Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 465: Integrate the will of the world! (big

Chapter 465: Integrating the Will of the World! (Big chapter please give monthly tickets and subscribe)

 Amethyst family.

 The **** of weapon refining!

 The Holy Infant cannot live without the Amethyst clan, just like the West cannot live without the Holy City.

Li Wei was not in a hurry to take action. Although the danger sense did not respond, the Amethyst tribe had already joined the Council of Ten Thousand Races. Their appearance here must be to perform some kind of mission. He wanted to find out what they were doing here first. If he could follow the clues, find the stronghold of the Council of All Races, and seize it, he might gain more. The Amethysts in front of them are only at level six and worthless.

The reason why the Council of Ten Thousand Races is difficult to deal with is that they do a very good job of keeping secrets, and their members come from all over the pan-plane, hiding in dark places. They are constantly engaged in guerrilla warfare and blitzkrieg with the Wizards Council, and never fight head-on.

 On the spaceship.

Three sixth-level Amethysts led a small Amethyst force and escorted a group of humanoid aliens with thick backs and thick hair to the ship. These aliens were full of vitality and blood. Li Wei did not recognize them, but they looked physical. Being powerful is the same as Amazon and barbarians.

The leader of the foreign race is also a level 6 strongman. He is three meters tall and wears stone armor. He looks at the Amethyst tribe with an unkind look and dares not to say anything in anger.

Not long ago, this group of outsiders invaded their world without any explanation, burning, killing and looting.

They killed all the old people among the foreigners, leaving only the young men, women and children.

The leader of the Amethyst Tribe is a late-level sixth-level strongman named Kodak, who is a senior [Walker] of the Council.

 “Have everyone been arrested?”

 “Sir, we have captured them all.”

“Very good, I went back home and found a group of seedlings of law-killing warriors this time, which is a great achievement.”

 In the spaceship, rows of alien slaves were piled up in the cabin like cargo.

Anyone who dares to resist will be killed directly and thrown into a dark place to be fed to black beasts.

Watching the spaceship turn into a stream of light and disappear in front of the plane.

Li Wei had an idea and followed him quietly.

 With his speed, it would be easy to track the spacecraft.

 That face has been robbed by the Amethyst Clan, and there must be nothing of value.

 A few months later.

 The spaceship flies into a small, small plane.

 The plane is very small, so it is extremely hidden. It is hidden in a dark place and is basically undetectable by travelers passing by.

This world is deserted, but military buildings can be seen everywhere.

 A group of people, including foreigners and Amethysts, came to meet them.

 Li Wei thought to himself.

“It looks like a small stronghold of the Parliament of All Nations.”

 Judging from the danger perception, there should be no eighth-level [Venerable] level expert here.

The Venerable is a dominating figure in the Council of All Nations. He has a very high status and can mobilize all foreign [envoys] and [walkers] within his jurisdiction.

 “Kodak, it looks like the harvest is good this time.”

 A sixth-level Amethyst clan member grinned.

 Kodak said proudly:

 “That’s natural, let’s unload.”

  Its men began to drive away the alien slaves on the spaceship.

The slaves, who had never left their hometown, looked desperate.

 “Where are you taking us!”

 “What do you want to do!”

 It didn’t take long.

This group of slaves were taken underground.

 Here, there is a huge factory.

 In the factory building, there are densely packed jars filled with purple liquid.

 In each jar, there is a foreign body soaked in it, as well as the breath of life.

 In the liquid, the runes flickered and were mysterious and abnormal.

These aliens seem to have magic circles carved on their bodies.

 Their skin is lavender and covered with a thin layer of amethyst.

From time to time, aliens are taken out of the jar and placed on the training ground.

Wizards wearing robes, or other spell casters, shamans and the like, recited incantations and attacked them with spells. The spells were bombarded on the aliens, some withstood it, and more were destroyed. Blast to pieces.

 At some point, a burly Amethyst clan member exuding late-level seventh-level aura landed here. It stood with its hands behind its hands and asked calmly:

 “How was the experiment?”

 A wizard wearing an experimental robe said respectfully:

"Lord Zungu, among the current experimental subjects, there have been a small number of individuals with some resistance to the Amethyst Clan's spells. Although they are still far behind the great Amethyst Saint Clan, they should be able to fight against wizards. It plays a big role, ordinary wizards are no match."

 Respect the ancient way:

“Kodak has sent a new batch of alien races. The initial physical strength of this race is stronger, and perhaps the success rate of transformation will be higher.”

The wizard said:

 “What kind of alien race can be so powerful?”

 Respect the ancient way:

 “Claims to be a black barbarian, but I don’t know what it has to do with the barbarians.”

 In the multi-dimensional world, there are too many races that claim to be barbarians, but the most famous ones are the barbarians in the ancient tower.

 Others are mostly uncivilized natives.

 The wizard said:

“We strive to transform into stronger magic-killing warriors as soon as possible.”

 Respect the ancient way:

“Hurry up, Lord Saint can’t wait any longer. If we at Tianwuxing can make progress as soon as possible, it will be of great benefit to you researchers in the future.”

 After drawing the cake, Zungu’s figure disappeared.

 At this stronghold called Tianwuxing, Li Wei's hermit runes flickered and he spent several days checking it.

“This Council of Ten Thousand Tribes is really ambitious. Just as Laplace expected, they are studying spell-killing warriors to fight against wizards, trying to transform the foreign races into low-quality Amethyst races!”

“Furthermore, there are hundreds of such strongholds in the Panplane. The person in charge of this big project is the Amethyst Saint in the Council of All Races.”

“Looking at it now, the Sea Clan was taken over by the Council of All Nations probably to implement this plan. I don’t know what’s going on in Baghdad now.”

He and Baghdad are only enslaved by the Sword of Oath. Now Baghdad is in a foreign land and there is no news.

After investigating these days, Li Wei can be sure that there is no eighth-level expert on this star.

 The strongest one is a late-level seventh-level Amethyst named Zungu, who is the senior envoy of the Council of Ten Thousand Races.

The positions in the Council of All Nations are divided into four levels: low-level, intermediate, high-level, and top-level, which are based on the four small realms under the general realm.

"Since I have discovered this stronghold, I will not leave it alone."

 It is everyone’s responsibility to fight against the Council of Nations. What's more, Levi and his clones are often harassed by the Council of Ten Thousand Races. He had long been so angry that he could no longer vent his anger. If this place could be leveled, the loss to the Council of All Races would be as great as the loss of a Venerable!Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

Evil was born on the edge of courage, and with murderous intentions, Levi's figure quietly emerged.

This world is not big, with a total radius of only tens of thousands of miles. It is not as big as the Blue Star in the previous life.

 In the shadow behind him, dozens of shadows exuding level 6 aura emerged.

 Most of them were born from Levi's previous hunting of black beasts and demons.

There are thousands of fifth-level shadows, neatly arrayed on one side.

Li Wei said coldly:

 “You go and seal off the entire world, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.”




 Ten thousand shadow dragons escaped into the shadow dimension and secretly infiltrated this small world.

Livy called Lope out again and said:

“Lope, you are responsible for supporting the shadows. If there is a level 7 strongman who escapes, intercept and kill them as soon as possible.”

Lope said:

"no problem."

After hiding the Death Ember Shrine and completing all preparations, Li Wei calmly flew towards the law-killing warrior factory. That Zungu was his first target. It was here. The world's only seventh-level Amethyst clan, and two early-level seventh-level foreign warriors, can be left to Luo Pei to deal with them.

Zun Gu is still in his palace at this moment, devouring a lot of the ores and metals sent by his men.

 There are some level six ores among them, which is really a waste of natural resources.

 Suddenly, Zungu raised his eyes, raised his hand and punched the void.

This seemingly random blow formed a purple light wave, razing the palace where it was located to the ground.

 In the tremors of the void, Li Wei's figure emerged.

 Have to admit that the Amethyst clan’s fighting instinct and intuition are indeed very strong.

 This is an innate talent.

 Respect the ancient way:

"Who are you? Wait, you are the Lord of Dusk Hall!"

It looked at the person in front of it, wearing black flame armor, a red cloak on his back, gilded cloud-stepping boots on his feet, and the iconic black dragon helmet on his head. He was surrounded by three thousand wind and thunder feather blades like a star ring. Pause, there is a huge sword like a door panel behind it, shining with red luster, and the high temperature even distorts the void.

Li Wei's outfit is really familiar to the strong men of the Council of Ten Thousand Races.

He didn't even think about covering it up. That would be meaningless. Once he did it, his identity could still be exposed.

His methods, the people in the Council of Nations are watching them with magnifying glasses every day.

 The most important thing is that with his current strength, he does not need to be as timid as before.

Li Wei smiled and said:

“Exactly, do you dare to go to the dark place with me for a fair fight?!”

Zun Gu was not surprised but overjoyed, he laughed and said:

"You can't find anything after you've worn iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get here. Those fools have been thinking about catching you in the wizarding world, but I didn't expect you to come to my door. Let me earn my head and avenge my good brother Taikoo. You still want to lure the tiger away from the mountain and trick me into a dark place, but there is no way, I will kill you here today!"

It always hears people say how powerful the Lord of the Dusk Hall is, and his ears feel calloused.

 It popped out of the stone in the same year, month and day as Taikoo.

Later I heard that my good brother Taikoo was beheaded by him, so I wanted to seek revenge from Li Wei.

However, the organization assigned it the important task of guarding this place, so it had no choice but to give up.


Zun Gu stepped forward, shrunk to an inch, and came to Li Wei.

 Sacred Skill·Point Star!

 As soon as it pointed out, the purple light went straight towards Li Wei's eyebrows.

 Levi was already prepared and moved out of the way to avoid the blow.

The light flew hundreds of miles and shattered a huge mountain in the distance.


Zungu, who was fighting fiercely with the Nine-Colored Emperor, was attacked from behind!

 Levi punched the purple heart on the back of his chest.

The Heaven-Destroying Earth-Destroying Fist is the ultimate in his current physical attack power, and is a typical example of defeating all means with one force!

Zun Gu’s complexion changed wildly, and an unimaginable energy had nowhere to vent in his body.

First, the amethyst on the back cracked like glass, and streaks of purple light came out.


The shocking explosion shook the center of the earth to the point of trembling.

Levi's arm was shattered by the shock, and his flesh and blood were bruised. He gasped and watched the injuries recover.

 Surrounded by the Nine-Colored Emperor, the Silver Mountain Sky Pendant and the Illusion World of Wind surrounded him, blocking the escaping energy shock waves.

"you you!"

That Zungu was hit so hard that he was still alive. The amethyst crystals that were scattered everywhere were trembling and making unwilling sounds, and they wanted to recover.

At the same time, the Nine-Colored Emperor and Si Lei lowered the thunder that covered everything, carrying out a devastating blow, completely wiping out Zungu's consciousness. Leon quickly appeared and pulled out Zungu's true spirit from the void, and spent a lot of effort. , then Zungu uniforms were made into cans.

 The ancient banyan wonderland opened, Mana looked at the center of the earth and couldn't help but sigh.

“It can’t survive. After all, it’s just a small world. Even a battle at level 6 may cause it to be injured, let alone level 7?”

Li Wei said:

 “Is there a remedy?”

 His previous battles were either in the Dark Land or in large planes like Nora.

In those places, even if he pokes holes in the sky, he won't be able to cause any harm, unless it's a legendary wizard.

Mana shook her head.

"No, the birth and death of the plane has its own fixed number. It cannot be changed by human power, and it is not even controlled by the underworld. It is determined by the dark place that created the heavens and the world and billions of creatures."

Li Wei said:

"In that case, why don't you take this opportunity to fuse the will of this plane? You will die anyway, and you can still use the remaining value. Otherwise, if I encounter a catastrophe of darkness in the future, wouldn't it be a big disadvantage?"

Now that Zun Gu is dead, if the Dark Land wants to find someone to settle accounts with, it must be looking for Li Wei.

His journey along the way has been contrary to nature, and he has many debts, so he needs to be careful next.

 Mana said:

"Then I'll give it a try, but it may take a while. I'm worried about the enemy's reinforcements coming."

 Levi asked:

 “How long exactly?”

 Mana said:

"If you just devour the will of this world, it will only take a few days, no more than seven days at most. If you want to completely integrate this world, it will not be completed within dozens of years."

 Just by devouring the will of the world, the benefits gained by Mana are definitely incomplete. But for safety reasons, there is no other option.

 Such an important stronghold, and now that the person in charge and the defenders have been wiped out, the enemy will inevitably come to investigate.

 But considering the long distance, unless the ninth or tenth level comes by special means, it shouldn't be possible in a short time.

 Just a few days, nothing should happen.

Li Wei said:

  “Without further ado, you merge, I’ll give you a break.”

Mana nodded.

"If I integrate the will of this small world and completely digest it, I should be able to reach the peak of level six. After growing for a while, I can easily advance to level seven. Thank you very much."

Li Wei smiled and said:

 “Don’t talk between two families in the same family.”

 After Zungu was solved, the remaining cats and dogs were easily wiped out by the Shadow Army and Lope.

After Mana was integrated, Levi began to count the gains from this battle.

The first is the experimental equipment that has not yet been destroyed to create magic-killing warriors, as well as some experimental subjects that are still sleeping, including several researchers, alien scholars, and wizards. Li Wei has set a ban on these people and plans to send them to Give the Wizards Council some benefits. Such a large project cannot be digested by Gulong Continent. Instead, it is easy for the parliament to suspect that it is "rebelling". Of course, before sending it to the parliament, he needs to make a copy of various experimental data and information. These are all knowledge and they will always be put to use.

Followed by 3 level 6 amethysts, 11 level 5 amethysts, and of course, the late level 7 amethysts formed after Zungu’s death. These are the main motivations for Levi’s action. There are also a large number of rare ores, which are found in the bodies of the Amethyst tribe. They are accustomed to hoarding the ores and slowly digesting them to polish their bodies.

“Now, the Holy Infant is very happy. The best materials for refining the weapon cannot be used up.”

Then there are some exotic treasures. Counting the iron fork [Thunder] used by the alien race, a total of 1 seventh-level exotic treasure and 4 sixth-level exotic treasures were seized. These things are of no use to Li Wei. He plans to put them in the storage of various major organizations. In the treasury, everyone can redeem it based on their respective organizational contributions.

 Finally, the combat skills and knowledge collected from those alien races and wizards are better than nothing.

Not long after, at Li Wei’s urging, Lyon quickly devoured the collected souls of the defenders, made them into memory discs, and showed them to Li Wei for review.

There are many areas in these memory discs that are obviously restricted by some powerful prohibition means and cannot be viewed, but just some of the information leaked made Li Wei look solemn.

“The plan of the Council of All Nations is quite big. They actually want to turn Nola into their dominant place. To this end, they have implemented many plans, and the [Dharma-killing Warrior] is just one of them.”

There are also some combat skills and knowledge in the memories of these people, which Li Wei has collected. It is worth mentioning that the holy skills of the Amethyst clan are always shrouded in a layer of fog, and even Leon cannot decipher them. There is no doubt that this is the method of the Amethyst Saint. The holy skills are extremely powerful and are the unique combat skills system of the Amethyst clan created by the Amethyst Saint. Li Wei's idea of ​​referring to it can only be given up temporarily.

Those tall alien slaves captured by the Amethyst Tribe were lucky enough to be rescued by Li Wei. After Li Wei got to know them, he knew that they were [Black Barbarians], with natural supernatural powers, thick skin and thick flesh, and were most suitable for being magic-killing warriors. . He cast sleeping spells and legal bans on all these black barbarians, and threw them into the Black Soul Demon Tower together with the captured prisoners of the Council of Ten Thousand Races. After being brought back to the Wizarding World, the black barbarians himself stayed in the Ancient Dragon Continent to replenish the battle group. troops.

 The center of the earth.

A giant tree shadow is rooted in the hot lava core. Mana's expression is solemn. Green branches are inserted into the core, seeming to be absorbing some mysterious power, which must be the will of the world.

Li Wei watched quietly, and the danger perception began to warn. The enemy must have noticed it and was sending troops here. He did not rush Mana. Opportunities like this are rare.

In this tense atmosphere, time passed by minute by second. On the fifth day, Mana opened her eyes, and the green branches were retracted into the shadow of the big tree. Her face was rosy, as if she was drunk.

“Levi, let’s go, I’ll absorb it slowly when I get back.”

 Levi was already ready.

 “Let’s go back home, back to the wizarding world!”

He put away the mana, and his body turned into the power of wind and thunder. The phantom of the Heavenly King Dragon protected his whole body, and rushed into the infinite height. When he reappeared, it was already the astral ruin sea. Once here, he is basically safe. There are not many people who master this ability.

 The next day.

In the dark place surrounding the small world, a short, thick, and burly figure in imperial robes appeared in the void. It was the Dwarf Emperor Dagon. It is relatively close to this place, so it was sent here to investigate as soon as possible.

 What is left of it is a small plane that is constantly collapsing and about to perish, without any vitality.

From the information sent by some of the garrison members during their lifetime, it can be known that the murderer who destroyed this place was the Lord of Dusk Hall.

"Even if I want to capture a late-level seventh-level Amethyst clan like Zungu, it will take some effort, and it dies like this. The danger rating of the Twilight Palace Master is still low. I have to report it to the organization. , strengthen the reward. Ordinary level 8 people are no longer qualified to participate in this matter, and they may be killed by this person."

"Anyway, I have enough lifespan. I will not hunt down the Master of the Dusk Palace. My target is still a master craftsman like Ace!"


 The Temple of Darkness.

On the stars, a tall black shadow opened its eyes.

Venerable Dagon said respectfully:

"Lord Ancient One, the one who attacked our stronghold this time was the Lord of Dusk Palace. He single-handedly killed three seventh-level defenders, including Zungu and Tielei. , the experimental subjects were all taken away, and the experimental world was completely destroyed."

The burly black shadow said coldly:

"Everyone has seen, this is a wizard! He is inhumane and unpopular! Even if he kills our people, he will also carry out acts of annihilation. Sooner or later, they will be retaliated by the dark land. Continue to trace the whereabouts of the Lord of Dusk Hall. Closely monitor him in the wizarding world, and at the same time, widely publicize this person’s evil deeds to the alien races in multiple dimensions.”


Five years later.

 Nora 432, the 218th year of the **** war, Levi increased his knowledge while traveling, and returned to the wizarding world leisurely. The journey was uneventful.

   Baihua was overjoyed to see Li Wei return safely.

“You have been away for decades, which really makes me miss you.”

Li Wei smiled and said:

 “Isn’t it okay? Don’t worry.”

  Triss also smiled.

 “Did you gain anything or find anything interesting during this trip?”

Li Wei smiled and said:

 “Come with me and I’ll show you some good things.”

 He took Baihua and Triss to the Ancient Banyan Fairyland.

 Outside the Dragon Palace, a three thousand meter tall giant ape was waving a stick in a stylish manner.

 A group of dragon fans watched Lope's performance and applauded one after another, including the little Ash Dragon. Although it was also a legendary creature, it was still a baby, unlike Lope, who was already a teenager.

Li Wei said with a slight expression of satisfaction:

“This is the Flooded Giant Ape, the legendary creature I just captured.”

Baihua looked up at the three-thousand-meter-tall giant ape and took a breath of cold air.

“What? A legendary creature, real or fake?”

The Flooded Giant Ape is too unpopular, except for zoo directors like Levi, biology enthusiasts, and many wizards, who have never heard of it.

 Triss also opened her mouth slightly, feeling a little excited. She had heard about this beast a little bit, but she never thought that one day she would encounter a living one.

 In fact, in Nola's ancient times, legendary creatures, dragons, giants and the like also appeared from time to time.

 But as the wizards became more powerful, these creatures gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Even if there were people nowadays, they would basically not get close to Nora, otherwise they would be captured. Wouldn’t that be asking for trouble?

Hundred Flowers Path:

"In time, our Ancient Dragon Continent will be able to have legendary guardians like the Sleeping Dragon Realm. How majestic it will be!"

Li Wei told some of his travel experiences, such as Maia, and even the Zerg who killed the gods, which made the two girls yearn for it.

The giant ape Lope was too shocking, so Li Wei did not let it appear to the outside world for the time being, but stayed in the ancient banyan wonderland. Although he was not afraid of trouble, he did not want to be too high-profile.

The seventh-level dust dragon of the Emperor Shining Gold was placed by him in the fairyland to continue sleeping, and he sent Lope to guard it and report the situation to Li Wei at any time.

The black barbarians in the Black Soul Demonic Tower were awakened by Li Wei. After some coercion and inducement, they swore to the Sword of Oath to settle down in the Ancient Dragon Continent. Li Wei allowed them to stay with the Wind Spirit Tribe in the Intis Mountains and arranged for the Twilight Temple. The knight instructors systematically teach them combat skills, waiting to form a battle group in the future to fight against the devil.

The wizard seedlings brought out from the ancient tower were also arranged to enter the Tower of Dawn. The professors and teachers from the major factions were all excited beyond words when they saw the three sons of elements and so many special talents. These seedlings themselves also have a certain foundation of cultivation. They have been given systematic theoretical education on wizards by saints or kings in the ancient pagoda. Because of their outstanding talents, they are basically formal wizards, and some older ones , is already a second-level or even third-level wizard.

Over the years, the Tower of Dawn has grown very well, but there are actually only two soul wizards cultivated by the organization, namely:

 Shadow Queen·Aya.

 Thunder Sword·Star.

Needless to say, Aya is one of the "supernovas" of today's era. Together with the "Fire Dragon Knight", Aya is also known as the "Twin Ancient Dragons".

Sta is Soret's apprentice. He was promoted to the sixth ring not long ago. He has been practicing for exactly five hundred years.

This kind of speed is quite satisfactory for the son of the thunder element, but he also has nine talents, which is very good.

After the Sixth Ring of Star, he also started teaching and served as the deputy director of Thunder Academy, assisting his mentor Solet.

Solet also achieved a great achievement. He taught a six-ring wizard and received a heavy reward from the organization.

 In addition, not many of the first-generation wizard seedlings recruited in the early days have made it to the present. Some died in wars or missions, and some failed to break through. The end is approaching. However, there are still a few wizards who are compatible with dual or even three lines. Now they have completed the fifth ring, and they are potential seeds that can be promoted to the sixth ring. These people often have their own luck. After all, the current era of great plane convergence is a time of change that has never happened in millions of years. The **** battle has gradually broken the inherent monopoly and pattern of the wizarding world. The resources and opportunities are far greater than before. Even if the talent is not good, , it does not mean that there is no chance of Yuanhun at all. Legendary stories like the Black Pearl Boy will still be staged in such a golden age.

 In general, the accumulation and foundation of Tower of Dawn are still insufficient. If it develops for another thousand years, it will definitely be much better than now.

Today there are 10,000 words, 4,000 words have been added, and the remaining 17,000 words are owed. Please vote for the big chapter, subscribe, and recommend.

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 (End of this chapter)

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