Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 191 - : Professor Brissaud

 "Class dismissed." Prince Joachim said with a smile on his face.

 Everyone sigh in relief when they hear Prince Joachim say those words. They immediately gathered their things and left the room.

 Although Prince Joachim is an approachable Professor when he makes a test, he becomes a different person. It's as if he wants the whole class to fail with how different his questions are. 

 But despite that, many students still like him. Probably because of how he works his way with girls. He has a smooth tongue. That's why many ladies like him. Aside from it, he is also smart and a royalty. So, it's understandable if ladies still like him.

 I do admit Prince Joachim's looks are really great, but when he is compared to Prince Fraser, he becomes an average face. His intelligence is even a few levels lower than Prince Fraser's. So, he never enters Csille's eyes.

 I was about to get out of the room when suddenly Prince Joachim called me. "Lady Csille, you stay behind. I need to talk to you about something." 

 I can see how the girls look at me with envy. 

 Uhh. Don't worry. I'm not planning to take your Prince Joachim from you. I already have someone I like, okay? And he's much better.

 I walk towards Prince Joachim. "Professor, do you need me for something?"

 Prince Joachim smiled at me. "Lady Csille, how many times will I have told that you don't need to call me Professor? Just call me how you used to call me."

 I smile awkwardly at him. Although I'm not wary of him anymore, I still feel awkward around him. Probably because he was known for being a chick magnet in Alderrdeen, it is said that more than half of the ladies population in here have a crush on him. 

 "But you're my Professor. It will be rude not to call you that way." 

 Up until now, I still don't know why did he choose to become a Professor here. Is it because his situation in the Yesian Kingdom got worst? So he decided to become a Professor here to escape? That's the only plausible reason I can think of.

 Prince Joachim smiled at me. "But I thought you were my friend." Although he is smiling at me, I can hear a tone of complaining.

 Friend? Although we talked a few times in the Saiven Kingdom, I don't think it's enough for him to be my friend. Prince Joachim has been Csille's Professor for almost two years now. But our relationship is more like a teacher and student relationship rather than being friends. So, where did he get the idea that I am friends with him? I only talk to him because it is needed. 

 I sigh. "Professor, please don't make it too difficult for me. We're friends outside the Alderrdeen. However, you're my Professor here, and I am your student. It is just right to call you Professor." 

 "Okay, I won't force you already. But I just want to ask how is your research going? I haven't heard any news about it. I guess you're almost halfway finishing it, right?"

 Oh yeah, how can I forget about that research? Each graduating student needs to do research related to their major. It's like those theses on Earth. And Prince Joachim is my advisor and my editor.

 "I'm still working on it, Professor. I'll submit the first half this Friday." 

 Prince Joachim nods his head. "That's good. I need to check it now so I can see if you can proceed with the other half." He then looks at his watch. "It's already lunchtime now. Are you planning to eat lunch now? Why don't you join me?"

 Join him? Is he kidding me? He's a Professor. What will people say if they find him eating lunch with his student? Also, did he forget I already have a fiancée? 

 "I'm sorry, Professor. I already have a lunch date with Lady Lilla." I look at my watch too. "If you'll excuse me. I need to go now."

 I didn't wait for him to respond. I immediately went out of the room and ran as far as I could from him. 

 It's the reason why I feel awkward around him. Not because I find something wrong with him. But because of the feeling that he is making a move to Csille. 

 Oh, well. I just need to deal with him for this semester. After this, I won't see him again because I will be returning to the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 Vrawyth Kingdom? Five years have passed in an instant. What could have happened these past years? I want to see Mother, Father, and Brother Pascal. I also want to see how Rufus and Princess Paislee changes. 

 And Prince Fraser... I bet he looks more handsome than before. Can I stop myself from falling for him this time? 


 "Lady Csille, what are your plans after graduating? Will you and Prince Fraser get married now?" Lilla ask. 

 Marriage? Csille and Prince Fraser? That's impossible. How can Prince Fraser choose the Villainess as his wife? Only Princess Paislee deserves that title of becoming his wife. 

 I smile sadly. "His majesty, the King hasn't even officially announced our engagement. How can we get married immediately? We still need to get engaged for a year or two before we can get married."

 Lilla groan. "Can you just get married without being engaged? Is that not a thing in your Kingdom?"

 I shake my head. "It's a tradition in the Vrawyth, and since Prince Fraser is the future King, we need to follow it. Vrawyth people are known for being traditionalists. So even if there's a lot of people who do that outside the Vrawyth, we still don't follow the trend."

 Lilla pouts. "But if you need to get engaged for one or two years, when will you get married to Prince Fraser?"

 Marriage with Prince Fraser? That would never happen in this lifetime. Even the engagement will be canceled. So, what's there to hope? 

 "His majesty, the King, said we will get engaged after both of us, Prince Fraser and I, graduated from College. Although the engagement process will still take a year. So, it will probably take three years, I guess? But it still depends on the situation."

 "But they already move your official engagement, right? Why would they move it again?"

 She's right. The original plan was to officially announce the engagement between Prince Fraser and Csille on Csille's coming of age. That is when she turned eighteen. However, because Csille was too busy in her studies in Alderrdeen, the King moved it after graduating from College. 

 I shrugged my shoulders. "Because I will be engaged with Prince Fraser and not just someone. So, they need to consider a lot of things before they can officially announce it. Why do you seem so concerned about it?" I laugh. 

 "Of course, I will be concerned. I am your friend, and I want to be at your wedding if it's appropriate. I know a commoner like me doesn't have any right to be in the wedding of the future Rulers of the Vrawyth Kingdom."

 I hug Lilla's arm. "Of course you will be at my wedding. How can I forget about you?"

 Although I don't know if I can make that promise come true, I know Csille won't end up with Prince Fraser. I don't even know who's the person she'll end up with or if she'll ever find someone. Knowing how she loves Prince Fraser. I'm not sure if Csille can love another guy. 

 Lilla smile. "You said that, Csille. You cannot take back your words even if I couldn't be part of your entourage as long as I can witness your wedding. I'm okay with it. So, you need to keep your promise, or else I'll get mad at you."

 I smile at her. "Of course. When the date is announced and they start making a list, I'll definitely put your name on it. So, don't worry."

 Lilla laughs happily. "Ahh, I'm excited for it. I hope it will be soon so I can see how great the two of you look together. Many people are talking about the celebratory banquet that happened five years ago, and everyone is saying how the two of you look like a match made in heaven. The most beautiful lady and the most handsome man among the Kingdoms. How dreamy it is."

 Dreamy? More like a nightmare. I wish I could do something about it. But what can I do without the notebook?

 Forget it. I'll just cross the bridge when I get there. I just wish the future wouldn't be too harsh for Csille.


 It's been more than two weeks now, and I was too busy dealing with my research, volunteering works, and mid-term exams. 

 Midterm is approaching, and I need to maintain my excellent grades. Also, I need to finish my research before the exam. We will present our researches to Alderrdeen scholars, and they are the ones who will grade us. If I want to graduate here, I need to pass that. 

 That's why I have been busy finishing the research so I can have enough time to prepare for my presentation. 

 I just finished submitting my initial research. Prince Joachim will check on it, and I'm sure I have a lot of things I need to revise. I only have two weeks before the midterms. Also, I heard from Leander that Prince Fraser would arrive at Alderrdeen in two weeks' time.

 I groan in frustration. I was already stressed with my school works, but then Prince Fraser decided to add on my problems?

 I just skipped time, and here I am, dealing with all these school works. Can I just go back to the time when Csille's lessons are more easier? I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

 "Csille? Are you okay? Is there a problem?

 I looked back and found Professor Foulqueret worriedly looking at me. I just shake my head at him.

 "It's nothing, Professor. I was just stressed out with my school works." 

 Professor Foulqueret stares at me for a few minutes before he sighs. He then walks past me. "Follow me."

 Ever since Csille knows her connection with Professor Foulqueret, she noticed how he takes care of her in his own little ways. He sometimes gave her food that his mother made. He also helps her if she finds anything difficult in her subjects and other small things.

 Although both of them know their connection with each other, they never talk about it. Aside from he sometimes mentioned his mother, Csille's aunt, in front of her. He never adds anything about it. 

 Besides the two of them, no one knows in the school that they are relatives. Csille doesn't want to announce it not because she is embarrassed with her cousin but because she doesn't want other people to say something about them. 

 If people knew about their connection. People might say that Professor Foulqueret is biased toward her. Or it might affect his career. 

 I am the only heiress of the Lauretré family, and the has the title of future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom. If his colleagues know about my relation to Professor Foulqueret, they might use him to get close to me or to the Vrawyth Kingdom.

 Professor Foulqueret opened his door and let me in. He then takes out two lunch boxes. He pushed one of them in front of me. "My Mother asked me to give it to you. She saw a picture of you in the newspaper, and she was worried that you're not taking care of yourself properly."

 I smile at him and open the lunch box. Although I haven't seen my Aunt, I could still feel her love and care by the food she always made for me. I wish before I return to the Vrawyth Kingdom and before Csille's life got ruined, I could see her and her family.

 I look up at Professor Foulqueret and smile. "Thank you, Brother Ernest."

 Brother Ernest looks stunned when he hears how I call him. "I always wanted to call you brother because aside from Brother Pascal, I don't have anyone I can call Brother. However, I was worried it would affect your work, so I never dared to call you that. If you don't want it, I can just call you Professor ag—"

 My words got stuck in my mouth when I felt a hand touches my head. "I'm glad you call me Brother. I was just waiting for you to call me that. Even Mother is dying to see you already."

 My eyes glistened. Having stuck here for the whole school year, I miss having a family I can rely on. "If we all have time. We can meet each other. That if you don't mind, Brother."

 Brother Ernest laughed at me. "How can we mind? We have been waiting for the day that you can visit our home. I'll tell my mother about it."

 I guess this is what I need. The warmth of a family. Although I know this can only be the calm before the storm. After all, Prince Fraser is on his way to the Alderrdeen now.. His arrival is a sole sign of Csille's start as the Villainess.

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