Wizards: Begin Liver Experience with Knight Breathing

Chapter 488: myth! Kirin Breathing Technique! (big

 The dark ancient tower.

 Fifth floor.

 Tower of Wind Spirit.

Kidman looked at the young faces behind her.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.𝒸𝑜𝔪 website to read fastest update

 They come from all over the world and are full of yearning for the outside world.

 “Grandpa Kidman, is the wizarding world big?”

 “After we go out, can we come back?”

“What kind of existence is Tianzun? Is he a god?”

Kidman, who is even older, smiled and said:

"You will know when you go out with Tianzun."

 He lived in Io for a thousand and hundreds of years, traveled to many places, and saw many people and things.

 He is also curious, what is so exciting about multiple dimensions?

The sky slowly opened, and a black-armored swordsman descended from the sky riding a majestic white giant tiger.

 “Tianzun, you are here!”

Li Wei said:

 “Kidman, you can come with me this time.”

Kidman hesitated for a moment and said:

 “Tianzun, I want to stay in Aio.”

 Levi asked:

 “Don’t you want to leave? Here, you can’t advance to level seven.”

Kidman smiled bitterly:

“If I leave, those young Dharma Kings alone may not be able to suppress the tide of black beasts.”

Li Wei said:

 “You don’t have to worry about this, I will give them my trump card.”

Kidman looked delighted, and then thanked her with a big gesture:

 “Thank you, Heavenly Lord!”

Levi can see that Kidman still wants to leave Io.

 With his talent, there is still hope to pursue the seventh level.

 You must be unwilling to stay in this world.

 Hundreds of years of testing, Levi has seen Kidman’s character and attitude.

Looking at Tianzun’s retreating back, Kidman felt excited.

 “A broader world, here I come!”


With the improvement of Li Wei's realm and vision, there is nothing left on the fifth level that Li Wei can miss.

 Even the early fungus cultivation base, he didn’t go there.

 He left these to the destined people in the future as their good fortune.

On the sixth floor, I didn’t waste much time, so I went to take a look at the place of strange objects marked earlier.

 From then on, until the next grand opening of the ancient pagoda more than nine thousand years later.

 In the first six floors, most of the mountains, rivers, and resource treasures that Li Wei has not yet set foot on belong to the people of the future.


 Seventh floor.

 Saint Laurent continent.


 Time flies by.

 This is the 100th year of the Apocalypse Era.

Hundred years ago, the Supreme Saint emerged from the sky to save the people of Rune Land from water and fire.

 After that, the three realms and four places were shaken, and the army pressed down on the realm, persecuting the ultimate saint.

The Saint of Houji Dao single-handedly conquered the three realms and four places.

 Use your supreme power to subjugate those rebellious aliens and level the forbidden area of ​​​​behemoths.

 Since then, no foreign race has dared to harass Runeterra.

Not only that, the Leize Tribe, the Yan Tribe, and the Feather People signed a diplomatic treaty that was humiliating to them.

From now on, we will use all the strength of the three tribes to please the human race and promote the growth of Runeland.

 After countless years of suffering, the human race finally has a chance to breathe.

Under the guidance of the ultimate saint, they dare not slack off, are prepared for danger in times of peace, and work hard to become stronger.

 After all, everything now depends on the Supreme Saint himself.

 And the saint will eventually leave them one day. If the saint leaves, they must rely on themselves!

Over the past hundred years, teachers from the Gray and White Academy have set out from Rune Land to more places to look for traces of the human race.

 Cheaper [Talent Test Papers] have also begun to become popular.

 This is a technology that the ultimate saints obtained from the upper world.

 A test strip is a disposable white paper card that looks ordinary.

There are complex and mysterious runes solidified on it.

  Just put it on your forehead and concentrate your mind.

 If the test paper glows, it means that the person is talented, and the accuracy rate is as high as 70%.

Of course, if you want to accurately test what kind of talent you have, you still need to go to a nearby school to test.

  Generally speaking, as long as test strips can continue to be popularized, the possibility of burying the wizard seedlings will become smaller and smaller.

 It turns out that the Terrans of Runeterra just need a development opportunity.

 Hundred years later, incomplete statistics show that the number of official wizards has skyrocketed by 50% compared to before!

 At the beginning of the reform, the number increased at a terrifying rate every year.

 It is now slowing down, but high-speed growth can still be guaranteed.

 This is the talent of the human race.

 They may have lived an unchanged historical cycle for hundreds of thousands of years.

 But once the opportunity arrives, it will enter an era of rapid development.

 The Runeterra before the Apocalypse was like the ancient era of wizard civilization.

 Chaos and ignorance, no order, and slow development.

 After Sauron appeared, the Parliament was established, ending the ancient times.

Since then, the wizarding civilization has undergone more changes in the three hundred thousand years since its birth than in the ancient times combined.

 This is an excellent quality that many powerful alien civilizations do not possess.

 In addition to the growth in the number of wizards, the rune master system is also constantly being optimized.

 Although they were born out of wizards, they were isolated from the world, lacked communication, and had incomplete inheritance.

 Hence, the average combat power is about the same as that of the Crypt Wizard.

 The Saints of the Council of Saints began to improve the existing meditation methods, spells, weapon making, and pharmaceutical systems.

 Maybe they can't reach the heights of wizards, but they just need to be better than their past selves.

 The past hundred years have been called the "Golden Hundred Years" by the people of Runeterra.

 Everything is getting better, and many people feel as if they are in a dream.

 In the past, because of the weakness of the human race, everyone regarded the outside of Runeterra as a restricted area.

Those who dare to explore outside are only a few warriors.

Now, more and more explorers and adventurers are going deep into the mountains and rivers of this continent.

With the popularity of [Purification Potion], specialized [Beast Hunting Wizard Groups] also began to be established.

 In the eyes of the strong, the black beast is no longer a disaster, but a resource.

 There are too many changes in a century.


 Sixiang City.

 This is the seat of the Council of Saints, as well as the Gray and White Academy campus.

 Young wizards are training on campus.

  Accompanied by a scream that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks.

 A huge cyan eagle with a wingspan of a thousand meters came out of the sky and hovered over the city.

Thousands of green wind blades shot out, with frightening power.

 “The seventh-level black beast, the green-winged eagle!”

“Quickly, notify the great saints that there are seven-level black beasts leading a herd to attack the main city!”

 In recent years, the security of Runeterra has been much better than before.

However, occasionally flying black beasts still invade the Witch City.

“Don’t worry, this is the Holy City of Rune Land. Even if a level seven black beast invades, it can be stopped.”

"The Flame Wolf Saint is now at the seventh level of peak strength. It will be easy to take down this monster!"

“These black beasts really don’t know how to live or die. If they accidentally disturb the holy saints who are retreating in Four Symbols City, they would be nice to see.”


 The four-color barrier suddenly lit up.

 Seven-ring magic circle·Four-god enchantment.

The wind blade fell, causing ripples on the barrier.

The barrier shook slightly, obviously not something that could be shaken easily.

The giant cyan eagle was unwilling to give in and turned into a ray of cyan light, which hit the wall and shot out stars, making it dizzy and dizzy.

At some point, the Water Dragon Saint who came over sneered.

"This is the seven-ring magic circle left by the Supreme Saint himself. How can you, a beast like you, break it?"

 Since the more advanced defensive circles began to become popular in Runeterra.

 The losses caused by the tide of black beasts are getting smaller and smaller.

 The Water Dragon Saint recalled a hundred years ago, when the black beasts invaded Rune Land and suffered heavy losses.

“This is the power of Tianzun. Not only is his strength unpredictable, but he also has a heart to help the world.”

He flew out, and several sixth-level saints behind him formed a magic circle to surround the giant cyan eagle.

At the same time, the city guards flew out and fought with the birds and black beasts.

 The corpses of the black beasts fell like rain and were quickly picked up.

A group of young wizards also emerged from the Gray and White Academy, all of them high-spirited.

 Dizzying spells interspersed between heaven and earth.

The green-winged eagle flew toward the sky and screamed, shooting out thousands of feather blades to break through the defensive circle.

 “This beast!”

The Water Dragon Saint looked at the giant eagle flying away, feeling a little helpless.

It is still a bit difficult to keep it. After all, it is also a mid-level seventh-level black beast.

 On Rune Land, only the Flame Wolf Saint can do it.

But he saw a big furry hand reaching out from the void and grabbing the neck of the Sky Eagle.


The big hand easily threw the flying eagle to the ground, revealing its figure.

It is a giant ape that is three thousand meters tall and reaches into the sky.

It’s eyes are like a torch and its power is terrifying. It is holding a flying eagle,

“Hiss…this is the ferocious ape that caused trouble among the Sharman tribe more than a hundred years ago?”

 The Water Dragon Saint’s expression changed drastically.

This ferocious ape is so powerful and talented that even the Shark King has not been able to defeat it.

If this invades Rune Land, all the saints will join forces to fight against it.

Just when he was about to shake people, a powerful voice came.

 “Lope, bring the bird.”

This familiar voice made the Water Dragon Saint feel very happy.


The figure of the black-armored swordsman appeared, it was Li Wei.

“I’m really lucky. I actually caught a level 7 extraordinary giant eagle and went back to tame it as a mount for the Blood Knight... As the deputy leader of the Twilight Temple, a level 6 mount is too out of line.”

 He muttered inwardly.

Lope, who is also an extraordinary creature and is at the peak of level 7, completely crushed the Sky Eagle.

The difference in realm is partly due to the fact that as a legendary creature, Lope's qualifications and upper limit are too high.

 The internal strength within the same realm is invincible.

Many of the top seven-ring geniuses in the wizarding world are not as good as Lope.

 Levi is looking forward to Lope being promoted to level eight.


 The meeting of saints.

 In front of the round table, the saints reported to Li Wei the work and contents they were responsible for.

 Li Wei is very satisfied with the development over the past century.

 He took out meditation practice potions and other cultivation resources and rewarded them.

 To him, it is just a trivial thing.

These saints felt as if they had found a treasure, and were grateful to Li Wei, smiling from ear to ear.

Li Wei also noticed that the Flame Wolf Saint has reached the peak of level 7, and it is estimated that he will be promoted to level 8 in a few hundred years.

 The prerequisite is that the promotion is successful.

 At that time, the situation of the human race will be better.

Even without Li Wei guarding, foreigners would not dare to invade easily.

The number of seats in the Council of Saints has now increased to eighteen.

 In the past hundred years, several saints have been born.

 Thousands of years later, if you are lucky and one or two eighth-level saints are born, it will be enough to support the ceiling of the human race in Rune Land.

 After that, if there are people with outstanding talents who are promoted to the late eighth level or the peak level, Li Wei can take them away.

 In this world, the upper limit of level is eight. If you want to reach level nine, you must go outside.

Of course, such talents who can be promoted to level nine are rare.

 Based on Runeterra’s base numbers, it would be good to have one born every few thousand years.

 In the past hundred years, the Gray and White Academy has recruited nearly a hundred wizard seedlings from all over the country.

 Most of them are three-line, two-line affinity, or those with special talents.

 There are three sons of the elements, one is earth, one is storm, and one is thunder.

 Li Wei conducted a small trial to select the best among the best, and selected some to take away.

 The rest will be left in Runeterra for the time being.

Of course, just because someone was not taken away by Li Wei, it does not mean that his talent is not good.

 It’s just that Levi also needs to leave some good fire for Runeterra.

In addition, there are some people who may not be talented but have good luck.

 Li Wei cannot take this kind of person away.

 After all, tests can only measure talent, not luck.


 The Ice Realm, one of the three realms.

 “Have you heard? The Ultimate Saint appears again?”

"What? Fortunately, we didn't send troops. This ultimate saint is so insidious. He pretended to disappear to lure us into the trap."

“Alas, from now on we can only keep our tail between our legs. How have we, the White Bear Clan, ever been so aggrieved?”

 A group of burly White Bear tribesmen wearing ice armor were discussing in the meeting hall.

 The white bear tribe is physically strong and can control the power of frost, wind and snow.

Li Wei smiled.

There is a high probability that he won't be able to pull it out now, so he should wait until the Red Emperor Dragon reaches level 8 before trying again.

  Otherwise, it would be embarrassing in front of this group of foreigners.

Shark King said:

 “Okay, I’ll sign…”

The members of the Shark Palace were dumbfounded.

 No... Your Majesty, you just said that the other five companies were embarrassed.

  How come you voted in a blink of an eye?

Looking at the retreating figure of the black-armored swordsman.

Shark King felt helpless.

 “The situation in the Three Realms and Four Lands is over…”

These old things who stand at the pinnacle of the Saint Laurent continent call themselves the "peak of the era."

 However, this human being used his long sword to mercilessly tear apart their dreams of the times.

 This era is called...

“Hey, by the way, do you know the name of this ultimate saint?”

 “I don’t know, there’s nothing in the information.”

Only then did King Shark realize that no one knew the name of the Supreme Saint from the beginning to the end.

 He seemed to appear out of thin air, like a deus ex machina.

 No foreshadowing, no foreplay.

 As soon as it appears, it sweeps across.


  One month later.

 Jinxu and King Shark Palace issued announcements one after another.

 Announcement of an alliance with Runeterra.

One hundred years after the Apocalypse, Runeterra has completely turned around and taken charge.

 From then on, the Three Realms and Four Places became the past tense.

 The era that belongs to the human race has arrived.

 The man who overturned all this disappeared from people's sight again.

 Countless years later, whether it is an alien race or a human race.

 Those beings born in the new era may not be able to believe it.

 The nameless Saint of the Ultimate Way has profoundly changed this page of the history books.

 After the three realms and four places are resolved, there is still more than half a year left.

 Levi and Ajin embarked on a lonely treasure hunting journey.

He was riding a white tiger, galloping across the heaven and earth of the Saint Laurent continent.


half year later.

 The ancient dragon continent.

 The back hill of the Temple at Dusk.

The violent wind elemental power surged, covering dozens of miles in radius.

Layer upon layer of dark clouds were coming, and there seemed to be something huge hidden in them.

From a distance, a group of sixth-level knights, including the Fire Dragon Knight and the Black Knight, came to protect the Blood Knight from the calamity.

Even the Knights of Flowers, who have abandoned the mainland to hunt demons, asked everyone to start a live projection and watch the battle remotely.

 She is not far away from the late stage of level six, so feel it in advance so that you can be prepared.

 Today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

 Except for the leader, a monster who cannot be measured by common sense.

The second level seven strongman in the Dusk Temple may be born.

 “It must be successful.”

"Don't worry, the Blood Knight has always been calm and will not do anything uncertain. We have to trust him."

 “Is everything recorded?”

  Previously, when they saw the promotion of the group leader, they looked at it with confusion.

 Because of the hexagonal attribute of the leader, it is important to defeat ten groups with one force.

 It seems that I have learned it, but it doesn’t seem to be of much use…

 Looking at Blood Knight, I have some feelings.

 This is how a normal person can overcome a calamity.

Soon, among the dark clouds, the shadow of a golden giant eagle began to emerge.

The blood knight holds a big blue sword in his hand, and his boundless blood energy dances wildly.

His body is like a goshawk, fighting with the giant Namaian eagle in the sky.

He has mastered combat skills such as "Goshawk Divine Canon" and has reached the state of perfection.

And this bloodline magic weapon is made of seventh-level elemental metal.

 After being warmed for hundreds of years, the sword has become one and can be used like an arm.

 Every move is perfect.

 Fire Dragon Knight commented:

“The Blood Knight is not ostentatious, but his true strength is actually very strong. If he goes all out, it won’t be a problem to reach the top 30 on the seventh-level demon-slaying list.”

 The way of the Divine Light Knight:

"Yes, but he has a strong sense of responsibility and has paid too much for our organization. Many times, he will cover up his own light... Although he and I are in the same realm, the feeling of facing the Blood Knight is still the same as mine. It was like that when I first joined the Knights and met this elder for the first time."

Black Knight also recalled:

“Before I became famous, the Blood Knight was already a knight respected by thousands of people in the world. There were legends about him everywhere. It’s hard to imagine how he, a mortal, could stick to his true heart despite the erosion of the blood clan’s power..."

 As the second eldest man in the Twilight Temple, he has known the Blood Knight for the longest time and has a good relationship.

 Not long after, the Blood Knight beheaded Maia.

 When he was promoted to level six, he had already fought against Maiya, so he was considered experienced.

 So the first level didn’t take much effort.

 The next thing you have to face is a person with strong endurance.

This must be a multiple test of perseverance, physical strength, and will.

 Believe in the geese, the celestial horses, and the sky patrol hounds.

 Three legendary behemoth phantoms appeared one by one.

 The blood knight had a resolute face, panting, and killed again.

 The knights watching the battle couldn't help but sweat.

 The mood also fluctuates with the battle situation of the Blood Knight.

 They could feel that Tianma seemed to be the strongest.

Pegasus is a proud creature with a silver horn on its forehead and its body covered with white scales.

It is said that the gods of the astral world like to catch Pegasus as a mount and travel around the world to symbolize their bravery and invincibility.

 At the beginning, Pegasus completely overwhelmed the Blood Knight.

The iron hooves stepped out, knocking the blood knight away again and again. He vomited blood and was already seriously injured.

The blood knight's eyes were blurred, his body was covered in blood, and his aura was erratic.

“Victory is imminent, hold on, Blood Knight.”

"come on."


With the last sword blow, the patrol hound howled and finally disintegrated.

 Let’s all survive the calamity of blood!

 Everyone is excited!

 As long as you survive the tribulation of darkness, that’s it!

 The blood knight caressed the cracked magic weapon.

 Drinking a potion that can quickly heal serious injuries and restore a lot of physical strength in a short period of time.

This is jointly developed by the Dusk Temple and the Tower of Dawn, and it is expensive to build.

Even if a quasi-level seven strongman like him is injured, he can recover quickly.

 Generally, it is only taken to overcome tribulations and life-and-death crises.

 Suddenly, the Thousand Fantasy Knight and the Fire Dragon Knight who were watching the battle each slashed their swords into the void!

 “Who is so sneaky and hiding there!”


 The sword energy swept across and the void split open.

 A slightly embarrassed figure emerged.

“This place actually smells like a second-generation vampire…”

 A pale aristocratic man wearing a tuxedo, with his hands behind his back, appeared.

The will of the blood river penetrated Nora on a large scale and awakened many sleeping strong men of the blood race.

It's called Dracula, and it came to Nora a long time ago. He was once a seventh-level strongman of the vampire family.

As the leader of the Nola Blood Tribe at the time, he was defeated by the Saint of the Church of the Seven Kingdoms at the time.

  After the Vampire Clan was defeated, it fell asleep in the abyss of the open sea, closed off its vitality, and hibernated.

I don’t know how long I slept during this sleep. Anyway, when I woke up, it was already a world full of changes.

When passing by this place, it sensed a trace of vampire scent, and was sent to check it out.

 Unexpectedly, I saw a secondary vampire with level seven strength...

  It also thought that it was violent and dazzled.

I remember that the secondary vampires were not even at the first level.

And what's going on with these people dressed as knights? There are several of them with level six strength.

 What year is it today?

 Dracula was not panicked when he saw that he had been discovered.

 With its strength, if they want to leave, they won't be able to stay.

It stretched out its palm and said politely:

“Your Excellency, the Blood God has returned, and the will of the Blood River is about to sweep across this world, please join us.”

 The Fire Dragon Knight said coldly:

 “Do you want to kill this vampire?”

 He is not afraid of the seventh-level vampires, but he is afraid of affecting the blood knight's ability to survive the tribulation.

 Judging from the current situation, the Dark Catastrophe of the Blood Knight happened to be the passing vampire.

The Black Knight shook his head and sighed:

"Everything has its own trajectory... This is the Blood Knight's own disaster. Believe him, he also needs to completely cut off the last connection from now on!"

 The blood knight smiled and said:

 “You must admit your mistake...I am a human being.”

 He was not in a hurry to take action, but planned to take this opportunity to regain some strength.

Dracula sneered.

It drew out a **** long sword, turned into blood light, and suddenly killed the blood knight.

 The blood knight took a deep breath, burning with unyielding fighting spirit, feeling relaxed and unafraid.

 After a hard fight, Dracula felt something was wrong.

This person is so strong!

It seems that he has just been promoted and his realm is not stable yet, but he is firmly pressing himself to fight.

Especially, this person actually has a powerful seventh-level exotic treasure to protect him.

 Dracula's speed advantage cannot be used at all.

 It is not a fool who wants to escape.

However, he discovered that the Blood Knight had taken out another seventh-level rare treasure, which was a golden rope like a fairy rope.

These are the treasures that Li Wei collected in the three realms and four places and left them for the knights to overcome the tribulation.

  In order to survive the previous blood catastrophe perfectly, the Blood Knight did not even use it.

 He doesn’t care about the calamity of darkness.

 In the end, Dracula, a vampire watching the theater...

 Inexplicably, he became a stepping stone for the Blood Knight to overcome the catastrophe, and he died.

Even to the day of its death, it still doesn’t understand why it went to join in the fun “by some strange combination of circumstances”.


 The blood knight opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

"Is this the power of the mythical breathing method? I can understand the leader a little bit... No wonder there are two kinds of supernovas in this era, one is the leader and the other is the other. He has several mythical breathing methods, and Wizard cultivation."

The blood knight transformed into a giant beast with an eagle head, a goose neck, a horse body, and dog feet.

 The golden wings with a wingspan of a thousand meters are spread out, looking majestic and majestic. The scales are shining and as white as jade.

Thousands of fantasy knights were stunned...

 “What a handsome mythical creature.”

  Fire Dragon Knight Road:

“I don’t know what the Blood Knight will name it.”

The black knight asked excitedly:

“Have you finished your tribulation? I’m going to hug you! You are too strong!”

 The Blood Knight laughed.

“I have successfully promoted to level seven. Let’s name this breathing method [Jade Qilin Breathing Method]…”

 The Golden Lion Knight thought thoughtfully and said:

"Qilin...is it the auspicious beast that the leader met in a dream before and introduced to us? It doesn't look much like it, but its temperament and personality are very consistent with yours. Jade Qilin Anderson, hahaha, I will call you this from now on."

Emperor Mu shouted:

"Never mind the jade unicorn or the iron unicorn... as long as it can fight, let's go. Such a big event deserves to be celebrated."


Shortly after.

 Li Wei returned from the ancient pagoda with a full harvest.

 He has learned about this great good thing through the round table.

 “Not bad, not bad, keep working hard...Jade Qilin? The name is okay too.”

This name has a strong sense of familiarity, which makes him always dream about "Song of a Good Man" in his previous life.

 As the first one to be promoted to level seven, there will naturally be rewards.

Li Wei took out a piece of silver armor, which was the seventh-level rare treasure [Silver Wind Armor] obtained from King Jiao's treasure house.

In addition, after the green-winged eagle is purified, it will be tamed and used as a mount for the Blood Knight.

 Blood Knight expressed gratitude:

 “Thank you, captain, for the gift of treasure!”

Li Wei said:

“You have also been promoted to level seven. I think you can consider finding a partner.”

 The blood knight smiled and said:

"I will consider it. I have finally opened up a path to a mythical bloodline, and I must leave something behind for future generations. After a few years, my descendants will be able to practice from a higher starting point."

From the moment this bloodline was created, there was a "Jade Qilin" in the world.

 The descendants of the Blood Knight do not have to go through many dark tribulations like him.

 He is the leader and pioneer of this bloodline path.

Li Wei said:

"I think so too. Our generation has suffered so much. It would be a pity if we could not pass it on. Even with only old people and no new people, the Dusk Temple would not be able to continue."

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