Chapter 48: Powers

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In his previous life, when the Blue Star Powers first transmigrated into Arthur, it took them quite a bit of time and conflict before they finally managed to get themselves together.

In reality, Blue Stars Powers had begun to form right after the transmigration, but it took a year or two for them to organize enough to have a voice of their own.

Those who used to have power on Earth had suddenly come to a new world and were naturally unwilling to let go of the power they once had and wanted to continue living in the glory and prestige they used to have.

But there was nothing they could do since they were facing the magnificent world of Arthur, a land of monsters and supernatural powers.

When a lot of players of Arthur saw that those people refused to let go of the power they once had on earth, the players mostly just ignored them and left right away, because they were affiliated with their own groups of power within Arthur itself.

Blue Star Powers itself continued tumbling along all the way until some high-level players made it to the leadership rung and only stopped their infighting after various factions had been shocked and frightened.

Most people weren’t really surprised to watch this happening.

The high-level players might not have been much while they were on Earth, but after the transmigration, they took on the powerful ability scores they had within the game. Their Intelligence scores gave them the ability to scheme, their Wisdom scores gave them the ability to observe others, while their Charisma scores gave them the ability to lead. All of these were way above the normal levels of human beings.

Just their Ability Scores alone made them superhumans within the Blue Star Powers.

Zhao Xu had insisted on remaining as a Human mostly because he wanted to have a say in the Blue Star Powers.

As long as his level was among the highest of the players from Earth, then he would definitely get a seat in the highest rungs.

Each of the other races, elves, dwarves, orcs, half-orcs, all had a god among their race

Only humans didn’t naturally come with a god of humans.

“Bro, about the Major League, I don’t think they’ll get anything done even after a few months. Everyone is still too low in level now and we don’t have any say among the powers in Arthur,” replied Zhang Qi.

Zhao Xu nodded. In reality, within this one year, none of the players would get a say.

The first real town that was led by Blue Star Powers was created after everyone had finally transmigrated and the various powers came together.

Arthur wasn’t a universe that worked to serve the players in the first place, so it didn’t do them any favors.

After Zhao Xu chatted with his dorm mates for a while more, he decided to go out for a run.

He was spending pretty much every single day either lying on the bed or sitting on a stool to play Arthur, so he was afraid that his muscles might start shrinking from this lack of movement.

He wasn’t really afraid of becoming disabled now, though. After everyone transmigrated, he would take on the body he had in the game.

But he still tried his best to keep himself fit and healthy. It would be really dumb if he died now.

The dorms at Zhao Xu’s university were all built in the northern section of the school, and there were patches of forest around the dorm buildings.

Zhao Xu was too lazy to head for the sports hall and decided to just take a run along the forests outside.

As he ran past a small convenience store, he happened to pass a few female classmates who had just emerged from the store.

One of them was the prettiest girl in his class, Cui Lu, and she was pretty much the school belle.

Ever since Zhao Xu had traveled back in time, the only time he saw these classmates was his first moment in class just before the next class started, and he had brushed past them just as they were headed for class.

After that, for the next half a month, he was trying his best every day in the world of Arthur and spending as much time inside as possible.

Today was the first time in so many years that he actually spotted the girl he used to have a crush on in university.

But he just ran on after taking a quick glance.

In his previous life, he hadn’t gone after her after the transmigration, so forget this life.

Zhao Xu’s university was a co-ed school, so there were many girls who were quite good looking and many were considered goddesses to the male students.

But all the girls who were goddesses now never knew that the gamers they used to look down on would one day become the leaders of the world.

In Zhao Xu’s memory, Cui Lu was a straight-talking girl who loved to play games, so many of the guys in his class liked her. She was also rather popular among their cohort.

If life on earth went on normally, she would have become someone that many classmates would continue to ask about or think about or pay attention to whenever they had a class gathering even many years after graduation.

But after the transmigration, Cui Lu also lived a pretty exciting life.

In his previous life, she was a Ranger and she was famous for being a sharpshooter. Eventually, the Major League was finally formed properly thanks to her as well.

After the smartest guy in class, Li Tiange, transmigrated, he felt that she was at the same standard as himself, so he tried hard to woo her and even teamed up with other strong players, but he was unsuccessful in the end.

After Cui Lu transmigrated, she was extremely helpful and caring towards her own classmates, and Zhao Xu himself had also gotten quite a bit of help from her.

Eventually, Cui Lu had climbed up to a high position in Blue Star Powers, but she continued to remain unmarried.

You could say that, both before and after the transmigration, Cui Lu belonged to a group that he was never worthy of.

And now, after going back in time, Zhao Xu was interested in the powerful group, the Major League, that spanned across several high schools in this city, which she would eventually belong to as well. But he wasn’t really interested in her so to speak.

He wasn’t physically attracted to her anyway.

“Lulu, did you see that? That guy who just ran past us is Zhao Xu,” said one of the girls next to Cui Lu in spectacles as she shook Cui Lu’s arm.

“I saw him, why?” Cui Lu didn’t know why her friend was mentioning this.

“Everyone is thinking that this guy must be some genius gamer of sorts. His dorm mates say that he’s been playing Arthur every single day. Didn’t you say recently that you wanted to not rely on the class league and try to create a Major League that spans the people in the same major as us? This sort of guy who can keep playing day and night is definitely some high-level gamer,” said the girl in spectacles.

“Tsk, Lulu, don’t bother with him. He hasn’t been going to class recently and that’s really awful. I’ve already helped to cover for him so many times,” the monitress of the class, Fang Xiyue cut in. She was also one of the prettiest girls in Zhao Xu’s class.

Cui Lu agreed with what the monitress said with her words, but she couldn’t help but look at Zhao Xu from the corner of her eye even though he had run quite a distance away. There was a strange expression on her beautiful face.


After Zhao Xu was done with his run, he just grabbed a bite at a fast-food restaurant and went back to scroll through the forums until midnight before taking a bath and going to sleep.

By the time he logged back into the game the next day, he was reenergized.

In the morning, he first did some meditation inside his in-game dorm room. He didn’t even take half an hour to finish preparing all the Wizard spell slots he wanted for the day.

If he didn’t use up those spell slots over the next few days, they would just stick with him and he wouldn’t need to prepare them all over again from scratch.

But if he had a change of heart the next day, he could also decide to change the spells that he had already prepared.

After doing all this, he went to flip through the religious texts that had given him a terrible headache the day before.

He only walked out of the cleric dormitory room that he had been assigned to after he heard the bells for the morning prayer session go off.

There were already a lot of his fellow cleric apprentices standing outside, and everyone was now making their way toward the morning prayer hall.

Zhao Xu had already familiarized himself with the map of his surroundings, and he had memorized the way to the hall.

He had already changed into a vestment and brought a book along with him, so he really looked the part of an apprentice cleric.

Some of the cleric apprentices around him were looking curiously at him because he was a stranger, but after they noticed his apprentice insignia on his chest and the way he looked, they didn’t suspect anything.

This large group of cleric apprentices had people coming and going every single day, so nobody really knew each other.

Only the deacon, who was in charge of looking after all the cleric apprentices would have the full list of everyone’s names.

Zhao Xu walked into the morning prayer hall, found a spot, and sat down to start praying.

The deacon in charge was standing to one side and glanced at him. After the deacon confirmed Zhao Xu’s identity, he didn’t bother Zhao Xu anymore. Once almost everyone had arrived, the deacon himself returned to the morning prayer hall suitable for his rank.

The morning prayer hall was huge and all three hundred seats were filled up. Right in front stood a statue of the Goddess that was as tall as four or five people.

The Sacred Heart Cathedral had morning prayer halls for their clerics in various locations throughout the church, and Zhao Xu was in the one that was designated for cleric apprentices.

During this time, there were no special arrangements in general. The clerics would all start praying and then gain divine magic from the Goddess.

The cleric apprentices here were all within their first year of apprenticeship, like Zhao Xu.

They had to wait until they received divine magic and became a full cleric before they would be transferred to pray alongside all the actual clerics.

As a result, this entire morning prayer hall was filled with people fervently praying and doing nothing else.

Only Zhao Xu was actually preparing his divine magic spells.

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