"Good morning, Mother and Father." I kiss both their cheeks enthusiastically.

 I couldn't wait but to tell them my plan. After the conversation I had with Mother last night, I came up with a plan. This plan is inclined with the storyline, so I don't have to worry about anything.

 Aside from that, I will be doing what I want to do. It is to help people. I'm sure Father and Mother will definitely help me with this. Just like how I have written.

 I sit on my chair and greet the maid who prepares my plate. I'm too happy today. 

 Mother and Father look at each other. Mother put her utensils down and stared at me. "Csille, my dear. What's happening? Why do you look so happy today?"

 I swallow the pancake first before I answer her. "I am really happy today, Mother. However, this happiness will depend on the two of you. Do you want to see your daughter happy?"

 Mother and Father look at each other and nod their heads. "Of course, we want to see you happy more than anything else." Mother hold my hand. "Do you have anything to say to us?"

 I nod my head and take a deep breath. "Mother, the conversation we had last time made me think. You told me as a person who is living a comfortable life. It is our responsibility to help those who are in need, right?"

 Mother nods her head. "Yes, and what about it?"

 I look at Father and Mother. "I've been thinking, can you lend me some money? I'm planning to open up a small Foundation that will focus on helping people who are in need of medical attention. However, since I don't have money anymore, I'm planning to borrow money from the two of you. That if you will lend me some."

 Mother stands up from her seat and pulls me for a hug. I just look at her confusedly. I didn't expect she would do that. 

 "My dear, what do you mean borrow money? Our money is yours too. Why do you need to borrow? Also, we're glad that you want to help those people in need. How much money do you need?"

 What? That's it? They will give me the money instead of lending it? I thought they wouldn't let me. 

 I mean, I know both my parents are nice and helpful with people, but I'll be asking for a huge amount of money. I didn't expect they would give it to me just like that.

 Although the Lauretré Family is wealthy, we still need to take care of our expenses, or else we might wake up one day without money. It's also the reason why I thought they would not lend me some. After all, we just took a huge amount of money from helping the northern region.

 I look at Father, asking him for a confirmation too. "Father?"

 Father put down her utensils and walked towards us before pulling us for a big hug. "Of course, I will agree. How can I disagree with my Countess and my daughter, Dame Csille? Tell your Mother how much money you needed so she can prepare that for you."

 I hug Mother and Father. I am really grateful for having a loving and very supportive family. I didn't know how I could survive this world without them. 


 I look at my notebook and crossover the lines written on the notebook.

 "Talk to my parents for the funds? Check. Now, that I can start Csille's Foundation. Our next plan is to call for a backup. I need to call Lilla for help now. Only she can help me with it. However, for Lilla to be able to work here, I need to have a recommendation from a noble, and I need to make a letter as the owner of the foundation."

 I paused. "But the problem is, I haven't even started the Foundation. How can I bring Lilla here if the Foundation is still non-existent?"

 I slump my head on the table. Now that Csille's Foundation is about to start, it means I'm about to step to the first step of Csille's villainous path.

 Csille will become too busy running her Foundation, helping people from different parts and regions of the Vrawyth Kingdom that she will end up forgetting the most important part of her life. It's Prince Fraser.

 When she realized it, it was already too late. Prince Fraser now has feelings for Princess Paislee. Although Prince Fraser is in denial of his feelings because he still believes that Princess Paislee is a man.

 "I probably should just send a letter to Lilla and update her on what is happening here. So, she can have an idea."

 I took a paper and started to write her my plans and how I could help her work in here. I also told her that I am not just a simple daughter of a Count. Instead, I am now a Dame, and I already hold a title. So, her parent can be assured that their daughter is in good hands. All she needs to do is to wait. I hope her family can still wait for that day.

 After reading the letter again, to make sure that I didn't write anything I shouldn't write. I closed the envelope and sealed it. However, since I don't have control over the Lauretré Family's messenger bird, I have no choice but to drop this letter to the mail office.

 I was about to look for our butler to ask him to prepare for a carriage when I saw a person sitting in our receiving area.

 That person looks like the owner of the house with the way he casually sips the tea and reads the newspaper. 

 My eyes widened when I realized who is that person is. 

 "Are you going to stand there and just look at me? Don't you miss me, purplany?"

 It's Rufus! 

 I immediately rush towards him for a hug. "Rufus! What are you doing here? When did you arrive? Why didn't you even tell me that you will return home today?"

 Rufus pinches my cheeks and laughs. "Do you miss me that much? Don't worry. I miss you too."

 I frowned and pinched his cheeks. "You! Answer my question. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be staying in the northern region? Why are you in the capital? Does his highness knows you are here?" My eyes widened when I realized something. I frantically look around. "Is Prince Fraser with you?"

 Rufus pushed my hand away from his cheeks. "How can I answer you if you keep pinching my cheeks?" He frowns at me. "That hurts. It isn't obvious that you miss me, eh?"

 I glare at Rufus. "Seriously, what are you doing here, Rufus? Why didn't you send me a letter that you will return to the capital? Is everything okay?"

 "Everything's okay, and to answer your question, no, Prince Fraser didn't come with me. And yes, his highness, Prince Fraser, knows about my return. I returned to the capital because I heard that you received a title. I couldn't believe that you are now a Dame. Too bad I wasn't able to see the ceremony."

 I sighed in relief when I heard Prince Fraser was not with him. As much as possible, I don't want to see Prince Fraser for now. Not until he realizes he has feelings for Princess Paislee. 

 "So, you came back just for that? Don't get me wrong. I appreciate your return. However, we all know the situation in the northern region. How can you return with that petty reason?"

 I really appreciate his return. However, the northern region needs help as much as it can have. Although the situation is getting better there, there are still small towns that need immediate help.

 Rufus looks at me with his hurt expression. "Purplany, I came back to the capital just to celebrate your new title, and you didn't even appreciate it? Are you even my friend?"

 I didn't reply to him and just glared at him. I know Rufus is only teasing me.

 I heard him sigh. "Okay, it was his highness, Prince Fraser, who sent me back here. He said I need to return to the capital now since the situation in the northern region is getting better. Also, I still have monarch duties. I've been away from the capital for so long, and I need to do my responsibilities as an official of this monarchy. Is that enough reason for you?"

 I frown. I tried to remember the timeline in my novel. The infectious disease should last for another month. But why is Rufus in the capital already? Isn't he supposed to return the same day Prince Fraser would return to the capital?

 "How's the situation in the northern region? Is everything okay there? How about the people of the small town? Did you do what I have told you to do?"

 Rufus takes a sip on his teacup first before answering my question. He looks so relaxed and chill. "Everything is getting better in the northern region. The cases are decreasing every day, and the cure is in the last phase of its research. I heard they can produce it next week already. About the small town, you shouldn't worry anymore. I did what you told me to do. They are now back to how they used to live. The Doctors also informed them of the importance of a clean environment. Now, everyone is making sure that their environment is clean."

 I sighed in relief when I heard what Rufus said. Now I can peacefully sleep at night knowing that everything is getting better. However, I still feel guilty because I am the reason why all of this is happening. 

 "How is..." I didn't continue my words and shake my head. Forget it. I don't want to hear anything about him. 

 Rufus smirk and raise his eyebrow at me. "How is my cousin? Is that what you want to ask?"

 I feel my cheeks burns, and I avoid Rufus' eyes. I didn't even finish my words. How come he knows what I want to say? 

 I sigh. "Yeah, how is his highness doing? I heard from his majesty that his highness is recovering in a fast paced. I just want to make sure he is okay since I was the one who did first aid on him. I feel responsible for what is happening to him. So, don't look at me like that. I don't like it."

 Rufus laughs loudly. A moment after, he pinched my cheeks real hard. "You never change, Purplany." He laughs again. "About my cousin, he is doing fine. Although he didn't appreciate it when you didn't even bother to check on him before you returned to the capital. But aside from that, he is doing okay now. Sir Farren never left him and always taking care of his need."

 Sir Farren? It's Princess Paislee! I'm glad that she is taking care of Prince Fraser. I just hope both of them will realize their feelings for each other. 

 I lean towards Rufus. I need to make sure that aside from Rufus, no one can hear what I am going to say. 

 It's a crime to question someone about their sexuality. Especially the person I am referring to is high highness, Prince Fraser Astalieu.

 "Rufus, is his highness always with Sir Farren?"

 Rufus nods his head. Although I can see the confusion in his eyes. He's probably wondering why I am whispering.

 "Do you notice something between the two?"

 Rufus frown. A moment after, he looks at me with wide eyes. He then flicks my forehead using his fingers. "Purplany! What are you trying to imply? Do you know that it's a crime to say something malicious towards the heir of the throne? Not to think Prince Fraser is your own fiancé. What are you thinking?"

 Rufus looked at me as if I was out of my mind. It's the first time he heard me say something like this about his highness. He's probably in shock.

 But I bet he'll be more in shock when he knows that Sir Farren isn't a man but a lady. 

 I shake my head at him sigh. "Chill. I didn't mean it that way. I just won't ask if you noticed something between them. Like if Prince Fraser gets mad at Sir Farren. You know how Prince Fraser can have a temper at times."

 Rufus looks at me with suspicion in his eyes. He probably still won't believe me. I just laugh at him. Forget it. He'll soon realize things sooner. It's best if he sees it with his own eyes.

 I'm actually excited to see Rufus' reaction if that happens.

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