Rufus immediately sits up straight and stares at me. "But I thought you still need time to think about it. What changed your mind?"

 I rolled my eyes at him. Time? We don't even have enough time. How can I leisurely take some time to decide? 

 "Do we have another choice? If I don't decide already, do you think we can still save Prince Fraser from his situation?"

 Rufus is about to refute, but Princess Paislee cuts him off. "It's a good thing that Lady Csille already sent a letter to Ruler Laird. Now, half of our problem can be considered solved. We just need to hope that Ruler Laird will immediately send his help to us." 

 Princess Paislee is right. Although I have already sent a letter for help to Ruler Laird, we still need to wait for his response. I'm not even one hundred percent sure that Ruler Laird will help us, and even if he is, the problem is, will his help arrive in time in Alderrdeen?

 I look at Rufus. "Rufus, do you know when will the victim's family will arrive at Alderrdeen? We need to hope that Ruler Laird reinforcement will come here first, before the victim's family. If the opposite happens, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to solve this even with help from Ruler Laird."

 "Before I went here, I asked Principal Germund about the victim's family arrival, and he said it will take up half a month more or less since the Ouqeaseon Kingdom is far away from the Alderrdeen."

 I compute the time. The Illorian City is closer to Alderrdeen compared to Ouqeaseon. It will probably take a few days if you want to go to Illorian. 

 "How many days will it take if you want to travel from here to Illorian City?"

 "It will take three to four days. If Ruler Laird can receive the letter tomorrow, he can be here in just four to five days." 

 I look at Princess Paislee. "Does it mean, if Ruler Laird immediately sent his aid, we can definitely get Prince Fraser out from his confinement?"

 I suddenly feel relieved. If the situation follows the timeline on my mind, Prince Fraser can get out of his confinement this week. 

 I can see him again.

 "Don't get too happy. Remember, the issue here lies with the victim. Even if his family couldn't arrive first in Alderrdeen, it doesn't mean that Prince Fraser is safe. If the victim wakes up before the aid of Great Ruler arrives and if the victim proves that it was Prince Fraser who did that to him. The prosecutor's department of the Alderrdeen will take over the case..." Leander paused, and he didn't continue his words. 

 But he doesn't need to. We all know what will happen next if the Prosecutor department takes the case. This will be open to the public. If that happens, it will be too late to save Prince Fraser's reputation.

 I anxiously look at Leander. "Senior, you're one of the Doctors that checks on the victim. Do you think he'll wake up any moment from now?"

 Please say no. I beg you. Please say no.

 Leander sigh and shakes his head. "The condition of the victim is awful... at first. But he is slowly getting better each day. I'm afraid he will be conscious in one of these days."

 Every one of us got silent because of what Leander said. 

 Why? Why does the situation makes us hope that there's a chance to save Prince Fraser and then suddenly take that hope away? All we are asking for is for him to wake up after the Illorian people arrive here. Isn't that possible? Is that too difficult to ask?

 Princess Paislee gently taps the table. "We shouldn't get discouraged about this. The victim is still not awake. So, there's still a chance that the Illorian people will arrive here before he wakes up. Cheer up, anyone. If Prince Fraser see us, I'm sure he will get mad at u—"

 I look at Princess Paislee and smile sadly. "But what if it's not the case?"

 Everyone got silent because of my question. I can feel the atmosphere suddenly changes. It turns gloomy. 

 "What if he wakes up before the Illorian people arrive here?"

 Princess Paislee smile and shakes her head. "We shouldn't think that way. I'm sure the Illorian people will rush to help us."

 "But what if they don't? What will we do? Are we just going to wait and see what will happen first? Will the victim wake up first? Or will the Illorian people arrive first? Is waiting all we can do?"

 Although I don't want to make them sad, but is waiting the only thing we can do now? I don't want to wake up each day and be anxious about what will happen. 

 I want to do something for Prince Fraser. Something and not just about waiting.

 "But what else can we do? We all know we cannot persuade Principal Germund on letting Prince Fraser go from his confinement. Also, even if he agreed to it doesn't resolve the fact that Prince Fraser's image is tainted. Do you have any ideas, Lady Csille?"

 Do I have any idea? I sigh and shake my head. Although I don't want to just sit and wait, but I don't have any idea what to do aside from waiting. 

 What can we do? What can we do aside from waiting? I know there's something we can do. But what is it? 

 I feel someone hold my hand. I looked up saw Rufus gently squeezing my hand. "Purplany, I know you want to do something for Prince Fraser. However, I suggest you take a rest first." He then turns his head around. "Actually, I think it is best for everyone to take some rest first. Csille is right. We need to do something aside from waiting. However, how can we think of a way if every one of us is too stressed and exhausted? How about this? Let's all take a rest, and we'll talk again tomorrow on what we will do."

 I am about to refute, but everyone agreed except for me. So, I have no choice but to follow their plan. 

 Just wait, Prince Fraser. We will make sure that we will get you out from there.


 "Lady Csille, his highness, Prince Fraser is already waiting for you in his room." Princess Paislee gestured his hand in a certain direction.

 I anxiously look in the direction and sigh. I don't know why I am anxious. There's something inside me telling me that I won't like what I will see in Prince Fraser's room.

 But even if I don't want to walk there, I still need to. I need to talk to Prince Fraser. 

 I walked in the direction and found Prince Fraser inside a cell. 

 I gasp and take a few steps back. 

 Why? Why is he inside a prison cell? I thought... I thought Ruler Laird would help us? But why is he in a prison cell? What happened? 

 Prince Fraser probably notices my presence. He looks at me and extends his hand. "Csille."

 I felt my hand tremble when I heard him call my name. I could feel my heart tremble a little when I heard the tone of his voice. He seems in pain with a mix of longing. 

 What happened to him? 

 I immediately walk towards him and hold his hand. "Prince Fraser. What happened? Why are you.." I paused and looked around his prison cell.

 It's too dark in it. It also looks dirty. I can even hear the squeaking of the rats. I don't even see a bed where he could sleep. All I can see is a blanket lying on the floor. Is it where he is sleeping? 

 I feel Prince Fraser squeezes my hand and put it close to his face. "Csille, you're finally here. I've been waiting for you for days. Why did you only visit me now?"

 I feel my eyes become teary. He's waiting for me? He's waiting for me to visit him? But I thought he didn't want us to visit him? 

 I tried to calm myself first before answering his questions. I don't want to make him see that I am crying because of his situation. I know he doesn't want me to pity him.

 "Fraser, I'm sorry. I just thought you didn't want me to be here. Sir Farren told us that you don't want anyone to see you. Also, it took us time to solve your problem. I'm sorry. But can you tell me what happened? Why are you in prison? Principal Germund told us that you're in confinement, but he never told us that you're inside a prison cell." I feel a tear fall from my eyes. I immediately wipe it. 

 Prince Fraser got silent and just looked at me. "Csille, have you forgotten?"

 I immediately frowned at what he said. Forgotten what? Am I supposed to know something? 

 "What do you mean, Fraser?" I ask him with a trembling voice. I don't know why I'm trembling. I just felt like what will happen next will definitely shock me. 

 "I was already convicted with my crime, Csille. I was found guilty, and I am now a criminal in Alderrdeen City. Have you forgotten? You're there during my trial, remember?" 

 I feel like my surrounding suddenly becomes on mute. All I am hearing is the words Prince Fraser just said.

 He is convicted of his crime? He is found guilty, and he is now a criminal? I was there during his trial? 

 What is happening? When did it happen? I don't remember being in his trial. What happened to Ruler Laird? Did he not send aid to us? Did the victim wake up first? 

 I squeeze Prince Fraser's hand. "What do you mean, Prince Fraser? How come you got convicted? I asked Ruler Laird for help. Did they not arrive on time? Did the victim wake up first? Also, why did the Vrawyth Kingdom didn't do anything to get you out of here? I don't believe this. How is this happening?"

 Prince Fraser held my face using both of his hands. "Csille, did you really forget? You were there the whole time. How come you forgot about it all of a sudden?"

 I frowned and tried my best to remember what happened, but no matter how much I thought, I couldn't remember what happened. 

 Why? Why can't I remember anything? Did I skip time again? 

 Prince Fraser sighs and shakes his head. "Never mind. If you forgot about it, then so be it. As long as you are here already visiting me. That's what matters to me."

 I look at Prince Fraser, and I hold his hand that is still holding my face. "I'm sorry, Fraser. I'm sorry, if it's not for me you won't be there. It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

 Prince Fraser shakes his head. "Don't be sorry. I never regretted what I did. I still believe that I did the right thing, and if I turn back in time, I will do it again. I will never let anyone insult you like that. You are my fiancée, my future Queen. How can I bear to hear other people insult you like that?"

 I feel my heart beating faster after hearing his words. All this time, I was wondering what was going on in his mind. I thought he regretted it. I thought he regretted doing it for my sake, but he didn't.

 I know I shouldn't be happy because it is the reason why he is currently imprisoned, but my heart couldn't stop beating so fast. I was touched. I was touched by his words. 

 I sighed and tried to calm down my wild heart. "But that's the reason why you're here. It's the reason why you're imprisoned. You should have let him. If you didn't retaliate, then you won't be here. Look at you. You're here while he is roaming free outside." I sigh. "I can bear his words, Fraser. But I cannot bear to see you in this prison." 

 I looked around his prison cell and grimaced. I didn't know how much he need to endure in this cell. "What am I supposed to do now? What would I do without you?"

 I look at him and wait for his response.

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