in this base.

And finally, last week, the day before the previous portal opening for people to come and go, he approached me. Pretending that he’s just a stranger and had just met me by chance in a restaurant which was far from the middle area. He was obviously trying to approach me.

When I left that restaurant and entered the inn I stayed, he also followed me from distance.

And when he entered the inn, I have already told the girls way before I entered the previous restaurant to stay in their room and not come out until I told them to.

“Hello, the wind mage who has reached master level. It hasn’t been long since I baited you and you finally come out to meet me,” I said.


“...Seems like I got caught. So, what do you want from me?” he asked.

“Your intention. The woman you met back when I first say something on purpose to let you, a wind mage, to hear me, I don’t think she is a good person. Even though she taught girls so they can have a good lives once they left this world and return to Earth, I don’t think that’s her real intention,” I said.

“So you want to know if I am her companion or I have other intention. But because I use wind magic, you can’t get close to eavesdrop on us since I can find you easily. That’s why you baited me to approach you. You think that I won’t do anything to you?” the man asked as he pulled a chair in front of me and sat on it.

“Do you know the rumors about Aura user who killed the cult members back on Earth? That was me. Now, if I find your answer not satisfactory, I will kill you. I’m confident that I can kill you in an instant even though you’re a master level mage.”

I infused a bit of killing intent and directed it toward Derek. I am glad now that he ended up as our ally.

At that time, he was afraid of me after he realized that he was no match against me. But he still acted strong and asked me questions instead.

“How true were your words used to bait me?”

“About saving the girls? Not just the girls here. But all the girls who fell victims to the cult. Saving them is not my real intention, but if I can save as many as possible, that would be great. My goal here is to destroy everything related to the cult. For now this base. I want to kill whoever that Evil God is, but I couldn’t find his whereabouts at all.”

“You think it’s fine to tell me all that?”

“Like I said, I can kill you easily. You won’t be the first master level mage I kill. And you won’t be the last either.”

That’s something I want to say thanks to Victoria’s influence. She told me various stories from her world.

I think that was not the first time I said that. But that won’t be the last either. Haha!

Then, the man gave up.

“Sigh... I can’t trust you yet. Whether you want to save the girls or not, I don’t know. But I want to live so I will tell you everything. I don’t think you lied when you said you have killed other master level mages.”

Then he introduced himself as Derek. He was someone who wanted to save the girls from this place.

“Really? You want to save them?” I asked.

“Yes. I stupidly told my brother to let my niece work with the cult. I thought that she could have a better life than my brother. But that was not the case. My niece doesn’t have any talent in magic and even after using as many resources I could give, she barely reached intermediate. So someone told me that it’s best for her to work in Monsters World as waitress. But as you can see, the girls here are used as tools.

“Now that I have reached master level, I wanted to save my niece. But when I arrive here, she was no longer here. Someone had bought her away from here. She could leave this world, but in the end, she was used as a slave by some rich merchant. She had already died when I found her. So I killed the merchant. Now, I’m back here looking to find anyone related to that. And that woman who talked to me was one of their agents. She’s here to teach girls skill so they could be sold higher. You are right, she is a bad girl,” Derek said.

I wasn’t shocked back then when I heard that. I expected it to be like that.

“And what do you think about the cult? Don’t you think that they are also responsible for everything?” I asked.

“There are far too many mages stronger than me in the cult. After my revenge is over, I will try to escape. But I’m doubtful whether I can survive after being chased by the cult,” he said.

“Alright. I’ll take you to someone now and you will repeat what you just said to me. Let’s go. Enter the portal.”

I opened a portal to Albert’s location and had him repeat everything to see if he can be trusted or not.

And that brought us here. Derek is someone we can trust and he will help us with the destruction of this base.

Albert promised him that Tatrama will help him in any way possible to find the organization behind Derek’s niece’s slavery. Of course Albert will ask the other kingdoms as well, but Derek doesn’t need to know that now.

He killed the female master level mage easily. And from this point, we’re going to kidnap the three summoners.

“They won’t retreat unless it’s unavoidable! And they are being protected by at least three master level mages!”

Derek has told us about everything he knew about the three summoners. And as expected, they are responsible to send reports about this place to somewhere. But Derek himself doesn’t know where the reports are delivered to.

That’s why he agreed to capture those summoners with me.

“Alright! We don’t have much time until he comes! Let’s fly there as fast as possible!”

I summoned Ray and ride on him without hiding myself at all. And Derek flies off with his wind magic. Though he’s far behind me.

Without making a stop, we run through the wall of the building where the summoners are.

Without any hesitation, I used Reizpear to slash the necks of the three master level mages who are supposed to protect the summoners.

The summoners were too shocked to react so they couldn’t open a portal to retreat. And I knock them all out with Reizpear.

It has been so long since I last used Reizpear. I thought of never use it again since using Victoria as a spear is now much better. But I just feeling a bit nostalgic so I used it.

I also used air magic to make sure that they will only breath the minimum amount of air when they’re unconscious. This will make them faint for longer.

“Who’s there!”

After the ruckus I caused, two more master level mages entered the building. But before they could attack me, Derek arrives and used Wind Slash to kill them.

One of them died right away because he was not prepared to take a hit. And the other barely dodged Derek’s attack. Not knowing that I have thrown a dagger at his chest which killed him.

“...You’re really not lying when you said that you have killed many master level mages,” Derek said in shock.

“That’s not important right now! We have captured the summoners so we need to escape! He’s coming!”

I opened a portal for us to enter. I threw the three summoners inside after binding them with Blobbyropes and Magic Restricting Collars.

Just to be safe. I don’t know if they are actually much stronger than I expected or not.

We entered the portal and Derek doesn’t know where we are.

“Where are we?” He asked.

“We’re on top of the head of someone who will destroy the base for us,” I said.

Derek was confused at first, so I told him to fly to a distance and look back.

Only then he realized that it’s a huge dragon.

That’s right. I asked Kaiser to be the one destroying this place to the ground. With his breath attack, it won’t be hard. He’s the one I asked for help.

Derek returned back but he was so speechless and unable to say a word. He can only open and close his mouth like a goldfish.

“Andro! The target is that base! Do it now!”

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