Xiao Lingchuan didn't know about leprosy, he only knew that the lady was pregnant, so all hidden dangers must be avoided.

After bidding farewell to the old man and returning to Yu's courtyard, he fixed up the carriage again and prepared to continue on the road. Here, nothing can be left behind.


After the couple went out, Nanny Yu and Wu Fu got up from the bed when they heard the noise. It was eerie and too haunting, and the two of them were afraid that after they fell asleep, a man-eating ghost would come out suddenly, with their eyes open all the time.

When she heard that she was leaving, she got up to pack in a hurry, and she slept with her clothes on, without unpacking her small bundles.

"Wait for me for a while, just for a little while."

Mammy Yu got into the carriage first, thinking it would be convenient for Wu Fu to go, but unexpectedly, about a quarter of an hour later, Wu Fu was holding a basket in his hand, which contained three slaughtered pullets.

"Hey, no one is feeding them, the hens are almost starving to death."

In this case, it's better to kill and eat meat. It just happens to be New Year's Eve, and the group has nothing to do with the New Year's goods.

Xiao Lingchuan frowned thinking that his wife had eaten chicken at night. If the hen was infected with the virus, would they also be infected with the strange disease after eating it?

He blamed himself very much, he should have walked in the town ahead of time to find out the situation.

"Husband, take it."

Li Haitang blinked. She had seen the chicken before killing it. The hen was hungry recently, so it was a little wilted. Besides, the leprosy virus can be killed at a high temperature of more than 60 degrees, so there is nothing to fear.

Before leaving, Li Haitang wanted to take another look at the old man. She looked through the small package with her and found that there was nothing left behind.

Clothes and fabrics are abundant in the cloth shop, and the food and rice she has left is only enough for a group of people to eat. As for jewelry, the old people can't afford it.

She yawned and saw a small box in the corner of the carriage, she opened it immediately, and now she has it!

There is only one medical clinic in the town, without a doctor, in case of illness, the old man has no place to see it.

She carried some pills that she prepared with honey and other substances with her to treat common diseases such as sadness, wind-heat, and dysentery.

This time, Xiao Lingchuan resolutely refused to let his wife get off the carriage, but let him hand it over to the old man.

"Hmph, husband, you are taking credit for my work!"

The old man is very grateful, and the ones who thank him are all his savage husbands, so what about her?

Li Haitang played tricks and chattered endlessly, which made Xiao Lingchuan lose his temper, so he had to be careful in every possible way, with a smile on his face, to make his wife happy.

Before, he had never mastered this skill. Ever since Li Haitang became pregnant, his temper was capricious. Xiao Linchuan found out the way by himself.

In the night, the carriage left the town quickly and headed towards the high loess **** ahead. The road was uneven and some went uphill. Did not sleep.

Until daylight, along a straight road, Li Haitang faintly saw houses in the distance and smoke rising from the roofs.

After entering the village, Xiao Lingchuan inquired with the villagers, and took Li Haitang straight to the village chief's house.

"Husband, do you still know the village chief?"

Li Haitang was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, she tried her best. She had a strong sense of self-protection now, and she had to feel safe in this place before she could sleep in the arms of the savage husband.

Safety, my savage husband, is indispensable.

"I have met several times."

The village head's house has a large yard, and a row of houses is built in the backyard, which is specially provided for passers-by to stay, and only needs to give some money.

If you don't have silver, you can exchange it with something.

At the entrance of the village, there is a big stone tablet with two bright red characters engraved on it, Qincun.

It is said that the ancestors of the villagers were censors in the court. He was upright, offended treacherous officials, was framed, and the whole family was dispatched to the Northwest.

Exile and distribution are not the same thing in Daqi law.

One is to let you experience the hardships of the journey, and the other is to directly become a slave and go to the northwest to do hard work.

Qin Yushi was desperate for the Tian family's stupidity, so he simply stayed in the northwest, and his ancestors had never left this land for generations.

The patriarch of Qin Village is also the head of the village. He looks about fifty years old and has a weathered face.

When he saw Xiao Lingchuan, he froze for a moment, and hurriedly welcomed him in.

Today's New Year's Eve, the men in the clan want to worship their ancestors, and he has to go to the ancestral hall in the village to preside over it, so the eldest daughter-in-law can only be in charge of entertaining.

The eldest daughter-in-law of the village chief, surnamed Xu, is from Lucheng, Northland. Hearing that Li Haitang is also a fellow from Northland, she greeted her warmly. She has not seen anyone from the north for a long time.

"In the past, my father-in-law entertained people, and it was not my turn."

Xu explained that she glanced at Li Haitang's belly, clicked her tongue twice, and looked at the size, it was at least six or seven months old. At this time, the long-distance journey was too tiring, so it was better to have a baby in one place.

"Sister, I went back to Lucheng three years ago."

When mentioning her hometown, Xu's tears came to her eyes. She was sold to a lame old widower by her uncle and aunt, and had no choice but to run out of the house with money.

Back then, his eyes were darkened and he didn't know the way, so he was abducted by Ren Yazi and tricked to the northwest.

There are many mountains in the northwest, and there are also many bandits. However, there is a shortage of women as playthings, and there is a special group of people who give away to the bandits.

Xu was clever, and ran away on the way up the mountain, fell into a pit, and was almost buried alive by the yellow sand. Fortunately, she was lucky and was rescued by someone, who was her current husband.

Li Haitang smiled, another story of a hero saving the beauty.

"This time, we are also coming to Lucheng."

Li Haitang rummaged through her small bag and found the apple crisps that Second Aunt Chen had brought her before she left. The apples in Lucheng are particularly sweet and juicy. After being harvested, they are placed in the cellar and can be preserved for the next spring.

For fear that it would be difficult to handle, Second Aunt Chen sliced ??the apples, dried them, and brought Li Haitang a small bag.


Mrs. Xu stuffed an apple crisp into her mouth, and she immediately burst into tears. She sniffed, squinted her eyes and smiled, "That's the taste!"

The long-lost taste, at that moment, Xu's heart was sour, and he couldn't control himself immediately.

Her parents are honest people, listen to what her uncle and aunt say, she loves her daughter-in-law very much, if she marries, she will be pampered lawlessly.

The truth is, the old widower had some money, so he gave her aunt fifty taels of silver, just one request, to marry her.

Xu asked someone to inquire and found out that the man's original partner was bullied to death by him, and she was an old beast!

Without explaining to her parents or saying anything, Mrs. Xu left without a sound.

"Three years ago, when I brought my little treasure back to Lucheng, I realized that my parents were gone."

Mrs. Xu left a sum of money for her elder brother and returned to the northwest again, so she had nothing to worry about.

"Look, today is Chinese New Year's Eve, why do I say this!" Patting her face lightly, Mrs. Xu took Li Haitang's hand and entered the door, directly arranging the best room in the family for them.

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