Villain Ch 1001. I Know How to Make Plot Twists

Shea’s mouth went dry, her breath catching in her throat as she finally gave in to the undeniable pull of Allen’s command. Her resolve crumbled under his gaze, and, before she could stop herself, she leaned forward and gently licked the chocolate from his finger. Her tongue flicked out to taste the sweet mixture of chocolate and his skin. As soon as she did it, a deep blush spread across her cheeks.

This wasn’t how she had envisioned the evening going. She was supposed to be the one in control, teasing him, making him obey her commands. But now, the tables had turned completely, and she found herself submitting to him instead.

It was supposed to be “Good boy, Allen,” but now it had become “Good girl, Shea.” The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on her, and she could feel a mix of embarrassment and a strange, unfamiliar thrill pulsing through her veins.

Allen chuckled in satisfaction, the sound low and rich. He could see the blush on Shea’s face, the way she was grappling with her emotions, and it only fueled his confidence. “Nice,” he said, his voice dripping with approval. “Now, who wants to go first?”

Before anyone could respond, Jane suddenly raised her hand as if she was in a class. The sudden motion caught everyone’s attention, and they turned to look at her with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

“What about my script?” Jane asked, her tone eager, though there was a hint of nervousness underlying her enthusiasm. “Last time, you guys said you were going to do some role play that I prepared, right?” she reminded them, her eyes darting between Allen and the other girls. She had worked hard on the script and she had been looking forward to seeing it come to life.

Allen glanced at Jane, her wide eyes and hopeful expression reminding him of the promise he had made. He wasn’t one to break promises, and he had to admit, he was curious to see what Jane had come up with. “You’re right,” he said, nodding slightly. “I did agree to do the role play.”

Jane’s face lit up with a bright smile, and the other girls seemed to relax a bit. They realized that the night was about to take another turn. They still could turn the table.

“But…” Allen added, holding up a hand to stop the celebrations from getting out of hand. The girls’ smiles faltered slightly, their eyes locking on him as they waited for the rest of his sentence. “Just the outline,” he reminded them, his tone firm but not unkind. He wanted to keep some control over the situation, to ensure that things didn’t spiral too far out of his comfort zone.

Jane nodded quickly, her earlier worry replaced by excitement. “It’s fine,” she said, her voice bubbling with happiness. “I also just made the outline. The rest depends on your improvisation.” She practically beamed at Allen, thrilled that her hard work wasn’t going to waste.

She had been worried that they might forget about the script, or that the night’s events might derail the plan entirely, but now it seemed like everything was falling into place.

“Okay,” Allen agreed, his voice steady, though the wheels in his mind were already turning. He was determined not to let things go completely out of his control, even if he had to play along for now.

“Yes!” Jane exclaimed happily, her excitement bubbling over. She immediately ran into the bathroom, the loud clatter of her suitcase echoing as she rummaged through it to find her script. Moments later, she emerged, holding several small sheets of paper shaped like notes, each one carefully prepared for the night’s role play.

“Here,” she announced proudly, placing the notes on the table in front of Allen and the others. The girls leaned in eagerly, their curiosity piqued as they eyed the notes. Allen, however, was more focused, taking the dozen notes in his hands and reading them one by one.

‘As expected…’ Allen thought, a wry smile playing on his lips. He had a feeling the role play would be skewed heavily in favor of the girls, and as he read through the notes, his suspicions were confirmed.

The roles they had chosen for him were mostly submissive, putting him in positions where he would have to follow their lead, be at their mercy. But there was one glaring oversight, Jane had only written the outlines without delving into the specific personalities or behaviors that each role required. That was a loophole he could easily exploit.

After scanning through the notes, Allen placed them back on the table with a nonchalant air. “You guys choose. I’ll follow whatever you want,” he announced casually, as if the roles didn’t faze him in the slightest.

The girls exchanged excited glances before quickly reaching for the cards they had obviously been eyeing from the start. Allen watched them with a knowing smirk, his suspicions confirmed. They had planned this carefully, probably imagining how each scenario would play out in their favor, expecting him to fall in line with their games.

“Mind if I go first, everyone?” Shea announced confidently, holding up her card with a triumphant grin. The others nodded in agreement, clearly having anticipated this moment. Shea’s eagerness was no surprise to Allen; he had figured she would be the first to want to assert her dominance, setting the tone for the others to follow.

Allen took her card and read it over, his smirk growing wider as he absorbed the details. It was exactly what he had expected—Shea was planning to dominate him, likely hoping to soften him up for the rest of the night, making it easier for the others to maintain the upper hand.

But Allen had no intention of letting that happen, and the vague outline on the card gave him all the room he needed to turn the tables.

“Okay, you’re up first, Shea,” Allen said, his smirk still firmly in place. But before she could get too comfortable, he added with a teasing glint in his eyes, “But before we start, I have to remind you… I’m a writer. I know how to make plot twists.”

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