Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 470: The enemy appears, the light of exile! (big

Chapter 470 The enemy appears, the light of exile! (Big chapter please give monthly tickets and subscribe)

 “Extend life for a thousand years?”

  Triss was a little surprised as she held the experiment diary handed over by Levi.

Li Wei said:

"Yes, I got this from an ancient ruins. The owner of the ruins has been studying it for a long time without success."

  Triss said:

"Life-extending potions are of little use if the materials cannot be made relatively common. For example, there is a nine-ring life-extending potion called [Turtle Life Potion], which can extend life by 1,500 years. In fact, the reason why this potion is so powerful is not because of the potion. The technical content itself is due to the fact that it uses the Turtle King Fruit, which can extend your life by 1,000 years after taking it. This kind of life-extending potion is difficult to reproduce because it is limited by materials."

Levi said:

"I took a look at this person's research content. He seems to want to research a relatively low-cost eight-ring life-extending potion, which is made from the blood of the phoenix and other relatively easy-to-find herbs. If it can be done, Although it cannot be popularized in the wizarding world, at least it can extend the lives of people like us for another thousand years."

  Triss said:

“Well, I understand, but this is an eight-ring potion. With our current level of knowledge, I’m afraid it’s not enough to study.”

Li Wei said:

“Can we bring Ms. Lucy in? I heard she is also good at pharmacy.”Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

  Triss said:

"Ms. Lucy herself is fine, but she is currently busy directing the war and may not have time to do anything else."

Li Wei said:

“It’s okay, take your time. Throughout the ages, so many legendary wizards and great wizards have not developed a relatively universal life-extending potion. You can imagine the difficulty.”

  Triss sighed:


 The two chatted for a while, and then Li Wei left.

 He gave Triss a copy of the relevant knowledge of "Millennium Potion" for reference, including the experimental manual.

 The owner of the ruins has a high level of knowledge in potions, and his notes are also very useful for Triss to study other potions.


 Nightmare world.

After passing through the Blood Rain Realm and continuing across the boundless [Pale Realm], you can come to a **** wilderness, which is the land of [Blood Sea Realm].

 The so-called big domain is the place ruled by the Nightmare Monarch, which governs many small realms. The Blood Rain Realm is under the jurisdiction of the Great Pale Domain, and the owner of this domain is the [Pale Monarch] who the Blood Rain Overlord works for, who is also the owner of the giant white bone claw that Li Wei saw in the Ash Dragon Egg.

The Blood Sea Territory is the territory of another monarch. His name is [Blood Sea Mosquito Lord]. His body is a mosquito beast and he is known as the "Lord of Billions of Mosquitoes".

 In this large area, there are many nightmare overlords. [Dark Webway] is one of them. It is located underground and is dark and damp all year round. It is like a city sewer, criss-crossing.

The overlord of the Dark Webway is a nightmare rat that has lived for an unknown number of years. It is currently lying on the soft bed of the underground kingdom, smoking a pipe and hunched over.

“Ahem, I didn’t expect that junior to be so unsatisfied that he was scared out of his wits by an unknown little lord.”

“However, this black dragon lord can mobilize foreigners on a large scale to come to the nightmare world to fight for it, and he has an almost immortal body. Such an ability is rare.”

"Looking at it now, the origin of the black dragon lord who suddenly appeared is not simple. What does Khorne think of this matter?"

From the shadows, a giant dragon exuding a violent aura, stout and shaped like a puppy crawled out. It was the former overlord of the Khorne world, and its true body was a pure-blooded dragon [Indominus Dragon].

 It was severely injured by the Blood Rain Overlord and almost died. Although it saved its life, its strength dropped to the eighth level.

It escaped from the realm of Khorne and became a wandering lord. However, it was captured by the Dark Overlord who had long planned to profit from it. Now it has become a prisoner, enduring humiliation and heavy burdens, and living an ignoble existence.

Khorne said:

"I had heard before that there was a new black dragon lord in the wilderness of the Blood Rain Realm. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. I didn't expect him to have such a method. He should be a pure-blooded dragon like me. Maybe he was from the Wizarding World. The advance army came because many of its subordinates are wizards."

The Dark Overlord said:

"Haha, wizard? Such a weak civilization actually dares to invade our nightmare world. I'm afraid it has forgotten the lessons learned before."

  Previously, there was a group of wizards who captured [Pan], the descendant of the [Lost Monarch], and was imprisoned by the Lost Monarch forever in the labyrinth within his body, for life after life, forever.

Khorne’s eyes moved.

“How about you let me go and meet the black dragon lord.”

 The Dark Overlord sneered.

“Don’t be too careful. I know you want to escape from grandma’s clutches. Just stay here with me. I have my own arrangements.”


 The Black Dragon Territory.

Li Wei listened to the report from his men with a thoughtful look on his face.

Just a few years ago, the growth and reproduction rate of his flesh-and-blood mother tree in the Black Dragon Territory suddenly increased significantly, and the production of nightmare creatures increased year after year, but it is still unclear why.

“Generally speaking, in this case, there is either some change in the nightmare world, such as a locust plague, or the nightmare lord himself has advanced in strength, or the negative influence on the main material plane has become greater.”

"It has been a long time since the thousand-year locust plague. The benefits of that wave of locust plague have long been digested, so it should not be due to external factors, it should be my fault... No, I am gentle and kind to others. Gulong Continent The common people are also very grateful to me. Although I occasionally kill some people, few people know about it, so it won't have too much negative impact."

“Is it because I killed too many demons and made many demons afraid of them? They have nightmares all day long, are afraid of me, and are afraid of me?”

"Probably not. First of all, although I have influence on the demon side, it is not very influential. Besides, demons are basically chaotic creatures. They are not afraid of anything. Among their emotions, fear is not worth mentioning."

 After some reasoning, Li Wei was puzzled.

 In any case, this is a good thing.

 On the one hand, it can promote the development of the black dragon collar.

 On the one hand, after Levi's Nightmare Dragon is promoted, the proficiency experience gained from hanging up in the nightmare world can also be improved.


 The nightmare world is vast and boundless.

 Through the blood sea domain, and then through several large domains.

 There is a large domain extremely far away from the Black Dragon Territory. Its name is [Lost Territory], and it is the territory of the famous Lost Lord.

 After the thousand-year locust plague, many unclaimed lands and flesh-and-blood trees spawned. The major lords fought for these new territories and fought endless wars.

In one of the mother trees, a twisted black shadow is being nurtured. The power of fear from multiple planes is turning into a steady stream of power and pouring into the black shadow.

 “The Twilight Demon!”

 “The Twilight Demon!”

 “The Twilight Demon!”

 There seemed to be countless creatures, during the day, at night, and in dreams, all shouting one name in terror:

 The Twilight Demon!

They have never even seen the real Twilight Demon, and they don’t know who the Twilight Demon is.

 Just because of word of mouth, it has become an "urban legend"-like existence, so that as long as the words "Twilight Demon" itself are mentioned, they will be frightened, frightened, and trembled.

 A mysterious, vast, and bizarre nightmare world. In this unknown corner, new "nightmare creatures" are quietly being nurtured.


 The ancient banyan fairyland.

 Besides practicing and studying, one of Li Wei’s few pastimes is to check memory CDs.

On the one hand, it is to collect useful intelligence, spells, knowledge, etc., and on the other hand, it is entertainment, which is similar to watching a movie and is quite interesting. Most of the time, he only watches CDs with level six or above, and doesn't bother to read the low-level ones.

 “Master, take a look at this CD.”

 Leon gave a disc of a level 5 Balrog to Levi.

Li Wei took it and checked it, his face changed.

 In the picture, there is an endless red wilderness.

A level 5 Balrog was mixed in with the army, seemingly running for its life. Through its perspective, Levi saw a mid-level 7 Balrog being killed with a spell by a red-robed wizard.

The red-robed wizard couldn't see his face clearly, but from the iconic red flame wizard tower, Levi knew his identity.

 “Golvin, the Flame Attendant!”

“This person is actually in Yanshan World!”

It can be seen from the memory disc that at the beginning of the **** battle, this fifth-level Balrog followed the army and invaded the world of Yanshan. There, he met the Flame Waiter. After that battle, this demon escaped by chance, but was recruited into the world again. The Burning Expeditionary Army arrived at the God-Abandoned Continent.

Levi didn't know when he killed this demon. Anyway, by some strange combination of circumstances, he actually learned the whereabouts of the Flame Waiter.

To be honest, Li Wei had given up all hope. He searched secretly for a long time but never saw the person.

The wizarding world is so big that the Flame Waiter insisted on hiding, and his powerful family power covered him up, so Li Wei could not find him.

 So he was ready to leave regrets and treat this person as the second Hog Rider.

 Unexpectedly, there is no perfect way.

All of this, it seems that the causal connection between him and the Flame Waiter has not been broken yet!

“Hahahaha, Yanshan World, it turns out that you are hiding here. You don’t even dare to sign up for the Demon Slayer List, just because you are afraid that I will find out.”

Li Wei counted with his fingers and found that the last time he saw the Flame Waiter was more than three hundred years ago. Times have changed, and with his talent, he should have been promoted to a senior wizard of the seventh ring. But there is still a long way to go before the Seventh Ring is complete.

No matter what, he can destroy such a thing in a flash. With his traveling speed, it won't even take him a year to reach the world of Yanshan.

In order not to regret it anymore, after doing some divination in advance, he searched for a lot of information about the Yanshan world. After confirming that there was no danger in his trip, Li Wei left the wizarding world.


one year later.

 The world of Yanshan.

 Levi came here and frowned.

Looking around, the world here is filled with demonic energy, which is extremely dense.

There is a faint danger coming, indicating that a powerful eighth-level demon may be stationed here.

 “It seems that it has been abandoned by the Wizards Council.”

  The **** battle has progressed so far, and a quarter of the plane federation has been lost. This is also a helpless move. The scale of the **** battle is far greater than the previous four evil gods causing trouble in the Five Realms Federation.

 In order to concentrate its efforts on defending the wizarding world, the Wizards Council will definitely not be able to station too many troops in other plane federations.

Since the **** war, the resources and alien races in these planes have basically been transported back to the wizarding world, and are now turned into demon lairs and garrison places.

“The meeting between the demon and the Flame Waiter happened hundreds of years ago, I don’t know if it’s still there.”

Levi's hermit rune flashed, and he planned to search for the Flame Waiter. If there were no clues, he would go home. I won't disturb the demons here, lest they be targeted by the ninth-level demons. That would be more gain than loss. Revenge is not a matter of life.

 Time flies.

 A month has passed.

Li Wei took a rough look at the world of Yanshan. In the end, he was basically sure that the Flame Waiter had left this place.

  “That’s it, that’s it, let’s go back... It’s impossible to have everything you want in life.”

Levi left quietly.


 “I’m so tired, Lord Dragon, I want to take a rest.”

 Said a foreigner who looked like a human being.

The dragon narrowed its eyes and exuded a dangerous aura.

“Okay, I’m taking a break now, and I’ll just double my working hours to make up for it.”

Human beings hesitated and said:

"But Lord Dragon, there are only 24 hours in a day...how should I make up for it twice as much?"

The dragon snorted coldly.

"I don't care, this is an order. If you don't work hard to produce, how will I maintain my golden armor?"

Human beings don’t dare to rest. He continues to do meaningless work in the factory. Oh my God, I don’t even know what is being produced in this **** place.

 “When can I wake up from this nightmare?”

 “I want to go home!”

"so tired!"

Countless negative emotions, fear, despair, helplessness, resentment...formed into strands of invisible power, rushing out of the factories and pouring into the flesh-and-blood mother trees in the territory, nourishing the nightmare lord and giving birth to more nightmares. biology.

“At the late seventh level, it’s stronger than I thought, but I’m not sure if it’s the sub-dragon species of Khorne Overlord.”

 After hesitating for a moment, Li Wei took action.

 His body stepped out and emerged out of thin air.

The whole person is like a ray of light, radiating in front of the Golden Spear. Feeling the danger coming, the golden armor of the Golden Spear shines brightly, forming a golden barrier. The armor on the dragon is said to be gold, but in fact it is a special precious metal from the nightmare world, which is different from the gold that mortals in the material plane call gold.


Levi’s fist turned into a [bloody drill] and spun suddenly.

The barrier that was strong enough to withstand a full-strength attack at the late seventh level shattered in an instant. Levi grabbed the tail of the golden spear and exploded with great force. Two figures flew off the dome of the factory and flew out of the sky.

 “Who are you? I am Ben the Skinner’s pet!”

The Golden Spear is still unclear about the situation.

Li Wei ignored it and hit the head of the golden spear with his fist as big as a sandbag. The golden armor cracked and several big gold teeth were knocked out.

 “Ouch, it hurts!”

 The Golden Spear cried out in pain.

It wanted to escape, but was caught in the [Gluttony Bag].

The Bag of Gluttony is now a seven-ring witchcraft. It is not a problem to trap the dragon for a while, but it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Li Wei packed the golden dragon in the bag, put it on his shoulders, and left the city of Grau in the "silver chariot".

 After a while of traveling through the void, he was tens of thousands of miles away before long.

The golden spear broke the seal of the Bag of Gluttony, and it opened its mouth and spit out endless golden flames. Wherever the flames swept, the golden molten iron solidified, plating its surface with a layer of gold.

Levi's golden gravity spread the blazing flames, and Lope turned into a three-thousand-meter giant ape, sneaking up from behind the golden spear!


 After a fierce blow, the golden helmet of the Golden Spear was completely cracked, the head buzzed, and it crashed to the ground.

Li Wei snapped his fingers, and a terrifying thunder pillar shot down from the sky, submerging the golden spear, and the sea of ​​thunder raged, destroying everything.

Within a few rounds, this late-level seventh-level dragon was easily knocked down by Levi and Lope, looking half-dead.

"who are you?"

Golden Spear just wants to figure this out.

Levi fell to the ground, with red flames burning in his palms, and behind him appeared the arrogant shadows of six dragons that shook the world. The dragons' might twisted together to form a wave, hitting the Golden Spear's mind.

“I am your master, consider me your master and you will live.”

 Golden Spear lamented:

"Just admit it, why do you have to take action as soon as you come up?"

As soon as it recognized its owner, Li Wei sensed a great sense of danger coming.

 “The Skinner is here!”

But he saw the sky and the earth collapse, and streaks of golden light fell from the sky, surrounding Li Wei and sealing the void.

 A gold coin came through the air and turned into a figure of a gentleman in a suit and a high hat.

It said with a smile on its face, like a knife hidden in its smile:

“Do you know who I am? How dare you kidnap my pet.”

Without saying anything, Li Wei snapped his fingers again.

 Boom, boom!

 shoot down with two consecutive thunderbolts!

The Skinner danced gracefully and managed to avoid Li Wei's attack. With a flick of his finger, a gold coin hit Li Wei's face.

Li Wei's figure flashed, and the gold coins exploded!

A golden shock wave swept across a hundred miles in radius, tearing through several layers of his protective force field in an instant and knocking him away. The immortal armor was trembling and buzzing. It was obviously at its limit, but it was still able to defend against it.

 “This skinner is so strong.”

As soon as Li Wei raised his hand, the Nine-Colored Emperor emerged from the sky and earth, standing behind him. Lope also emerged from the void, and the bone club smashed towards the Skinner!

Countless gold coins flew out of the Skinner's body, surrounding it.


Lope's bone club was almost thrown away. He steadied his body and looked at the skinner as if facing a formidable enemy.

On the other side, the spirit of Maya and the spirit soldiers of the wind roared over, the innate spells roared, and the imperial sword fell from the sky!

Facing an eighth-level enemy, Li Wei did not dare to neglect.

 The terrifying attack struck, and the Skinner's complexion changed slightly. He obviously did not expect that the mid-seventh level enemy in front of him could have such strength.


Gold coins flew out one after another, colliding with Li Wei's dazzling innate spells and Yuanhun spells. They were like bright fireworks exploding, and a world-destroying scene appeared in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The Black Soul Demonic Tower flew out, and Levi sat on it. The death storm covering hundreds of miles in radius pulled the Skinner into it. Two elusive dark evil souls condensed their bodies, and the death scythe slashed towards the Skinner.

This Skinner is also powerful. No matter what method Li Wei uses, it can be defused with just one gold coin.

 “Wizard Tower...it looks like you are a foreigner.”

A handful of gold coins appeared in the hands of the skinner. It changed its shape, bursting through its tuxedo, and turned into a three-meter-tall monster with an ugly face, sharp claws, and a scarlet tongue flicking out.

Its body is covered with scales composed of gold coins. Among those gold coins are twisted faces. These are the dead who were skinned by it.

In an instant, thousands of twisted evil spirits swept towards Li Wei. As soon as Li Wei raised his hand, the shadow dragons came out in full force. No matter the quantity or quality, it surpasses those crooked melons and cracked dates.

Relying on the Wizard Tower and many other methods, Levi was evenly matched with the Skinner, and Lope also harassed the opponent from time to time.

But as a skinner, it will never allow its belongings to be taken away. This would be more uncomfortable than killing it.

 As time went by, Levi gradually gained the upper hand due to the powerful endurance and endurance of the Heavenly King Dragon and the immortal body of the Death Ember Dragon.

 The all-purpose gold coins of the Skinner are not infinite. One is used, one is less, and it takes a long time to condense. The gold coin scales on its body have now been reduced by one-third.

As an eighth-level powerhouse, the Skinner was a little horrified that he had been unable to defeat the enemy for so long. This was the first time that he had encountered such a situation after having dominated this area for so many years.

 Looking back at Li Wei, the war became more and more fierce.

 The seven suns have fallen!

 Thunder Beast Technique!

The seventh-level spell that he has practiced to the limit is no less powerful than the regular eighth-level ordinary spell. Under such indiscriminate bombardment, the Skinner is already somewhat reluctant to give up.

It was cruel and sacrificed a bunch of gold coins, which exploded one after another. Li Wei did not dare to resist. He used the dodge method of Peng She Dao to avoid the core impact, and his arm turned into a spear!

 The ultimate spear way + the snake way!

At this moment, he is the **** of marksmanship walking in the hail of bullets!

 A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

The head of the skinner was actually poked by Li Wei. His body exploded and scattered into countless gold coins, and his voice floated:

 “I won’t let you go!”


The barrier seal woven by Li Wei was suddenly shattered.

He looked at the seriously injured Lope and the golden spear trembling in the corner, and quickly left here with them. The skinner was not dead, and the other party's methods were strange, not ordinary at the early stage of the eighth level.

 The battlefield is tens of thousands of miles away.

I don’t know who lost a gold coin in the wilderness.

 After a moment, the gold coin turned into a golden dimensional aperture, and a bruised figure emerged from it, it was Ben the Skinner.

"I was actually forced to this point by a level 7..."

 The Skinner put away the gold coin and left quickly. It was seriously injured and did not dare to stay in the wilderness.

Time was running out, and after a lot of running around, Levi successfully kidnapped the Golden Spear and returned to the Black Dragon Territory. He was far away from Grau City, so he was not very worried about the Skinner specifically coming to trouble him.

If the skinner didn't run away and fought him to the death, it would be the skinner who died. After this battle, Li Wei became more confident in his own strength.

 He placed the Golden Spear in the Black Dragon Territory and asked Lope to keep an eye on it.

 After taking the blood essence, he returned to the real world.

Now everything is ready, all that is left is promotion.


 Two years later.

  Nora 458 years.

 244 years of **** battle.

Good news came from the God's Abandoned Continent. The Burning Expedition suffered a huge defeat in the all-out war with the Deep Blue Legion and lost nearly ten level eight warriors. On the other hand, the Wizards only had one dead and four wounded.

Most importantly, the hiding place of Nova, the leader of the Burning Expedition, was also found by Lucy, and an earth-shattering war broke out between the two.

What many people didn't expect was that Nova turned out to be a level nine demon who hid his strength. Lucy was in danger, but she relied on powerful means to deal with it for a long time. With Lucy's restraint, Nova died from the Dragon Flame God. Under the attack of Wu's "Dragon Flame".

 After her great achievements, Lucy topped the nine-level demon-slaying list. Then he led the army to pursue the victory and uprooted many demon nests in the God Abandoned Continent one by one.

The leader of the expeditionary force amazed the witchcraft world.

But the victory in this battle was just the tip of the iceberg in the **** battle. Demonic disasters occurred frequently in other parts of the wizarding world. The intensity of Nora's demonic aura has steadily increased over the past two hundred years. The Abandoned Continent of the Gods turned into an abyssal demonic land in the human world.

 The **** battle has not yet been successful, and the witchcraft community still needs to work hard.

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 (End of this chapter)

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