Chapter 129

He was obviously smiling, but in his eyes, it only made people's pores creepy.

He Ruilin stepped back to distance himself from him.

For the first time, she wanted to stay away from him.

At this time, the door of the room rang again, accompanied by the voice of the waiter, "is anyone there? I'm here to deliver wine. "

Hearing that it was a wine delivery, he Ruilin was relieved. She looked at the door and said, "the wine I asked for has been delivered."

"It's my name." Zong Jinghao leaned in front of the cupboard, holding the wine cup in his hand, leaning slightly. The red liquid spilled all over the table and trickled down the edge of the table. He frowned, as if it was because the wine didn't fit his heart. He slowly raised his eyes, "I think there is a more suitable wine for us, don't you think?"

"Suitable, suitable wine for us?" He Ruilin can't react. Does he want to drink with himself?

Isn't he sick of himself?

Did he figure it out?

How about finding her?

He Ruilin held back her joy and said, "I'm going to open the door."

Her steps are fast and messy.

The door opened and the hotel attendant stood at the door, holding two bottles of Baijiu in his hand.

He Ruilin was stunned for a moment. Said, "bring it in."

"Yes." The waiter brought in the wine, put it on the table, opened the top of the bottle and poured in the flat bottomed glass he brought in.

Pour good wine, the waiter stood up, "if you need anything, call me at any time, I wish you a happy stay."

Then the waiter left the room and closed the door.

He Ruilin slobber at the table, looking at the wine on the table, and swallowing his mouth. "Baijiu is too strong. I think there is still an atmosphere in red wine."

"I like strong, dare you drink with me?"

His eyebrows and eyes spread out, and his appearance was a little less inhumane. He picked from the end of his eyes. There was a little light in his black eyes, and there was a touch of spring color. He was a charming male goblin.

He Ruilin's heart stopped half a beat in an instant.

The brain is completely out of her control, like an unconscious nod, "I dare."

Zong Jinghao bent over, lifted the glass and handed it to her.

He Ruilin reaches for it.

He looked up and drank. He Ruilin also drank up the wine in the glass.

Baijiu brew storms on rivers and seas. It is different from red wine. It enters the larynx cavity with a burning sensation.

She covered her nose and said wrongly, "it's so spicy."

Zong Jinghao continued to fill his glass.

It's said that alcohol can strengthen people's courage. This may be based on the fact that alcohol stimulates people's brain and makes people excited.

For a bad alcoholic drink, a glass of Baijiu containing high alcohol will become unconscious.

He Ruilin uses the strength of wine. Lean into his arms, face to his heart, listen to his strong and powerful heartbeat.

Zong Jinghao did not push her away, she was overjoyed, holding his neck, "ah Hao, I love you."

"Is it?" Zong Jinghao handed the wine to her, "prove it to me."

He Ruilin stares at the wine in front of him and reaches for it. Instead of drinking it, he throws it on the ground. The essence of the wine spreads in the room. She pointed to her heart, "do you want me to prove it?"

She laughs, "I'll prove it to you."

She grabs the wine bottle on the table, stares at Zong Jinghao with blurred eyebrows and eyes, raises the corners of her lips charmingly, and opens the shoulder strap of the suspender skirt bit by bit. The silk red suspender skirt is separated from her flesh and body. It's wearing black, sexy underwear.

She put her head back and poured down with the bottle open.

Strong alcohol burns sore throat, she endured, Zong Jinghao must be testing her, if she drank the wine, prove their love for him.

He will love her, he will love her!

Zong Jinghao slightly side face, avoid her only wearing underwear body.


The bottle slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

The Baijiu was mixed with glass residue and splashed everywhere.

He Ruilin blushed and fell on the bed. "I can't do it anymore --"

She waved her hands“ I can't drink any more. "

Zong Jinghao put down his glass, closed his eyes, put one hand on his forehead and rubbed his eyebrows.Buzzing——

His mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He opened his eyes slowly. Taking out his cell phone, Guan Jin's number is displayed on the screen. He presses the answer button.

Guan Jin's voice immediately spread over, "I brought people."

“18。” Then he hung up.

Guan Jin is in the lobby of the hotel. Looking at the hands of the phone was hung up, frowned, and looked at the two men around, "come with me."

Because Zong Jinghao didn't say what he wanted.

He worried that Zong Jinghao would not be satisfied, so he found two.

Take people to room 18.

Seeing the situation inside, Guan Jin was really confused.

The floor is in a mess, and there is a room full of wine. It's nothing. It's mainly about he Ruilin who is lying on the bed without clothes. What's the matter?

"This -" Guan Jin carefully looked at Zong Jinghao, "what's the matter?"

And he wants men——

Guan Jin seems to understand, Zong Jinghao's meaning, he can't help but stare, "even if you don't like him, after all, she has been with you. And to her -- "

Zong Jinghao's fierce eyes shot, Guan Jin immediately closed his mouth.

He Ruilin wriggles on the bed, uncomfortable, she is very uncomfortable, her stomach is like being burned, uncomfortable want to vomit.

I didn't notice that there were several more people in the room.

The two men lowered their heads and peeped into the bed from time to time.

Zong Jinghao stepped out and passed Guan Jin. Explain a way, "record finished, send a to He Jia, you personally send."

Then he left the room without looking back at the mess in the room and the wolf like eyes of the two men.

Guan Jin is not calm, followed out, "this, not very good?"

Destroying a woman's innocence?

Guan Jin really can't understand him. No matter how hard he is in the market, it doesn't matter.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. Either you or I will die.

But it's inhumane to deal with a woman who has been with him like this.

Zong Jinghao looked back at him, voice is not high or low, "do you have a problem?"

Guan Jin quickly waved his hand, "no, I just think it's beneath my identity."

Zong Jinghao sneered, "they don't want their reputation for a hundred years. They don't want me to give a tit for a tat when they do some dirty things?"

Guan Jin opened his mouth wide. "What did she do?"

Zong Jinghao doesn't want the video of Lin Xinyan being undressed to be seen by other men.

"Do your job."

Then he continued to step.

Guan Jin stood in the same place for a moment, catching up with Zong Jinghao who came to the door, and asked, "will there be no leeway?"

Is it just acting, or really let the two men really on the he Ruilin?

Zong Jinghao's footstep slightly pause, almost did not stop, he did not answer Guan Jin.

But Guan Jin knows the answer.

He didn't leave any room for it.

He sighed and turned into the room to arrange the next thing.

Zong Jinghao got into the car, did not start the car immediately, but sat quietly in the driving position.

Eyelashes quiver, as long as you think of it, Lin Xinyan is almost forced. Violent, he can't calm down.

This kind of not calm, he has never had before.

He couldn't imagine what he would do if he really got it.

It was he Ruilin who touched his bottom line first!

He started the car and left the hotel.

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