I looked at the World Quest information for a second, trying to find if it was giving out any clues. Usually they would tell you what to do, well, sometimes. But this one was quite, well, vague.
[You have accepted the {World Quest}: [Infiltrate the Magician Tower and find out Clues that could lead to the Cult of the Demon King’s whereabouts!]
[After a conversation with the Queen of the Luminous Kingdom, you’ve been given the important task of infiltrating the Magician Tower and seek clues that could confirm the existence of the Cult of the Demon King within their numbers.]
[This is an important quest for the future development of the world and the story, so you must make sure to be very careful. Find clues within a given time, before you’re found out or worse, the Cultists manage to accomplish their goals.]
[Completion Rewards]: [EXP] [Gold] [???] [???]
[Time Limit: 3 Days.]
I guess it is pretty much confirming that it is indeed the magicians, huh? If it is saying it like this… Or maybe not?
Ah, it’s a bit confusing, but at the same time, too vague! We lack too much information, which makes it even more irritating.
I suppose the System simply expects me to do everything now, and that I don’t require further assistance. I would feel flattered by such a thing, but right now I am quite nervous.
The time limit is 3 days, so I suppose we don’t have to hurry too much, however, tomorrow is the crafting competition, so I don’t really want to miss it because I’ll be here.
So today, I plan to get the clues right away and confirm everything to the King and the Queen. As long as we’re done with that, they’ll begin preparations on their own.
I doubt it’ll be right away; they might take a couple of days themselves to prepare completely against the raid to the magician tower.
Anyways, any clue seems to count, so I guess this is a really important quest for the entire future of the Kingdom, and it’s all on my hands.
It is indeed a bit nerve-wrecking, but here we go.
Once we approached the front desk by waiting in line, it was finally the turn of our party, a blonde-haired and blue eyed magician greeted us, he was a rather handsome young man, who was wearing circular glasses, looking like a cute dork.
“W-Welcome to the Magician Tower! My name is Tomas, I am a Four Circled Magician, and I’ve been assigned today to be your receptionist, is there anything you need today? I-I can see you’re all very young! Are you students?”
“Heh, well, we were!” I said with a confident smile. “Just recently we graduated from our magic school, you see. We’ve been a party since we started studying. Of course I am their leader, Elizabeth Von Crystal! These are all my servants by the way, Hendrick, Maria, and Erika.”
“Wait, Elizabeth, we’re not your servants!” Hendrick complained.
“She’s saying whatever she wants again…” Maria sighed.
“Hahaha! No way I would be a servant, I’m a magician!” Erika laughed.
“Um, haha, I see! So you just graduated,” Tomas was a bit overwhelmed by our presences, he was the shy type, maybe it would be easy to convince him. “From which Magic School did you graduate from? We get students like you all the time, so we would like to confirm things first.”
“We come from the Whiteheart School of Magic and Nurture, naturally! I am quite the expert when it comes to healing and protecting because of that!” I said pridefully.
“I see, the Whiteheart School… That one is very new, so we don’t share registry… Um, well, you all seem really confident, so I can’t really doubt you’re full-fledged magicians, what are your circle tiers?” he wondered.
“I am Third Circled, naturally!” I smiled. “The rest are all Two Circled, unfortunately… They’re quite lackluster but make up for it with their utility.”
“Wow, Third Circled at such a young age! You must truly a genius then, Elizabeth,” Tomas readjusted his glasses. “I assume you’ve come to register then. Here, would you be kind enough to fill these papers for your registration?”
He handled us some papers asking for our family names, a slight resume of our background, specialization of magic, and the ten spell we exceeded at. It was rather strict and asked for a lot of personal information.
We had to mostly bullshit most of that, but the spell part was easy, we all had a lot of strong spells engraved already. We also had to sign the papers, so we made some new signs just for this.
“There! All done, dear Tomas,” I smiled charmingly at him, as Tomas seemed to skip a beat.
“T-Thank you! Let me quickly check everything and we’ll move on to the next step,” he nodded, blushing.
He spent ten minutes checking everything with fine detail, and constantly asking us questions, while also asking us to demonstrate some spells. After he checked we were indeed true magicians that used runes and magic circles, he nodded. Explore more at
We would have gone with the Queen’s plan of saying we were just Players, but these backgrounds were much better, and she didn’t know we actually had magic circles inside, it was something we kept a secret from her, obviously.
Because we indeed posses magic circles, even if its in our real bodies, we’re connected to them, and we can conjure mostly all of their spells here with ease.
So, there was no need to pretend to be players that went to a magic school, and we just went with the whole lie about being natural inhabitants of the world.
All the family names we used were from existing families that the Queen and the King were close allies, so they would immediately work with us if they were called anyways and would pretend we were part of their families.
I already sent a message to the Queen, and she approved of this plan, so we moved on.
“Alright, well done, it seems you indeed are who you say you are, we’ve already called all your houses and you all indeed are their children,” Tomas nodded. “I am deeply sorry for being so suspicious, but lately, there had been a lot of commoners trying to register without proper backgrounds.”
“Hah! Commoners, right?” I laughed. “Anyway, what’s the next test, dear Tomas?”
“It will be done in another room, please follow me.”
Tomas suddenly summoned a big, floating platform, and invited us to step over, then, it quickly started levitating upwards, moving across the tower’s interior.
After just a couple of seconds of moving at high velocity, we reached a large golden gate, which we passed through as if it were nonexistent.
From there, we reached an open field, a small arena of sorts, in the middle of a grassland and a forest.
“I had no idea the Tower had this inside!” Erika gasped.
“Hahah, a lot of the new disciples react similarly,” laughed Tomas. “Yes indeed, the Tower has been expanded several times thanks to the help of the Tower Master Lord Merlinus, who is a master of Space Magic. He has been able to create several pocket spaces inside to expand the interior of the Tower to over a hundred times its original size!
The Library you all saw was just the surface area, there are hundreds of doors that lead to these separate spaces.”
Wait, that big?!
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