Damian returned to his room instead of heading to the lab. His mind was too preoccupied to focus on any intricate work. He’d even missed Elias and Lumi’s practical exams.
Now, he simply sat on the padded chair—a cross between a recliner and a sofa, designed by him for comfort—on his balcony. Watching the sun sink slowly into the horizon, the sea darkened beneath it. A glass of wine rested in his hand.
He would have to change all his plans now. There was no point in staying with Highswords now, it was more of an issue and less of an advantage even with Runefather and Worldscribe’s support.
Should he choose Eldoris? The queen and the elders were insane, obsessed with power and control, but at least their insanity was predictable. He knew how they operated and still had connections there. He could aid them in making the kingdom strong enough to withstand neighboring threats. But without Highswords, The Empire will never stop. From what Reize had told him about their scientific and magical advances, Dawnstar stood no chance against them.
Ashenvale was already in ruins. Faerunia and Eldoris couldn’t hope to combine their strength across such a great distance. And even if they somehow united, Damian and Sam would always be thorns in their alliance. Their mere existence strained Eldoris and Faerunia’s relationship.
Even if Faerunia pardoned his so-called crimes in light of the greater threat posed by the Empire, neither he nor Sam could live without constantly looking over their shoulders. Besides, Sam would never agree to an alliance with Faerunia.
Can they.. Join the Empire..?
It was the most stable power after the early Highswords, albeit harsh and unforgiving. Not to mention, after years together, they couldn’t simply abandon Einar, Evrin, and Lucian. And then there was Sam and Grace stuff—an entirely different matter altogether.
There was one other option: Travel across the seas. This couldn’t be the only continent on this planet. He had dismissed the idea earlier, doubting they could even build a vessel capable of such a journey. But now with a source of mana, the possibility seemed within reach. It was riskier than any other path, but finding something—a new civilization or another choice—might be worth it.
Running away to live in obscurity in any of the five kingdoms was always an option. But Damian was tired of running. He wanted to build something—something of his own. When could he start living his life? A family? If all he did was hop from one place to another, being ordered by one group of third rankers to another.
Damian didn’t just want to survive, he wanted more. Both for himself and this miserable yet beautiful world. He wanted to show people there was more to existence than just conquering and killing.
However from the way things were, conquering and killing might be the only way to stay independent..
Damian had promised himself to never play their game of limericks.. But the time of laying his hopes on others for change was gone. He had to, as he always had done, make his own way here..
And for that, he needed strength—whatever he could gather before everything fell apart. He already had enough potions, runic scrolls, and runic devices in his spatial storages to take on any third-ranker; he had no more room to equip another storage accessory on his limbs.
Still, as an individual without all that, he was still vulnerable.
Guess, It was time to ascend to second rank. The best way to achieve that was by winning the right to enter the Highsword dungeon for the next term. The practical exam was in two days, and he had to win.
Well, If he couldn’t even defeat a few brats, he might as well abandon any hope of establishing his own presence and achieving true independence in this world of monsters.
Night fell, and the ocean became a pitch-black void, broken only by a few feeble moonbeams fighting to claim the darkness.
A knock interrupted the stillness. Moments later, his door opened and closed.
Damian didn’t turn. Only two people in the academy had his door’s password: Sam and Reize. He could sense both of them coming from miles away. Only Reize had a habit of knocking before entering though even when no one was inside. That girl was all kind of weird.
Soft steps approached him, she set her tools down on the floor. The mana orb she’d activated cast a pale golden glow over half her figure. The provocative curves of her athletic body were more pronounced to his slightly intoxicated mind. A playful glint danced in her eyes, as if she could read his thoughts.
“Why are you drinking alone sitting in the dark..?” She asked, leaning on the stone railing. She shrugged off her tool harness, revealing the white sleeve shirt underneath. Unbuttoning the top a little, she let the ocean breeze caress her olive skin.
Damian extended a hand without answering.
She looked at him quizzically before placing her hand in his. He pulled her into his lap, ignoring her mumbling protest as she wriggled into a more comfortable position. Her head along with her much heavier chest rested against his chest, and her legs sought the warmth of his feet in a gesture he still found peculiar. She was obsessed with touching his bare feet with her own for some inexplicable reason.
“Will you say something already?” she asked, lifting her head from his chest to meet his gaze.
Damian set his glass aside and wrapped his arms around her-holding her comfortably, his eyes still focused on the faintly visible moon hiding behind the darkened clouds.
“No.” He replied simply.
She squinted at him, studying his face. Then, with a soft sigh, she nestled her head against his chest again.
Damian was barely thirteen. He’d tried keeping things between them innocent, but that resolve had eroded fast.
It turned out that living with a beastwoman, whose olive-toned body was sculpted like an athlete’s beneath all those layers of clothing. Day and night, watching the simplest movements of her everyday life turning into works of art. And wrapping his arms around her in the cold of night, the thoughts of right and wrong often tends to get mixed up..
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