Chapter 1394 Vyraak's Cry

Chapter 1394  Vyraak’s Cry

The Vyraak Dominion had six God Emperors and their God Kings numbered in the millions, lower-order immortals under God Kings could not even be counted, making this lower realm a gem among an endless sea of coal.

Of the six God Emperors, five of them were immortals at the fourth-dimensional level, and the first God-Emperor Vyraak himself had reached the seventh-dimensional level, his status as one in an Era genius was nothing to scoff at, and all the five other God Emperors that had ascended remained at the fourth-dimensional level even after all this time.

When the Vyraak Dominion decided to consume the Wills of other universes, Vyraak was not part of that decision because, for the first time in his life, he decided to explore reality.

For countless years his fellow gods had been pleading with him to catch a glimpse of all that existence had to offer, but Vyraak was adamant in his decision to forever watch over his home, he did not want to leave the land of his birth, but time and their endless insistence wore him down.

Vyraak could no longer deny that even with his great talent that allowed him to reach the seventh-dimensional level while remaining in his home universe, he had long known that he reached a barrier in his growth that even his great talent could not overcome, and perhaps he needed to travel through reality to gain enlightenment. There was no opposition here for him to fight, no challenges to test him, and if he did not push himself, he would forever be stuck at the seventh-dimensional level, which was not a bad place to be, but Vyraak knew that he was still capable of much more, and the call of Destiny was one that difficult to ignore.

Ninety-three million years after he left the Vyraak Dominion, he had already traveled far from his home, and he had seen so much wonder, fought great battles, and nearly died more times than he was comfortable remembering, and he felt the barriers over the higher dimensional states loosening, and he was grateful that he gave himself the opportunity to travel through multiple dimensions, but even with his obvious progress, he still missed home.

Vyraak knew that he should still roam reality for a while longer but he wanted to see his birthplace again, and after a while, he could return back to roaming through existence, Vyraak believed that it was possible for him to reach the eighth-dimensional state if he returned home. His mind was made up, he was about to begin his journey back to his home when the Frozen Road was destroyed.


He still remembered that moment clearly, even till this moment, Vyraak could still hear the laughter of the Sirens as their massive heads imploded and the radiance of the Frozen Road was banished. It was one of the most glorious and horrific sights that he had ever witnessed.

Perhaps for others, it might have taken them a few moments to realize the ramifications of the destruction of this road and its effects on the lower realms, but Vyraak who had seen millions of universes at this point and knew the power of his home and the concept of superiority that had become engrained in the mind of his people could easily predict what was going to be happening next.

When he left his universe he believed that he was the greatest genius to ever live. He had virtually pushed past all known barriers without any issue and was only a single step away from becoming an immortal who stood at the peak of reality, but his exposure to the true powers of reality had shown him the error of his ways, he had been broken too many times for his pride to remain, and his fellow God Emperors were like him, big fishes in a small pond, not understanding the immensity of the deep.

Without hesitation, he broke into the Passage of Time. Vyraak knew that he needed to be an eighth-dimensional entity to use this road but in his panic, he did not care.

The God Emperors of Vyraak Dominion had not traveled through reality as much as he had, in fact, they had never left the lower realms, and they did not understand the true depth of power that was available in reality.

Vyraak expected that they would see this as an opportunity to plunder other universes when instead this should have been the time for them to be laying low and praying for all the luck in existence that their tiny universe escape the gaze of the ever-hungry great powers. He had seen how much the bounties of the lower dimensions were craved by Primordial Forces, and he understood that before their hunger, nothing was safe.


Traveling through the Passage of Time was the most difficult ordeal that Vyraak had ever undertaken, and knowing that there were greater geniuses with Primordial Bloodlines who could effortlessly travel through this place made him fight harder to reach his world, he knew the immensity of the heavens, and knew the meaning of fear.

He was too weak to defend his home if a Primordial Force was to become aware of it. Vyraak Dominion was unique, its Will was powerful and they would crave it. Vyraak did not know how he continued to endure his journey through the Passage of Time, but the thought of the fate that might befall his world was more painful than any torture that the Passage was inflicting upon him. The visions, the weird voices, and the thoughts ripping through his mind and soul were pushed aside, as he ran for his world, he should be there to defend it when the time comes.

Unknown to the God Emperor, as he struggled and bled inside the Passage of Time to reach his destination, a purple rune that almost looked like a pyramid was beginning to etch itself inside of his soul, and even though he was a powerful seventh-dimensional immortal, he had no idea that he had become branded… by the Mark of Primordial Time.

If there was the slightest chance that he would be aware of this change in his soul, then he lost that opportunity because he was entirely devoted to reaching his home, “Please… please… let me make it in time.”


Vyraak felt the moment his universe died. His connection with it was that strong, after all, one-half of its Will was buried inside his soul.

He discovered that The Passage of Time had scrambled his senses and he had overshot his universe, if not for this error in judgment perhaps he would have made it in time, this accursed place seemed almost alive, and when the death cries of his universe rippled through creation, the Passage of Time had ensured that he heard every excruciating detail of the sound of his home being turned to ash.

The Passage of Time mocked him, but the pain he was feeling as one-half of his soul was ripped away from him was greater than the taunts from the Passage.

The details of what happened next flashed through Vyraak’s mind with no discernable shape or meaning, and the Passage of Time seemed to respond to his thoughts or its own Will.

Distance zoomed past him in a blur and he found himself kneeling before the detritus of his home, watching the jackals tear it apart as they sought out its marrows so they could drain it of the inheritance that he and his people had nurtured for countless eons.

If Vyraak was in a normal state of mind he would have noticed that what happened in the Passage of Time was not normal, and for an immortal like him that had reached the seventh dimension, it should be almost impossible for him to have lost sense of his direction or the unknown method that had delivered him back to his universe without his control.

The only thing he could feel at this moment was pain and rage.

“Desecrators!” he screamed, tears of blood running down his eyes, and the entire universe filled with battle went still. It was impossible to hide the pain inside Vyraak’s heart, and his sorrow resonated with the dying realm, and she wept for her champion.

“I call upon the last Will of my Dominion, watch my hands, watch my eyes, see as I craft a fitting burial shroud for you because none of your villagers shall leave here alive!”

The invaders may think that they were just gods, but Vyraak would remind them all, that his people were dragons.

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