Days pass by, and the situation in the northern region gets better and better every day. Nobles continue to send help to the northern regions every day that the funds are now overflowing.

 The volunteers had already finished making bathrooms for both the Doctors' quarters and the infected region. There are also faucets that can be used now, and they even made wells for the water source. 

 The beds are now in good condition, and they all have foams so the Doctors and the volunteers can now rest comfortably.

 Also, the Royal Physician has already made progress with finding the cure to the disease. Brother Pascal said that in a week's time, they might find the cure for it.

 I look at the surroundings and smile at myself. Things are getting better in the northern region, and it will even get better as the day past.

 "Csille, what are you doing here? Did you prepare all the things you needed for our trip?"

 I look at Rufus and smile. "I'm just looking at our surroundings. I feel great knowing that everything is getting better here. At least, everyone's efforts are not wasted."

 Rufus stands beside me and looks at the surroundings too. "And all of this is because of you. You are the reason why most of them can now smile. You don't know how much you saved this northern region from the infectious disease. We are grateful to you, purplany."

 I smile bitterly. Grateful to me? Why would they feel grateful? I was the reason why this was happening. If anything else, they should resent me. If I didn't write this scene, then children wouldn't lose their parents. Parents won't lose their children. 

 "I just hope this infectious disease will disappear now. It already took hundreds of lives. I feel bad knowing there are people who lose their loved ones because of this disease. If only we knew the cure, then they won't lose anyone."

 Rufus gently caresses my head. "Death is inevitable, Csille. Even if this disease didn't come to the Vrawyth Kingdom, those deceased people would eventually die too. So, don't dwell on anything you can't control. What important is, we are now on the verge of finding the cure. We can now save those infected people."

 I just nod my head at Rufus. How can I not dwell on it? My conscience is eating me. I was the reason for this disease. If I only did not write this, then no one would need to sacrifice their lives.

 "By the way, did you already prepare the things you will need for our trip? We will be leaving this afternoon."

 I nod my head at him. "I already did. So, don't worry. Did you look for me just to ask me that?"

 We will be leaving the northern region this afternoon to check on the nearby town here.

 The nearby town...

 The nearby town that we won't even reach.


 Brother Pascal hugs me tightly. "Take care of yourself. As much as I wanted to come with you but I couldn't. I am still needed for the research. Just send me a letter if you need anything, okay?"

 I hug Brother Pascal in return. Something will definitely happen to us, and I will really ask for help from them. 

 "I will, Brother." I break from the hug and look at the carriage. Everyone is already inside, and they are only waiting for me. "I need to go now, Brother. Please, take care of yourself too."

 I hug him for the last time before I immediately rush towards the carriage. 

 I frowned when I realized the only space left was beside Prince Fraser. I look at Rufus and signal him to swap seats with me. However, he just shakes his head and looks outside the window.

 Forget it. It's just a seat. Do I really need to make a big fuss about it? 

 I sit beside Prince Fraser and look outside the window. Princess Paislee is sitting on the other side of Prince Fraser. As much as I don't want to become the third wheel, I don't have any choice. Leander and Rufus have bigger bodies, so they occupy the seats. 

 I lean my head on the window and try to pretend that I didn't see his highness. 

 That's right. I'll just pretend that he doesn't exist. Out of sight, out of mind.

 I close my eyes to avoid myself looking at him from time to time. My eyes couldn't help but feast on his visual. I don't understand how can a person like him exist. 

 However, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep after. When I open my eyes, the surrounding outside is already dark. 

 I look around me and find Prince Fraser leaning on my shoulder. I froze on the spot when I realized it. 

 I look at Leander and Rufus, who are in a deep sleep. I sighed in relief when I realized that aside from me, no one was awake. If Rufus sees that, I'm sure he'll tease Prince Fraser and me.

 I stare at Prince Fraser. His facial features are really something you can only see in manhuas. I couldn't blame Csille if she is head over heels with this guy.

 I look at Princess Paislee, who is also sleeping. Her features might not be as beautiful as Csille's, but she has this kind of aura that will make you be attracted to her. The kind of aura that you can also see in Prince Fraser.

 They are indeed a perfect match. 

 I look at my watch. It's been two hours since we left the campsite. Although our destination is nearby, the way to it is a little bumpy and difficult. There is a cliff that we need to pass through, and we need to be careful when passing it, or else we might end up dying.

 It's the reason why the help from the capital couldn't get to our destination. It's because of the terrain.

 I look at Prince Fraser. I'm sure anytime now, he will wake up, and I'm sure he won't appreciate it when he sees himself leaning on my shoulder.

 I gently hold his head and lean it on Princess Paislee's shoulder. It is where he should lean.

 After successfully moving his head without waking anyone, I pretended to sleep again. 

 That is what I should do. That is where he belongs.


 We have already passed the cliff, and all we need to do is travel for a few kilometers, and we will arrive at our destination.

 However, since it's already late, we decided to camp out for tonight and continue our journey tomorrow. 

 "We don't have enough firewoods. The fire is about to die down. We need to look for firewoods again." Rufus exclaim.

 I look at Princess Paislee, who is sitting beside Prince Fraser. She stands up and shakes off the dust on her clothing. "I'll look for some firewoods then."

 Rufus looks at Princess Paislee. "You are really an angel, Sir Farren. You should be careful when you look for firewoods. This area is known for hunting. Some hunters set up traps for their prey."

 Princess Paislee waves her hand and walks inside the woods. I anxiously look at her back. 

 I know what will happen next. Princess Paislee won't be able to return because she fell into a trap. It's a hole in the ground, but this hole has a mechanism. Even if someone falls into the hole, it will return to how it looks, and you wouldn't even notice that there is a trap there.

 We didn't bring any guards with us because we know this region of Vrawyth Kingdom is impossible to infiltrate. It's far from the Capital, and its terrain is dangerous. Also, the whole Vrawyth Kingdom is under lockdown. No foreigners can stay in the Vrawyth Kingdom. So, we're assured that no one will try to ambush us.

 I look at Princess Paislee's departing figure and sigh. 

 Please be careful, Princess Paislee.

 Although I knew what would happen next, I still couldn't help but get worried about Princess Paislee. After all, she is still the female lead I created. 

 "If you continue to stare at him, I'll mistake it that you have feelings for him."

 I immediately pushed Rufus, who suddenly whispered in my ears. I was startled, so I reflexively pushed him. He ends up falling to his seat. 

 Rufus pouted at me. "Purplany, that hurts. I was only teasing you. Do you need to push me that hard?"

 I immediately help him. I didn't mean to push him. I was just startled. "I'm sorry. I was just startled. That's why I push you. Next time doesn't whisper on my ears all of a sudden."

 Rufus scratched his head, but he didn't say anything. He just continues putting firewoods to the fire, and as a compensation, I just help him with it.

 A moment later, all the firewoods were already used to keep the fire burning, but Princess Paislee had not yet arrived.

 Everyone starts to worry now. Prince Fraser abruptly stands up on his seat and excuses himself. He will be looking for Princess Paislee.

 The others also volunteer to look for her too. In the end, all of us scattered around to look for her. 

 I slowly walk inside the woods and sigh. I made sure that I didn't go in the direction where Prince Fraser and Princess Paislee were.

 Although I know where they are, I cannot inform others about their whereabouts. I need to follow the script. This part of the story is a crucial part of the development between the female lead and male lead. So, I cannot do anything, or else the storyline might change.

 I stop walking and look around. I couldn't see anyone. They are still probably busy looking for Princess Paislee. However, no matter how hard they search, only Prince Fraser can find her.

 I was about to walk to a massive stone beside an old tree when I noticed something on the stone. My eyes widen.

 I know that symbol! It's the hunter's sign that there is a trap nearby. 

 I anxiously look around. 

 No, I cannot be trapped. The hole is ten feet in height. There's no way I can escape if I fall in it. That's not the only problem here. With that height? I'm sure I'll end breaking bones or injuring myself if I fall into that trap.

 It's a good thing that the hole doesn't have a spike, or else I would have died because of it.

 Ysavel, relax. You still don't know where the trap is. All I need to do is trace back my steps and follow them. 

 I take a deep breath and look behind me. I nervously move my one leg, and I sigh when I realize I am still standing on the ground.

 That's it! Just continue doing it, and I'll be safe.

 I move my other leg again, but the ground suddenly shakes, and the last thing I know is I fall into a dark hole.

 I woke up because of aching pain in my arm. I slowly get up. I winced when I felt pain in my abdomen. I touch it, and I feel my hand becomes wet. I probably got wounded because of the stones around.

 I take a deep breath and move my hand. I shout in pain. I really broke a bone. Great!

 I shouldn't have gone further inside the woods. How can they find me now? I'm sure they will be busy looking for Princess Paislee.

 Does it mean I need to stay here alone for the whole night? 

 I lean on the wall of the hole. Great. The female lead and male lead are together while I am here all alone and injured.

 Aside from it, I couldn't even see anything. The whole place is really dark. The hunters really make sure that their trap is unnoticeable by making sure that there is no gap in between. That means no light can enter this place.

 I close my eyes. It's useless to call for help. They won't hear me because of the height of the hole. Besides, I'm sure no one is around here because I went in the opposite direction where Princess Paislee went.

 I should just stay and wait for them to return. Why do I even look for her? I'm already sure that nothing will happen to her. Look what happened to me? 

 I am about to scold myself when I feel the ground shake and a light enter the hole. I also heard a loud sound and grunting before the gap closed again. 

 I frown. Did I hear it right? Someone falls inside the hole, and it's a man. I anxiously look for something to protect myself. I'm sure that I don't know this person because I'm sure no one will decide to search in the opposite direction.

 If that's the case, am I in danger?

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