Chapter 209: This is Anna, my… junior

“Uh… uh?”

No, shouldn’t you be having a serious talk with Hannah by your side? Why do you need to have a serious talk with me?

Ryan was still processing this when suddenly the door slammed open with a bang, and the owner of that sound, Miss Alice, appeared in front of him.

“Miss… Miss Alice.”

He had already heard Alice’s voice, but seeing her in person still gave him a shock.

What’s going on? Miss Alice is supposed to be out handling business,she usually doesn’t come back until the evening. Why is she here all of a sudden?

And looking at her now, she was definitely furious.

[Alice Mood Level: 30/100 (Angry)]

[Special Status: Regret (Minor)]

Swallowing hard, Ryan quickly checked Alice’s status on the interface.

Alice was angry, Ryan had guessed that much, but what was this regret about?

He didn’t know what Alice regretted, but he knew what he was regretting.

He should have called Alice earlier to explain things. Now, unprepared for her sudden return, it felt almost like being caught red-handed.

Ryan’s facial muscles twitched, showing a look of surprise, and that expression only made Alice more convinced of her suspicions.

Although it wasn’t Ryan’s fault, not rejecting it was a mistake too.

Ryan felt like a rabbit exposed on a savannah full of predators, always attracting various characters by his mere presence.

He had sensed something off about Mia yesterday and had warned her, but he hadn’t expected her to actually show up today.

Was she trying to provoke him?

“What’s this?”

Alice struggled to suppress her anger, but her voice was unavoidably icy as she stared piercingly at Ryan, demanding an explanation.

“Uh, this is Mia, you know her.”

Ryan glanced back at the two girls on the sofa, who looked like they were facing a major threat.

Their instincts told them that this woman was dangerous.

Especially Anna, who was grinding her teeth and clenching her fists.

She had heard Ryan call her Miss Alice, and there was no doubt in her mind that this was the person who had taken Ryan away.

Ryan had lied before, saying it was voluntary, but seeing his fearful respect, how could it be voluntary?

Anna was convinced that Alice must have done something terrible to Ryan, and now here she was, with that cold demeanor. Anna couldn’t believe Ryan would willingly stay in such a place.

No, she couldn’t be intimidated. She had to pull herself together and rescue Ryan.

Listening to Ryan’s explanation, Alice raised an eyebrow. Sometimes she wondered if Ryan was genuinely clueless.

Did she not know who Mia was? She was obviously asking about the other one.

“Oh, this is Anna, my… junior.”

Realizing his oversight, Ryan pointed to Anna behind him and introduced her, then turned to introduce Alice to Anna.

In truth, Ryan wasn’t sure what his relationship with Anna should be. She had come all this way to find him,surely he owed her some acknowledgment.

As Ryan turned back, he saw the gloom in Anna’s eyes and felt a pang of worry as he noticed her hand in her pocket. Surely this girl wasn’t still thinking of making a break for it?

“This is Miss Alice, the owner here, and… my friend.”

Ryan hurriedly explained, struggling with how to describe his relationship with Alice. When he said the word ‘friend,’ he didn’t dare look back at Miss Alice.

With Miss Alice’s aloof nature, even if he said that, she probably wouldn’t admit it.

What Ryan didn’t know was that, as he turned away, Alice’s gaze softened slightly upon hearing his words.

Friend, huh? But that wasn’t enough.

However, that softness was fleeting. When her gaze shifted back to Anna, it returned to that icy coldness that seemed capable of causing frostbite.


Anna listened to Ryan’s introduction, and the term “friend” sounded so grating to her ears.

If it were possible, she would definitely turn back time to prevent Ryan from ever saying that.

He actually called this person his friend? Wasn’t that a bit much?

But Anna wouldn’t get mad at Ryan,it was all Alice’s fault. Ryan had been misled.

She greeted Alice politely but without any warmth, as if merely completing a task.

“Hello, Ryan’s junior, right? I’ll remember that.”

Alice’s mood had slightly improved after Ryan’s earlier words, though she was still visibly angry, barely keeping it under control.

When she said she’d remember, Hannah shivered beside her,being remembered by Miss Alice was not a good thing.

Ryan could wait,her main priority now was to get these two annoying people out of the way.

With that, Alice gently called Ryan’s name and, as he approached, handed him her coat.

“Take this upstairs for me, just leave it on the bed.”

Her lips barely moved, and Ryan, holding the coat still carrying a hint of her scent, was slightly stunned.

Wasn’t he usually not allowed on the second floor? And today, not only was Alice letting him go up, but she was also allowing him into her room?

What was Miss Alice thinking?

Although Ryan would sneak upstairs every now and then, making some bold moves, it was different from Alice inviting him up.

“What, don’t you remember?”

Seeing Ryan frozen in place, Alice frowned slightly in displeasure.

Ryan was supposed to respectfully follow her commands, especially with others present.

“Weren’t you in my bed just last night? Planning on denying it now?”

Alice said this, her own face flushing a bit with the boldness of her words.

She was speaking the truth, albeit with a bit of a twist, and Ryan nearly dropped his jaw in shock.

In Miss Alice’s bed? He didn’t think so.

Well, if playing UNO in bed counted, then that was stretching it…

Ryan was about to say something else, but a cold glare from Alice silenced him, and he obediently took the clothes upstairs.

Alice was still angry, and she had a way of making her point very clear.

Having nearly been killed by Hannah before, Ryan was only slightly surprised this time.

Mia looked at Ryan in shock, clearly believing what she’d heard, but she’d have to wait for him to come back and explain.

Hopefully, nothing too chaotic would ensue.

“Hurry up.”

Alice urged him again, this time softening her tone slightly, though it still carried a chill. It almost sounded like she was playfully coaxing Ryan.

Hannah twitched at the corner of her eyes, hearing every word Miss Alice said.

If she hadn’t been there last night playing UNO, she might have stormed up to confront Ryan herself.

Hannah kept her head down, feeling that Miss Alice seemed almost unreal.

Why not just hang the coat on the coat rack? Why insist on having Ryan take it to the bed? These words were clearly for the two girls to hear.

Sure enough, when Alice returned, Anna and Mia were merely surprised, but after Alice’s provocative statement, they were both thunderstruck.

For some reason, seeing their reaction gave Alice a secret thrill.

She coughed lightly and walked over to the sofa, naturally taking the main seat and looking interestedly at the orange juice on the table.

Ryan didn’t like orange juice, so clearly, it wasn’t poured for him.

Mia watched Alice, her fingers pinching the edge of the sofa, almost tearing the upholstery.

‘Ryan is not like that. What she said must be nonsense. Absolutely,’ Mia thought.

“Mia, what are you thinking about?”

“Nothing, nothing.”

Mia shook her head, sealing away what she had just heard, and then her expression transformed into a smile.

“Uh, Alice, you’re back.”

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

Alice looked up slowly at Mia’s words, having no fondness for this little home-wrecker.

Why couldn’t Ryan see her true nature, blinded by her appearance?

“So if I hadn’t come back, were you planning to move in?”

Coming to her house and daring to say that, did they think she was a fool?

Mia didn’t expect Alice to be so blunt and knew she had definitely angered her.

But what of it? That was her purpose for coming, just a bit sooner than planned.

Humming indifferently, Mia lowered her head and played with her phone, and Alice didn’t bother with her.

Her gaze fell on Anna instead, finding Ryan’s junior far more interesting than her scheming sister.

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