Chapter 853 UnreasonableExperience tales at My Virtual Library Empire
Villain Ch 853. Unreasonable
After a while, Allen reluctantly dragged himself from his gaming chair. He knew he couldn’t avoid dinner forever, especially not with his family waiting for him. He changed into something more presentable and made his way downstairs, where the comforting aroma of the food greeted him.
The dining room was warmly lit, casting a cozy glow over the table where his father, Emma, and Azura were already seated. The table was set with a delicious spread, and the clicking sound of plates and utensils filled the room as they began to eat.
Emma and Azura were deep in conversation, their voices animated. Allen’s father, a stern yet kind man, listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with a chuckle or a nod. Allen, on the other hand, remained mostly silent, pushing his food around on his plate.
“So, Allen,” Emma began, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “what did you think of the outfits we picked out for you today? You have to admit, you looked pretty dashing.”
Azura giggled, adding, “Yeah, you looked like a real young master. We need to get you to dress like that more often.”
Allen smiled weakly, not wanting to dampen their enthusiasm. “You both did a great job. I appreciate it,” he said, his voice lacking its usual energy.
Emma and Azura exchanged glances, sensing his lack of interest. “Come on, Allen,” Azura urged. “You have to take this seriously. Looking at the part is half the battle.”
Allen sighed inwardly. Fashion had never been his forte, and while he understood the importance of appearances, especially given his new status, it was hard to muster enthusiasm for something that felt so superficial. He knew he had to make an effort, but his mind was preoccupied with other concerns.
Their father, sensing Allen’s distraction, placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright? You seem distant tonight.”
Allen looked up, meeting his father’s concerned gaze. “I’m fine, Dad. Just a lot on my mind.”
Emma leaned in, her expression softening. “Is it about the game? Or something else?”
Allen hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah, it’s about the game… and some other things.”
Azura’s eyes widened with curiosity. “Anything we can help with?”
Allen shook his head. “Not really. It’s just… complicated.”
Allen decided to steer the conversation away from his inner turmoil and back to the party planning.
“So, Dad, about the party,” Allen began, leaning forward slightly. “I’ve been coordinating with Shea and Vivian on the costumes. They’re both really excited to help out, especially with the theme we’ve chosen.”
Jordan’s eyes lit up with interest. “That’s great to hear. How’s it coming along?”
Allen nodded. “They have some pretty creative ideas. Vivian will connect me to Urban Enigma for the costume designs, and Shea is looking into materials and suppliers. They’re both really into it, which is good because I have no idea about that stuff.”
Jordan chuckled. “That’s why it’s good to have people around you who are passionate about different things. What about the venue? Have you decided on a place yet?”
“I’ve got a list of potential venues,” Allen replied, pulling out his phone to show his father. “Kai and Alex are arranging the schedule for the meeting with the staff or representatives at each place. They said the meetings might start next week. We’re looking at a few places that can accommodate a large crowd but also have that special touch we’re looking for.”
Jordan leaned closer to look at the screen. “These look like some good choices. You’re really putting a lot of thought into this.”
Allen smiled, feeling a bit more relaxed. “Yeah, I want it to be special. And I’m also planning to appoint a qualified event organizer to handle all the logistics. I’ll be discussing this with Kai and Alex later tonight. They’ve been really supportive and have a lot of good contacts.”
Jordan nodded approvingly. “An event organizer can definitely take a lot of the pressure off you, so you can focus on enjoying the process.”
Allen appreciated his father’s encouragement. “Exactly. I want everything to be perfect, but I also don’t want to burn out trying to manage every little detail.”
Jordan was quite satisfied with Allen’s explanation. His son’s confidence and ability to manage such an important event spoke volumes about his growth and maturity. Jordan felt a swell of pride. It was clear that Allen was not only stepping into his role as a Goldborne but also embracing it with a level of responsibility that was impressive.
However, across the table, Azura couldn’t shake a feeling that something was stuck in her heart. Outwardly, she maintained a composed and cheerful demeanor, engaging in the conversation and laughing at the appropriate moments. But inwardly, a nagging thought kept surfacing—why hadn’t Allen come to her for help? Why wasn’t she involved in the planning process?
Azura understood that Allen had no obligation to involve her in the party preparations. After all, he had competent help. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment. Maybe it was her wish, her ego, wanting to be needed, to play a crucial role in something important to Allen. If she were involved, it would mean that Allen valued her input and needed her support.
It would also give her more reasons to meet him, to visit the Goldborne mansion after this visit was over. It could be a way for them to get closer.
She sat quietly, mulling over these thoughts, trying to mask her feelings. Allen’s explanation about the party planning continued in the background, but Azura’s mind was elsewhere, trapped in a loop of unspoken desires and insecurities. She questioned herself, wondering if she was being unreasonable, if her expectations were too high.
Azura tried to banish the troubling thoughts swirling in her mind. ‘What the hell am I thinking about?!’ she screamed internally. She couldn’t fathom her stubbornness in wanting to help Allen, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that her desire stemmed from a deeper need to be near him. Perhaps she could use helping with the party as an excuse to be closer to him.
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