Chapter 1047: Incredibly Talented Student—–
As we flew towards our destination and entered the new area, which was like a small arena in the middle of a grassland and a forest, Tomas excitedly explained us the reason behind this particularly incredible event.
“The Tower has been expanded several times thanks to the help of the Tower Master Lord Merlinus, who is a master of Space Magic. He has been able to create several pocket spaces inside to expand the interior of the Tower to over a hundred times its original size! The Library you all saw was just the surface area, there are hundreds of doors that lead to these separate spaces.”
Merlinus is a master of Space Magic! Could that be the reason why he’s able to hide all the evidence so well? Or perhaps, the whole cult isn’t even at plain sight, but hidden inside of many of these doors.
Using normal means of investigation and deduction, while trying to maintain our façade, this would be an utterly hellish task, and it would feel completely impossible to find clues within 3 days.
…Thankfully, I do have a lot of ways to find where they are anyways, the same method I’ve used before.
Of course, I’m not going to use it now though, but I did analyze the composition of the pocket space as we moved towards the arena.
“What a wonderful thing this is!” I said. “Lord Master Merlinus is truly the greatest magician to have ever existed in the entire world!”
“He truly is! He’s amazing… Since I landed here that I only saw him once from afar, but with that alone, I felt realized! His presence alone was amazing, exuding so much rich Mana, he was an incredible man,” said Tomas. “A man who had reached the pinnacle of Magic Circles at Nine Circles like him is truly unparalleled.”
Wasn’t he already like Level 400?
And on top of that, his Magic Circle is of Tier 9?!
I never imagined NPC could become so ridiculously powerful.
“Here we are, this is the Magic Arena, in here you all will have to showcase that you’re strong enough to call yourselves mages,” Tomas said. “All of you will individually fight a monster created inside the tower. Their Tier will be the same as yours, so it won’t be an easy win.
I suppose that in levels, it could be resumed that you will be fighting a Level 150 Monsters and Elizabeth a Level 200.” He explained.
“Sounds good to me! Bring it on!” I said bravely, trying my best to act as a bold and bravely young lady. “May I go first, Tomas?”
“If you insist, of course,” nodded Tomas. “Please step into the arena, Elizabeth.”
As the rest of my party stayed waiting over the seats, I made my way towards the middle of the arena, standing right there without moving.
“Now, Summon Tower Monster!” he said, lifting a special necklace with a symbol resembling a magic circle.
A monster was quickly summoned in front of me.
It was a three-headed creature, with yellow-colored scales.
All of its heads resembled a giant dinosaur head, a Triceratops, a Trex, and a lastly a Brachiosaurus.
It was around thirty meters tall, a large beast without a doubt.
[The Tower Disciple has summoned the Test Monster: [Dinosauroid Chimera: Lv200]!]
[The Test Monster: [Dinosauroid Chimera: Lv200] sees you as its greatest enemy by the curse of the Tower Monsters, immediately charging to attack you!
It’s a Chimera of Dinosauroid monsters? I thought these creatures had gone extinct, as they only appeared in the Prehistoric Verdant Continent.
But I guess I was wrong, they probably roam somewhere else, maybe in much smaller numbers, but they’re still present on today’s Arcadia.
This wasn’t a normal monster though, but a Chimera, like the many Chimeras we’ve encountered before, it was a creature made using alchemy and magic, out of the pieces of many creatures.
It even came with a special curse that made it attack me no matter what, which was both convenient and deadly.
Do they not care if someone just dies here?
It’s a bit frightening. Your adventure continues at
“Don’t worry, if you can’t handle it, please state that you surrender, the monster will immediately stop attacking, its curse is programed to act that way,” Tomas said.
“I see! No worries, Tomas,” I smiled.
The monster rushed towards me with its four bulky legs, its three gigantic heads aimed towards me, with the sole thought of eating me and tearing me to shreds.
Let’s first begin with something simple.
I summoned my Gaia’s All-Purpose Tool, which I had shaped into a beautiful golden staff, and quickly conjured a defensive spell.
A barrier!
I didn’t have this Spell engraved on my Magic Circle, but I just made the magic circle itself in front of me, arranging the runes together.
“{Holy Light Barrier}!”
The monster’s charge slammed the barrier with great force, but it was unable to pierce through it, hitting its heads so hard that blood came out of them.
“Ooh?! She had such a spell too?” Tomas wondered. “To be able to tank the hit from a Level 200 monster with a single spell! Impressive! Your party leader might truly be a genius!”
“Yeah, I hate to admit it, but Elizabeth is incredible,” Hendrick nodded.
“She’s the best when it comes to barrier, healing, and long-ranged attacks!” Erika said.
“Wait, wouldn’t that be everything then?” sighed Maria. “Ah, well, she’s not good at curses, I win there.”
“I see! Let’s see how she’ll handle that monster tough; its scales have been specifically modified to be able to bounce most weak spells,” Tomas said. “I had a lot of difficulty dealing with it myself… I am ashamed of even remembering that time.”
“Don’t worry, Elizabeth will win,” Hendrick smiled confidently.
As I heard them talk between each other, I looked at the beast in front of me.
The monster was furious, attacking my barrier constantly with its giant, sharp claws, small cracks slowly started to spread across the barrier. ƒгeewebnovё
Crack, crack…!
“The barrier’s breaking!” Tomas panicked, biting his nails. “Elizabeth, hurry and prepare a spell! Ah?!”
However, as the barrier was about to shatter, I summoned a magic circle once more.
It was one of enormous size, overflowing with countless runes.
Tomas eyes widened, his glasses gaining a few cracks.
As the barrier broke, I unleashed the spell into the monster.
“{Celestial Heavenly Sun}”
A sphere of pure concentrated light, life, and fire element was lunged into the monster’s face.
And its entire body was set ablaze.
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