When it was all over, the three of them just laid there with their faces on the ground.
With the way that they laid there, it was as if there were no signs of life coming from them.
It seemed that whatever had happened had taken their lives from them.
Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look carefully at the two of them, even going as far as trying to use the Appraisal Eyes on them. Since he was stronger than them, it should have popped if they were still alive.
But there were no signs of life in the three of them.
With a sigh, Lin Fan turned to look at Duanmu Ming Xue to say, “It seems that your family is quite harsh. They don’t give a second chance at all.”
Duanmu Ming Xue slowly gave a nod, but there was a concerned look on her face.
Seeing this, Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows as well.
After all, it seemed that even Duanmu Ming Xue didn’t know about this.
It seemed that she had been protected from this to a certain extent, whether it was someone protecting her or if it was just because she wasn’t important enough to show this to.
Regardless of what it was, it seemed that the three founding families really were determined to see their plans through.
“Sir envoy, are you alright?”
While they were lost in thought looking at the three corpses on the ground, this voice rang out.
It was the captain of the guard and it didn’t seem like he was alone as he led a group over. Judging by the number of lanterns that they had, it seemed like quite a big group.
At the same time, they were all armed based on the sounds of metal clanging together.
But they had come too late.
“I’m fine. Help me take care of the corpses of these three intruders.” Lin Fan raised his hand to put Duanmu Ming Xue’s hood back on before guiding her inside without sparing a single glance to the group coming over.
All he heard from behind him was a collective cold breath from the group, but he didn’t care about their reaction at all.
He just cared about taking Duanmu Ming Xue away before anyone noticed anything.
When the morning came, the courtyard went back to normal.
The guards had moved the three corpses away and it was unknown what they did with them, but Lin Fan didn’t care in the first place.
In a sense, the three corpses could be considered a greeting gift to the royal family.
Experience tales at empire
With these three corpses, they would be able to punish the three founding families to a certain extent for interfering with this important national matter. They could even claim that the three founding families were trying to harm the Han Kingdom’s relationship with the Mu Empire.
However, Lin Fan knew that the royal family wouldn’t take it too far.
After all, there was a reason why the three founding families had been able to push them down for so long. The power that the three founding families had wasn’t something to be looked down on.
Just giving them a card to mess with the three founding families was already more than enough.
With the guards leading the way, there was nothing that got in their way this time.
They were able to make their way to the capital by the middle of the day and they were shown the way to the palace. Even though it was the middle of the day, the streets were completely cleared out and they were able to make their way to the palace without anyone getting in their way.
At the palace, there seemed to be even more guards that were guarding the area.
It seemed that the royal family didn’t intend to let the three founding families have any way of causing trouble.
It seemed that they were completely done with the three founding families having their way.
Once Lin Fan arrived in the palace, he was greeted by the sight of many different ministers and generals standing in the throne room. At the center of this throne room, sitting on his throne was the king of this Han Kingdom.
Though he had a calm expression on his face, it didn’t seem like he was as calm as one thought.
The look in his eyes made it clear what he was thinking.
He was afraid of what Lin Fan was planning. Or it was better to say that he was afraid because he had no idea what Lin Fan was planning.
Their Han Kingdom didn’t have a connection to the Mu Empire, so there was no reason that the Mu Empire would suddenly send an envoy to their Han Kingdom like this.
That was unless the Mu Empire had some intentions towards their Han Kingdom.
He had no idea what those were, which was why he was cautious towards Lin Fan.
“Sir envoy, welcome to our Han Kingdom.” King Han was the one that spoke in the end since he was the one that had the highest status in this throne room.
Lin Fan gave a simple nod in response before saying, “Your majesty, I should say that it’s my honour to be allowed to visit your Han Kingdom.”
There was a trace of surprise that appeared in King Han’s eyes since he never expected Lin Fan to say this, but then he calmly said, “Not to be rude, but may I ask why you have come to our Han Kingdom?”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Lin Fan had said what he had said, then King Han wouldn’t have asked this. But since Lin Fan was showing him this respect, then he shouldn’t care that much if he were to…
As King Han expected, Lin Fan suddenly revealed a smile before saying, “Your majesty, if possible, can we speak alone?”
King Han was once again taken aback when he heard this since he clearly didn’t expect to hear this.
He narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Fan for a bit, as if he was trying to see through him. Seeing Lin Fan look right back at him and match his gaze, King Han eventually gave a slight nod and said, “Alright.”
After saying this, he raised his hand and waved it as if he was dismissing the ministers and generals. Many of them seemed like they didn’t want to follow this order, as if they wanted to stay here and participate in the discussion, but King Han didn’t give them this chance.
Since Lin Fan had asked to talk alone, King Han would talk to him alone.
The deciding factor of this was the fact that Lin Fan had given them the three corpses from the three founding families. That at least showed that there was some grudge between Lin Fan and the three founding enemies.
An enemy of an enemy was a friend.
That was all that mattered.
Once all of the ministers and generals left the throne room, Lin Fan said, “Your majesty, it seems that you have been having some trouble with the three founding families of your country. What if I were to say that I can help you deal with them?”
King Han first revealed a look as if things had been made clear for him, but then he knitted his brows to look at Lin Fan.
It wasn’t that he was confused by what Lin Fan said, especially since he had made it quite clear what he was offering.
Instead, it was the fact that Lin Fan made this offer that made him suspicious.
There was no reason for Lin Fan to make this offer in the first place.
It just didn’t make any sense that he would do something like this for a country that he wasn’t related to.
“Why?” That was all that King Han said in response to this.
At this point, there was no point in hiding anything since the other side was already putting everything on the table. The fact that Lin Fan opened up with this meant that he wasn’t planning on beating around the bush.
That was what made King Han trust Lin Fan a bit more.
Lin Fan gave a simple nod in response to this before saying, “I’m sure that you have your doubts about why I’m doing this, but I’ll just tell you that I have my own reasons for doing this.”
King Han narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Fan after hearing this, but Lin Fan just calmly looked back at him.
With a sigh, King Han said in the end, “Your word isn’t enough. This is a matter that concerns the very lives of the people of my nation. This isn’t something that I can base on your words alone.”
Lin Fan gave an understanding nod when he heard this before turning to give Duanmu Ming Xue a nod.
Duanmu Ming Xue knew what Lin Fan wanted from him, so she took off her hood and showed King Han her real face.
King Han was confused since he didn’t recognize her at all.
He had to look at her for a while before slowly revealing a look of recognition.
Then he looked at Lin Fan with a strange look, almost as if he was asking him something.
Lin Fan just gave a simple nod in response as an answer.
There was a moment of silence before King Han said, “I can’t promise that I’ll go along with everything that you’re planning, but at least I’m willing to listen.”
Lin Fan gave another nod in response.
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