The Way of The Dao

Chapter 795 Deep Sisterly Love

Ling Tian appeared again at Xuan Li's side, with Lang Qingzu in his arms. In his mind, he was already deciding that there were now two seemingly very important families in the south state that he had to visit: Gongsun family and Wen clan.

In the last encounter with those Gongsun family members, Ling Tian deliberately reduced his power, allowing the old man who was more powerful to manage to survive if he used all his means. And if that were not the case, Ling Tian would still visit the great Gongsun family.Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

"Thank you, ancestor..."

Observing Ling Tian's calm and serene expression, Xuan Li thanked with a sweet and happy little smile. Her eyes at once couldn't help but fall on Lang Qingzu, showing a worried expression.

Ever since they had been absorbed and entered that powerful illusion, Lang Qingzu had been sleeping in Ling Tian's arms, worrying Xuan Li greatly.

Ling Tian smiled softly at Xuan Li before turning to look at Lang Qingzu in his arms and saying, "Don't you think you've slept a little too long, little missy? Your big sister is even worried about you..."

Ling Tian's words made Xuan Li startle for a moment before she looked at Lang Qingzu.

A few seconds after Ling Tian's voice, Lang Qingzu's delicate eyelashes trembled briefly, before lifting her eyelids and revealing her eyes. Her soft, tender cheeks reddened as she realized she had been caught when she tried to continue pretending to be asleep.

"Zu'er!" Xuan Li smiled happily filled with relief as she saw Lang Qingzu open her eyes.

Slowly, Ling Tian opened his arms and carefully put Lang Qingzu down, who the latter took a while to let go of Ling Tian's clothes with some reluctance. Lang Qingzu took a deep breath and showed her usual smile.

"Big-.... se-senior sister... congratulations!" Lang Qingzu smiled at once and she looked at Xuan Li with a joyful expression.

"Zu'er... are you fine?" Xuan Lo took Lang Qingzu's small hands.

However, having shared the bond of close sisters for a long time, the change in Lang Qingzu's tone of voice and expression made Xuan Li worry and approached her cheerful younger sister without hesitation as she searched for injuries on her. Even that cheerful and mischievous glow characteristic of Lang Qingzu could no longer be seen despite flashing a smile.

Shaking her head while still smiling, Lang Qingzu squeezed Xuan Li's hands and said, "I'm fine, senior sister, it's just that I won't be so mischievous and careless anymore... I'll focus a lot on cultivating and becoming as strong as you and master!"

A big gleam of determination filled Lang Qingzu's beautiful eyes, surprising Xuan Li for the first time to see this sense of sincere determination in her.

Being as cheerful, mischievous, cunning and funny as kids were, Lang Qingzu seemed to have matured at this moment?

"Zu'er..." Xuan Li still looked at her with some concern, feeling that Lang Qingzu was forcing her smile and forcing herself to appear somewhat mature and calm.

"I-I just want to stay with my most important people, I don't want them to stop loving me or abandon me… I don't want you to abandon me either, big brother!" With her head and face stuck on Ling Tian's chest, Lang Qingzu cried out the last worries in her heart.

After all this time, her trust in Ling Tian had grown considerably, beginning to accept in her heart that he really is her grand master.

Ling Tian let out a soft, understanding smile, "Your master and big sister will not stop loving you, much less abandon you... and, if you still think that can happen, you can trust me, I will never abandon you."

Feeling that his clothes were so soaked that they even stuck to his skin on his chest, Ling Tian gently kissed Lang Qingzu's forehead as he felt the trembling in her small body, stroking her head affectionately.

Reaching his arm out calmly and taking Xuan Li's small hand, Ling Tian pulled her closer towards the two of them.

"I don't have to lie to you right now. The proof is here by your side and as far as I know she has always been with you all your life, even accompanying you in your good and bad times." Ling Tian commented softly.

Lifting her tearful little face from Ling Tian's chest, Lang Qingzu noticed Xuan Li who had a very worried expression and even several tears were starting to flow from her eyes, surprising and worrying her. Lang Qingzu had never seen Xuan Li cry after the death of her family.

"Sen- big sister..."


Lang Qingzu hesitated but Xuan Li interrupted her, coming over and hugging her as well, joining Ling Tian and Lang Qingzu's embrace.

"B-big sister, I... I'm sorry..." Lang Qingzu apologized, her tears again flooding her face. The love she feels for Xuan Li, for this big sister who always cared for her, she can't describe it in words.

"Mhn-unm, no, it's okay! It's not your fault!" Xuan Li shook her head quickly, hugging Lang Qingzu even tighter and, looking into her eyes, she spoke to her firmly, "Zu'er, you are my most important person! You are my true little sister and, although we don't share the same blood, you are what I love most in my life and I will never stop loving you! I swore in my heart that I would always take care of you and protect you with all my being, I will never stop loving you and much less abandon you!"

Xuan Li recalled those dark, horrible and painful days before their master found them, promising herself that she would always care for and protect Lang Qingzu even if she had to give her life for her.

"Big sister, I-I'm sorry! I-I... waah~" Lang Qingzu cried loudly again, hugging Xuan Li.

Both girls cried and hugged tightly on Ling Tian's chest.

"You don't have to change the way you are, you must be yourself!" Xuan Li's tears flowed non-stop as well despite wanting to appear strong, hugging Lang Qingzu tightly.

Although she always worried about Lang Qingzu and sometimes tried to stop her behavior in certain dangerous moments, Xuan Li would never change Lang Qingzu's personality even if she had the chance. Lang Qingzu is Lang Qingzu and she will always care and love her little sister.

Ling Tian smiled relieved but somewhat curiously, noting that both Lang Qingzu and Xuan Li had leaned on his chest while hugging each other. Both girls surprisingly grabbed part of his clothes with each of their hands as they leaned on him who was still slightly bent over.

Caressing and patting both girls' heads, Ling Tian comforted them for a long time.

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