Chapter 233: The Fool Followers

Five beastmen—two second-rankers and three high-level first-rankers—stood as the strongest warriors among the surviving beastmen forces. Kazak did not ask for their help, but seeing their leader determined to face the challenge for their home, they just could not leave their homes with their family. The task was likely impossible, even insane, yet they were ready. The valley had given them shelter, food, and everything they needed; now, it was time to return the favor by protecting it.

“What are we doing…?” Mira muttered, her gaze fixed on the beastmen preparing to head out for the river entrance.

“They won’t survive… They won’t even have time to escape. Emperor-level beasts are not something you can fight against. Even dungeons with one require a team of 25 second-rankers to clear,” Royce said, dismissing any hope for their survival.

“So, we just let them go?” Loydel asked.

“That’s what we should do… but watching so many potential fighters head to their deaths doesn’t sit well with me,” Royce replied, shaking his head. “Loydel and Lady Elneya, go with the civilians. You’re in charge—make sure to hunt down anyone who fled and wait for us until morning. Then, move on.”

“Why are you talking like you’re not coming with us?” Young Lady Elneya asked, squinting her eyes.

“It’s a crazy mission, but we’ll go with them. At least we’ll be there to pull them back when they realize how foolish this is,” Royce said, before turning to Mira and Damian. “It’s voluntary, of course—if you’re out of mana or need rest…”

“I’m fine. I’ll come,” Mira replied, rising to her feet.

Damian nodded as well. Looking at his friends, he said, “Go with them. I’ll be right behind.”

Sam, Einar, and Yovan protested in unison, “But Maxim—”

“I’ll just keep my wormhole spell open and stay behind them, ready to jump in at the first sign of trouble,” Damian reassured them.

Reluctantly, the three nodded and left with Loydel and the young blonde captain. Once they were out of earshot, Damian turned to Royce. “This is stupid…”

“Couldn’t agree more. But maybe—just maybe—if Kazak has a solid plan and enough strength, it could work. Let’s just see it through the end,” Mira said, chuckling a little. Royce smiled, realizing how absurd it was to head toward the dangerous beast instead of away from it, as any sane person would.

They approached the beastmen, informing them of their decision, but Kazak was nowhere in sight.

“Where’s Kazak?” Damian asked the beastmen pugilist he’d fought with earlier.

“He told us to gather in 30 minutes; he had something to take care of.”

Damian nodded and went back to the river entrance with the others, where they relieved the soldiers guarding against any monsters trying to break through, allowing them to join the others. Only the seven of them remained in the entire valley—empty now, save for Kazak, who had disappeared. What could possibly be so urgent at a time like this? The elephant was drawing closer with each passing second… Did Kazak plan to fight it inside the valley once it broke through?

Damian mentally reviewed his resources: a jar of fire-element mana dust, a bit of light element, and his mana at 45% and recovering—at least that was good news. And his sword and flaming spear, everyone had seen him use it already so there was no use in hiding it anymore. He was glad no one asked anything about it yet, though they had bigger issues so it was understandable.

After 30 minutes in which everyone prepared on their own way, Kazak returned, eyes wide and a grin on his face. “Are you really doing what I think you’re doing?” he asked.

“Just to be clear, I don’t believe we stand any chance against the beast, but just in case, we’re here,” Royce replied, sounding rather annoyed.

“Do you have a plan, or is punching it all you’ve got in mind?” Damian asked.

“We’ll force it to lose control by killing the second rankers. Emperor-level beasts are known to be intelligent and territorial. If we disrupt its control, it should go crazy for a while before leaving this place,” Kazak replied confidently.

“Wait for it to come through?” Mira asked.

“It’s a waste of mana and stamina to scale the mountain again. Some damage to the surroundings is inevitable,” Kazak said. The others nodded, turning their gaze toward the mountain cave from where the beast was expected to emerge.

“They have over 200 men and monsters,” Damian added.

“Which is why we’ll hide and rush in, surprise them, and take down their captains with full force. Once the leaders are down, the numbers will mean nothing against an enraged beast,” Kazak replied.

Damian refrained from pointing out the many flaws in the plan. Was letting an Emperor-ranked beast run wild really a good idea? And this plan to overwhelm their forces had too many “ifs.” Was this rally Kazak’s strategy for his four beastmen before they joined?

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Leaving nothing to chance, Damian took Royce with him and built a small shed-like structure with a platform to hold his runic circles, drawn with red mana dust. It provided some shelter from the persistent rain, which, though lighter, was still enough to ruin his spells. Rather than putting everything on one risky spell, Damian created five or six such traps. They weren’t very well hidden, but he doubted their enemies would recognize his runic structures and spells since they had never seen it unlike their companions.

Then they waited, each finding a hiding spot of their choosing. They could hear distant crashes, their echoes rumbling through the valley every few minutes. They had blocked the valley entrance – the last thing they made their soldiers do before leaving, so the monsters won’t leave the valley even if they roam inside freely and not become a threat for the people who had left. The beastmen knew of a few hidden exits, so they had nothing to worry about. freё

Letting the monsters roam free and jump the river barrier would give their enemies a false sense of security, thinking the valley was deserted. And there was no one to face them.

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