Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 238 - : The Infected Region (4)

 I regret it. I regret asking for Rufus' help. Now I am in the eye of the storm, and that storm is named Fraser.

 "No, I won't allow you to go there. Do you know how dangerous it is to go there? You're not a Doctor Csille, and even if you have knowledge in medicine, it is still not enough for you to prevent yourself from the disease." Prince Fraser said in a very controlled voice.

 After I ask for Rufus' help, he brings me to one of the tents. I thought he would bring me to Leander so that I could ask Leander to bring me inside the infected area. I didn't expect Prince Fraser is also there, and now I am in the eye of the storm. Hoping for a rescue.

 I sigh. "Your highness, I only want to see the situation there so I would know how I can help. I was worried that the situation there might be severe compared to the Doctors' Quarter."

 "Rufus and I will check it. We can just give you a copy of the report so you will know what to do. Also, you're here to do volunteering works and not to be a Doctor. Why are you meddling with Doctor's work?"

 You don't understand, Fraser. If I don't go there, something might happen, and I cannot let that happen. 

 I don't want to lose all of you... and you especially.

 I sigh. "However, I want to see it with my own eyes. I need to see how severe the situation there. Also, I have tried helping the volunteers, but they won't allow me to help. What am I supposed to do here?"

 "It's the reason why I said to you that you shouldn't have come with us in the first place. Now you don't even do anything here—"

 Rufus taps Prince Fraser's shoulder. "Fraser, the reason why the volunteers won't let her do anything is because she is your fiancée. Do you think anyone would be daring to let the future Queen of the Vrawyth Kingdom do the cooking?"

 I look at Rufus and frown. This guy. Does he need to mention that? What will Prince Fraser think? That I was doing something to make people believe that I am the future Queen?

 I wait for Prince Fraser's negative reaction, but he just remains stoic. "But it is still not enough reason for you to visit the infected area. You already know how severe the situation there, and you still want to come? Are you really risking your life?"

 I raised my eyebrow at him. "And you all not? I'm not the only one risking my life here. Everyone is. So, why would I not risk my life too? The moment I decided to come here, I had resigned myself to something dangerous. Also, you're the future King of the Vrawyth Kingdom. Your life is more precious than mine. But how come you are allowed to go there while I am not? Aren't you too bias?"

 Prince Fraser is about to refute, but Leander immediately cuts him off. "Actually, she can visit. With proper clothing and a little orientation to do's and don't's, she can get out of the infected area without getting infected."

 I look at Leander and smile. He is an angel. I'm sure with Leander's remarks, Prince Fraser wouldn't have any choice but to let me. After all, Leander is one of the Doctors who search for the cure. I'm sure he knows the disease more than anyone else.

 Prince Fraser looks at Leander and sighs. He just nods his head.


 I look at the tent in front of us. I grimaced when I smelled a pungent odor. I almost vomit at the smell.

 I am already wearing a protective clothing all over my body. My face also has a cover. I actually look like an astronaut right now. But the smell still gets through my nose.

 "Don't mind the smell. Some patients vomit all over the floor, and even if we wipe it out, the smell won't come off. We couldn't buy soap to wash off the smell because of the limited fund. Aside from that, the water is also a problem here. The faucets are not working, and the wells are all dry, so we couldn't do anything to remove the smell."

 We all look to Leander. I think I know why the disease keeps spreading. It's because of the environment. With this kind of environment? I doubt if anyone can be cured.

 Leander shows us inside, and the situation inside is way worst than the outside. The beds are messy and dirty. The ground is muddy, probably because of the rain. There are no floorings here and just ground. 

 "How long have been the situation becomes like this?" 

 It's too unhygienic for a treatment facility. I know we don't have much funds, but this is too much. 

 Leander sigh. "It's been like this since the beginning. There are too many people admitted here, and we don't have enough manpower resources to help clean the place."

 It's all come back to the fund. We really need funds to help. This place becomes like a breeding ground for the disease. It's the reason why people are dying. I'm sure no one could recover because of this kind of environment.

 I was about to say something when I saw a person standing a few meters away from us. That person is glaring at me like a tiger glaring at his prey.

 Brother Pascal!


 "Csille, I already told you not to come here, and you still insist on going? I thought you would listen to me? You promise Aunt and Uncle, right?"

 I look at Brother Pascal guiltily. I feel sorry for disobeying him. However, I have no other choice. I need to follow the script.

 "I apologize for disobeying you, Brother. However, I have no other choice but to do this. I really need to see the situation here so I would know how I can help. I know I might not do anything to help in medical aid, but I might know how to make the environment here becomes better."

 I heard Brother Pascal sigh. "If Aunt and Uncle are here. I'm sure they would drag you out of the northern region." He shakes his head. "You really are a stubborn lad."

 "Doctor Pascal, I apologize for interrupting, but we also have responsibility for bringing Csille into the infected area. If anyone else, you should be mad at us because we are the ones who brought her here. Also, you shouldn't worry because we won't let anything happen to her." Rufus, who has been silently standing beside me, exclaimed.

 Brother Pascal looks at Rufus and sighs. "Your highness, I apologize if my cousin troubles you. I should be the one looking after her, but because of my busy schedule, I couldn't do anything."

 Rufus shakes his head and is about to say something when someone cuts him off. 

 "Doctor Pascal, I will be responsible to Csille. You shouldn't worry. If something happens, I will make sure nothing will happen to her." 

 I look at Prince Fraser and clench my fist. I don't know why he is saying it, but all I know is, I cannot make myself fall for that. 

 Brother Pascal clears his throat. "Thank you, your highness." He then looks at me. "Are you already finished looking around? You shouldn't stay here for too long. The infected region is not a good place for volunteers to stay. You should head back to the campsite once it's finished. And Csille, please be careful."

 I nod my head at Brother. "Actually, Brother, I think I already have enough look. I also think I already have a plan on how to make the environment here suitable for patients and Doctors."

 All of them look at me. "I am planning to do the funding for improving the environment and the facilities in the infected area. I think the reason why the disease is spreading at a fast pace is because of the surroundings. I know all of you already realized it, but because of the limited funds, everyone just bears with it."

 I paused. "However, if this continues, I'm afraid the infectious disease cannot be contained anymore."

 Rufus gasp. "You will do the funding? But do you know how much money will this cost? Purplany, I know you want to help, but the amount of money needed to improve the facilities here is not a small amount. How can you get that money?"

 I smile at Rufus. "Don't worry, Rufus. I already handle that, and it's my own money. So, there's really nothing to be worried about."

 I look at Brother Pascal and smile. "Brother, I won't stay long. Since I have already looked enough, I will be returning to the campsite. Also, I don't want to worry you anymore. I will be taking my leave now."

 I said my goodbyes to the other Doctors and the patients before returning to the carriage. Now that I have a clear understanding of the current situation here, I can now plan what I will do to help.

 I look outside the window and sigh. 

 The days ahead will definitely be busy. I just hope nothing goes wrong. I just hope that unknown force won't mess up the storyline.


 The sun is already setting, but the help from the Lauretré Family that I was waiting has not arrived yet.

 They are supposed to arrive in the afternoon. I don't understand why they are still not here. I intentionally sent the messenger bird early in the morning for them to reach the northern region in the afternoon.

 Why are they still not here?

 "Lady Csille?"

 I look back and find Princess Paislee looking at me. I didn't say anything and just let her talk. 

 Did I write this scene? I don't remember one. Shouldn't she be busy guarding his highness, Prince Fraser? What is she doing here?

 I looked behind him and frowned when I didn't see Prince Fraser. He is usually beside Princess Paislee. How come he is not beside her?

 "His highness, Prince Fraser is busy talking to the Royal Physician."

 I nod my head. I see. But I still don't understand why is she here instead of guarding him?

 "Lady Csille, are you waiting for the help from the capital?"

 I frown. How did she know I was waiting for that? I didn't mention that they will arrive today. So, how come she knows?

 Princess Paislee probably noticed the confusion in my face. "I just assumed since you find this as an urgent matter. I know the Count and the Countess will send their help immediately." She stands beside me. "May I sit beside you?"

 I look at her and nod my head. I don't really have any problem with it. Since we're both women. I don't feel uncomfortable with her.

 Princess Paislee remains silent, and so do I. I didn't have anything to say to her, so I didn't bother coming up with a topic.

 "Lady Csille, your engagement with Prince Fras—"

 I immediately cut her off. "What about it?" I don't understand why I feel anxious talking about my so called engagement with her beloved. Is it because I am guilty of taking her position? Being the fiancée of his highness is her rightful title.

 "I just want to wish the two of you happiness. You are a perfect match for each other."

 I look at her. I don't know why but I can feel something with her words. Or maybe I'm just imagining things because I am anxious.

 "I am actually hoping to see the day that you two will get married. Everyone will be happy for sure."

 Everyone? I know she doesn't know anything about the future. But isn't this weird? The female lead is giving her best wishes to her beloved and the villainess?

 I smile awkwardly at her. I don't know how to respond to her, so I just smile at her. 

 "I also wish you happiness, Sir Farren. I hope you can also find the person you have been looking for."

 I was referring to Prince Fraser. She ran away from her Kingdom because she thought the man her parents wanted to be married to her was not the person right for her. 

 "I really hope so." 

 I look at Princess Paislee, and I am about to say something when I see a very familiar carriage moving towards the direction of the campsite.

 I abruptly stand up. It's the Lauretré carriage! The help is here. 

 The carriage stopped in front of the entrance, and a man descended from the carriage. My eyes widened when I realized who that person was.

 "Father! Mother!"

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