Naturally, given the disgust Gabriel had for the wonderful pills, and that most individuals are unaware of and can’t wrap their minds around feces that has been ‘cleaned’ to just keep the bacteria, Kain decided it was best if the people of this world just never found out.

As a result, unlike the beer company that he could be completely hands off with and just count the money as it rolls in, he would need to do the bulk of the preparation for the pills.

Rather, the formation of the pills, and the preparation of a precise mixture of the spiritual plants the bacteria need to survive that’s also inserted into the pill can be prepared by others, and Collin will be arranging the construction of an additional factory for this purpose.

However, when it comes to the ‘secret ingredient’ of these pills, Kain will either have to do it himself or find someone he trusts enough or can control well enough not to rat him out…

Kain started the process of collecting the droppings himself, thankfully each piece of poop can be used to make hundreds of pills so Kain doesn’t need to raise too many Clear Spring Wolves, and once the River Pups he currently has evolved, they should fully meet his needs. So it’s not too much work for him alone to do—or so he thought.

Eventually, by the third time he was scooping up the waste of a Clear Spring Wolf, Kain threw up his hands and decided to hire a worker to do this.

“The sharpest captains know their value lies in steering the ship, not rowing it.” Kain justified. It was not because he was simply disgusted by the wolf shit. After all, he could best demonstrate his value when coming up with new ideas, not to mention he’s a busy man, no matter how he looked at it, he would be best suited for another task.

Thankfully, Kain had just the individual in mind for this task. Someone that Kain already shared a deep secret with, is dissatisfied with their current job, has the strength to manage a group of spiritual creatures, and may even enjoy being around a bunch of River Wolf Pups and Clear Spring Wolfs. Ferrin.

Kain already has a soul binding contract in place with him, and an additional term in the contract can just be added to facilitate his employment. Since he already has such a contract with Kain, he’d be less resistant than the average person to signing another.

Also, Ferrin has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with his current job. Since Ferrin was an ordinary person not long ago, he still had a decent job as a white-collar worker in a relatively large multi-city business.

However, while his current salary was quite high as an ordinary person, it was completely insufficient to raise a spiritual creature—especially not one that advances so quickly.

Not to mention his office job seemed too mundane in comparison to the life he’d always imagined as a beast-tamer.

Being a care-taker for many spiritual creatures would probably be preferable to him—especially if Kain could offer a salary that would better meet his needs.

After contacting Ferrin, Kain arrived at his property on the outskirts of the city. Its rolling fields filled with hundreds, if not thousands, of various spiritual plants that Kain had been adding over time, were broken up by the artificial lake Kain had previously used to contain the products from his Lumifin evolution experiments and still contains the first ever Gilded Serafins to successfully evolve. The artificial lake practically glowed due to the dual effects of the sun rays glinting off of its surface, and the light emitted by the Serafin’s swimming beneath its surface.

Towards the entrance of the massive fields was a small wooden house with three rooms that was previously the rundown shack, but Kain had since renovated—although he may likely expand it into a larger home in the future.

It would look like the perfect idyllic country home paradise if it were not surrounded by a shimmering high-grade defensive array that obstructed any peeping eyes and promised no mercy to any intruders.

Ferrin was led past the barrier looking both intrigued and confused as to why Kain had called him here, while taking in the beautiful scenery and then proceeded to follow Kain down a dirt path he had travelling throughout the property for when he wanted to conveniently walk through the fields.

As they walked, Kain explained, “You’re familiar with River Wolf Pups, right? High potential, but prohibitively expensive to raise. They’d probably be a default first-choice contract for many if they weren’t so expensive to raise.”

Ferrin nodded. “Yeah, I’ve heard of them. They’re great for water-type or canine-type affinities, but the upkeep is ridiculous. When I was a teenager fantasizing about what my affinity might be, they were one I definitely dreamed about. But the cost of single week of their food is several months of my current salary, not to mention my much poorer parents. It’d have been impossible. What about them?”

Kain stopped in by a section of the fields not far from the artificial lake where several River Wolf Pups frolicked alongside a few larger majestic Clear Spring Wolves. “I’ve developed something that makes raising them much more affordable. Even for the standards of ordinary families.”

Ferrin’s eyes widened. “You’re serious?”

Kain pulled out a bottle of brown capsules and held it up. “These pills. They contain a ‘secret ingredient’ that drastically reduces the cost and time required for River Wolf Pups to evolve into Clear Spring Wolves. With these, more people will be able to raise them, and the overall strength of beast-tamers in the Empire could increase significantly.”

Ferrin frowned as he studied the pills. “Secret ingredient? What kind of ingredient are we talking about here?”

Kain hesitated for a moment before answering, “Let’s just say it’s derived from something Clear Spring Wolves produce naturally. It’s perfectly safe, sterilized, and concentrated to maximize effectiveness.”

Ferrin squinted at him suspiciously. “More specifically…?”

“Ahem… it is the purified remnants of the spiritual plant material consumed by Clear Spring Wolves, which is processed by their bodies into a biologically potent output in a natural cycle of purification.”

Ferrin’s eyes went hazy as he tried to decipher the long and convoluted explanation Kain came up with. However, while not one of the top minds in the Empire, he’s a college graduate from a decent university who managed to be recruited to a mid-level company upon graduation—he was far from dumb.

“You mean…you’re selling wolf poop?” He said in astonishment while giving Kain the look one would expect to be given to a shady and immoral con artist.

Kain coughed shyly, rubbing the bridge of his nose in slight embarassment. “I am not selling poop. I’m selling a carefully extracted and clean material that happens to come from Clear Spring Wolf poop. It’s not dirty and it’s incredibly effective. Don’t reduce my scientific breakthrough to… that.”

“This is insane,” Ferrin muttered. Sёarch* The nôᴠel Fire.nёt website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Seeing that convincing Ferrin didn’t seem to be going as smoothly as he’d expected, Kain pushed on quickly. “Listen, rather than sitting in a dusty cubicle all day with an annoying boss breathing down your neck, you can work here, surrounded by adorable spiritual creatures in a serene natural environment with next to no interference from me.

“Not to mention this property is perfect for raising the wolves and will take off most of the stress from caring for them. The defensive array will keep them safe and contained, and the spiritual plants they need to be fed have already been transplanted and grown by the lake here. The River Wolf Pups and Clear Spring Wolves can even graze on the plants they require for their own maintenance without you having to feed them more than once a day with some spiritual beast meat. All I need from you is to manage the wolves, collect their waste, and send it to me for processing.

“And you don’t even have to pick up all of the poop—only those from the Clear Spring Wolves. And look here,” Kain said holding up a bottle of blue dye for Ferrin to see, “Mix this into the food of the Clear Spring Wolves. It’ll dye their waste blue so you can tell it apart from the others. I only need the waste from the Clear Spring Wolves for the pills. So that also reduces your work load. You could probably even finish all of your work in a couple of hours each day.”

Ferrin raised an eyebrow. “You want me to be a glorified poop collector? Although I don’t exactly love my job, I do work for one of the largest companies in this region with offices in all neighbouring cities. Not to mention I’ve worked my ass off for them for years and am now on track for a promotion within the next couple of years.”

“I will triple your current salary.”


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