As I talked with my grandpa about the future, I couldn’t help but remember that vision, that premonition I saw when I created a contract with Yggdra. Something within her powers merged with my own Divine Eyes, it allowed me to see glimpses of the very far future, possible futures, perhaps.

And in one of them, I saw grandpa... dead. Killed by someone I had never met before. Yet I couldn’t help but think of such a future as ridiculous, his Aura alone, even as he rested, was tremendous. I couldn’t hope to think of anybody ever capable of besting the King of the Elves, the strongest elf alive, perhaps.


"Grandpa, I..."

"Hm? What is it, my granddaughter?"

He asked with his thoughtful and cold emerald eyes, yet I could clearly see a slight warmth in them, he was a caring man, someone that cared for his people, and putt hem over his own safety.

Should I tell him or not?

I don’t know...

What would he think about it?


I remained in silence, as I looked at the grass.


"Hm... You said you were growing old and you had a hundred years left, but... You won’t lose against anybody, right?"


He suddenly straightened his face, becoming rather serious.

"That’s..." He seemed to hesitate, but after he looked into my eyes, and my clearly sad face, he smiled warmly. "Of course, your grandfather is the strongest. I will never lose to anybody. Calm down, what happened?"

"Are you sure? You promise me?" I asked him.

"I-I do... Is that fine with you? Now tell me what troubles you." He sighed.

"You possess the same Divine Blessing as I do, right?" I asked.

"Yes, the Blessing of Heavenly Eyes." He nodded. "However, as I’ve aged, its powers have also become weaker. I can only see a single second into the future now. In my prime, I could see up to a minute in the future. Like this, I was never defeated."

"A whole minute?!" I asked. "That’s insane... Will I one day reach that level?"

"But of course." He smiled. "Perhaps even higher, you seem to be very compatible with the Blessing, your powers have merged with it... Something I could never accomplish."

"So you... Did you obtain the Premonition ability?" I wondered.

"Premonition? Such a power exists?" He wondered, widening his eyes. "Don’t tell me, my granddaughter, you...!"

"I have it..." I sighed, looking down again. "I saw... three possible futures."

"T-That’s...! Tell me what they are! We must prepare for-"

"I just don’t know if I should tell you about them..." I muttered.

For a moment, the two of us remained in silence.

"You asked me that before, was it because you saw a future where something happened to me?" The King asked me, looking into my eyes.

"... Maybe." I sighed. "I just... They didn’t really tell me anything, or when they would happen, it just showed images, nothing else. And they were all of just destruction."

"D-Destruction?" He wondered. "Sylphy, as the King, I must know these things, so please... tell me."

"...Okay, I will..."

I mustered the strength, as I described to him the visions how I remembered them, they were definitely not as detailed, but I did my best to explain them.

"I see..." He said, he seemed calmer than I thought. "You saw someone... holding my head. How did he look like? Was it a male or female? Young or...?"

"I don’t know, I couldn’t really tell..." I sighed. "But I think it was a man? A young man, clad in black armor."

"A young man wearing black armor... With that we barely have any clues." The King sighed. "Well, it’s better than not knowing anything at all. Thank you, Sylphy."

"I-It’s nothing, I did what I could." I smiled. "About the other futures..."

"One of them is definitely related to the threat of the True Demons. It has been some time since their latest appearance, but the existence of Arachne and her creations, and how the Demon King Remnants used the Cores of True Demons to transform, it means they’re working together much better than I imagined..." He sighed. "The Evil Gods are responsible for them being brought here, otherworldly beings that could be called the real, true demons we all fear. Little is known about them even as we’ve analyzed them for so many years. We only know they come from a different world which is constantly ablaze, making them tremendously strong and tough. Their unique power, demonic energy, corrupts everything and makes it rot into miasma... And lastly, they have several leaders, from Dukes to Princes, and also, a mysterious King."

"That giant True Demon I saw in my dreams..." I muttered. "Could it have been the True Demon King?"

"A Demon King from another world, haha... As if we didn’t have our hands full with all the previous ones from ours." Sighed the King with a soft laughter. "And this time, it might truly be a world-threatening being instead of the previous Demon Kings, who only fought for their


"It is on a whole different scale, a war between worlds... Is this imminent, can fate change?" I asked grandpa. "T-This can’t be just one hundred percent happening, right?"

"It depends how accurate your abilities are..." He sighed. "But Fate is an Attribute poorly understood and also never studied due to its complexity and how hard it is to even grasp its foundations. Yet you... You seem to possess a natural innate talent for the Fate Attribute, I can see that due to how your Blessing has evolved even further than mine. And how the rest of your abilities might work."

Right, after all, the System uses Fate itself to work and even create matter.

Causality Energy, was it?

"For now, do not let hose visions cloud your judgement. Concentrate in the present and how you can improve the future, my granddaughter. I am the King here, and I shall worry for such things in your steed." He smiled, patting my shoulders. "Thank you for telling me about it, nonetheless. You don’t know how important and crucial this information was."

"N-No problem..." I sighed, I slowly approached grandpa, hugging him. "Just... don’t die,


"I won’t."

I don’t want to lose him just when we’ve finally begun to connect as grandfather and


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