Northwest is no better than Lucheng, the village chief's family is considered the wealthiest in the village, and has a small piece of land of his own.

After all, the ancestors of the Qin family had served as officials in the court and were knowledgeable. The sky in the northwest was full of yellow sand, and the yellow soil was more suitable for root plants. Apart from some basic needs, Qin Village had a large medicine field.

Guan Fangfeng, Northern Radix Ginseng, Niuxi, Bellflower, and the more valuable Astragalus.

The artificial species has not been around for a long time. In the past, people in the village dug it up and sold it directly to the second-hand dealers in the middle, who then sold it to drug dealers, earning a huge difference in the price.

"My father-in-law saw that it was not feasible. We have been busy all year long, exhausted to death, and all the money was earned by second-hand dealers!"

Mrs. Xu poured tea for a group of people, and when Wu Fu took it, she didn't fight for it, and continued, "We have suffered a few times, and our village will figure out the way."

Selling medicinal materials every year can earn a sum of money, but this money needs to be exchanged for clothes, cloth, etc., and it is divided among the hands of each tribe, so there is nothing left.

"Haitang, don't be disgusted by the lack of good things at home."

After Mrs. Xu finished speaking, she went out again, carrying a tray with dried fruits of various colors, including walnuts, chestnuts, and dates. Li Haitang often eats these as snacks. To her surprise, there are many pistachios on it !

This is her favorite. After wearing it to Daqi, she went to the market several times to find it, but returned without success.

"You mean the ginkgo?"

Xu said with a smile, "This Lucheng doesn't have any, and Qin Village doesn't lack any. If you like to eat, it's definitely enough!"

There are still several big bags at home, and there is no way to finish them. The children in the village have grown tired of eating these snacks since they were young.

"Then I won't be able to eat and walk away!"

Li Haitang picks up one, peels it, the nuts are plump, and tastes mellow, especially unlike modern times, which are bleached with pigments, exuding a natural fragrance.

After eating a few pieces in a row, Mrs. Xu chatted with her a little more. It's Chinese New Year at home, and the preparations for the New Year's Eve dinner will start early in the morning, so she can't be lazy.

As soon as Mrs. Xu left, Li Haitang patted the corner of her skirt and yawned. She hadn't slept all night, and now she just wanted to find a clean place to sleep.

After sleeping, it's noon.

The house in the back row of the village chief’s house has a special small courtyard, independent well and stove. Wu Fu and Madam Yu stewed a chicken, and bought some potatoes and radishes with the villagers of Qin Village. Serve two dishes.

This year, worse than usual, it seems a bit too shabby.

"Haitang, my father-in-law asked me to invite you to dinner together. For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, your order is not enough!"

When Shen Shizheng arrived, the Qin family's New Year's Eve dinner started on time.

Li Haitang wanted to refuse at first, since the whole family was reunited, it would not be good for outsiders to intervene, but Mrs. Xu kindly invited her.

Relying on her parents at home and friends when going out, maybe one day, she will still ask for help.

"Then, it's disrespectful."

The Xu family invited repeatedly, and Li Haitang saw that the Xu family was very sincere, and if she refused again, it was a bit ignorant of the meaning of flattery.

"Ma'am, Nanny Yu and I will stay here. I'll pack the vegetables in the cauldron into two bowls and send them over."

Wu Fu was very knowledgeable, so he stood up immediately and helped his wife to the door of Xu's hall.

"Come on, let's celebrate the new year and have fun together."

The village head greeted Xiao Lingchuan, while Mrs. Xu brought Li Haitang to the woman's table. Their table was full of old people and children.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, there were not only the village head's family, but also his elder brother. There were twenty or thirty people. There were three round tables in the main room, which were full.

"Auntie, are you from the north?"

Xu's son, Xiaobao, is about six or seven years old. He followed his mother to Lucheng three years ago. However, he is young and doesn't have much impression.


The women at the table had never left the Northwest in their entire lives. Everyone was chattering and curious about everything. Li Haitang was not annoyed, and answered patiently while eating.

The reunion dinner was enjoyable, and when the meal was over, the women began to remove their plates and serve some dried fruits and tea, while the men stayed at the table and chatted.

All the way to Qin Village, no abnormalities were found. Could it be that no one in Qin Village was infected with leprosy?

"Oh, what a crime!"

The old village chief only learned of this news two days ago. No one in his village was infected with the disease, but in Tiancun, a few miles away, there were people who were arrested by officials.

The hateful thing is that the little boy was only three or four years old and had never left the village, but he was arrested because of a rash on his face!

"The government doesn't deal with personnel matters. If you think about it with your ass, you can know that if the baby gets sick, why are the parents okay?"

Not only his parents, but no one in the village has heard of a strange disease.

The baby is the lifeblood of the parents, and he was thrown to Heishui Village at such a young age, can he still survive?

Twenty-nine, that is, yesterday, Xiaowa's mother couldn't bear the blow, she was in a trance, stepped on the ground, fell into the well in the backyard and drowned.

Good days turn into death days, reunion days, families broken up.

In Qin Village, there was a daughter-in-law married from Tian Village next door. The elder brother of the daughter-in-law came to give a New Year's gift and raised her mouth.

"Heishui Village is not a place for people to stay. If you can't get in and out, all the living people will turn into ghosts."

Every year, the government sends in some salt for engagement, and Heishui Village will give something in exchange.

The village chief heard from the guards that there lived an old blacksmith who made unique weapons. They were not afraid of being infected, so they bought daggers at a high price.

It's a pity that the old blacksmith had a stubborn temper, and he refused straight away, just not to give weapons to the lackeys of the yamen, and let them continue to harm innocent people!

Li Haitang shook his head. To deal with infectious diseases, isolation is a solution, but the premise of isolation is that someone treats them, and it does not mean being isolated from the world and letting them fend for themselves!

"If you are in a hurry, don't stop at Tamura, just go straight."

The village chief thought for a while and drew a sketch. Now that Tian Cun is being watched by the yamen, he might find an excuse to arrest him.

Yesterday, he gathered all the clansmen of Qin Village in one place, and told the married daughter-in-law not to go back to her mother's house in the second day of junior high school, so as not to cause trouble.

While everyone was talking, a villager staggered to the yard, not paying attention to the tree stump under his feet, stumbled, leaned forward, and fell on his back.

"Village chief, it's bad! Officials have come to our village to arrest people!"

The villagers didn't care to get up, and shouted in panic, their family was eating, the courtyard door was kicked open, and dozens of people rushed in.

His neighbor's little boy had a rash on his face, and before he fully recovered, he was said to be an infectious disease. This routine was exactly the same as that of Tamura.

He rushed to report the news, it was too late, and the officials were going to throw him to Heishui Village!

"What did you say?"

The village chief never expected that this would happen to Qin Village, and immediately froze, "Whose child is going to be taken away?"

"Little Shuanzi from Uncle Qin's family, and Uncle Wu and his family!" The officials were very arrogant. They said it was the intention of their superiors. They would rather catch the wrong one than miss one!

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