Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 217 - : The Count And The Countess (2)

 After we arrived at the Foulqueret house, we spent our time talking to each other. Or I would rather say the elders spend their time catching up. While us, the youngster was assigned to prepare the table.

 The food was already cooked even before we left. So, the only thing left to do is to prepare the table.

 I look at Brother Pascal and take the plate in his hand. "Brother Pascal, you should just sit. You just have arrived after a long journey. You should just rest and let us do this."

 Bother Pascal pet my head. "That's okay. This is just a simple task. I won't get tired because of it. Also, have you forgotten that I am a Doctor? I spend hours, sometimes even more than a day, inside the hospital. Doing this is not a problem."

 I sigh and let him do what he wants to do. Brother Pascal is quite stubborn too. 

 I prepared the mats and put them on the table while Brother Pascal put the plates on the mat. He is also the one who put the utensils in their place. He then puts the glass on the table.

 Pax Dea and Brother Ernest are heating the food. Pax Dea looks at me. "Csille, can you replace Brother? He's been stirring the soup wrongly."

 Brother Ernest scratched his nape. I just laugh at him and immediately take over his place. 

 After a few minutes, we finished heating all the food and put it in the bowl. We also decorated the place a little with some candles.

 When the elders walk inside the dining room, they are shocked by what we did. 

 Aunt Aveline looks at the table that is full of food and is arranged neatly. "Who prepared the table?"

 We all look at each other. Brother Pascal and I are the ones who prepare the table. Is there something wrong with the way we do it?

 "Brother Pascal and I are the ones who prepared it. Is there something wrong, Aunt Aveline?"

 Aunt Aveline shakes her head. "I knew it. My children won't be able to prepare the table like this. No, no, there's nothing wrong, Csille. You did a great job."

 The four of us sigh in relief. We thought we made a mistake, but it's a good thing they appreciate our effort.

 The dinner soon started, and everyone was enjoying the night and the food. 

 "Csille, my dear. I heard from your Aunt Aveline that you are the top of your batch? Is that true?" Mother suddenly asks me.

 I swallow the soup I was eating before answering here. "Yes, Mother. Professor Brissaud informed me before the school year end."

 Father frowns. "Professor Brissaud? I didn't expect Prince Joachim is still working as a Professor in Alderrdeen."

 Mother taps Father's arms. "I told you to stop mentioning politics in front of a meal. Please forgive him. He was just used talking about politics with his colleagues every lunchtime."

 Father winced. "I was just casually asking about Prince Joachim. I never planned to talk about him. Also, can you even consider him a political figure?"

 Mother gasp. "Waltier Lauretré! That's disrespectful! You cannot say something like that to a person."

 Father sigh and apologize. Although he didn't directly tell it, it was like an indirect insult to Prince Joachim. It's as if saying Prince Joachim cannot be considered a person related to politics because of his disability.

 Aunt Aveline shakes her head. "No, that's okay. We don't mind talking about Politics. We also talk about it in our meals."

 The meal continues, but the conversation is mainly focused now on catching up with each other's life.

 After the dinner ended, Pax Dea and I volunteered to wash the dishes because the Foulqueret Family doesn't have maids. So, all the household chores were done by everyone in the house. Sometimes even Uncle Faramond will do the dishes if everyone has their own thing to do. 

 Pax Dea elbows me. "Csille, you'll help me mention to Aunt about me staying in the Vrawyth Kingdom, right?"

 I hum at her. I almost forgot about it. It's a good thing she reminded me, or else I would totally forget about it.

 "Csille, is the Vrawyth Kingdom a beautiful place?" Pax Dea suddenly asked.

 I paused on washing the dishes and think. Is the Vrawyth Kingdom a beautiful place? 

 I smile. "Yes, it is. Especially the capital. I'm sure you'll love it there."

 The Vrawyth Kingdom is definitely a beautiful place for me. It is where I grew up and where the people I cared the most live. Of course, it will be beautiful in my eyes.

 Pax Dea sighed. "I just wished they would give me permission to stay there. I've been dying to see the Vrawyth Kingdom since I was young."

 I look at Pax Dea. Although the Vrawyth Kingdom is beautiful but living in the Lauretré Family isn't easy. Isn't living simply a better option? 

 Most people I know in the Vrawyth Kingdom are hypocrites. They are only good at us because of our noble status. But behind our backs, they are the ones who criticize us. 

 I sigh. I couldn't say it to her. I don't want her to get disappointed. "But what about your boutique? Who will manage it? Also, aren't you the only designer and the dressmaker? If you leave, can your Boutique survive?"

 Pax Dea stops what she is doing and sigh. "That. Actually, I haven't think what I will do with that. I was stressing myself too. I don't want to give up my Couture Dream, but I also don't want to let this opportunity pass."

 I look at Pax Dea. "I will help you with convincing Mother and Father. However, you need to think of a way to handle your Couture Dream. For someone who saw your creations, it will be a pity to close it down."

 I also don't wish for her to leave the Alderrdeen. Not because I don't want her to be in the Vrawyth Kingdom. It's because change is about to happen in the Vrawyth Kingdom, and that includes disaster. 

 I don't want to involve her with that. 


 We all rested early last night because we were all exhausted. Since there are only two guest rooms, I have no choice but to sleep with Pax Dea, which isn't much of a problem because we have been doing that since I moved here.

 "Csille, wake up now. The breakfast is already prepared. Everyone is waiting for you to come down." I heard someone say.

 I yawn and open my eyes slowly. I see Pax Dea sitting beside me. "You're finally awake. Everyone is already waiting for you. We'll wait for you downstairs. I'll leave you then so you can freshen yourself."

 After Pax Dea left, I immediately freshened myself and picked a more casual dress. After making sure I look presentable, I immediately go down. 

 Mother immediately raised her hand to me. "My dear, you're finally awake. Did you sleep well?"

 I kiss my Mother's cheeks. "I did." I look at the others. "I apologize for making you wait."

 Aunt Aveline smiled at me. "That's okay. Now you're here, let's start our meal then."

 The breakfast started, but unlike our dinner yesterday, the breakfast was much silent. Probably because it's still too early, and everyone just wants to enjoy the silence the morning breeze brings.

 After breakfast, Uncle Faramond excuses himself because he still has to check on their businesses for today. 

 While my parents and Aunt Aveline are talking in the garden. Enjoying the morning breeze and the sunlight.

 Pax Dea clings to my arms. "Csille, have you talked to Aunt Marcelle?"

 I stopped what I was reading and shook my head. I initially planned to talk to them last night, but because they were exhausted from the long journey, I decided to just talk to them today. However, because Aunt Aveline is always with them, I couldn't get the chance to speak to them. 

 I sigh. "I'm sorry, Pax Dea, as much as I want to talk about this to them, but Aunt Aveline is always with them. I'm sure you wouldn't want your Mother to hear what I will say to my parents, right?"

 Pax Dea peeks at their garden and sigh. "Okay, I'm sorry, I was just excited. I hope Aunt Marcelle will agree to it."

 I just smile at her and continue reading the book I've been reading. 

 After a while, I looked at the garden and didn't find Aunt Aveline. Mother and Father are the only ones outside. 

 I put down the book I was reading and headed outside. Mother immediately noticed my presence, and she extended her hand to me. 

 "My dear, come here. We were just talking about you."

 I sit by my Mother's side. "Talking about me?"

 Father nods his head. "Before we left the Vrawyth Kingdom, his majesty called me."

 I frown. The King called the Count? Is there's something I should be concerned about? Father won't mention it to me if it's not related to me. However, I don't remember anything important. The changes in Csille's life and the Vrawyth Kingdom will happen a year after. So, what could it be about?

 "Did his majesty say something that concerns me, Father?"

 Father nods his head. "Yes, he just mentioned that we should talk about your engagement with Prince Fraser after we return to the Vrawyth Kingdom. The announcement of your engagement with Prince Fraser needs a month of preparation. So, he told me that after we return to the Vrawyth Kingdom, we should visit him."

 I panicked. "But isn't the announcement of the engagement will be in a year's time? Isn't it too early to talk about engagement?"

 No! We cannot talk about engagement! It will only be useless since Prince Fraser will cancel the engagement with me in the end. So, why rush? Why are they rushing? Do they know how much this will affect the story? 

 I almost cry because of frustration. I really don't understand why things are getting out of hand. 

 Father sigh. "It's his majesty's decision. We cannot go against it, Csille."

 But I don't understand. Why would he talk about an engagement that is almost a year away from now? This cannot be. I need to do something when I return to the Vrawyth Kingdom. I would delay that meeting as much as I can. 

 Mother gently pats my head. "Is there something wrong, my dear?" She asked worriedly.

 I shake my head and smile at her. There is definitely a problem, but I cannot tell her that there is because I know she will be worried about me.

 I looked back and found Pax Dea peeking behind the window. I smile and shake my head. 

 "Actually, Mother, I have something to talk about."

 Father and Mother both look at me. "What is it, my dear? What do you want to talk about?"

 I sigh. "Mother, can Pax Dea come with us to the Vrawyth Kingdom? She has mentioned to me that she wants to visit the Vrawyth Kingdom. Is it okay?"

 Mother and Father look at each other and sigh. Mother took my hand and squeezed it. "My dear, you also know that our current situation in the Vrawyth Kingdom is not okay. Many people are eyeing our Family, and they are all waiting for us to make a mistake. Especially now that everyone knows that you will soon be engaged with Prince Fraser. I don't think it's a good idea to bring Pax Dea to the Vrawyth Kingdom. Also, if we bring her, it will totally put the Foulqueret Family in danger. People might use them to threaten us. I hope you understand."

 I sigh in relief. I was relieved because I didn't really want to bring Pax Dea to the Vrawyth Kingdom. Not now that a disaster will soon befall to Csille and the Vrawyth Kingdom. 

 However, since I said I would help her. I'll try to come up with an idea that both Pax Dea and I will be happy with.

 "Mother, Pax Dea haven't been to the Vrawyth Kingdom. How about we let her stay with us for a week and after a week she will return to Alderrdeen? If you're worried about her identity, let's just say to people that she is a friend that I met in Alderrdeen. Isn't that okay?"

 Mother and Father sigh. "But Csille—"

 I pout and lean on my Mother's arm. "Please? Just this once. I just want to help her."

 Mother sigh. "Okay, but Pax Dea will only stay with us for a week. No more extension. After a week, she will return to the Alderrdeen."

 I smile at Mother and Father.. Although this is not what I promised to Pax Dea, it is still better than nothing, right? I just hope she will appreciate it.

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