Chapter 255: This isn’t it! (2)

Although he had seen her for only a moment, he was sure of it. The woman had short bobbed hair and looked to be around 19 or 20 years old.

The one who brushed past him was someone he knew. To be precise, she was someone Lee Gun knew.


Yeonwoo was a person Lee Gun considered as family, and she had been eaten by the monsters instead of Lee Gun.

‘The Time monarch was responsible for it.’

The one to kill her was Time, and the one to eat her body was Oblivion.

In the end, Lee Gun had been unable to find Yeonwoo’s corpse. The only thing he was able to recover were small bone fragments Oblivion had dropped. It was said that the fragments had become a part of Heaven’s Punishment.

So why would someone who had died 24 years ago show up here?

When Hugo looked at his surroundings, he was surprised.

‘She’s gone.’

He had seen the traces of her that had been left behind, but even they vanished.

[Ahhhhk!!! Archer Saint! Save me!]


Hugo’s pursuers were chasing down Yang Wei instead. Letting out terrifying laughter, they looked at Yang Wei.

[He’s the lowest-class common slave!]

[The engraving on the choker is proof!]

[Ha ha ha! I don’t know what sins he committed, but it has been a thousand years since we got someone like him!]

[I’ll pull out his eyes.]

[I’ll pull out his fingernails]

[He’s someone valuable! Let’s treat him well!]

Why were they trying to pull out his eyes and fingernails if he was someone who should be treated well?

“Damn it! Where is this place? Why are they acting this way?” Hugo asked.

Yang Wei cried out as he hid behind Hugo.

[This is Tartarus!]

“Tar… What?”

[This place is called the world of torture. It’s one of the hellscapes of the divine world!]

Hugo froze. If he were being honest, he didn’t know where this was even when he heard that it was the world of torture.

When he had asked his Zodiac about the Divine world, Sagittarius had just snorted. He said Hugo wouldn’t understand what he was talking about even if he told Hugo about the Divine world. This was why Hugo had given up asking any questions.

Despite not knowing anything, Hugo was sure of one thing at that moment. “Damn it! They are looking for you. Hurry up and go!”


Hugo was sure that if he got caught, he would get tortured to death.

When Hugo shrugged him off, Yang Wei clung to his leg. It was as if he couldn’t believe Hugo was acting this way despite their relationship.

[Are you really going to do this to me? You’re incredibly strong! We’ve had a strong friendship for the past 20 years ago! You are closer to me than Lee Gun!]

“I don’t remember sharing anything with you.”

[Please! I can’t use my holy items because of this collar!]

Hugo looked at the black choker around Yang Wei’s neck. He saw red letters engraved on the choker. He wasn’t certain, but they probably pointed to Yang Wei’s current status.

[It is a while since we got a prisoner toy slave.]

[I can’t believe the Divine world sent down someone so precious!]

[I wonder how big of a sin he committed! Ha ha ha!]

Hugo took a glance at Yang Wei’s neck. Of course, he knew the meaning behind the choker.

‘Amongst the gods, it signifies the slave rank.’

For some unknown reason, Yang Wei had become the lowest-rank slave god that got worked over by everyone.

Therefore, Hugo asked, “What did you do wrong in such a short period? You should have just stayed next to Gun and done nothing.”

[What? Lee Gun is the one who put me in this situation!]


[My Zodiac was bought at a winning bid of 599.7 billion Talents, and that debt was passed onto me!]

Hugo was shocked. He didn’t need the details to know what that meant.

‘Did he say 599.7 billion Talents??’

“Can you even pay that off?”

[No way!!! Anyway, what are you hiding in your pocket?]

Since Yang Wei had become a slave, his human soul had become something different. He was much more sensitive compared to his human days.


Therefore, Yang Wei quickly took out the pocketbook from Hugo’s pocket. The black pocketbook had the shape of a snake engraved on it.

Yang Wei reared back in shock when he saw the pocketbook’s content. It was written in Lee Gun’s handwriting, and it contained records from 20 years ago.

[W-What the hell? Isn’t this Lee Gun’s notes for his ideas? He used to write inside this in the past.]

“Yeah. An SS-rank appraiser that we know kept it for the past 20 years. When Lee Gun took it back, it evolved into a memory-type holy item. He’s been using it to write down notes about his blueprints.”

Yang Wei grated his teeth.

‘Shit! Do you realize how much I’ve searched for these notes? I can’t believe the appraiser had it.’

However, that wasn’t important right now.

‘That crazy bastard! What kind of blueprint did he come up with already…!’

It was extremely short, but Yang Wei’s hands shook when he glanced through the content. He was a talented merchant, so he quickly realized the worth of the blueprint.

I’ll make sure humans will be able to use power despite not having the magical energy of the 12 Zodiacs.

Those with fluidity in their qualifications will be given Affinity. Those without qualifications but who can prove themselves will be given Control…

Yang Wei gulped.

Hugo saw it only as Lee Gun writing down his delusions.

‘That crazy bastard! He was planning such a thing?’

Humans could never escape from the clutches of the Zodiacs. Without the magical energy of the Zodiacs, they would never be able to use holy items and skills.

While the threat of the unknown civilization existed, humans couldn’t detach themselves from the 12 Zodiacs. Moreover, there was no reason to create such a thing when one considered Lee Gun’s current actions.

Lee Gun was trying to merge the entire 12 Zodiac temples. If he became the sole god, he just had to lead humanity.

It meant…

‘He’s preparing for the possibility that something bad might happen to him.’

Lee Gun had the experience of doing nothing when he was betrayed within the Devil’s Tower.

Since he didn’t know the future, he was probably preparing several things.

‘Anyway, these are all insane blueprints.’

Since the blueprints of the Capricorn temple were traded at exorbitant amounts of money, Yang Wei had learned to read the blueprints.

Lee Gun’s pocketbook included not only weapon blueprints but also a variety of items, including buildings.

They were all high-level stuff. In other words, humanity and gods wouldn’t lack innovation for the next 300 years if all these were made.

‘I knew he was a genius, but not to this extent.’

Yang Wei now realized why his Zodiac was adamant in telling him to gather holy items of the deceased Lee Gun. At the same time, he remembered his Zodiac’s mumbling.

‘That’s odd. He exhibits similar magical energy to the Creation tribe.’

The Creation tribe’s people were the ones to make the 13 Seats of power.

In reality, all gods could manage to get an army. It was simply about gathering troops. However, the 12 Zodiacs were the only ones that could grow their temples by gathering disciples.

The items that allowed such feats to be possible were the Seats of power, and these Seats of power were treated like treasures of the universe. No, it wasn’t just them.

‘Bibles are something all Zodiac-ranks possess, and they were created by the Creation tribe.’

That was why all items made by the Creation tribe received special treatment. In other words, they were like inventions created by geniuses who brought about the change of an era.

The items made by the Creation tribe were similar. And the people of the Creation tribe were genius manufacturers that even other gods coveted.

If what his slave turned Zodiac said was true…

‘I’m sure of it. Lee Gun has the blood of the Creation tribe flowing through him.’

At the same time, it brought about the possibility that Lee Gun was the true owner of the Seats of power. If his conjecture was correct…

‘I can sell these blueprints for extremely high prices!’

Yes, Yang Wei immediately realized the worth Lee Gun’s blueprints would have if Lee Gun had the blood of the Creation tribe flowing through him.

‘If I steal these and sell them to the gods, I’ll make incredible amounts of money.’

No, gods might not matter. The Divine world itself might try to purchase items of this caliber. Wouldn’t he be able to clear his debt of 599.7 billion Talents in an instant?

‘I’ll be able to escape from being a slave!’

Yang Wei’s eyes flashed with hope.

‘This is an opportunity. I have to steal the blueprints. I’ll sell them to the Divine world to escape being a slave.’

Of course, Hugo wouldn’t let such a thing happen. “Hey. Give it back.”


“I can see what you are thinking. Hurry up and give it to me.” Hugo quickly tried to take away the pocketbook. “It seems only your speed got better after becoming that weird thing! Give it!”

Yang Wei couldn’t live as a slave, so he was desperate.

[No! I won’t let it go! Do you not know how much this is worth?]

“I know! Hand it over.”

[You have no idea! The fact that you didn’t do anything with it means you don’t know.]

Hugo didn’t even dignify him with a response as he extended his hand. When Hugo tried to take the pocketbook…


The other gods attacked, sending Lee Gun’s blueprints flying.


In the end, the pocketbook fell into the dark riverside. Moreover, the one to snatch the pocketbook from the river was a river god!

“Ahhhk!! It is the old man with the trident!”

Hugo turned pale as he brought out his bow. In a flash, he sent his magic arrows, but the river god nonchalantly went back into the river.

After having the pocketbook stolen, Hugo rolled up his sleeves and pant legs. “Do you think I won’t be able to chase after you if you enter the river?!”

However, Yang Wei desperately held Hugo back.

[Idiot! That’s the river of Styx! It has the water of forgetfulness! If you enter it, you’re done!]


In the end, the flustered Hugo lifted Yang Wei as if he were capturing a pig. Yang Wei reacted in fright.

[Hey! What are you doing?]

“Don’t worry. I’ll pull you back out in no time.”

When Hugo gestured with his hand, a red wire appeared around Yang Wei’s leg.

This skill was used in the Sagittarius temple to set a trap. It was a skill used to lure in prey.

“Here! I’ll hold on to you! Go swing toward Gun’s pocketbook, sheep pig!”


“What? Don’t you want to sell Gun’s blueprints? You want to lose it to another god?”

[No! Hey!]

“I placed a tracking skill on the pocketbook! You just have to extend your hand!” Finally, Hugo tossed Yang Wei into the river.


However, something emerged from the ground, making Hugo fall into the river too.


Having been dragged into the river of Styx, Hugo almost screamed without realizing it. Countless hands reached out toward him from the floor of the river.

The hands were spread across the river like pebbles, and they aimed for Hugo and Yang Wei.

[It is a precious common slave.]

[The other one is human, but he has some divine status.]

[Is he a Construct?]

[Depending on one’s power, the speed at which the memory is erased varies. It doesn’t matter how strong the god is. It won’t be able to last 30 seconds in here.]

[You are right. Let’s hand them over to the ruler of this place.]

[Then our sentences will be shortened]

Hugo ground his teeth when his legs were grabbed. He quickly turned his head.

Thanks to the tracking skill, Yang Wei was able to cling to the river god, who had run away with the pocketbook.

[Uh. Who am I? Pocketbook… I need the pocketbook!]

As expected of a greedy person, Yang Wei continued to cling to the pocketbook even after losing his memories.

Hugo flicked his finger, and the elongated trap wire shrunk, dragging Yang Wei toward him. Taking away the pocketbook from Yang Wei was easy.

When it had the pocketbook stolen, the river god furiously chased after them. However, Hugo unleashed his arrow.


His arrow flung the river god into the distance. Then, Hugo shot his arrows toward the hundreds of hands.

[“Bow made out of Fish” has unleashed its full power.]


This time, the firepower was considerable. The entire river exploded. The river of Styx was blown away, along with the hands of the slave gods at the bottom of the river.

[You have gained a massive amount of EXP.]

[You have leveled up.]

[It won’t be long before you are qualified to become a Construct.]

[You have acquired the name of “Slaughterer of Gods.” You have learned the path of the battle-type Construct.]

The speed of his growth was much faster compared to what it was when he killed monsters.

However, that wasn’t important to Hugo. He quickly swam toward the surface of the river.

‘I’m not too late. My memories aren’t erased yet.’

At that moment, something dragged away Hugo by his head


It seemed something had been present at the bottom of the river that he had destroyed. His opponent wasn’t a slave god.

[You killed all my slaves. It seems I found a worthy Construct.]


[I’ll let you become my servant.]

Hugo bit his tongue.

[All your memories will be erased.]

At the same time, the magical energy disappeared from Hugo’s body. Once the memories were lost, faith disappeared too.


Suddenly, a woman appeared in front of Hugo. When her eyes flashed, the being that had been aiming for Hugo disappeared as it screamed. Then, light exploded, and the sight in front of Hugo’s eyes changed.

When he opened his eyes, he was outside the river.

Cough! Cough!

When the woman tapped Hugo’s head, his memories returned.

But when Hugo saw the woman in front of him, he was surprised.


At that moment…

[Hey, Taeksoo. Can you hear me?]


Hugo was taken aback to hear a familiar voice come from the sky. Of course, Lee Gun had not come to this world. Hugo had merely heard his voice.

‘Gun is here to save me.’

Hugo glanced at Yeonwoo.

‘I have to tell Gun about this.’

The woman shook her head as she mumbled something.

[Please deliver this to the Serpent Bearer.]

Hugo was shocked by the voice. It was the voice of the woman that he normally heard. However, something more surprising happened.

He was wondering what the woman wanted him to deliver when an item emanating light appeared in front of him.

It was a chair.

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